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#1 intimate
training guide:

how to strengthen
vaginal muscles and
achieve earth-
shatteting vaginal
orgasms in 2 weeks


Why I wanted to write this guide?..
I received literally hundreds of emails from
women all over the world and we know
well that pelvic floor dysfunction and its
complications are all-too-common. I've
heard thoudands of stories when women
lose control on their pee or can't achieve

Most women feel frustrated and desperate

because these symptoms seriously affect
their everyday lives.

I'm here to tell you that you shouldn't

be okay with it. There's a way out of
your problems!

25% of women
have pelvic floor disorder and it often goes unspoken and
undiagnosed. There is one main reason why the majority of
them don't seek medical help: they are too embarrassed to
discuss it. But I know for sure that women can easily leave this
disorder behind if they incorporate intimate gymnastics in
their life! As simple as that.
Did you know that most post-
pregnancy women face this
issue? The point is that most
doctors don't help much. They can
suggest either surgery or medications
and diapers.

Plus, there's not a whole lot of useful

info about dealing with pelvic floor
problems out there. So, I set a goal to
help all women that struggle to improve
their health, sex, and relationships. And
that’s when this program was born.

In this guide, I'll give you the knowledge,

practical exercises, and motivation that
will help you overcome your sex and
health problems!

What will you get?

a set of very effective exercises to strengthen your
intimate muscles
secret recommendations for keeping your sexual health
under control
free access to our 100+ online sex lessons to learn more
about your body, sex, and intimacy
Intimate gymnastics is the best way to overcome
the symptoms of the pelvic floor disorder, fill
yourself with powerful sexual energy, and achieve
the most pleasurable vaginal orgasms in your life!

It relieves pain
during menstruation

It helps to expand
the erogenous zones
and achieve orgasms

It helps overcome a
pelvic floor disorder
and its complications

It prepares
the input muscles
for childbirth

It helps deal with

some gynecological
My pregnancy and childbirth went quite
well, and I didn't have any warning
symptoms. However, during my postpartum
period I started experience many
complications in my pelvic floor area.

I suffered from such syptoms as

constipation, urine incontinence, and a
frequent need to pee. All of it was really
embarassing. I felt depressed and anxious.

I hoped that these symptoms would

disappear sooner or later, but then I started
experience pain in my pelvic area.

I realized that these changes couldn't be a

normal part of my post-pregnancy period.
It was the moment when I decided to take
action and go to my gynecologist. She said
that my pelvic floor muscles became
weak and strained. I didn’t want to live like
that. I started looking on the Internet and
saw that many women faced the same
problem. I wasn't alone!
I felt really desperate at that time because
I didn't want to pee when coughing/
laughing/sneezing for the rest of my life.
The more online research I did, the more I
noticed that a large part of women who
managed to deal with pelvic floor
problems strongly recommended intimate

At first, I was quite skeptical... and you

can't even imagine how surprised I was
when my urine incontinence problem
suddenly disappeared after 1,5-2 weeks
of regular intimate training. And the more
I did the Kegel exercises, the better I felt,
both physically and mentally!

I was so excited about getting my life

back! I can proudly say that a couple of
months later my pelvic floor problems
were gone. No more contisipation and
incontinence, no more pain, no more
embarassing situatons.

I also noticed some unexpected changes

in my love life! Before I started doing
exercises, I rarely achieved vaginal
orgasms. But now I'm able to control my
intimate muscles and reach a peak every
time I have sex! Even my husband said
that our sex became hotter and more
enjoyable for him! So, intimate
gymnastics is a great way to increase
sexual pleasure for both partners.

How did my sexual life change?

1.I stop experiencing pain during sex.

2.My sexual energy and desire increased significantly.
3.I learned how to control my intimate muscles during
sex. Now I'm able to achieve the most pleasurable
vaginal orgasms in my life! I can certainly say that when I
made intimate gymnastics a part of my daily routine, I
started to experience vaginal orgasms much more often.
Women often get frustrated because the
symptoms of a pelvic floor diorder are
described as a normal part of aging. For
this reason, most women have no idea
how to deal with them.

The symptoms of the pelvic floor disorder

...which women don't talk about

- urinary or faecal incontinence -

- a frequent need to pee -
- contisipation -
- painful urination -
- pelvic organ prolapse -
- low libido
- inability to achieve orgasms -
- pain in the back, groin, hip and other areas -
- disturbed sleep -


Continue reading this guide and find out how
to finally leave your problems behind!
Remember, the more your intimate muscles are trained,
the better your personal and sexual life will be!

This one is great for beginners! 1

1.Contract your pelvic floor muscles for

5 seconds. Do not overstrain these
muscles by squeezing them for too
long. If 5 seconds is too much for
you, you can start with 2-3 seconds.
2.Relax your muscles for 10
seconds. Ideally, you should
always take a 10 second break
before repeating the exercises.
This will help your muscles relax
and avoid tension. Count to 10
before starting again.

3.Repeat the exercises 10 times.


1.Starting position - legs

wider than shoulders.

2.Sit down with the back

restrained. Reach a 90-
degree angle and keep it
for a few seconds.

3.Imagine that there is a bag

with long handles between
your legs. Do not lean
forward and try to grab the
bag handles with your
vaginal muscles. Keep them
tense, then gently rise and
lower back.

4.The exercise should be

done for 10 seconds and
repeated several times (max
- 10 times), each time
getting up higher and

1.Draw in your pelvic floor

muscles. To do ot correctly,
imagine that your pelvic 3
floor muscles are a

2.Tighten your glutes and

push your legs up and in.
Stay in this position for 5
seconds and relax.

3.Repeat the exercise 10

times in a row. All of it
should take about 50 sec.

These exercises are

some of the most
important things you can
do to deal with your
pelvic floor dysfunction,
anorgasmia, and
unhappy life!
Then join our Intimate Gymnastics
Course right now!

I give you the opportunity to learn a

healthy new lifestyle with cool tools,
effective exercises, and secret methods!
With the help of this course, you will hit
all your health and life goals!

If you want to change your life for the

better, you should ACT NOW because I
give you ONE-TIME-ONLY opportunity
to join The Sexfulness and try out
Intimate Gymnastics Course FOR FREE!
Wanna go deeper and get the most out of
your Sexfulness experience?

Why don't you try out some other of my

courses FOR FREE? You'll find lots of info
about sex, intimacy, relationships, self-
love, and more!

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