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Timeline of Jose Rizal’s

Childhood and Early Education

On June 19th Jose Rizal is born to become the seventh child born to his parents. Three days
later Rizal was christened with the name Jose Protasio Rizal-Mercado y Alonso Realonda.

Dec. 18, 1870

Rizal returned to Calamba from Binan after studying a year and a half.

Jose continues his education under the instruction of Lucas Padua.

June 10, 1872

Rizal took the entrance exam in Ateneo.

Rizal enters the Ateneo as a boarder at just 14 years of age.
Timeline of Jose Rizal’s
Childhood and Early Education

March 14, 1877

Rizal graduated with high honors in Ateneo Municipal.

In June José begins to go to school at St. Tomas University in Manila
where he studies philosophy.

Rizal shifted courses from Philosophy to Medicine because of his
mother's failing eyesight.

November 25, 1881

Rizal acquired the title of "perito agrimensor" (expert surveyor when he
studied vocations course in Ateneo.

May 3, 1882
Rizal gets money from his brother, Paciano, and travels secretly from
Manila to Spain.
Timeline of Jose Rizal’s
Childhood and Early Education

June 16, 1882

Rizal reached Barcelona and was able to meet up with his former classmates in Ateneo.

August 18, 1882

Rizal wrote an essay entitled "El Amor Patrio" (Love of country) and
published it in Diaryong Tagalog.

November 3, 1882
Rizal moved in Madrid.

Rizal wrote "A La Senorita CO y R." for Consuelo.

January 2, 1884
Rizal proposed the writing of a novel about the Philippines written by a
group of Filipinos.
Timeline of Jose Rizal’s
Childhood and Early Education
June 19, 1885
Rizal finished the degree in Licentiate in Philosophy and Letters with grade sobresaliente
from the Central Universidad of Madrid.

Rizal specialized in ophthalmology.

March 14, 1877

Jose Rizal received his Bachelor of Arts with a grade of "sobresaliente"
with highest honor.

March 21, 1887

Rizal published Noli Me Tangere with the help of Maximo Viola.

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