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Name……………………. Grade………………..

In question 1 to 2 circle the letter near to the correct spelling of the word to complete each
1.Dane has a small__________
A) Turk B) Truck C) Trock D) Tuck
2.A bicycle has two
A) Wheals B) Weeles C) Wheels D) Wheles
For question 3 and 4 select the correct auxiliary verb to complete the sentence below
3. Do you_______my pencil?
A) Has D) Was C) Hare D) Is
4.We_______ never too old to learn
A) Am B) Has C) Were D) Are
For question 5 and 6 complete the list of rhyming words
5. Beat seat treat______
A) Bite B) Bee C) Eat D) Sleeve
6. Beep sleep weep___________
A) Leap B) Jeep C) Kept D) Reap
Read the story then answer question 7 to 12
Today is a special day. It is Easter Monday. This morning Mary and Harry flew their kites that
grandpa made they are made of thin colored paper the kites flew in the wind and looked as
though they were dancing Mary’s kite is bigger than Henry’s because she is older baby Rohan
had no kite in the afternoon the family went to the park for a picnic.
Circle the letter near to the correct answer
7. The kites were made by______
A) Baby Rohan B) Grandpa C) Harry D) Marry
8. What title would you most likely give to the story
A) A picnic day B) Easter Monday
C) The children flew their kites D) The family went to the park
9) What is the opposite for the word bolded (thin) in line three?
A) Fat B) Skinny C) Slim D) Weak
10) How many syllables are in the wordy Monday?
A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5
11) Why was Rohan give no kite?
A) Did not want a kite B) Was too small to fly kite
C) Did not like kite D) Had an assignment
In question 12 choose the correct word to tell the location of the ant to the box

Ant Box
12.The ant is________ the box
A)Above B)Inside C)Near D)Under
13.Which part of a letter would you find the word “Dear John”
A)Address B)Closing C)Salutation D)Signature
Choose the most appropriate adjective to complete each sentence
14.My grandmother is very____ so she walks slowly up the stairs
A) Funny B) Happy C) Old D) Young
For question 15 and 16 choose the numbwe of adjective that are in each sentence.
15.Joan wore a beactiful white wedding dress.
A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4
16.My dog has blue eyes fulffy skin and short legs.
A) 5 B) 4 C) 3 D)2
17. Choose the meaning of the underline ord in the sentence below.
The D.J was asked to reply the song
A)Play again B)Stop playing C)Play another D)Pause the song
18.The snake is colourful but very harmful
A) Useful B) Playful C) Clever D) Dangerous
For question 19 to 20 select the number of syllables for each word in bold.
19.My uncle enjoy listening to CALYPSO
A) 5 B) 4 C) 3 D) 2
20.Jhon play PHAGWAH with his friends.
A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4
Choose the option that is not a sentence in 21 and 22
21.A) They eat rice and peas B) Am I going?
C) At some other time. D) She adores mangoes
22. A) They dog’s new collar is blue B) Wait until daddy comes.
C) Are you ready? D) Only his father-in-law
23.Choose the sentence in which the auxiliary verb WAS is used correctly.
A) Roy and John was playing football. B) Carl was eating an apple
C) Father was in a blue car D) The boys was under a big tree
24.Choose the sentence in which the word RING has the same meaning as in the sentence
below. He lost his ring in the grass
A) I did not hear the phone ring B) My mother wears a lovely ring
C) Please draw a ring around the tringle D) The teacher ring the doorbell.
25.I was surprised that the city was ___________ after the mash parade
A) Dirty B) Clean C) Fancy D) Moving
26.Ellen was shouting so I asked her not to speak to me so ___
A) Carefully B) Loudly C) Plainly D) Slowly
Choose the correct form of the adjective to complete each sentence
27.Is lee the_____ of the five siblings in your family?
A) Older B) Oldest C) Young D) Younger
28.Jaden is younger than Aaden and also______
A) Smart B) Smarter C) Smartest D) Most smart
29.The boys were so____ they drank the water hurriedly
A) Busy B) Greedy C) Hungry D) Thirsty
In question 30 circle the letter near to the word that best complete the sentence
30.Naresh cuts his_____ in the Mohawk style
A) Hair B) Hear C) Heir D) Here




NAME…………………… GRADE…………………..

Write on one of the following topics

“Sue and her friends play in the rain every day. Your yard was flooded after a
period of continuous rainfall say what it was like and the role you play in cleaning
up after the water was gone

Write a letter inviting your friend to spend Easter Monday with you and family at
the park




NAME…………….. GRADE……………
Study the picture below carefully than answer the question that follow

A three-year-old brown and white fluffy puppy wearing a collar with the name browny. Last
seen march 7 at linden mall. If found, please telephone Ann at 643-3951 reward will be

1.What is the name of the puppy?

A) Ann B) Browny C) Fluffy D) Lindy
2.When was the puppy lost seen?
A) March 5 B) March 6 C) March 7 D) March 8
3.Which of the following words can be use in place of reward as used on the flyer?
A.) Collar B) Round C) Gift D) Last
4.The flyer asks anyone who finds the puppy to
A) Take it home B) Telephone Ann C) Leave it in the store D) Play with it
5.How can one be sure that he or she has found the right puppy?
A) It is brown and white B) It has its name on the collar
C) It was last seen at lindens mall D) It is two years old

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