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Documentation on How to Create a Wheel ?

By Aashish Kumar
Mob no. - 7700889658
 About TinkerCad :
 TinkerCad is an online computer-aided design (CAD) tool that allows users
to create and design 3D models. It is often used for educational purposes,
particularly in teaching students about 3D modeling and 3D printing.
 TinkerCad offers a user-friendly interface and a variety of tools and features
to create 3D designs. Users can start with basic shapes and manipulate them
to build more complex objects. It also provides pre-designed components
and objects that can be easily added to the design

 Steps to Create a Wheel using TinkerCad ?

Now , as you all have come through the basics shapes in TinkerCad and how to
create different other shapes with this basic shapes . We are now going to design a
wheel using these basic shapes in the TinkerCad , Using the Following steps we
can create a wheel in TinkerCad :-

Fig 1. Basic page of the TinkerCad

Step 1 : Open TinkerCad and login using your gmail account or student Code to
open the basic page of the TinkerCad as shown in Fig1 .

Step 2 : Take a Basic Shape of Ring and Resize it according to your convenience
(using ctrl + shift + moue button ) as shown in Fig 2 & 3 .

Fig 2 Fig 3

Step 3: Now Reduce the Diameter upto Some Extent so that the our Design
should look like a wheel as Shown in Fig 4.

Fig 4

Step 4 : Go to Vehicles and Machines Section from Shape Library and choose
Spoked Wheel shape to create a wheel as shown in Fig 5.

Fig 5

Step 5 : Now after selecting the spoked we just have to resize it using ctrl +
shift + mouse , so that it get fit inside the ring which we have resized earlier as
shown in fig 6 & 7.

(Note :- While adjusting the spoked wheel inside the ring you must use the 3D
view and check whether the spoked wheel is fit inside the ring properly or not
and also ensure that the spoked wheel should not come out of the ring )

Fig 6 Fig 7

With these Steps we have Successfully created the design of wheel using basic
shapes in TinkerCad .

Step 6 : Save Your Design and Export it with the Extension .stl and it is now
Ready to print .


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