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Reading and Writing Skills

Performance Task 2


You are a blogger who has been hired by the Department of Tourism to
promote tourist spots in Ilocos Sur. The agreement is for you to create a blog on
the blog — complete with text and graphics about tourist spots found in Ilocos Sur.
You also need to use hyperlinks in order to help the reader go to websites that will
(1) show more pictures; (2) provide travel packages, with services and cost; and
(3) book flights or ferry trips. You can view a sample of this activity in this link: .

Be guided by these links:

In creating your own blog. Write the url (uniform resource locator)/ link of
your blog in your study notebook.

Rubric for Making a Blog

Criteria Unsatisfactory Limited Proficient Exemplary
(2 Points) (3 Points) (4 Points) (5 Points)

Content and Postings show Postings Postings Postings

Creativity no evidence of provide provide provide
insight, minimal moderate comprehensiv
understanding insight, insight, e
or reflective understanding understandi insight,
thought about and reflective ng and understanding,
the topic. thought about reflective and reflective
the topic. thought thought about
about the the topic
topic. by ...building a
around a
specific issue.

Text Layout, Does not insert Selects and Selects and Selects and
Use of any graphics, inserts many inserts graphics inserts high
Graphics or uses only low-quality and multimedia quality
and low graphics and that are mostly graphics and
Multimedia quality graphics multimedia high quality and multimedia
and multimedia, which do not enhance and when
which do not enhance the clarify the appropriate to
enhance the content. content. enhance the
content content’s visual
appeal and

Timeliness and Does not Updates blog Updates blog Updates blog as
Tags update blog when when often or more
within the reminded; required; often than
required time posts are most posts required; all
frame. often are date- posts are date
missing a date stamped stamped and the
stamp. with the most most recent
current posting posts are placed
listed at the top. at the top of the

Citations No images, Some of the Most images, All images,

media or text images, media media or text media and text
created by or text created created by created by
others display by others others display
appropriate others does not display appropriate
copyright display appropriate copyright
permissions appropriate copyright permissions and
and do not copyright permissions accurate
include permissions and and citations.
accurate, does not include accurate,
properly accurate, properly
formatted properly formatted
citations. formatted citations.

Quality of Written Written Written Written

Writing and responses responses responses responses are
Proofreading contain include some are largely free of
numerous grammatical, free of grammatical,
grammatical, spelling or grammatica spelling or
spelling or punctuation l, punctuation
punctuation errors that spelling or errors. The style
errors. The style distract the punctuation of writing
of writing does not reader. errors. The facilitates
facilitate effective style of communication.
communication. writing

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