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Annisa Shafa Ar (2111304089)

M Igo Ar (2111304098)

Whether Caffeine in Coffee Can Boost the Functioning of the Body’s

Immune System

Coffee has become a favorite drink for many people. This caffeinated drink has become a
lifestyle. Whether as a drowsiness reliever or a friend, while relaxing, coffee is a favorite
choice. Coffee is a plant that belongs to the genus Coffea of the Rubiaceae family. Even
though a wide range of coffee varieties have been identified around the world, Coffea
arabica, the other name Arabica coffee, and Coffea canephora, the other name Robusta
coffee, are the varieties that have economic value and are grown the most widely around the
world. coffee is not only one of the most consumed beverages in the world thanks to its
stimulating impact and desired bitter taste but also an important source of caffeine for many

However, did you know that this caffeinated drink also helps us to increase our immune
system? Many people consume coffee, instant coffee, or various coffee blends. Furthermore,
coffee as a caffeinated drink also helps us boost the immune system. Two cups of coffee can
increase alertness and concentration. Other studies Farah (2012) also provide arguments,
coffee can help night shift workers maintain concentration, reduce the potential for industrial
accidents, reduce driver fatigue, and the risk of accidents on the highway, and Caffeine also
reduces the symptoms of kidney stones and stones in the gallbladder.

However, the caffeine contained in coffee can also be dangerous if consumed in excess,
according to a descriptive study by Bawazeer and Alsobahi (2013) showing that 34.3% of
drinkers of energy drinks or coffee containing caffeine can experience side effects including
palpitations, insomnia, headaches, tremors, restlessness, and nausea and vomiting. Regular
consumption of caffeine can have addictive effects. In addition, if consumed regularly for a
long period, it can cause panic attacks, anxiety, anxiety, nervousness, insomnia, stomach
pain, tachycardia, irritability, and addiction. The danger in caffeine content is also very
dangerous for pregnant women because caffeine when consumed by pregnant women will
have a diuretic and stimulant effect. Therefore, if pregnant women drink coffee as the main
source of unactivated caffeine, they will experience an increase in urination which will result
in dehydration, blood pressure will increase and heart rate will also increase.

Furthermore, there are various studies on the effects of caffeine from coffee beans which
have been shown to increase the human immune response where caffeine has a role in the
body's defense against infectious agents by increasing the activity of immune cells and
strengthening the activity of lysozyme (Akalilin et al., 2021). The Bealer study (2010)
reported that caffeine compounds can protect immune cells from long-term damage. One of
the ingredients besides caffeine in coffee, namely chlorogenic acid from coffee beans which
functions as an antioxidant can increase phagocytic activity and has an opsonin function to
help phagocytic cells eat infectious agents. (Assa, et all 2021).

Coffee can be enjoyed and consumed without worrying about side effects by consuming
coffee within the recommended limits and not in excess. Then how good is coffee
consumption for the performance of the body's immune system? according to research by
Açıkalın & Sanlier (2021), namely, regular consumption of 3-5 cups of coffee a day
(moderate consumption) has beneficial effects on health, however according to EFSA (2015)
the amount of caffeine consumed must be considered, and daily caffeine intake should not
exceed Maximum safe dose is 400 mg/day for adults and 200 mg (less than 2 cups daily) for
pregnant and lactating women. Side effects will not occur if the caffeine level does not
exceed the recommended dose.

Based on the discussion in this article, coffee can be enjoyed and consumed without worrying
about side effects, by consuming coffee within the recommended limits and not in excess.
Then how good is coffee consumption for the performance of the body's immune system,
based on several studies that have been discussed, namely regular consumption of 3-5 cups of
coffee a day (moderate consumption) has beneficial effects on health. But keep in mind that
the amount of caffeine consumed must be considered, and daily caffeine intake should not be
excessive. The maximum safe dose is 400 mg/day for adults and 200 mg (less than 2 cups
daily) for pregnant and lactating women. Side effects will not occur if the caffeine level does
not exceed the recommended dose. So, for coffee lovers don't worry anymore because coffee
has many benefits, including for the body's immune system.
Açıkalın, B., & Sanlier, N. (2021). Coffee and its effects on the immune system. Trends in
Food Science and Technology, 114(June), 625–632.
Assa, A., Indriana, D., Amalia, A. N., & Wulandari, R. (2021). Potensi Senyawa Aktif Biji
Kopi sebagai Imunomodulator (Ulasan). Jurnal Riset Teknologi Industri, 15(2), 279.
Bawazeer NA, Alsobahi NA (2013). Prevalence and side effects of energy drink consumption
among medical students at Umm Al-Qura University Saudi Arabia. The International
Journal of Medical Students, 1 (Issue 3): 104-8.
( Penelitian Eksperimental Laboratoris In-vitro ).
EFSA (2015). Scientific opinion on the safety of caffeine: Efsa panel on dietetic products,
nutrition, and allergies (NDA). EFSA Journal, 20:1-60.
Farah, A. (2012). Coffee Constituents in Coffee: Emerging Health Effects and Disease
Prevention. First Edition. United Kingdom: Blackwell Publishing Ltd

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