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IBABWE SCOOOL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL Goreral Certificate of Education Advnieeil Level ‘CHEMISTRY > 9189/1 PAPER rot » SUN 2007 SURSLON 2 bours Additional roatoriats - * Ausvier paper ~ aga Book lee Mathcasitical lables andioy electron ‘s exfcutetor TEM Shouts : e INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES: ba ind candidate mitgibeMe Aganaves’grovide Write yotirname, Centre.rnmber ‘paperfans wor: boolkict xl on the answer. Anorer six qestions . questicivs [rom Section A, oe question [ivi Section}, tag questions fdin Sectio: ancl one other question vhéién fiom afy section Write your answers'n the separate answer paper provided. Ifyou we morethaa one sheet oF payer, Fasteit the sheets fogedyér INFORMATION. FOR CANDIDATES The number of marks givea ta brackets [ J al (hecud of zach question ar par question 4" Yeiurate reminded of the need dar good Fugtish aril clear pessesitation in your aueverss ene [torn over Section A, Anuver at least fi questions from this section {a) _ Define the tora enthalpy of combustion, ( (hb). bi Brawl some of the uotur ear engines usc ethane! as a souxe of * energy to rar the, cat. . Gy White a balanced equation for the onipleie eormhustion of ethancl, Gi) Using the Cotlowing data draw an energy eycle diagram and use it to + Galculate the valve of AM for the compcstion of cUlanot, AH?® for eilumol = 277.0 ginal FAHY for carbon oxiden— 393.1 fd mol" {AH for water =£ 285.91 mot ° wo oe * BI : 4 : . (5 Beside’ exebou dioxdte apul water, nitrogen oxides are the exhaust fumes of pict eliiéles. SG) Why are the oxides formed i’ the engine? Lo Gi). dveite earatjans 04 stow hapedwe oP these onides ae Forued. ~ Gil). What type of chetical renétion cocotrs ching the removal of these ' ‘oxides ina catalyiic converiuc? Show this reaction using au equation with encbon monoxide as ous of the reactants. ‘eq . 5 ‘Toul {12} (a) © The'gquation betuw shows he eactlion tetwoee elunsina and cuncentrened - sgiliuua hydroxide. ALO;+ N00 be DANIO, + HO Assuuning thet both AiO, and NaAlOs se"ionie eobapounls BE and cioss didgrams represent the bonding i these compounes. 2] (>) Altuninitan is a good egasluelor of clocticity inthe tolid state while aluiniafums side will ot condaet in the golid atiaie, bas: does so ashen mysca’ Explain ra (9) Swnie tie Petoney Shell elecuon pair wpulsion thevey aud use ike ryplain tie Loilowing obsarvations. © . SoG iss Gnewr waplecule whereas tlh) maluoule is bent CIs is beiyocat pl shew eon &) (b), {eh a Define My andy! Wantave acid-iase iulicaiurs aad when are they used? Aslainiess stecl spoon recovered fioat the Linet Titaaie iu, 1985was auinlysed to find the percentage ol iron in it. A Pleve oF the spacn weighing 5g was completely dissolved in | din of dilule sulpauiic acid acd the mass uf the jton was deternpitied by 4 ifffation molhodiusing: 22.50 en’ 0f 0.0150 mol dm” KMniGs.” 4.25.00 om’ Sainpteof the iron (1) solution reacted completoly ‘with the KMnO\ solution, @.: Which indictor was used anil why? Gy,” What is thie co:our of this indietox at the oral point? (Bi) Calculate fre coneeatsntion of iron (U) im the soniplo ood *chenes the peveoulage of iron ia the spuon, . : ° [Total : [8] 32] 4 4 Sectiva BR Answer, at Least ente qustion from this 5 Pe diagram below shows the munuluctird of Gloring by the dinphrage veld, All lhe i ction. TiAnode D (a) What do de latels A tw E repent? | (b) Explaia why titaniam ised as the anode. (e) Describe. tiefiy, with the aid of half: equations, the: at both electro cactions talcing place (@) Describe and explain with the ail of eqnatious what beppens wher ammonia is shilken with, solid (silver chloride, : fi) sitver iodide ~ jo) > Witr the, nid of 2 Dawa Bocklot, write an eqation for the reasligu bebvera ‘aromnine and skilphur dioxide: [otal : BI tu 2] 12 Write tLe ciectonic contigusation of eheornisn, (b) © Explain in tems of their lestronie cont gumulions why Fe tous are, readily oxidised to Fe" ions but Ma" ions are not readily oxidised 4 ‘ Max?" ions, . 2). ‘Usida ron, and its compounds show what is meant by the setms 2, “homogeneous cataiysls, ()—_feterogencous catalysis Taclude equatiosss jn your explination." < . tl os QW), With the aid of a balanced seuation explain why aqucuus solutions of ~~ item (8) salts hayé a pH less than 5, . a ” : Evotal : 12] * - Section & (@) Suggest reagents and conditions for eich. stoge in the conversion of ethanol to lactic acid by the following route. L ik CHCHOU— CU,CHO—+ CH, — CHO ee CH A Bi +4) Which structue(s),are optically active? + (@) (> Nuune du: Fusctiowal geoups ia D. (ii) +, Under vk eondiviois will D procave » con fensntion poly nies’? sy, ce ae GHD rave this polymer : . CuBr @) ‘OL \ ° cH.OH, elisswer a least tv duestiotis finer Mis sect W. (©) Nawe the type of Zsaction for stage It awl deseeibe its mechanism, wo Fepoat ulits ofthe polynior and name the linkage in és A and Jb ate bo isomers will ciffécen! positions of functional groups. 6 ——_Lagtiy avid is produced jn muscles of manauls whea tuning sway frou danger. a {Poul : 12] med {bh} Draw the stnetures obtained, iar, when bouk compounds with following rexyents, . @ ® i echannyl cidoside boiling aqueous sodium hydeakige dilate niteic eid. . - {6 (e) : Would you expect cthylautine to be a strouger or weaker base than A?“ plain your suswer, By {Hotel : 12] 8 > @) > Marijeiane is 0 deag produciog a feoliag olf well-being, excitement-and hoallusinations. Its strigture ig ws shown below. @ marijuana Nase the functional ueoups ju darianna, : (ii) Wane the type'of reaction thai takes place and draw tie steucturat . formula of the organic produc: forned wher marijuana reacts with, following reagents, . 1. aquconis bromine (i the dark). Y © cold aqucotis sodium hydvoside * ary my 3 cold dilute KVinO, y (a {b)_" Dgicribe a simple test tube resetion. you could. catty oukte distinguish between, the'two ketones 4 aad Bbelaw. 7 " OH, CCH CU CLL, A . w . - (2h

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