Investiture Ceremony Script 3

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Investiture ceremony compering

“Leadership is about keeping the goal of society before the goal of the individual”

Greetings :
A very blissful morning to everyone gathered here. On this spectacular day of investiture
ceremony, I take the opportunity to welcome the galaxy of thinkers,honorable guests, teachers
and the students.
How remarkable this day is ! Because it not only marks down the installation of an honorable
council of DPS Mihan School but we get the chance to witness the august gathering.

Thus, dear gathering you may eventually discover the beauty of this day as the event gradually
starts to blossom. As this day marks down the investiture ceremony of DPS Mihan.


“ leadership is unlocking people potential to become better, leadership is a set of behaviors used
to help people align their collective direction to execute strategic plans ,and to continually renew
and organization.”

Investiture means a formal investing of a person with authority, power and dignity. Years after
years it remainder us of the trust and confidence that we express in our newly elected cabinet.
Donning the mantle of responsibilities they all pledge to dispense their duties to the best of their
abilities and abide by the rules and regulation of the school.

Delhi Public School Nagpur is a co educational school founded by the school president tulika
Kedia, established in 2018 after serving the DPS Kamptee road, the sibling branch of DPS Mihan
came into being to expand the horizons of holistic education, sensitivity, ethics and love for

“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality”

If your actions create legacy that inspires others then you are an excellent leader.
Our school runs with the vision of our president and pro vice chairperson Miss. Tulika Kedia to
promote individualistic learning by providing ample opportunity and a safe congenial environment
to students so that they acquire the requisite life skills to become successful , responsible and
global citizen.

“Leader become great not because of their power but because of their ability to empower others.”

The students of the DPS Mihan are portrayed and structured by the hands of the most
meticulous, determined, director of the school miss Savita Jaisval, who aims in cognitive
development of the students.

The world always looks brighter behind a smile . It is the universal language of kindness with
hearts full of love and happiness let us festoon our guest of today’s program , With sweet and
loving words of welcome.
I request our chief guest /_________________ to accept the mementos as a token of love, delight
and respect for being a significant part of the abiding occasion.

Now I request our respected principal ma’am to present a sampling as a token of love and

Thank you sir / madam

Lighting of the lamp:

Light is a symbol of brightness and prosperity as sunlight expels the darkness of night similarly
blessing bring in our life prosperity and happiness

With this holy thought I request all the dignitaries to light the auspicious lamp and mark the
beginning of the program.

Musical performance:
“Musics express that which cannot be put in words and that which can not remain silent”

There are not more than seven musical notes yet the combination of these notes give rise to more
melodies than can be heard. Now. I invite the harmonic, tuneful, school choir for the performance.

— thank you for this wonderful performance.

——————————— Introduction of the student council ————-

“Leadership is not a position or a title it is action and example”

I request Shweta ma’am to kindly announce the name of the student’s council of DPS Mihan.

Thank You ma’am

Dance performance:
Moving on, let now welcome the fluid dance group to present the performance

- It wa indeed a magnificent performance

Chief guest addressing :

I am profusely elighted to take an opportunity to invite our chief guest the person numerous
capacities and fountain head of illuminating ideas and expereince to address the gather.

After the address :

Thank you sir/ madam your words would be a source of inspiration to all of us.

Principal’s address :
“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepares for it today.
Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world”

Now the person who has consumed herself to change society and light the darkness in the life of
children , the principal miss, Nidhi Yadhav is requested to come on the stage and address the

Thank you ma'am we are honored and privileged to have has our mentor.

Thanks is a word is s o small. Yet it speaks volumes and volumes of the hidden sentiment of
gratitude within the heart .thanks is a word that makes happy both the giver and the receiver, it is
our duty to thank you all for your presence to this great event.

Now I call upon _______________ to propose a vote of thanks.

National Anthem:
“Success always comes when preparation meets opportunity”
Our young leaders have taken up this opportunity to do small things in a great way from today

We wish them all success .

Now , we come to the end part of this ceremony with our pride national anthem. I request
everyone to rise up for the national anthem.

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