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2. Which animal would like Kirsty to have?

____________________________________________ HIGH PERFORMANCE SCHOOL

VI. Listen again in march the animals to the numbers.
1.five ____ a) monkeys
2.twelve ____ b) horses I. Match the photos to the words in the box.
3.nine ____ c) dogs
4.two ____ d) cats bear chicken duck elephant insect ____ e) rabbits
lion monkey mouse rabbit rat
VII. Listen again. Are the sentences right (✓) or wrong(x)?
1. Kirsty has got 24 animals. ______
2. Kirsty has got some birds. ______
3. Kirsty loves her pet rat very much. ______
4. Kirsty’s garden is very big ______
5 Kirsty had some monkeys in the past. ______
6.Donny wants to see one of her animals. ______

VI. GRAMMAR: Let’s learn about the use of the past continuous.
-We use the past continuous to describe activities happening at a particular moment in the
past. Sometimes these activities happen at the same time.
We don't use the past continuous to talk about the beginning or the end of an activity.
Jonhn was looking at the elephants and his sister was buying an ice cream.

-We use the past simple when one complete action follows another.
I woke up and went downstairs.
-We often use the past simple and the past continuos together to say that one action
interrupts another. Note. Amazing animals. From Prepare Student´s book A2 Level 2 with Digital Pack (2nd ed., p.94), by J. Kosta &
An elephant was eating some fruit when the boy fell. M.Williams, 2021, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Copyright 2021 by Cambridge University Press.
when and while
-We use when and while to connect two activities. When we use the past simple and past
continuos together, we often use:
Amazing animals
* “when” before the past simple.
The boy was looking at the elephants when he fell.
When the boy fell, he was looking at the elephants.
* “while” before the past continuous.
The boy fell while he was looking at the elephants.
Or FULL NAME:……………………………….…………………………
While the boy was looking at the elephants, he fell.
CLASS:……… DATE:…………………………………………….
*Click on the link below and do the past simple & past continuous exercises.

Worksheet: English Team Saa’d, K. & Morley, K.(2018). English B Course companion. Oxford University press.
A world full of opportunities is waiting for you! HIGH PERFORMANCE SCHOOL ANCASH
VI. Let´s watch the video about Zulaikha Patel, the activist who fought racist policies II. READING: Now read the story quickly. Which animal helped Jack?
at her school and choose the correct answer.
TITLE: _________________________________
One day in May, Jack Smith was walking in Northern Oregon. It was a place he liked walking
2. What did the institution do in response to the students' demonstration? in and he knew it well. He was walking along the path when he saw a black bear, a female
a) Implemented new inclusive policies with her two babies. One was about a year old, the other was only a few months. Jack
b) Hired a high-risk security team stopped to watch the bears. Because Jack walked along the path regularly, the beard knew
c) Engaged in dialogue with the students who he was. It wasn't afraid and it didn't try to attack him. While Jack was watching the
bears, something large and heavy hit him from behind. It was a mountain lion! Jack tried to
3. What inspired Zulaikha Patel's book, "My Coily Crying Hair"? get away from the mountain lion. Then, while he was fighting it, the mother bear ran towards
a) Her childhood dreams of becoming an author him. But the bear didn't attack Jack, it attacked the mountain lion. The bear was much bigger
b) The need for permanent references for black girls than the mountain lion. While the mountain lion was attacking Jack, the bear stood on its
c) The desire to address interfaith and interracial issues two back legs and pulled the mountain lion off Jack's back. The mountain lion ran off into
the tres. Then the bear went back onto its four feet and looked at Jack for a moment, before
it walked back to look after it's babies.
4. What does Zulaikha Patel aspire to become in the future?
Jack wasn’t badly hurt. He was sure the bear recognized him and wanted to save his life
a) A human rights advocate
(Kosta & Williams, 2021, p.95)
b) An educator at Pretoria High School III. Choose the best title for the story.
c) A security team member a) A quiet walk in the forest.
b) Bear to the rescue.
VII. Listen again and answer the questions. c) Alone with a mountain lion.

1.What motivated Zulaikha Patel to become an activist? IV. Read the story again and answer the questions.
1. What time of year was it?
2. How did the students at Pretoria High School for Girls resist the discriminatory policies? __________________________________________________________
2. Was Jack walking in this area for the first time? https://southafricatoday.
3. What were some of the consequences the students faced for their activism? __________________________________________________________
3. How many bears did he see?
VIII. SPEAKING: 4. Was the bear afraid of Jack?
Imagine you are one of the protesting schoolgirls. Tell the story of your school protest
from your point of view. Explain the background to the protest. Describe the events 5. What jumped onto Jack’s back?
on the day of the protest. Analyse the effectiveness of the protest.
Command terms: 6. Which was the larger animal, the mother bear or the mountain lion?
Describe: Give a detailed account.
Explain: Give a detailed account including reasons or causes. __________________________________________________________
Analyse: Break down in order to bring out the essential elements or structure. 7. What did the bear do next?

I. VOCABULARY: Complete the table with the words in exercise 1. __________________________________________________________

Which animals can you keep as pets? 8. What did the mountain lion do next?
Wild animals Farm animals Both

V. LISTENING: Listen to the conversation between Kirsty and Donny and answer the
1. Which is Kirsty’s favourite pet?


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