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Meaning Link Words For For

Link words help you organize your expression . Here is a list of some of the Speaking Writing
best. But be careful. The 4 most common link words in English are still

Addition AND X X

Plus​ (en plus) X informal

No thanks. I don’t like I’m really tired. dialogue only
Besides​ (en plus) X X
I don’t want to go. Besides, I can’t. I have a math test. Standard
Also​ (aussi) X X
She plays the piano and she also plays the guitar​.
Too ​(aussi) X X
She plays the piano and she plays the guitar too.​
On top of that ​(en plus) X Informal
She plays the piano and, on top of that, she plays the guitar. dialogue only
What’s more ​(qui plus est) X X
I finished the marathon! What’s more, I was in the top 20! Standard Standard
In addition ​(de plus) X X
She seems bright. In addition, she has common sense.
Moreover; Furthermore​ (en outre; par ailleurs ; qui plus est) X
The Report was ill-written. Moreover (futhermore) it was late! Very formal
Chronology Firstly/In the first place​ (premièrement / en premier lieu) X X
In the first place, that is not what I asked you for.
Secondly/ In the second place ​(deuxièmement...) X X
In the second place, it's badly done. So it's NO DEAL​.
First ​(d'abord) X X
First, I got up and had breakfast.
Then ​(puis) X X
Then I went to school and started the day with English.
Next​ (ensuite) X X
Next, we had Math class...and there was a surprise test!
Afterwards; after that ​(plus tard) X X
Afterwards (After that )it was break time.
As soon as ​(dès que) X X
As soon as break was over, we went to the gym.
For ​(depuis ; pendant) X X
We did climbing for 45 minutes, and it was a blast!
Since ​(depuis ) X X
Since that day, I have gone to the climbing club every week.
When​ (quand) X X
When I go climbing, I am very careful about safety.
As long as ​(tant que) X X
As long as I am here, I might as well eat at the canteen.
While ​(pendant que) X X
I’ll wait for you while you finish your test.
Meanwhile ​(pendant ce temps) X X
Meanwhile, I’ll do my homework.
In the meantime ​(pendant ce temps) X X
What do you want me to do in the meantime?
Until ; till ​(jusqu’à ) X X
I can wait until 5 o’clock.
Yet? ​(déjà) X X
Are you ready yet?
Not... yet ​(pas...encore) X X
No, I’m not ready yet.
Still ​(toujours) X X
I’m still getting dressed.
Finally ​(finalement) X X
Finally, the story had a happy ending.
In the end ​(pour finir) X X
In the end, they lived happily ever after.
In conclusion; To summarize; In short ; In a nutshell X
...., as I stated previously, this is an extremely important... Very formal
Meaning Link Words For For
Link words help you organize your expression . Here is a list of some of the Speaking Writing
best. But be careful. The 4 most common link words in English are still

Cause BECAUSE (parce que) X X

Because of​ (à cause de) X X

School was cancelled because of the snow.
Thanks to ​(grâce à) X X
We didn’t get the flu thanks to the new vaccine.
For​ (car) X
She thought he would do well, for he had worked very hard. Formal
As ​(comme) X X
As he hasn’t phoned, we won’t wait for him.
Since ​(puisque) X X
Since she is American, she must love hamburgers...
Consequence SO​ (donc; alors) X X
She was tired so she didn’t go to the party.
That’s why ​(C’est pourquoi) X X
I had the flu. That’s why I was absent for a week.
As a result​; ​Consequently; As a consequence ​(par conséquent) X
In the 1900s there was a famine in Ireland. ............ many people Very Formal
starved to death or immigrated to the USA.
Therefore; Thus; Hence ​(donc; par conséquent) X
I think, therefore I am. Very Formal
She was hired on the spot, thus we know the interview went well.
He passed the TOEIC hence he was able to graduate.
Opposition BUT ​(mais) X X
Sh​e loves watching rugby but she hates watching football.
Even though; Although; Though ​(bien que) X X
Even though is was raining, we went swimming.
Even if ​(même si) X X
I'm going swimming this afternoon even if it rains.
Despite; In spite of ​(malgré ; en dépit de) X X
She stayed outside despite (in spite of) the rain.
In spite of the fact that ​(en dépit du fait que) X X
She stayed outside in spite of the fact that it was raining.
Anyway ​(de toute façon) X X
It was raining, but she decided to take a walk anyway.
However ​(cependant) X X
It was raining. However I love the rain so I went for a walk.
On the one hand / On the other hand ​(d'un autre côté) X X
Great umbrella! On the other hand, it's 40° and sunny...
Nevertheless; still ​(néanmoins) X
It was raining. Nevertheless, she decided to go for a walk.
Yet ​(pourtant) X
She was tired yet she decided not to stay home.
Though ​(pourtant – le plus souvent en fin de phrase) X X
He was angry. He did say thank-you though.
Unlike ​(à la difference de) X X
Unlike her brother, she was good at football.
Whereas; while ​(alors que; tandis que) X X
She was good at football whereas (while) her brother wasn’t.
Contrary to ​(contrairement à) X X
Contrary to popular belief, many girls are good at football.
On the contrary​ (Au contraire) X X
He wasn’t shy. On the contrary, he was quite outgoing.
On the other hand ​(D’un autre coté) X X
She might want to go out. On the other hand, she might not!
Then again ​(D’un autre coté) X X
I’ll probably go. Then again, I might stay home and watch TV.
Comparison As ​(comme) X X
She wants to go to Med school as her sister did..
Like ​(comme) X X
She wants to be a doctor like her sister.
As if; as though​ (comme si) X X
Live each day as though (as if) it were your last.

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