38896-Books List Cs

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Computer Science Books List for GATE Exam Preparation

1. Physically Based Rendering (PBRT): Pharr and Humphreys

2. Theory of Recursive Functions and Effective Computability: Hartley Rogers

3. Hacking: The Art of Exploitation by John Erickson

4. Types and Programming Languages: Benjamin C. Pierce

5. Introduction to Algorithms: Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald

L. Rivest.

6. Operating System Principles: Galvin

7. Networking: William stallings and foruzan

8. DBMS: Korth

9. Data structure: Tanenbaum

10. Algorithms: Introduction to Algorithms by Rivest, Cormen, Stein, Leiserson

11. Computer Architecture: Morris mano

12. Computer Organization: Zacky, hamacher

13. Computer Organization Hardware/Software Interface: Hennessey and Patterson

14. Compiler Design: Ullman

15. Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications: Kenneth H. Rosen

16. Discrete Mathematics: Seymour Lipschutz & Marc Lars Lipson

17. Computer Based Numerical and Statistical Techniques: Manish Goyal

18. Graph Theory with Applications to Engineering and Computer Science: Narsingh

19. Theory of Computation: Ullman

20. Introduction to the Theory of Computation: Michael Sipser

21. Computer Networking: A top-down approach by Kurose-Ross

22. Computer Networks: Tanenbaum

23. Digital Logic and Design: Morris Mano

24. Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach by Pressman

25. TOC and compilers: J.D Ullman

26. Algorithms: Horowitz

27. Operating Systems: Galvin

28. Data communications: Forouzen

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