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PROBLEM 18 – 0528: A rectangular concrete beam is to resist a moment of

30,000 lb–ft. Using 2500 psi concrete and intermediate

grade steel (fs = 20,000 psi), design the beam. Provide a
clear cover of 4/3" for the steel. Assume that b is
approximately equal to 2d/3.

Solution: Referring to the stress diagram, by similar triangles, we have,

(x / d) = {fc / (fc + fs/n)} or x = {(fcd) / (fc + fs/n)}
where n = 10 (from ACI code)
From table V of ACI code (see PREP)
For fs = 20,000 psi and 2500 psi
fc = 1125 psi
Thus, x = {(1125.d) / (1125 + [{20,000} / {10}])}
or x = 0.360 d
Then, moment arm, jd = d – (x/3)
= d – 0.120 d
or jd = 0.88 d
We have, moment M = (1 / 2) fc bx ∙ jd
Thus, M = (1 / 2) (1125) (b) (0.360 d × 0.88 d)
or 30,000 × 12 = 178bd2
or bd2 = 2020
But we know that b ≅ (2 / 3) d
Therefore, (2 / 3) d ∙ d2 = 2020
or d = 14.5 in
Let us use d = 15"
Then, b = {(2020) / (15 × 15)} = 8.98" ≅ 9"
After providing a cover of 4/3" for steel, total depth ≅ 17"
Therefore, let us use a 9" × 17" beam.
Moment on the steel side
Ms = Asfsjd
or As = {(30, 000 × 12) / (20,000 × 0.880 × 15)}
≅ 1.36 in2
Use #8 bars (As = 1.57 in2)

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