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Chapter 1 (Sub 1.

Sistem Saraf Manusia
Human Nervous System
@hamidiyusoff | smkbj2023

Rangsangan & Gerakbalas | Stimulus & Response

Contoh rangsangan Contoh gerakbalas

Example of stimulus Example of response

Sistem Saraf Manusia | Human Nervous System

Jenis Tindakan | Type of Action Tindakan Terkawal | Voluntary Action

Tindakan Terkawal Tindakan Luar Kawal

Voluntary Action Involuntary Action



Pusat kawalan
Control centre

Kelajuan gerakbls
Speed of

Tindakan Luar Kawal | Involuntary Action

melibatkan medula oblongata melibatkan saraf tunjang

involve medulla oblongata involve sponal cord
Kb Terangkan perubahan saiz pupil dalam tempat cerah dan gelap. Huraikan fungsi sistem saraf manusia.
Explain the change of size of pupil in bright and dark area. Describe the function of human nervous system.

Chapter 1 (Sub 1.2)

Rangsangan & Gerakbalas
Stimulus & Response
Hidung (Deria Bau) | Nose (Sensory of Smell)

Huraikan mekanisme deria bau manusia.

Decribe the mechanism of human sensory of smell.

Kb Mengapakah ketika selesema sukar mengesan bau?
Why does a person with flu have difficulty to detect smell?

Lidah (Deria Rasa) | Tongue (Sensory of Taste)

Huraikan mekanisme deria rasa manusia.
Decribe the mechanism of human sensory of taste.

Kb Mengapakah ketika selesema hilang selera makan?
Why does a person with flu loss appetite?

Bahagian manakah lebih dirangsang ketika makan aiskrim? Jelaskan. Kb Mengapakah produk ini dapat menyedapkan makanan?
Which part is the most stimulated when having ice cream? Explain Why does this product make food taste better?

Kulit (Deria Sentuhan) | Skin (Sensory of Touch)

Huraikan mekanisme deria sentuhan manusia.
Decribe the mechanism of human sensory of touch.

Nyatakan dua faktor yang mempengaruhi kepekaan kulit.

State two factors that affect sensitivity of the skin,
Mengapakah hujung jari digunakan utk membaca tulisan Braille?
Why is fingertip used to read Braille?

Kepekaan / Sensitivity

Bilangan reseptor Mengapakah suntikan biasanya diberi pada lengan?

Number of receptor Why is injection normally given on arm?

Ketebalan epidermis
The number of

Telinga (Deria Pendengaran) | Ear (Sensory of Hearing)

Jelaskan fungsi dua struktur telinga yg tidak terlibat dengan Bandingkan pendengaran manusia dan
deria pendengaran. kelawar.
Explain the function of two structures of ear that aren't not Compare the hearing of human with bat.
involved in sensory of hearing.

Jelaskan masalah pendengaran yg Namakan alat yg ditunjukkan dan huraikan Namakan alat berikut yg membantu
biasanya dialami oleh warga tua. bagaimana alat tersebut membantu org yg mengatasi had pendengaran manusia.
Explain the hearing problem that older mengalami masalah pendengaran. Name the following devices that help to
people normally have. Name the device and explain describe how overvome limitation of human hearing.
does the device help people with hearing
Mata (Deria Penglihatan) | Eyes (Sense of Sight)

Struktur Mata | Structure of the Eyes

Mekanisme Penglihatan | Mechanism of Sight

Huraikan arah laluan sinar cahaya sehingga imej terbentuk di
Describe the path of light ray until the image is formed on retina.

Fotoreseptor (Sel Deria Penglihatan) | Photoreceptor (Sensory Cell of Sight)

Had Deria Penglihatan | Limitation to Sensory of Sight


Berdasarkan rajah, jelaskan pemerhatian anda. Terangkangkan bagaimana bintik buta berlaku.
Based on the diagram, explain your Explain how blind spot occurs.

Jenis rabun Rabun Jauh Rabun Dekat Astigmatisme

Type of sightedness Short Sightedness Long Sightedness Astigmatism



Pn. Ariana tidak dapat membaca tulisan pada surat khabar. Nyatakan Selena meluangkan masa lebih 4 jam sehari utk menonton video
jenis masalah penglihatan dan cara mengatasi. Tiktok dan Youtube pada telefon bimbitnya. Jelaskan kesan jangka
Pn. Ariana cannot read words from the newspaper. State the type panjang terhadap matanya.
of vision problem and how to overvome. Selena spends more than 4 hours daily to watch Tiktok and Youtube
on her mobile phone. Explain the long term effect on her sight.

Jenis Penglihatan Haiwan | Type of Vision of Animals

Jenis penglihatan
Type of vision


Chapter 1 (Sub 1.3)
Rangsangan & Gerakbalas dlm Tumbuhan
Stimulus & Response in Plants
Chapter 1 (Sub 1.4)
Rangsangan & Gerakbalas dlm Haiwan
Stimulus & Response in Animals

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