Task 12

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English I

Week 12 - Task: Assignment - Free Time


 Christian Xavier Chávez Rodríguez - Alexis Junior Condor Pérez

Christian Xavier Chávez Rodríguez

Hello, my name is Christian Xavier Chávez and in my free time I usually go to the fields
with my parents in the mornings. Saturday and Sunday mornings I finish doing
university work. On Sunday night once a month I go to the cinema. Once a week I go to
the mall to do some shopping. On Friday morning I wake up at 6 am to make my
breakfast and go for an hour run in the park. My friend's routine is very different. Her
name is Elenita and when she has free time she works teaching boy scouts at a
school, she walks her dog in the park and watches movies in bed at night. Every
Saturday night we go for fast food, pizza, or hamburgers.

Alexis Junior Condor Pérez

On my vacation I went to the city of Piura, it was a very nice trip since I went with my
wife, from very early from 7 am to 8 pm we visited various tourist places like Mancora,
Tortugas, Sechura desert, the beaches have a beautiful view to take photos, and
contemplate the beautiful sunset, returning to the hotel at 9pm my wife spent her free
time reading a book and listening to relaxing music. My wife and I lived a nice
experience, we hope to return soon!

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