PHAR221 Lecture1B

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Tishk International University


Physical pharmacy

Colloids part 2
2nd Grade- Spring Semester 2019-2020

Instructor: Dr. Muhanad S Al Ani

Colloids. Cont.
By pharmacist Muhanad S. Al Ani
Kinetic properties of colloids
Several properties of colloids which result from the
motion of the particles with respect to the
dispersion medium.
The motion may be :
1.thermally induced
a. Brownian movement
b. Diffusion
c. Osmosis
2.Gravitationally induced
3. Applied externally
Brownian motion
This motion result from the bombardment of
the particles by the molecules of the
dispersion medium.
The velocity increase as the particle size
The velocity decrease as the viscosity of the
medium increase as by the addition of
glycerin to the medium.
Particles diffuse spontaneously from region of
higher conc. To one of lower conc. Until the
conc. of the system is uniform throughout.

Diffusion is a direct result of Brownian motion.

Ficks’ first law

dq = - DS dc dt
dq : is the amount of the substance
D : is the diffusion coefficient
S : is the area of the plane
dc : is the change in conc.
dx : is the distance traveled
Osmotic pressure
When particles cannot diffuse through the
system because of the presence of a
semipermeable membrane, the solvent
molecules will move from the lower conc.
of solute to the higher conc.
π=cRT Vants’ hoff equation
This equation used to measure the M.WT of
a colloid in dilute solution
π = Cg RT
Diffusion osmosis

Movement of solute movement of solvent

Together with molecules

From high to low from low to high

Conc. Conc.
Stokes’ law

V = 2 r² ( P-P°) g
9 η°
V : is the velocity of sedimentation of
spherical particles.
P : density of particles.
P°: density of medium.
η°: is the viscosity of the medium.
g : is the acceleration due to gravity.
r : is the radius of the particle.
It is an expression of the resistance to
flow of a system under an applied stress, in
which the more viscous the liquid, the greater
the applied force required to make it flow at a
particular rate.
Einstein equation
η = ηº (1 + 2.5Ф)
η : is the viscosity of the dispersion.
ηº : is the viscosity of the dispersion medium.
Ф : is the volume fraction of
the colloidal particles which is equal to volume of particles
total volume of dispersion
Donnan membrane effect
Semi permeable membrane Semi permeable membrane

_ Colloidal particle _
Drug particle
Colloidal particle

Drug particle

negatively charged colloidal molecule

negatively charged drug particle

Donnan membrane effect
The presence of charged colloids on one
side of a semipermeable membrane
affects the diffusion of small ions such as
drug ions through the semipermeable
membrane .
This effect is due to the electrical gradient
across the membrane in which the charged
drug ions of the same charge as the colloidal
particles are driven to the opposite side of the
membrane which alter the conc. of the drug
This effect is termed Donnan effect or Donnan
membrane equilibrium
Pharmaceutical application of colloids
1. colloids have a large surface area so it have a greater
efficiency for absorption and adsorption .example:
a. colloidal kaolin have a good adsorption
for toxins .
b. colloidal aluminum hydroxide shows a
better rate of neutralization of stomach
2. Particle size reduction also alter some of the
therapeutic properties of the drugs example.
a. colloidal iodine is less toxic than their ionic
b. colloidal silver is a more effective as germicidal,
while colloidal mercury is effective for the treatment of
3. Hydrophilic colloids are used as a
suspending agents.

4. Colloidal preparation also been used as

diagnostic agents ex. Langes’ Gold
solution is used to detect syphilis in

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