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— QUIZ Constrained, NLM, Friction JE Main (A) Newton's Law of Motion 4. A man getting down a running bus, falls forward because (A) due to inertia of rst, road is left behind and man reaches forward (B) due to ineria of motion, upper part of body continues tobe in motion in forward direction while feet comes to rest as soon as they touch the road (C) hie leans forward as a matter of habit (D) of the combined effect of all the three factors stated in (A), (B) and (C) 2 ‘You are on a friction less horizontal plane. How can you get off if no horizontal force is exerted by pushing against the surface? (A) by jumping (B) by spitting or sneezing (C) by rolling your body on the surface (D) by running on the plane 3. The forces acting on an object are shown inthe figure. If the body moves horizontally at a constant speed cof 5 mi, then the values of the forces P and S are, respectively, (A) ON,ON (B) 300N, 200N (C) 300N, 1000 N (D) 2000 N, 300 N a ee lee Ih Ba ‘Ata given instant, A/is moving with the velocity of 5 m/s upwards. What is the velocity of B at that time? ULL FIITIEE (A) 15 mvs | (©) Sms] (B) 1S mis} (D) Sst 5, Find the velocity ofthe hanging block ifthe velocities ofthe free ends ofthe rope areas indicate inthe figure. ql 2s i ms (A) 32mis t (B) 32ms! (© 12mst (D) 12m! 6, Inthe figure, the velocity of different blocks is shown. The velocity of Cis (A) Gms (© Oms (B) 4s (D) none of these 7. A body of mass 5 kg is suspended by the strings raking angles 60° and 30° with the horizontal (®) 7,=25N (0) 7,=258 N FIT€€ Limited Bhopal Centre Phone : 0755-4253355 , 4253455 10. ii, (A) a,b (B) ad © od (D) be Find the velocity of Block B atthe instant shown in the figure 10m (A) 25 mvs (B) 20 ms (©) 2 ms (©) - Inthe arrangement shown in the figure, the ends P and © of an unstretchable string move downwards with uniform speed U, Pulleys 4’ and B are fixed. Mass AY Moves upwards with a speed. WN (A) 2U cos @ (B) Ucoso w u Cee rere Oem The velocity of end ‘A’ of rigid rod placed between {wo smooth vertical walls moves with velocity ‘u’ along the vertical direction. Find out the velocity of end °B’ of that rod, rod always remains in constant with the vertical walls, (A) wtan 20 (B) ucotd (© wtan @ _ (D) 2utand ‘The 50 kg horiogencous smooth sphere rests on the 30° incline A and bears against the smooth vertical wall B. Calculate the contact forces at 4 and B. Turse Limited Bhopal Centre Phone : 0755-425336! 1000 AN SN: aon (8) w=tPn, N, (©) N,= 3 0) w= MEN, ”, aN 12. Find out the reading of the weighing machine in the following cases, ®) 10/2 ©) 30/3, (A) 103. © 203 13. A mass Mis suspended by a rope from a rigid support at A as shown in the figure. Another rope is tied 2t the end B, and it is pulled horizontally with a force F. Ifthe rope AB makes an angle 9 with the vertical in ‘equilibrium, then the tension inthe string AB is u (8) Fisin 0 (D) Fleos 9 (A) F sin (C) Fos 8 14. Three blocks are connected as shown, on a horizontal frictionless table and pulled to the right with a force T, = 6ON. Ifm, = 10kg, m, =20 kg and m, = 30kg, the tension 7, is 5 , 4253455 15. 16, 17. ™, su 7 iF T, (A) 10N (B)20N (© 30N (0) 60N Three blocks 4, B and Care suspended as shown in the figure. Mass of each blocks 4 and Cis m. If system is in equilibrium and mass of B is M, then ALGLILLILLILLLLA LLL (A) M=2m @) M<2m (© M>2m (0) M=m ‘A weight can be bung in any of the following four ‘ways by string of the same type. In which ease is the string most likely to break? | ” . W (8) iw 'e (C) i) ©) (aya @)B o@c @)D A force-time graph for a linear motion is shown in the figure where the segments are circular. The linear ‘momentum gained between zero and 8 s in 18, 19. 20. a. A particle moves in the xy-plane under the action of a force F such that the value of its linear momentum (P) at any time fis, P_= 2 00s f, P = 2 sin. The angle 8 between P and F at that time wil! be (a) 0° (8) 30° © 9° (D) 180° A stunt man jumps his car over a crater as shown (neglect air resistance) (A) during the whole flight, the driver experiences weightlessness (B) during the whole flight, the driver never experiences weightlessness (© during the whole fiight, the driver experiences ‘weightlessness only at the highest point oe va (D) the apparent weight increases during upward journey A particle of mass 50 g moves on a straight line. The variation of speed with time is shown in the figure. Find the force acting on the particle at = 2, 4 and 6 s. vis) Oe ar rc Ks) (A) 0.25 N along motion, zero, 0.25 opposite to motion (B) 0.25 N along motion, zero, 0.25 along to motion (©) 0.25 N opposite motion, zero, 0.25 along to motion (D) 0.25 N opposite motion, zero, 0.25 opposite to motion ‘Two blocks are in contact on a fiictionless table. One hasmass mand the other2n.A force Fis applied on2m asshown inthe figure. Now the same force Fis applied r from the right on m, Inthe two cases, respectively, the Tatio force of contact between the two blocks will be» a ee fl TTT (A) same (B12 ©2 () 13 22. A body of mass 8 kg is hanging another body of mass |2kg. The combination is being pulled by a sting wth an acceleration of 2.2 ms~. The tensions 7, and T, wll be, respectively (use g = 9.8 mis") (A) 2000, son (B) 220N, 90N (©) 240, 96N (D) 260 N, 96 N 23. A rope of mass 5 kg is moving vertically inthe vertical Position with an upward force of 100 N acting at the upper end and a downward force of 70 N acting a the lower end. The tension at mid-point ofthe rope is (A) l00N (8) 85N © 5N ©) 105 24, A particle of small mass m is joined t a very heavy body by a light string passing over alight pulley. Both bodies are free to move, The total downward force in the pulley is (A) mg (B) 2mg (©) 4mg i (D) cannot be ! determined 25. The pulley arrangements ‘shown in the figure are identical; the mass of the rope being negligible. In case I, the mass m is lifted by attaching a mass 2m ‘other end of the fope. In case Il, the is lifted by pulling the other end of the rope with constant downward force F = 2mg, where g is the acceleration due to gravity. The acceleration of mass in case Lis 26. n. 28, Fa2mg \ ye ae O am (A) zer0 (B) more than that in case II (©) less than that in case IT (D) equal to that in case Il Two masses M, and M, are attached to the ends of a light string which passes over a massless pulley attached to the top of a double inclined smooth plane of angles of inclination a and f. The tension in the M(sina)g M+M, M,(sin Bg (a) MasinBde OM, fe) M.My(sin8 +sina)g gq ne oO © M, +H, (D) zero Two masses are hanging vertically over frictionless Pulley. The acceleration ofthe two masses is Ay we) (mom) Olnamfe © eee Three equal weights 4, B, C of mass 2 kg each are hanging on a string passing over a fixed frictionless FIITJ€€ Limited Bhopal Centre Phone : 0755-4253355 , 4253455 www pulley as shown in the figure. The tension in the string 31, In the figure, a smooth pulley of negligibl connecting weights Band Cis suspended by a spring balances wee tring passin ‘une, ‘S kgare attached tothe opposite ends of of erie ‘and move with acceleration See - gravity, During the motion, the spring balance | weight of Ay . i (A) zero (B) 13 Newton (©) 33 Newton (D) 196 Newton .. In the arrangement shown in the figure, pulleys are massless and frictionless and threads are inextensible, (om The block of mass m, will remain at res if 8 5 (A) kg (B) less than 6 kg (C) more than 6 kg (D) may be more or less than 6 kg, 32, Both the blocks shown here are of mass m and are moving with constant velocity in direction shown in a resistive medium which exerts equal constant force on both blocks in direction opposite to the velocity. The Be Be tension inthe string connecting both of them will be (Neglect frition) al D ie a 30. Two objects A and B of masses m, and mare atached (A) mg (8) mg? by strings as shown in the figure. If they are given (C) mg/3 (0) mg/d upward acceleration, then the ratio of tension 7,:7, is 33. A monkey of mass 20 kg is holding a vertical rope. ‘ The rope can break when a mass of 25 kg is suspended (*) m, from it. What isthe maximum acceleration with which the monkey can climb up along the rope? Q (A) Ts? (8) 10ms? () ™, © Sms? (D) 25 ms? 34, Find the acceleration of 3 kg mass when the accele ration of 2 kg mass is 2 ms as shown in the figure. ia} worn bg 10N Qms?—> (A) (m, + myim, (8) (m,+m,Ym, FlITJ€€ Limited Bhopal Centre Phone : 0755-4253355 , 4253455 ie eae (A) 3 ms? © 05 ms? (B) 2ms? (0) zero 35. Inthe figure atthe free end, a force Fis applied to keep the suspended mass of 18 ky a rest. The value of is, Y 18kg (a) 180N (B) 90N (C) 60N (D) 30N 36. If the t in the cable supporting an elevator is ‘equal to the weight of the elevator, the elevator may be (2) going up with increasing speed (b) going down with increasing speed (© going up with uniform speed (@) going down with uniform speed (A) ad B) ab. Ocd () ab 37. As an inclined plane is made slowly horizontal by reducing the value of angle @ with horizontal, the component of weight parallel to the plane of a block resting on the inclined plane (A) decreases (B) remains same (©) increases (D) increases i the plane is smooth 38. A trolley is accelerating down an incline of angle with acceleration g sin 8. Which of the following is correct. (a is the constant angle made by the string with vertical.) (A) o=8 @B) a=0 J, 39, A blockofmassm resting ona wedge of angle Bas stn inthe figure. The wedge is given an acceleration a. Wha isthe minimum value ofa so thatthe ma55 falls freely? We (8) gcos 0 (©) geod (D) gtand Friction 40. A block is placed on a rough floor and a horizontal force F is applied on it. The force of friction fby the floor on the block is measured for different values of F and a graph is plotted between them, (2) The graphs a straight line of slope 45°. (b) The graph isa staight line parallel to the F-axis (©) The graphis a straight line of slope 45° for small F and a straight line parallel to the F-axis for large F (4) There is small kink on the graph. (A) od (B) ad © ab @)ac 41. Mark the correct statements about the friction between two bodies (a) Static friction is always greater than the kinetic fiction (b) Coefficient of static friction is always greater than the coefficient of kinetic friction. (©) Limiting friction is always greater than the kinetic fiction, (d) Limiting friction is never less than the static friction (A) bod Bare (©) aod (D) a,b,d 42. AA block 4 kept on an inclined surface just begins to slid if the inclination is 30°. The block is replaced by another block B and itis found that it just begins to ~ slide ifthe inclination is 40°, (A) Mass of A$ mass of B (B) Mass of A < mass of B (©) Mass of d = mass of B (D) Allthe three are possible === se L]mited Bhopal Centre Phone : 0755-4253355 , 4253455 www 43, Two cars of unequal masses use similar tyres. If they are, movingyat.the same initial speed, the minimum stopping distance (A) is smaller for the heavier car (B) is smaller for the lighter car (©) is same for both cars (D) depends on the volume ofthe ear 44, A monkey of mass m is climbing a rope hanging from the roof with acceleration a. The coefficient of static friction between the body of the monkey and the zope is tu. Find the direction andthe value of fiction force on the monkey. 4 lh. (A) Upward, F= mig +a) (B) Downward, m(g+a) (©) Upward, F= mg (D) Downward, F = mg 45. A body is placed on a rough inclined plane of inclination 0. As the angle @ is increased from 0° to 90°, the contact force between the block and the plane (A) remains constant (B) first remains constant thon decreases (©) first decreases then increases (D) first increases then decreases 46. A wooden block of mass m resting on a rough horizontal table (coefficiet of friction = jis pulled bya force Fas shown inthe gure. The acceleration of the block moving horizontally is F Fos BF sind M (8) (A) © F(eos6+psind)—ng (D) none ofthese 48. 49, 50, st ms28 itis just on the point of sliding down from the table, then the coefficient of friction between the table and the chain is. ay I Oa =) 1 (n=1) OG tet) A body of mass m moves witha velocity von a surface ‘whose friction coeficient is ju. If the body covers a distance , then v will be hias (A) y2ugs @) (© igs? ) Bugs ‘A block of mass 2 kg rests on a rough inclined plane making an angle of 30° with the horizontal. The coefficient of static friction between the block and the plane is 0.7. The frictional force on the block is (A) 0.7 x 98 Newton (B) 9.8 Newton (©) 0.7 x 9.83 Newton (D) 9.8 x J3 Newton ‘A box ‘4’ is lying on the’ horizonial floor of the compartment of a train running along horizontal rails from left to right. At time ‘it decelerate, Then the reaction R by the floor on the box is given best by (a) rae are for foor OR ©) A Oe Be Co oor For the equilibrium of a body on an inclined plane of inclination 43°, the coefficient of static friction will be (A) greater than one (B) less than one (©2210 = (D) lessthan zero. Starting from rest, a body slides down a 43" inclined plane in twice the time it takes to slide down the same: distance in the absence of friction. The coefficient of friction between te body and the inclined plane is TAITIEE Limited Bhopal Centre Phone : 07554253355 , 4253455, (A) 075 (B) 033 where mis a number greater than 0. The coefficient of © 025 (0) 0.80 friction is given by 1 $3. A block of mass M rests ona rough horizontal surface (A) r= tan ( a 4s shown inthe figure. Coefficient of friction between \ the block and the surface is A force F = Mg acting atan angle 6 with the vertical side ofthe block pulls it in which of the following cases the block can be pulled along the surface? (A) tan > (B) tan (6/2) > * $8. A block of mass 5 kg and surface area 2 m? just begins to (© cotd>e (D) cot (0/2) > slide down an inclined plane when the angle of inclination, is 30°, Keeping mass same, the surface area of the block ‘54. A block moves down a smooth inclined plane of is doubled. The angle at which this starts sliding down is inclination @. tt velocity on reaching the bottom is » If it slides down rough inclined plane of some ee Oe inclination, its velocity on reaching the bottom is w/n, © is (D) none of these JE Avanced (A) Newton's Law of Motion 2. Ifthe acceleration of Ais 2 mv/s*to left and the acceleration Single Correct of Bis I mV/s to left, then the acceleration of Cis 1, The pulleys in the diagram are all smooth and light. B = ‘The acceleration of is upwards and the acceleration of Cis f downwards. The acceleration of Bis (A) 1 mvs" upwards (B) 1 avs? downwards (©) 2m downwards (D) 2 mvs upwards c 3. If block has a velocity of 0.6 determine the velocity of block B. : 6. (A) 12.f—a) up ) 12(a + down © 12@+pup ©) 12@-fup ts to the right, (A) 1.8 mis in downward direction : +(B) 1.8 mis in upward direction fza€¢ Limited Bhopal Centre Phone : 0755-4253055,, 4259455 www fileebhopal com (C) 0.61n/s in downward diteetion (D) 0.6 ns in upward direction 4, Block B moves to the right wth a constant velocity v, The velocity of body A relative to Bis Ee, el Lee (A) “towards left 2 ae (8) “©, owards right 2 By, (c) a towards eft (D) 2 vars iat 5, Find the acceleration of C wrt. ground. (A) ai ~(Qa+26)j 8) ai-Qu+0)j (©) ai -(a+26)j () bf -(20+28)j 6, Find the acceleration of B. (A) {1S 1. A spherical ball of mass m = 5 kg rests between two planes which make angles of 30° and 45° respectively, ‘with the horizontal. The system isin equilibrium, Find the normal forces exerted on the ball by each of the planes. The planes are smooth. ” mM (A) My =9659N, N= 136.6 (B) Ny 9659 N, My = 136.68 (0) N,,=1366N, N,=96.56N (D) none of these Question No. 6 109 Inthe figure, the tension inthe diagonal string is 69 N Mle lll 4, Find the magnitude ofthe horizontal force F, and F, that must be applied to hold the system in the postion shown, 60. 20 wy ® a rea 7 rs o (c) = D) —=N OF OF 9, In the above questions, what is the weight of the suspended block? 60 40 (A) —=N B) = Oar eat 60 50 (C) =N (D) =N Oe "Ee 10, Objects 4 and B each of mass m are connected by light inextesible cord. They are constrained to move on a frictionless ring ina vertical plane as shown in the figure. “The objects are released fom rest a the positions shown. “The tension inthe cord just after release will FiITJ€€ Limited Bhopal Centre Phone : 0755-4253355 , 4253455 www 12, (A) meV? B) “8 (B) hn © (0) = ‘Two masses m and M are attached to the strings as shown in the figure. Ifthe system isin equilibrium, then 45} 2 (A) tang = 1424 (B) tnd =14-2" m © cord = 142M (D) cotd=14 2 m M AA flexible chain of weight IV hangs between two fixed points A and B which are atthe same horizontal evel The inclination of the chain with the horizontal at both the points of support is @. What is the tension of the ‘chain at the mid-point? y Ww (A) caseod (8) tano © cot (D) none of these Question No. 13 to 15 A particle of mass m is constrained to move on the x-axis, A force F acts on the particle. F always points towards the position labelled E. For example, when the particle is to the left of £, F points to the right. The magnitude of F is con- stant except at point E where itis zero, +ve The system is horizontal. Fis the net force acting on the par- ticle. The particle is displaced a distance A towards let from the equilibrium position & and released from rest at = 0. 13. What is the period of the motion? '2Am 2Am 2| [24m a 2 | e pal (©) None of these 14, Velocity-time graph of the particle is (A) 4] © w, ® | A A LZ Oy ()y Bo “he 1S. Find the minimum time it will take a) to reach from fe : 2 3 [mA =O) 2 fi @) [ce © 2 fi =1) (D) None of these FllTJ€€ Limited Bhopal Centre Phoné 1755-4253355 , 4253455 www 16. A constant force Fis applied in horizontal direction as shown in the figure. Contact force between Mand m is (O-; ©) ‘Nand between m and M' is N’, then MoM 21. Calculate the acceleration of block B in the below ra % figure, assuming the surfaces and the pulleys P, and P, m ee in\ are all smooth and pulleys and string are light. Smooth (A) Nor equal (B) Nov NN (D) cannot be determined Question No. 17 to 19 block of mass 1 kg is suspended by a string of mass | kg, Jength I mas shown inthe figure (g = 10 ms). Caleulate: tm 22, Inthe previous question, surface is replaced by block C ‘of mass m as shown in the figure. Find the acceleration of block B, . 17. The tension in the string at its lowest point. (A) 10N @) ISN (© 20N (0) 25N 18. The tension in the string at its mid-point. a yON USN @) a= ms (ey cen (© 2N ©) 25N 20m 2im 19, Force exerted by support on the string (Gye (Va (A) 10N (8) 15N Dam itm (© 20N )35N 23, In the arrangement shown in the figure, the block of 20, ‘Two blocks, each having masé M, rest on frictionless mass m = 2g les onthe wedge on mass M= 8 ke surfaces as shown in the figure. If the pulleys are light Find the initial acceleration of the wedge if the surfaces. and frictionless, and Af on the incline is allowed 10 are smooth and pulley and strings are massless. move down, then the tension inthe string will be (A) dug sind @) 3Mgsina FITTI€€ Limited Bhopal Centre Phone : 0755-4253355 , 4253455 www 27. Aman of mass 60 kg 1s standing i laced in, a 3, a 208 2 ‘on a weighing machine p) ed in. (a) a= mis (B)a=75,-ms aliftmoving with velocity ‘v’ and i acceleration ‘a’ as shown in the i © a= 22 aye ——_(D) None ofthese fare caleulate the reading of | EWE | B weighing machine in following \ situation: . 24, The block of 3 kg is initially in equilibrium and is (g = 10 m/s) hanging by two identical springs A and B as shown in v=0 figure. If spring A is cut from lower point at ¢ = 0, then. (B) 500N find the acceleration of block in ms" at =O. 7 (D) 700N i) a=0, Paes A B (A) 600 N. (B) S00N (© 450N (D) 700N a8 (ii a=0, - vs —2ms (A) 5 (8) 10 (A) 450N. (B) S00N (© 1s Mo (©) 600N, @) 700N 25, Two masses of 10 kg and 20 kg, respectively, are Ofer vie connected by a massless spring as shown in the igure. - (A) 600N oan A force of 200 N acts on the 20 kg mass at the instant (©) 450N (©) 720N when the 10 kg mass has an acceleration of 12 ms? () a= 2 mist v=0 towards right, the acceleration of the 20 kg mass is: (A) 600N (8) 480N 10Kg 2049 (©) 450N (©) 700N @— ww —O 200 N - (vi) a=2 mis, v=2ms (A) 2 ms? (B) 4ms? (A) 600N. ~ (B) 480N © 10ms? (©) 20ms? (©) 450 (©) 720N (vil) a=2 mis, v=—2m/s 26, Two blocks are connected by aspring. The combination (a) 600N (8) DON is suspended, at rest, from a string atached t0 the () 4gqyy i ceiling, as shown in the figure. The string breaks (©) 700N suddenly, Immediately after the string breaks, what is (vil) a= ~2 mist v= —2mis i ial eyo acceleration ofthe upper block of (A) 600N (®) 480N mass 2m © 7 (C) 4S0N (D) 700N 28, What will be the reading of spring 2 y 2m balance in the figure shown in f 1 following situations. (g = 10 m/s") ( a=0, v=0 - (A) 100N (8) 80N m (© 120N (©) 150N (Ayo (B) 3g/2 (ii) a=0, v=2ms Ox ©) % (A) 100, (8) 80N 1755-4253355 , 4253455 (© 20N (0) 150N. Gila =0, v=—2 mis (A) 100N (6)80N (©) 120N (D) 150N (iv) a=2 ms, v=0 (A) 100N (B) 80N (©) 20N (0) 150 (VY) a=-2 mis, v=0 (A) 100N (B) 80N (©) 120N (D) 150N (vi) a=2mis, v=2ms (A) 100N (B) 80N (©) 120N (D) ISON (vii) a=2 mis, v=-2ms (A) 100N (8) 80N (© 20N (D) ISON (viii) a= -2 m/s’, -2 ms (A) 100N @) 80N (©) 120N (@) 150N Question No. 29 to 31 ‘An object of mass 2 kg is placed at rest in a frame (S,) moving with velocity 107 +57 m/s and having acoglera- tion 5? +10) m/s?. The object is also seen by an observer standing in a frame (S,) moving with velocity Si+10) m/s. 29, Calculate ‘Pseudo force’ acting on object. Which frame is responsible fortis force? (A) F=-l07-207 due to acceleration of frame S, i — 20) due to acceleration of frame S, (B) F= (©) F =-10i -30] due to acceleration of frame S, (D) None of these 30, Caleulate net force acting on object with respect to S, frame. ut. 32. 3. (A) F= 201 420), wari 6 OD © F=5i+20) oy Calculate net force acting om object with ergs of 8, frame. (A) 0 (2 (Bt (0) None of these In the following figure, the reading of the spring balanced wil be ( = 10 rns!) mle | a | | (8) 40N (D) 706% (A) SON (©) ON ‘A pendulum of mass m hangs from 2 support fred to attolley. The dicection of te string when the tolley rolls up of plane of inclination o with accelerati a, is (String and bob remain fined with resgect to trolley.) (AO =un'o — @) al z a+ 9 sina 0-10 gona) | oem | 4, FITA€€ Limited Bhopal Centre Phone : 0755-4250955 , 4252455 wan fitiesbhagal co Multiple Correct 34. A student calculates the acceleration of m, inthe figure = LAME rich assumption is not = required to do this calculation? ALLL LLL shown as a, Orbe (A) pulley is frictionless (B) string is massless (©) pulley ismassless _(D) stringis inextensible 35. Which graph shows best the velocity-time graph for ‘an object launched vertically into the air when air Tesistance is given by |D| = bv?The dashed line shows the velocity graph ifthere were no air resistance By 36. Two men of unequal masses hold onto the two sections of a light rope passing over a smooth light pulley. Which of the following are possible? Y (A) The lighter man is ‘stationary while the heavier ‘man slides with some acceleration, : (B) The heavier man is stationary while the lighter ‘man climbs with some acceleration (©) The two men slide with the same acceler the same direction, \ (D) The two men move with accelerations ofthe sy magnitude in opposite directions 37, The fllowing figure shows a force of 40 N acting at 30° to the horizontal on a body of mass 5 kg resting ‘on a smooth horizontal surface. Assuming that the 2 acceleration of free-fall is 10 ms, which of the following statements 4, B, C, D, Eis are) correct? 40N a SEE 1. The horizontal force acting on the body is 20 N. 2. The weight of the 5 kg mass acts vertically downwards 3. The net vertical force acting on the body is 30 N. 123 (8) 1,2 (© 2ouiy ©) Lonly 38. For ordinary terrestrial experiments, which of the following observers below are inertial? (A) A child revolving in a “giant whee! (8) A iver in a sports car moving with a constant high speed of 200 kavh on straight road. (C) The pilot ofan aeroplane which is taking off (D) A cyclist negotiating a sharp turn, 439. In the system shown inthe figure, m, > m,. System is held. rest by thread BC. Just after the thread B burnt, LULL ULL (A) acceleration of m, will be upwards (B) magnitude of acceleration of both blocks will be equal to [ (©) acceleration of m, will be equal to zeto (D) magnitude of acceleration of two blocks will be ‘non-zero and unequal im + 41. 42. A particle is resting on a smooth horizontal floor. At 0, ahorizontal force starts acting on it. Magnitude ~ of the force increases with time according to law F=aalt, where constant, For the following figure, which of the following statements is/are correct? y 2 ° (A) Curve 1 shows acceleration against time (B) Curve 2 shows velocity against time (©) Curve 2 shows velocity against acceleration (D) None of these ‘Two blocks A and B of equal mass m are connected through a massless string and arranged as shown in the figure. Friction is absent everywhere. When the system is released from rest, m (A) tension in strings (B) tension in string is“ (©) acceleration of dis g/2 3 (D) acceleration of dis 7s Figure shows the displacement of a particle going along the x-axis as a function of time: y (A) The force acting on the particle is zero in the region AB. (B) The force acting on the particle is zero in the region BC. (©) The force acting on the particle is zero in the region CD. (D) The force is zero nowhere. 43, A force of magnitude F, acts on a particle so as to gecelerate it from rest to a velocity v. The force F is then replaced oy another force of magnitude F, which decelerates it to ret. (A) F, must be equal to F, (B) Fy may be equal oF, (©) F; must be unequal oF (D) None of these 44 In the figure, blocks A, B and C of mass m each have acceleration a,, a, and a, respectively. F, and Fr, are external forces of magnitudes 2mg and mg respectively, MW yu F=2mg A = @) a,> 4,4, ) a> a> 4, (A) =a, =4, © a,=0,4,>4, 45. A rope is stretched between two boats at rest. A sailor in the first boat pulls the rope with a constant force of 100 N. First boat with the sailor has a mass of 250 ke, whereas mass of the second boat is double of that mass. If the initial distance between the boats was 100 m, the time taken for two boats to mee each other (B) 183s (D) 318s (A) 1385 (© 318s “aariae Limited Bhopal Centre Phone : 075! 5-4253355 , 4253455 www NA 46, A chain of length ¢ is placed on a smooth spherical surface of radius r with one of its ends fixed-et-the top of the surface. Length of chain is assumed to be t< = ‘Acceleration of each element of chain when upper end is released is ‘e( oi! (8) af -exst| r i ¢ ) {1s 41. Five persons A,B, C,D and £ are pulling a cart of mass 100 kg on a smooth surface and cart is moving with acceleration 3 mvs? in the east direction. When person ‘A’ stops pulling, it moves with acceleration 1 mis? in the west direction. When person ‘B’ stops pulling, it moves with acceleration 24 m/s? in the north direction. ‘The magnitude of acceleration of the cart when only A ‘and B pull the cart keeping their directions same as the old directions, is (A) 26 mis? (B) itm? © 5m (0) 30m (8) Friction Single Correct 48, Find the direction of frictional forces on each block and the ground. (Assume all surfaces are rough and all velocities are with respect to ground.) & Lams © 0 bats co jam 2 B.-L sms sei a 1 49. In the following figure, find the direction of friction g’ the blocks and ground, ce eg = 6mis+ 8 an 50. A force F =i +4) acts on the block shown. The force of friction acting on the block is y a) =i © 241 @) -3i 51. If force F is increasing with time and at = 0, 0 ‘where wil slipping first stat? rams = 05 2 = p= 05 w=04 (A) Between 3 kg and 2 kg (B) Between 2 kg and | kg (C) Between 1 kg and ground (D) Both (A) and (B) 52. In the arrangement shown in the figure, masses of the blocks B and A is 2m and m, respectively. Surface between block B and the floor is smooth. Block B is connected to block C by means of a string pulley system, Ifthe whole system is released, then find the minimum value of mass of block C so that block 4 remains stationary wat. B-The coefficient of fiction + between A and B is 5 wow ‘FUTIEE Limited Bhopal Centre Phone (0755-4253355 . 4253455 lec as z os oo al etl 53. Two masses 4 and B of 10 kg and 5 kg, respectively, are connected with a string passing over a frictionless pulley fixed at the comer of a table as shown in the figure. The coefficient of friction of with the table is (0.2. The minimum mass of C that may be placed oa 4 to prevent it from moving is equal t0 (a) ISkg ®) l0kg © Skz ©) 220 54. If the coefficient of fiction between an insect and bowl is and the radius ofthe bow! is. the maximum, height to which the insect can crawl in the bow is ma @ rise -1 ars hen © Nite 55. With what minimum velocity should block be reaches the otfier end B of conveyer belt moving with constant velocity v? The fiction coeficient between the block and the belts p. projected from left end A towards end B such that it. (A) ast @ Peet © Gust ®) 2uel [A block of mass m lying on a rough horizontal plane is acted upon by 8 horizontal force P and another force inclined at an angle @ to the vertical. The minimum value of coefficient of frition between the bloc and the surface for which the block will remain in equilibeium is Poosb+0 mg —Qsind Psin@-Q mg Qeasd ‘A small ‘mass slides down an inclined plane of inclination ® with the horizoatal. The coefficient of fiction is x = mx, where x is the distance through which the mass slides down and ma constant. Then the distance covered by the mass before it stops is @) *une * © +une as In the above question, the speed of the mass whea travelled half the maximum distance is ay _[eesnbsind fetandsiné a & oi ly aie (D) none ofthese 8a © ‘ariieé Limited Bhopal Centre Phone = 0755-4253355 , 4253455 www 59. A body is moving dow a long inclined plane of slope 37°. The coefficient of friction between the body and the plane varies as p= O.3x, where x is the distance travelled dovinthe plane. The body will have maximum speed (sin 37° = 3 and g = 10 m/s’) (A) atx= 116m (B) atr=2m (© atthe botomofplane (D) atx=25m 60. Block B of mass 100 kg rests on a rough surface of friction coefficient je = 1/3. A rope is tied to block B as shown in the following figure. The maximum acceleration with which boy of 25 kg ean climb on the rope without making the block to move is. wale ks took 4, 8 A 25h9 ua a & Ory (Oe g 3g © 2 Or 61. Two blocks of masses m, and m, are connected with a massless unstretched spring and placed over a plank ‘moving with an acceleration ‘a’ as shown in the Figure. ‘The coefficient of friction between the blocks and the platform is Se (A) Spring willbe stretched if a > mg. (B) Spring will be compressed if a < mg. (C) Spring will neitherbe compressed nor be stretched fora < mg. (D) Spring will be in its natural length under all conditions. 62, A block placed ona rough inclined plane of inclination {= 30°) can just be pushed upwards by-applying __ force ‘F as shown in thé figure. If the. angle of ‘inclination of the inclined plane is increased to ( 60"), the same block can just be prevented from siding down by application of a force of same magnitude, ‘The coefficient of friction between the block and the! inclined plane is oe (D) none of these 6. A fixed wedge with both surface is inclined at 45° to the horizontal as shown in the figure. A particle P of mass m is held on the smooth plane by a light string ‘which passes over a smooth pulley 4 and attached toa particle Q of mass 3m which rests on the rough plane, The system is released from rest. Given thatthe akt, x] acceleration of each particle is of magnitude then 45" Fined 45) Pxeiaraed AST (a) the tension inthe string is: bmg. n ay 8 (8) ng Ou ms © Oy () In the above question, the coefficient of friction between dh rough planes Aer 1 ) Sear oes 3 2 OF > fFlts€€ Limited Bhopal Centre Phone : 0755-4253365 , 4253455 ee (©) Inthe above question, the magnitude and direction ofthe force exerted by the string on the pulley is: (A) 78 donnvard (B) SME pwned © Tp dovmvard 0) TE downward 64. A force F = ris applied to block 4 as shown in the figure. ‘The force is applied at = 0's when the system is at rest and the string is jut straight without tension. Which of the following graphs give the friction force between B and the horizontal surface asa function of time *? For Question No. 65. to 69, Refer Given Figure 665. When F = 2N, the frictional force between 5 kg block and ground is 1019 [OF w=04 5k (A) 2N @o (9.8N (©) 10N (66, When F = 2 N, the frictional force between 10 kg. * block and’ kg block is (A) 2N (©) 10N @) ISN (D) none ofthese 67. ‘The maximum “F” which will not cause motion of any of the blocks is (a) 10N (C) data insufficient (B) ISN (D) none of these 68. The maximum acceleration of 5 kg block is (A) tis? (8) 3 mist @o (D) none of these 69, The acceleration of 10 kg block when F = 30 Nis (A) 2mist (8) 3m (© ims (D) none ofthese 70. A truck starting from rest moves with an acceleration ‘of Svs for 1 sand then moves with constant velocity. ‘The velocity w.rt. ground versus time graph for block in truck is (Assume that block does not fall off the truck) (A) © 71. A board is balanced on a rough horizontal. semi- circular log. Equilibrium is obtained with the help of addition of a weight to one of the ends of the board when the board makes an angle @ with the horizontal Coefficient of friction between the log and the board is 7mrse4 Limited Bhopal Contre Phone | 0755-4253355 , 4253455 www (A) tan cue (B) cos 8 ©) sind ‘72. A stationary body of mass m is slowly lowered onto a massive platform of mass M (M >> m) moving at a speed ¥,=4 misas shown inthe figure. How far will the body side along the platform (= 0.2 and g = 10 ms)? a 1 v=4ms (A) 4m @) 6m © 2m (0) 8m Multiple Correct 73. A block of mass 25 kg is kept on a rough horizontal surface. Itis found that the block does not slide if a horizontal force less than 15 N is applied to it. Also itis found that it takes 5 o slide throughout the frst 10 m if a horizontal free of 15 N is applied andthe block is Bently pushed to start the motion. Taking g = 10 mis, then (A) n, (8) 4,=052 On (©) 4,=052 14. The coefiicient of friction between 4 ky and 5 kg blocks is 0.2 and between 5 kg block and ground is 0.1, respectively. Choose the correct statements, ol 4a af sks lor (A) Minimum force needed to cause system to move is 17N. (B) When force is 4N static tiction at all surfaces is 4N to keep system at rest. (©) Maximum acceleration of 4 kg block is 2m’. (D) Slipping between 4 kg and 5 kg blocks start when Fis17N. 75. Ina tug-of-war contest, two men pull ona horizontal rop from opposite sides, The winner will be the man who (A) exerts greater force on the rope {B) exerts greater force onthe ground (©) exerts a force on the rope which is greater than the tension in the rope (D) makes a smaller angle with the vertical 716. A man pulls a block heavier than himself wit a gy: horizontal rope. The coefficient of fiction isthe same between the man and the ground, and between the block and the ground. 7 (A) The block will not move unless the man also moves. (B) The man can move even when. the block is stationary. (C) Ifboth move, the acceleration ofthe man is greater than the acceleration of the black. (D) None of the above assertions is correct Question No. 77 to 78 Inthe figure, two blocks IM and m are ted together with an inextensible and light string. The mass Mis placed on a ‘ough horizontal surface with coefficient of fiction sand the mass m is hanging vertically against a smooth vertical wall The pulley is frictionless. i Rough) ‘Smoot 71. Choose the corret statements) (A) The system will accelerate for any vahie of m. (B) The system will accelerate only when m > M. (C) The system will accelerate only when m > jf, (D) Nothing canbe said 78. Choose the correct statement(s) related to the tension Tin the sting. (A) When m < uM, 7= mg (8) When m < pM, T= Mg (©)Whenim > uM, ug pM, mg ‘At what value of m, will 8 kg mass be at rest. ay 201N N Bho ma) fr) 5kg m= 4g m,=1 kg 12, The 40 kg block is moving to the right with a speed of 1.5 mV/s when it is acted upon by forces F, and F,. 8, What force must man exert on rope to keep platform in These forces vary in the manner shown in the graph. equilibrium? Find the velocity of the block after ¢ = 12 s. Neglect friction and masses ofthe pulleys and cords. AN) Man 50 kg ator, 40 ko 9. Inclined plane is moved towards right with an acceleration of 5 ms-? as shown in the figure, Find Soe eee aaa exerts on 13, The vertical displacement of block 4 in metre is So ee cs ae given by y = 8/4 where is in seconds. Calculate the downward acceleration aB of block B. & aes i ~ ‘Simis!—» 10, Find force in Newton in which mass 4 exerts on mass " Bi€B is moving towards right with 3 ms". Also find 4 ‘mass of A (All surfaces are smooth.) 14, An object of mass m is suspended in 4 equilibrium using a string of length and 2 spring having spring constant K (<2 mg! and unstretched length 12. ~~ (A) Find the tension in the string. 11, Force F is applied on upper pulley. If F = 301 where ¢ on istime in seconds. Find the time when m, loses contact (8) What happens if > 2-me/? with floor. fiITJE€ Limited Bhopal Centre Phono : 0755-4253355 , 4253455 15, Three monkeys 4, Band C with masses of 10, 15 and 8 kg respectively, are climbing up and down the rope suspended from D. At the instant represented, 4 is descending ‘he rope with an acceleration of 2 m/s'and Cispplling himself up withan acceleration of 1.5 m/s. Monkey B is climbing up with 2 constant speed of 0.8 mvs. Treat the rope and monkeys as 2 complete system and calculate the tension T in the rope at D. (g 10 m/s) 16. A person of mass m is standing on a platform of mass ‘M and wants to mise this platform, Massless pulleys are configured in two different ways as shown in the figure. We would like to know which configuration makes it easier to raise the plitform? Answer the following questions in terms of m, M, a and constant 4 appropriate. (Assume the rope is also massless and does not stretch.) im & Fig.1 Fig.2 (A) For configuration (1), find the force, F, the person ‘must exert straight up in order to accelerate the platform + person system with an acceleration a. Include a free-body diagram in your solution (B) What force does the platform exert on the person when the acceleration of the. ‘system is a? Include a free-body diagram in your solution, (© If platform is massless, Mf = 0, and he wants to taise it witha constant velocity, find F. Does this configuration offer a mechanical advantage? (i., IsF he advantage? (ie, Is F 2 (7 2m, Initially, the system sin equilibrium and Ef string connecting m, to sigid support below is (=) - cut. Find the initial acceleration of m, ei @ 6. The system shown adjacent “is in equilibrium. Find the acceleration of the “4 blocks A, B and Call ofequal masses mat Zk the instant when a (Assume springs to be ideal) cle (A) ‘The spring between ceiling and 4 is [2] cut. 2 (B) The string (inextensible) between gk Aand Bis cut. & fel (©) The spring between B and Cis cut. {Also find the tension in the string when the system is 2t rest and in the above three cases. 7. In the system shown, find the initial acceleration of the wedge of mass 5M. The su pulleys are ideal and the cords 2M are inextensible (there is no friction anywhere). 8. A smooth right circular cone of semi-vertical angle c = tan-1(5/12) is at rest on horizontal plane. A mubbex ring of mass 2.5 kg which requires a force of 15.N for ‘an extension of 10 cm is placed on the cone. Find the increase in the radius of the ring in equilibrium % ‘A block of mass m lies on wedge of mass Mas shown in the figure. Answer the following parts separately. (a) With what minimum acceleration must the wedge be moved towards right horizontally so that a block m falls freely, (B) Find the minimum ftiction coeficient required between wedge M and ground so that it does not ‘move while block m slips down on it. 10. A carbegins to move a time ¢=0 and then accelerates, along a straight track with a speed given by Mi) = 28 ms" for 0 < ¢ <2. After the end of accoleration, the car continues to move ata constant speed. A small block initially at rest on the floor of the car begins to slip at ¢= 1 and stops slipping at r= 3 s. Find the coefficient of static and kinetic friction between the block and the floor. |. Inthe figure shown, (A) For what maximum value of force F can al these blocks move together? (B) Find the value of force F at which sliding stats at other rough surfaces, 10 / aT asta see (C) Find acceleration of all blocks, nature and value of friction force of force F = 18.N. Previous Year Questions JEE Main 1. Oneend of massless rope, which passes overa massless and frictionless pulley P is tied to a hook C while the ‘other end is fre. The maximum tension that the rope cean bear is 360 N. With what value of maximum safe acceleration (in ms) can a man of 60 kg climb down the rope? [AIEEE 2002] (a) 16 6 @4 (D) 80 . Three identical blocks of masses m = 2 kg are drawn by a force F = 10:2 N with an acceleration of 0.6 ms" on a fiictionless surface, then what is the tension (ni) in the string between thatblocks Band C? [AIEEE 2002] (a) 92 4 () 98 . A light string passing over a smooth light pulley Connects two blocks of masses m, and m, (vertically), Ifthe acceleration ofthe system is g/, then the ratio of the masses is [AIEEE 2002] (A) 8:1 (8) 97 (©) 43 (D) 53. When forces F, ,, are acting on a particle of mass im such that F, and F, are mutually perpendicular, then the particle remairs stationary. Ifthe force now removed, then the acceleration of the particle is [AIEEE 2002] Lis Hua a) 2 er - ‘aTT€€ Limited Bhopal Centre Phone : 0755-4253355 , 4253455 oe , m 5, A rocket with a if-off mass 3.5 x 10! kg is blasted upwards wit an initial acceleration of 10 ms? Then ‘the initial thrust of the blast is [ALBEE 2003] (A) 35x 10N (B) 10x 10N (© 140 10°N (D) 1.15 x 10-N 6 A fight spring balance hangs from the hook of the ther light spring balance and a block of mass M Kg hangs from the former one. Then the true statement about the scale reading is [AIBEE 2003) (A) Both the scales read M kg each {B) The scale ofthe lower one reads M kg and ofthe ‘upper one 2er0 (©) The reading of the two scales can be anything but the sum of the readings will be M kg (D) Both the scales read M/2 ke 1. A block of mass M is pulled along a horizontal fictionless surface by a rope of mass m. Ifa force P is applied a the fre end of the rope, the foree exerted by the rope on the block is [AIEEE 2003] Pm Po (A) CO rae @) in PM. (C) P D) ——— i) ©) atm ‘A marble block of mass 2 kg lying on ice when given a velocity of 6 ms~"is stopped by friction in 10 s. Then the coeflicient of friction is {ATEEE 2003] (a) 002 (B) 0.03 (© 0.06 (D) 0.01 9, A horizontal foree of 10 N is necessary to just hold 1 block stationary against a wall. The coeflicient of friction between the block and the wall is 0.2. The weight ofthe block is [AIEEE 2003] F ent (A) 20N (B) SON (©) 100N @) 2N fing si sly on a particle 5 start acting simultaneous is cee valk 7. These forces are cee moving Wi el by the three si nitude and direction by tN aaa MBC (as shown) The particle ees pe with velocity t 6 A 8 (A) less than ¥ (B) ercaterthan ¥ (©) | inthe direction of largest force BC (D) 9, remaining unchanged 11. A spring balance is attached to the cxling of a lift ~ A man hangs his bag on the spring and the spring reads 49 N, when the liftis stationary. Ifthe lift moves downwards with an acceleration of S ms", the reading of the spring balance will be [AIEEE 2003] (A) 24N (8) 74N © 15N (D) 49N 12. A blockirests on a rough inclined plane making an angle of 30° with the horizontal. The coefficient of static friction between the block and the plane is 0.8. Ifthe frictional force on the block is 101N, the mass of the block (in kg) is (g= 10 m/s?) [ALEEE 2004] (a) 20 (B) 40 © 16 (D) 25 13, Two masses m, = 5kg and m, = 4.8 kg tied toastring are hanging over a ight frictionless pulley. What isthe acceleration of the masses when lft is free to move? (@=98 ms") [AIEEE 2004] [___imiee Limited Bhopat Ge 'd Bhopal Centre Phone : 0755-4253355 , 4253455 www. (A) 0.2ms? (©) Sms? (B) 9.8 ms? (D) 4.8 ms* 14, A machine gun fires a bullet of mass 40 g with a velocity 1200 ms-!. The man holding it, can exert a maximum force of 144 N on the gun, How many bullets can he fire per second at the most? {AIEEE 2004) (a) (B) 4 ©2 (D) 3 15, The upper half of an inclined plane with inclination ¢ is perfectly smooth, while the lower half is rough. A body starting from rest at the top will again come to rest at the bottom, if the coefficient of friction for the lower half is given by [AIEEE 2005} (A) 2sing (B) 2cos g (© tang (D) ung 16. A smooth block is released at rest on a 45° incline and then slides a distances d. The time taken to slide is n times as much to slide on.rough incline than ‘on a smooth incline, The coefficient of friction is [AIEEE 2005] A) Ou, 17. A particle of mass 0.3 kg is subjected to a force F = =k with k = 15 Nmv', What will be its initial ‘acceleration, if it is released from a point away from the origin? [AIEEE 2005] (A) 3ms? (B) 15 ms* (C) Sms (D) 10. ms 18. Consider a car moving on a straight road with a speed of 100 ms~!, The distance at which car can be stopped, is (4, =05] i [AIEEE 2005} (A) 800m (B) 1000 m (© 100m () 400m 19. A block is kept on a frictionless inclined surface with angle of inclination a. The incline is given an acceleration a to keep the block stationary. Then a is equal to [ATEEE 2005] 22, 4 ny) & (B) goosec a tana Os (D) gana |. A ball of mass 0.2 ke is thrown vertically upwards by applying a force by hand. Ifthe hand moves 0.2m while applying the force and the ball gocs upto 2 m height further, find the magnitude of the force. Consider g — 10 mis’ [AIEEE 2006) (A) 4N (B) 16N (© 20N (D) 22N |. A mass of M kg is suspended by 2 weightless string The horizontal force that is required to displace jx until the string makes an angle of 45° with the initial vertical direction is {AIEEE 2006) (A) Me(v2+1) (8) Me Me Mg(J2 -1) © WH (D) Mg! ‘A block of mass m is connected to another block of mass M by a spring (massless) of spring constant k The blocks are kept on a smooth horizontal plane. Initially the blocks are at rest and the spring is unstreched. The, a constant force F stars acting on the block of mass ‘M to pull it. Find the force on the block of mass m, [AIEEE 2007) mE (M+m)F (A) a (B) ae mF MF © Gem) oan) |. Two fixed frictionless inclined planes miaking an angle 30° and 60° with the vertical are shown-in the figure. Two blocks A and B are placed on the two planes. What is the relative vertical acceleration of 4 with respect to B? AIEEE 2010) j Firjee Limited Bhooal Centre Phone . 0755-4253355 , 4253455 (© Zero (D) 4.9 msn vertical direction red to start pushing 2 body 2. Two blocks A and B masses 2m and m, respectively, are connected by a massless and inextensible string. The whole system is suspended by a massless spring as shown in the figure. The magnitudes of acceleration of 4 and B, immediately after the string is cut, are respectively. (JEE 2006] 2m|A m8 i (A) 88 B) g,g2 -- © gg ©) g/2, 8/2 3. A circular dise with a groove along its diameter is Placed horizontally. A block of mass 1 kg is placed as 24, The minimum force required t0 up 4 rough ((rctional coefficient 4) inclined plane is F, while the minimum force needed to prevent it fiom sliding down is F, Ifthe inclined plane makes an angle @ from the horizontal such tan®=2y., then the stig la {AIEEE 2011] x a4 @)1 (B) 9.8 ms~ in vertical direction ©2 @)3 JEE Advanced 1. Two blocks A and B of equal masses are released from shown. The coefficient of friction between the block an inclined plane of inclination 45° at = 0. Both the and all susfaces of groove in contact is = 2/5. The disc blocks are initially at rest. The coefficient of kientic hhas an acceleration of 25 m/s*. Find the acceleration of friction between block A and the inclined plane is 0.2 the block with respect to disc. SEE 2006] while itis 0.3 for block B. Initially, block 4 is V2 m behind the block B. When and where their front faces will come in line. (Take g = 10 m/s") (a= 25 mis? sin 4. Two particles of mass m each are tied at the ends of a light string of length 2a. The whole system is kept on a frictionless horizontal surface with the ‘string held tight so that each mass is at a distance ‘a’ from the centre P (as shown inthe figure). Now, the mid-point of the string is pulled vertically upwards with a small but constant force PAS a result, the particles move towards each other on the surfaces. The magnitude of acceleration, when the separation between them becomesx, is [JEE2007] iB {______FllT€¢ Limited Bhopal Centre Phone : 0755-4253355 . 4253455 www fitjeebhopalicom Mm »

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