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Grade: 90

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Nov 30, 2022 10:05 am

Course: World History (HIS401)
Item: Chapter Sixteen Test (Item ID #27550 Quarter 2)

Chapter 16 Test If points are taken off and there are no other notes,
that means significant historical details are missing
Spain Becomes a Great Power from your answer. Highlighted portions are incorrect.

Student: This is not an open book test. Please make sure that your answers to these questions are
from the textbook and/or from the lesson plans. While we support and appreciate any further
research you may have done in books or on the Internet, answer keys are provided for parent-
graders and Seton-graders based on the textbook and lesson plans. Internet copying will receive a
zero. Thank you for your cooperation.


Choose the correct answer. There is one, and only one, for each. (3 points each)

1. Over which kingdom of Spain did King Alfonso II rule in 794?

a) Estremadura.
b) Campostella.
c) Asturias.
d) Madrid.
e) Lisbon.

2. Alfonso II was known as:

a) "the Weak."
b) "the Chaste."
c) "The Great."
d) "The Fat."
e) "The Pious."

3. In 825 the Spanish discovered the bones of the Apostle:

a) St. Matthew.
b) St. John.
c) St. James.
d) St. Peter.
e) St. Jude.
4. El Cid was exiled from Castile because:

a) He laid siege to the city of Oviedo.

b) The king was jealous of his ability, and the respect he received.
c) He was uniting the other nobles to overthrow the king.
d) Both a and b.
e) Both a and c.

5. In 1086 Moslems from Africa invaded Spain, landing in:

a) Lisbon.
b) Valencia.
c) Castile.
d) Leon.
e) Gibraltar.

6. After being recalled from exile, El Cid occupied the city of:

a) Valencia.
b) Leon.
c) Sagrajas.
d) Santiago.
e) Lisbon.

7. El Cid defended this city from Muslim attack in 1094, in the decisive battle of:

a) Al-Qadir.
b) Cuarte.
c) Valencia.
d) Sagrajas.
e) Valladolid.

8. So that all parts of Spain could communicate with each other, the Castillian kings:

a) Developed a secret code known only to the Spanish nobles.

b) Established the first "pony express" system in the western world.
c) Formed alliances with the weaker Moslem leaders in the central parts of Spain.
d) Took control of the headwaters of major rivers and the roads beside them.
e) Outlawed any language on official documents except Castilian Spanish.
9. The noblemen of Castile preferred Isabel's half-brother Henry to rule instead of her because:

a) She was a woman, and therefore was technically not allowed to rule Castile.
b) They suspected her of acting against the interests of her husband.
c) Her mother was French, giving France an excuse to claim Castile as its own.
d) They feared she would try to stop their abuses of power, which her half-brother
e) The Castilian nobles were supported by the local Jewish communities, and Isabel was anti-

10. The first challenge faced by Ferdinand and Isabel after their marriage was:

a) Massive desertions from the army.

b) An attempt by Isabel's half-brother Henry to have the marriage annulled.
c) A rebellion on Aragon, forcing Ferdinand to return home.
d) A Portuguese attack led by Alfonso the Fat.
e) None of the above.

11. The Reconquista was finally completed under Isabel and Ferdinand with the capture of the city

a) Boabdil.
b) Segovia.
c) Valladolid.
d) Cordoba.
e) Granada.

12. Isabel reformed the Church in Spain by:

a) Raising the educational and moral standards of the clergy.

b) Riding around the country and holding state trials of clergymen accused of abuse.
c) Halting the practice of selling indulgences.
d) Both a and b.
e) Both a and c.

13. Which of the following was NOT a result of the Spanish Inquisition?

a) Spain did not suffer the religious wars which came when Protestantism began in other
b) The Inquisition helped Spain avoid the witchcraft hysteria by finding charges of witchcraft
c) Spain became a homogeneous culture since all non-Spanish were deported.
d) Spain was finally united religiously and politically.
e) The Golden Age of Spain began.

14. Why did Christopher Columbus sail west to reach the Indies?

a) He thought the earth to be smaller than it actually was, so he expected a shorter journey.
b) He was motivated to prove to the educated men of Europe that the earth was round.
-3 c) He had received a vision from St. Brendan, who told him there was land in that direction.
d) A Chinese sailor told him there was a "strange land" to the west of Spain.
e) Studying the maps of Bartolomeo Diaz convinced him that he would find the
Indies to the west.

15. Which of the following is NOT a name of one of Columbus' ships?

a) Santa Maria.
b) La Reina Catolica.
c) Nina.
d) Pinta.
e) None of the above; these are all names of his ships.


In one or two detailed sentences each, describe/define the persons or ideas below. Be sure to
address their greatest significance to the events discussed in the chapter. (5 points each)

1. Reconquista

-2 The Reconquista was an effort to the rewinning of Spain which took 770 years.

2. Yusuf ibn-Tashfin
Yusuf ibn-Tashfin is an African leader who landed in Gibraltar. These
Africans represented the greatest threat to the Christian Spain.

3. King St. Ferdinand of Castile

King St. Ferdinand of Castile was a hero of the Reconquista and ruled as a

Christian king. He established monasteries and convents throughout his


4. Santa Hermandad

The Santa Hermandad was the local police force that dealt with bandits and
-1 also appointed local government officials to preserve order.

5. Tomas de Torquemada

Tomas de Torquemada is a Dominican monk who is the head of the Inquisition

and reformed the procedure of the Inquisition so that justice would be



Answer the following. Be sure you answer every part of every question. (6 points each)

1. Describe the battle of Las Navas de Tolosa. What were the results?

The battle of Las Navas de Tolosa was the battle of the largest Spanish Christian

-1 army against the largest Moslem army. They were able to defeat the best troops

that the Moslems had and the quality of the Moorish army declined.
2. Briefly tell the story of the difficulties and successes leading to the marriage of Isabel of Castile
and Ferdinand of Aragon.

Isabel of Castile was determined that she would marry Ferdinand of Aragon
but her enemies tried to prevent that by trying to kidnap her. Isabel
-2 wrote a desperate letter to Ferdinand that he should come. On October 18

they were married.

3. What was the Inquisition? What problem led to Isabel choosing an Inquisition as the means to
help the Spanish?

The Inquisition was a way in which a court would examine evidence and
judge if that person was a faithful Christian or an enemy. When many Jews
and Moors who had been baptized Catholics, and had risen to high positions
in the Church without believing in Christian doctrine were threatening the

Church. This led to Isabel on choosing the Inquisition.

4. List one common attack against the actions of the Spanish Inquisition, and the proper
refutation(s) of that attack according to the text.

One common attack was that the Inquisition's judgments led to the
execution of hte guilty. However, those found guilty are given a chance to
repent. Only if they refused to repent were executed.

5. Name at least two reasons why Prince Henry the Navigator wanted to discover a sea route to
India. Who finally made the first successful voyage, and when did he make it?

Prince Henry the Navigator wanted to discover a sea route to India as

those areas were the sources of the spices which were necessary to

preserve food. He was also motivated to convert any pagan people who would
be found in newly found land. One person who made the first successful
voyage was Vasco da Gama who reached India by sailing round Africa. He
made it in 1498.

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