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Prehistoric human settlement in Bengal .

▪ Prehistoric human settlements dating back to the Mesolithic period

have been revealed in Bengal, which is located in present-day eastern
India and Bangladesh (around 10,000 BCE). These settlements were
typically small, temporary camps near water and food sources, such as
rivers and wetlands. The people who lived in these settlements were
most likely hunter-gatherers who subsisted on fishing, hunting, and
gathering wild plants.
▪ Settlements in Bengal began to become more permanent and organized
during the Neolithic period (around 4,000 BCE). These settlements
were tiny agricultural communities that grew crops like rice, barley,
and wheat. Animals like cattle, pigs, and goats were also domesticated
by these early farmers.

▪ Ancient human settlers in Bengal grew in size and complexity over

time. Larger settlements and towns had formed by the Bronze Age
(around 2,000 BCE), which were distinguished by the presence of
fortified walls and specialty craft production. These settlements were
also metalworking centers, particularly for the manufacture of copper
and bronze tools and weapons.
▪ It's crucial to remember that Bengal's history is complicated, that there
is little knowledge on prehistoric human settlements, and that there are
numerous ongoing archeological investigations to learn more about this


Anthropology Assignment
Submitted by,
Md. Ibrahim Khalil.
ID: 1801511600286

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