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Information Capacity, Bits, Bit

Rate, Baud, M-ary Encoding
Mathematical treatment of the
concepts, parameters and rules
governing the transmission of
messages through communication
Information Capacity
– the measure how much information can be propagated through a
communication system
- a function of bandwidth and transmission time.
- number of independent symbols that can be carried through a
system in a given time.
Bits and Bit Rate
Binary digit of bit – the most basic digital symbol used to represent
Bits and Bit Rate
Bit rate – the number of bits transmitted during one second and is expressed in
bits per second or bps.
Hartley’s Law

In 1928 information theorist Ralph V. R. Hartley of

Bell Labs published “Transmission of Information.
,” in which he proved “that the total amount of
information that can be transmitted is proportional
to frequency range transmitted and the time of the
Claude E. Shannon: Founder of Information Theory

-published his masterpiece in 1948:

“A Mathematical Theory of Communication.”

A transmitter encodes information into a signal, which is

corrupted by noise and then decoded by the receiver.
Shannon Limit for Information Capacity
Shannon Limit for Information Capacity
Shannon Limit for Information Capacity

Example 2: Satellite TV Channel

For a satellite TV channel with a signal-to noise ratio of 20 dB and a video
bandwidth of 10MHz, what is the shannon information capacity?
M-ary Encoding

N=no. bits necessary

M=no. of conditions, levels, or
combinations possible for N bits.
M-ary Encoding
Find the total number of combinations for the following number of bits.
1. 3 bits
2.10 bits
3.15 bit
4. 50 bits

baud=symbol rate (baud per second)

ts=time of one signaling element (s)
Nyquist Theorem

fb=channel capacity(bps)
B=minimum Nyquist bandwidth (Hz)
M=number of discrete signals or voltage levels
Nyquist Theorem
Nyquist Theorem
Sample Problem

Find the channel capacity with minimum

Nyquist bandwidth of 130 Hz and 7 bits of data.
What is the rate of change of signal? (baud)

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