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What is numerology?
• Discovered by Pythagoras 2500 years ago
• He discovered that numbers are symbols that hold vibrations and represent cycles in
• It observes the belief system that says before you were born you wrote your own
soul’s contract for this life time
• You choose the lessons you wanted to learn while you were in earth school this time
• You chose your parents to help facilitate the lessons you needed to learn this time

What is life path number?

one that observed the fact that we have a soul contract that we write before we incarnate
into this lifetime.
So the idea is within numerology the belief system is that you choose the lessons that
you wanted to learn prior to making your decision to encourage this earth school you sat
down with a group of spirit, guides and you told them what you wanted to learn and so
you might have said you know I’m looking over my precious lifetime and recognized that I
wasn’t very much of a human communicator last time I want to learn a little bit more
about communication. So let’s put some three energy into my birth code because the 3 is
going to invite lessons around communication and self-expression and you know I wasn’t
very organized either, so I want to bring some for energy in because that will invite
lessons around. It so we chose all the numbers to go into our date of birth because that
would actually create the lesson plan for us. So you also believe it or not chose your
parents to help facilitate the lessons that you’ve chosen to learn in this lifetime, so why is
this so important to learn how to speak numbers.

Why is it so important to be able to speak number?

• A basic understanding of the vibration attached to each number is key to speaking
• You have to be able to speak numbers to be able to interpret composite numbers.
Ie.10/1, 28/1, 37/1
• In this case understanding that people who have the life path number of 1 are not all
created equal!
• Each number holds a unique vibration
• An understanding of the commonality of this vibration is the key to interpreting a
numerology chart.
So your life path number is the most important number on your chart it outlines your
opportunities your challenges your lessons in this lifetime, it is sometimes referred to as
the destiny number, or you also can call it life purpose number if you want it identifies
what we’re academically well suited for it is going to identify our core needs it outlines our
strengths and our weaknesses and the life path number is fixed and unchangeable
because it’s based on your date of birth unlike your birth name might change.
If the path life number is 11’s feel like they’re not from here this isn’t even their planet like
they have a really hard time connecting the dots to their life plan here they’re very
sensitive and highly connected right.
But in other example who born on 5 th June 1988=5+6+8=19. Now that’s a really
interesting point, because this is a Kermit debt number, mean that person was a leader in
a previous lifetime but a bit of a hard as leader and they’re coming back to make amends
and for that so in this case we don’t reduce.

Number #1
Life path #1 purpose —— to gain confidence in their creative potential and use this
potential to inspire others.
Keyword —— leader
Strengths —— channels high energy and inspiration into creativity and service, feels
secure with themselves.
Weakness —— feels blocked, stuck, frustrated, feels inferior, ill, lethargic, insecure,
possibly addicted.
Profession —— inventors, entrepreneurs, management, military leaders, architects,
artists, designers, lawyers.

If a person has the path life number 1 will they be presented with challenges, that they
have them step up to the plate, so they have to be that leader, so maybe they had
difficulties with speaking up or whatever and now they had to teach themselves, yes you
In this case I just call it leader we’re talking about the number 1 so the number 1’s of life
purpose of somebody with a life path number 1 is to gain confidence in your creative
potential and to use that potential to inspire others, so the key word here is leader when
we think about the number 1, those who are number 1 its not that they don’t care about
anybody else they’re just people who are really invested in themselves and moving
forward and doing the best they can right now, the strength of the number 1 would be
somebody who channels a very high energy they’re very inspirational they’re very
creative and they’re not afraid of their creativity, they use their creativity to be of service
with it and they feel really secure within themselves negative side of the 1 is somebody
who might feel very blocked very stuck and frustrated feeling very interior kind of sickly
lethargic insecure possibly even an addict that’s not uncommon curious about what
professions would be great for life path number 1, so that would include inventors
entrepreneurs obviously creating something new right management because they like to
be leaders so military leadership would be great too architects because that’s creative
artists designers even lawyers would all fit into a number 1 life path number.

Number #2
Life path #2 purpose —— to master being a team player and maintaining harmonious
environment. Establishing close and deep connections.
Keyword —— peacekeeper
Strengths —— has clear sense of personal boundaries and limits, supports self and
others in equal measure.
Weakness —— feels overwhelmed, resistant and reactive, starts out overly helpful ,then
suddenly withdraws.
Profession —— teachers, counselors, doctors, nurses, therapists, in general, caregivers,
real estate sales, politicians, pastoral care.

Number 2, so number 1 is all about themselves number, but 2 is going to be about

partnership. So the number 2 is somebody who’s here to master being a team player and
maintaining harmonious environments establishing close and deep connections.
If you’re a master number 22, its double the intensity of the number 2, and if you are an
11 double the intensity of the 1. The 2 are not just about themselves, they are about
partnership and they like to be involved in relationships and such and they are the
peacekeepers very sensitive people now. if now you are master number 11, we’ve got the
double intensity of the double energy of the number 1 that’s double the need to be the
leader, double the need to use your creative potential to inspire and empower other
people you do that every day. Its double the need to create something new create invent
something that’s new and an original different, so it brings a very high vibration and a
high demand from you because your soul’s contract says I’m gonna do that, I’m going to
be original and sometimes those of you who are 11’s for example are also 2, so 11
energy hold this big demand to double the intensity of the 1, so that they can be the best
2, they can be does that make sense that totally makes sense to me and sometimes its
scary for the 11s to put themselves out there because the 1 is the masculine and the 2 is
the feminine, so you get the double the masculine, the masculine says how far can I put it
out there how aggressive can I be how assertive can I be, how far can I push before they
reject me because at the end of the day I am a 2, and I cannot afford to be rejected right
because I just I cannot cope without partnership in my life, so its important to
acknowledge both sides.
So if in the case of 2 is a 20/2, this applies you had a question read. So the strengths of
somebody of the life path number 2 would be somebody who has a very clear sense of
personal boundaries right and limitations, they support themselves and they support
others in equal measure, they don’t overly give right and they’re constantly and they can
give to themselves they can self-care right and they can also do for others as well without
constantly overdoing it and then feeling resentful after the fact. So weaker side is this
somebody who can feel very overwhelmed, and very resistant, very reactive kind of the
drama queen a little bit starts out really helpful and they’ll suddenly withdraw they feel like
they’re being taken advantage of and so they just pull away but at the end of the day,
these guys make great teachers they make great counselors and doctors and nurses and
therapists. They love to work one-on-one closely with people, they really love that they’re
really love, they’re really great caregivers great in real estate because they like that one-
on-one interaction with people, good politicians pastoral care workers anything to do on a
consultive level you know if you want to get into consulting selling like insurance or car
sales or whatever working one-on-one with people, it’s a great number for that.

Number #3
Life path #3 purpose —— to express their emotions with sensitivity. To maintain a
positive and carefree attitude.
Keyword —— communicator
Strengths —— engages in heartfelt, uplifting expression; communicates with inspiration,
sensitivity and joy.
Weakness —— feels depressed and disappointed, overly sensitive, complains and
criticizes, filled with self-doubt.
Profession —— advertising, marketing or public relations, writer, comedian, disc jockey,
journalist, musician.

Here remember number 1 is all about who themselves right getting ahead being original
being creative its I gonna do this right its all about me doing it, and the 2 is not just about
themselves but they’re about themselves and one other person, so they’re the guys that
into partnerships, and they’re learning patience and diplomacy and partnership, so when
we come into the number 3, the 3 isn’t just about themselves they’re not just about the
partner here comes the group dynamic, so number 3 is here to learn how to express their
emotions with sensitivity and to maintain a positive carefree attitude, these guys are the
communicators, they love to communicate, they love to write, they like to be on stage,
they like to be comedianes you know they’re just love to use their words to inspire
people. So they engage in very heartfelt when they’re strong and strong in their. 3 is
somebody who engages in heartfelt uplifting expression communicates with inspiration
sensitivity and joy they’re fun you know they’re not really judgement or whatever they’re
really on board, they’re just a fun light suuny kind of energy to be with and they’re
typically the candians right, they have a really good wit and sense of humor about them,
but they just love the group dynamic. But they don’t know number 2 is somebody that
works better one-on-one with people and small office arrangement, and number 1 that
they can do either way they can work by themselves indecently or they can work in the
group as long as they’re the leader, but 2 kind of don’t like the big group dynamic, but the
3 loves the group dynamic, so think about if you have a path life number 13/4 or 23/5,
that sort of thing you might be falling to the weaker side, because that’s a lesson it’s a
sub lesson, its not necessarily a gift for you, its your sub lesson, so consider the
weakness when you’re looking at it, at your sub lessons, so this is somebody who’s
feeling depressed and disappointed, they become overly sensitive, they’re complaining
bitching and griping judging themselves, they’re filled with self-doubt, there is terrible,
they can suffer a lot of depression those who 12/3 in particular when we look at the
number 12/3, who is struggling with do I want to be myself or I just want to hang out with
one other person right now or do I want to be with the crowd, I don’t know because 3’s
are scattered and they can’t make their minds up very easily.

Number #4
Life path #4 purpose —— to approach life with a step by step plan. To be of practical and
grounded service
Keyword —— planner
Strengths —— prepares well and progresses step-by-step, patiently follows through,
balances logic and emotion.
Weaknesses —— wants it all now, skips steps, ambitious, impatient, confused, lacks
stability or follow through
Profession —— accountant, contractor, engineer, financial planned, lawyer, landscaper,

A number 4 which brings me to another point. You’re going to see as these numbers roll
out that there are polar opposites the 1 wants to be alone and 2 wants partnership, and 3
wants the crowd, but these three isn’t very organized, then 4 is right. Really 1 who is
socially anxious, and 2 isn’t really crazy about the whole group dynamic and the 3 says I
aspire to be the group dynamic. For example, I have 13/4, and you say they wanted more
in crowd but it could be they want to be in crowd and they want to go back to be alone,
because I feel that I like to be around people and talk to them but then I also wanted to
be my own too, so you’re 13/4, you’ve got a Kermit debt in your life path number, and so
the karmic debt relates to learning how to live your life from a half full cup rather than the
half empty cup because in a previous lifetime you were somebody that didn’t really pay
attention to the details and this will make more sense to you when we go to number 4.
Number 4 is very detail-oriented, but the 3 which is your sub-lesson, you can be a little
scatted, and you can be kind of all over the place and its difficult for you to kind of
knuckle down and get to work. So for example john 12/3, so that we we’re looking at so
we have 1,2 and 3 so the life purpose related or the energy related to the number 1 is
about creativity and confidence, this is somebody with a 1 sub lesson is learning
independence, learning how to get comfortable with their creativity to learn how to learn
confidence, and we know that 2 relates to cooperation and balance and being a good
partner, being a good collaborator and team player, and 3 is all about expression and
sensitivity. This give you an ideas this is somebody who’s going to channel high energy
and inspiration into creativity and service and feels really secure with themselves and this
is the opposite side of it. So we know you sub lesson are related to the 1 and the 2 and
his big lesson is the number 3. so he is here to learn how to be independent that relates
to one in his efforts to embrace his creative potential, so that he can inspire others that
also relates to the number 1, he also needs to learn how to be a team player relating to
number 2 while establishing clear boundaries in the way that he give of your time, he has
to be careful not to over give and relates to the 2 he needs to learn to balance himself by
learning how to express his emotions in a joyful and positive way while releasing that grip
of self-doubt and criticism and that relates to the 3. That’s a whole lot different than
saying he’s 3 life path number.
Number 4 says I want to be grounded because those guys aren’t right, so the 4 is the
planner, and to approach life with a step-by-step plan to be a practical and grounded
service, so this is somebody who really relies on stability they’re very much about plan,
these guys when they wake up in the morning and they want to know what’s going on
they don’t cope particularly well with change. They like play by the rules and their
strength is that they prepare well and they progress step by step, they patiently follow
through and they finish what they start and they can balance logic and emotion, they’re
just very grounded people they feel reality comfortable to be with, they can be kind of
stick in the muds to people who are 3 and just want to go to a 5 who just wants their
freedom, the 4 is just that steady slow and steady when’s the race kind of person. So the
weaker side of the 4 is that they want it all now and they want to skip the steps. These
guys are good at anything to do with blueprints so contractors and builders and
engineers that sort of thing forecasting spreadsheets these guys make great accountants
and bean counters and as you know they’re really good financial planners, law and order
for the lawyers, you know landscaping because they like to plan things out architects
obviously with blueprints.

Number #5
Life path #5 purpose —— to resist scattering their energy in too many places. Learning
through actually doing.
Keyword —— freedom fighter
Strength —— use multifaceted talents in a focused way, applies discipline to achieve
Weaknesses —— swings from extreme dependence to independence, scattered, tries to
do too much, bluffs and pretends.
Profession —— sales, tour guide, flight attendant stuntmen, firefighters and construction
workers, high-risk ventures.

Number 5 these guys are the freedom fighters, so the 4 wants to know what’s going on
all the time when they retire they want to wake up on Monday and know that this is what
they have to do followed by that they are very much about your money, they’re very much
about security, they got to know their bills, you’re paid the 5 live for the moment, they are
freedom fighters, so their challenge is to resist scattering their energy in too many place.
They need to put themselves into situations where they can learn through doing, so the 5
typically love to travel and they learn best through travel and life experiences. They really
good at music, learning through experience. So its good for them to sign up for courses
that are always from home that sort of thing travel related would be good for them and
they get bored very easily, they are very much about making sure they are changing that
shaker not making it different, they cannot sit behind the desk, so to speak so the
strength of 5 is that they are multifaceted . they’re usually very talented in a whole lot of
different ways, when they’re really strong its when they are using their talents in a very
focused way focus is not their fringe, so they need to apply discipline to achieve the
independence that they want. So for example there is a 14/5, 14/5 is a karmic debt and
when we break down we have1,4,and 5 and we know 5 about their freedom but in order
for that 14/5 to get their freedom, they have to first do the number 1 develop confidence
within their to create a step-by-step plan that’s before so that they can have 5 which is
the freedom, so 5 has to learn how to focus if they’re really going to accomplish anything.
So on the weaker side, the 5 tend to be the addicts like food drugs alcohol, but they’ll
swing from 1 extreme to the other of dependents to independence, they get very
scattered and they’re all over the place, because they bore really easily and its shiny
object syndrome right they’re everywhere so they try to do too much and then they’re
bluffing their way out of paper bags and they’re trying to pretend their way out of
circumstance they’ve got themselves into and he is not the kind of kid that needs to learn
through the books and he needs to learn through experience, so that’s how the 5 things
this like goes right over their heads they don’t want to learn it, because it doesn’t apply to
them right. So the jobs that would be really great for people who are 5 are ones that don’t
keep them in behind a desk, these are the flight attendants pilots stuntmen these are
firefighters you know the risk, they love to gamble right remember that money is not
important to them, they live for the moment so they don’t really squirrel away their money
like the forest do. So anything that involves a little bit of a risk and a little bit of a gamble
is exciting for the 5 or anything that keeps them outside and away from the desk.

Number #6
Life path #6 purpose —— to understand the perfection in all things. To learn to be of
service to others in a balanced way.
Keyword —— nurturer
Strengths —— sees the bigger picture, forgiving and patient, does excellent work without
falling into perfectionism, accepts self and others.
Weaknesses —— hypercritical, judges self and others against perfectionistic standards,
lost in petty details.
Profession —— personal care worker, teacher florist, healers. Day care workers, animal
services, cook, interior decorator, social worker.

When you look at the number 6, it looks like a big round pregnant belly, this is an easy
one to remember, this is the nurture right, this is the one that loves to take care and
nurture others. So when we look at the 6, remember the 5 wants their freedom, they don’t
want to be responsible for anything they just want to go right, but the 6 comes in with this
huge need to be responsible to be all about their families and to be the nurtures, so the
6th is here to understand that there’s perfection in all things, they are the perfectionists
and they’re really working on that to learn to be a service to others, but in a balanced way
rather than always having to be the one, that’s responsible now. 6 is to learn that not
everything is my responsibility, I don’t have to feel responsible or guilty about not doing
things and I don’t have to make sure that everything is perfect and I have to understand
that everything rolls out in you know divine perfection, so the 6 does related to a lot of
need for perfectionism, but they are the nurtures who love to take care of people
particularly as it relates to their family, so the strength is that they see the bigger picture
they can be very forgiving and patient, and they do really excellent work without falling
into that need for protection, they accept themselves and they accept others no
judgment, the 6 are great teachers, they like to be of service and they love to teach
things and they want to be the leaders especially as it relates to your family. If there’s a
family reunion, that’s going to be planned give it to the 6, because they’ll go kicking and
screaming, so this can be social workers, and teachers florists, because they have a real
interest in the home and beautification and these are the Martha Stewart’s healers,
daycare workers, animal services, they love animals typically and animals love them, so
anything to do with interior decorating feeding people social work that sort of thing, when
you go to a 6 home, the first thing we’re go ask you are you hungry? Are you thirsty? Are
you tired? Don’t sit in that chair and that’s not the comfortable chair sitting, so 6 all about
what can I do for the family and what can be work family and that can be biological

Number #7
Life path #7 purpose —— to trust in a higher power to provide. To learn to trust their
intuition and inner guidance.
Keyword —— analyst
Strengths —— trusts innermost feelings, trust others enough to open heart, take
emotional risks and share feelings.
Weakness —— feels bitter, betrayed, paranoid, uses mind as shield, doesn’t trust self or
Profession —— psychics, intuitive, scientists, teachers, pastor care, investigators,

The number 7 is relates to being a head case, when you look at 7 is draw think about that
as the head and we are thinkers, and we’re not real feelers and we don’t feel but our
default is to go here to what we think rather than what we feel, so this is people who with
the life path number 7 are here to learn how to trust with in a higher power to provide for
them to not worry about things and to learn to trust their intuition and their inner guidance
and its about learning how to surrender to something bigger than ourselves, because we
are head cases and we are the analysts and we are guilty of overthinking all the time,
however having said that working on the strength of the 7 these are people who are trust
their most feelings, and they’re really tapped into their intuition and they can trust others
enough to open their hearts, and that’s difficult for them to be vulnerable to allow people
into their heart space, they’re willing to take emotional risks, and they’re willing to share
their feeling and to be a little bit more vulnerable; the weaker side is that they can feel
very bitter and very betrayed and paranoid. They’ll use their minds as a shield, and they
don’t trust themselves and they don’t trust people and they’re very suspicious at times
and the thing with the 7 if you are 7 or if you have a sub lesson of 7, and the 7 needs to
work hard, and there’s a sub lesson or a life path number we need to work really hard to
get from here and that’s what we’re going to do is eliminate the word. And remember the
7 are over thing everything and they have a really hard time making decisions about
things because they’re always wondering you know with self-doubt. But what you actually
feel allowing you to make more confident decisions, so we make really great psychics
and intuitive and numerologists selfless plug scientists and teachers and pastoral care
workers investigators metaphysicians anything to do with the spiritual and that’s where
the wheelhouse is for the 7 and now you can see the 7 is polar opposite of the 8. The 7
says I need time by myself and I really need downtime and I work better by myself and I
get really tired of the family thing all the time and I don’t need people in front of my face
all the time and I need my down time not to say I don’t enjoy my family but I need down
time. The 7 need time to decompress then comes the 8 energy.

Number #8
Life path #8 purpose —— to learn lessons around money and power& authority
Key word —— manager
Strengths —— enjoys abundance and influence without concern or abuse; shares
blessings generously and wisely
Weaknesses —— afraid of, yet preoccupied with, issues of money, power, control, and
recognition, sabotages self
Profession —— managers, executive, investors, law enforcement, bankers, military

The number 8 says I wanna be the leader, I wanna be the manager, I wanna make some
serious money, so guys here to learn lessons around money but also around power and
authority, the real life path life number 8 is one of the most complex numbers I feel of all
the numbers from 1 to 9, and I feel that because there is this misconception to say that
you guys have got tons of money, but where in fact the 8 relates to learning how much
power you have and how much you don’t learning the big lessons about how I am
teaching people how to treat me you know if you’re not making enough money, and its
because you’re teaching your employer that you’re not worth anything more, so you
come home every week with your paycheck and you’re great because you only made this
much money for working 60 hours, but you’re not telling your boss you’re telling your
husband and you’re telling your wife but you’re not telling your boss. So that’s a bit of a
problem, because when it comes to money, the money comes from self-worth, so if your
self-worth is not in check, if you do not feel worthy of more money and you will not make
more money and its simple as that’s one of the biggest lessons that the aid has to learn,
so when we operate in the positive where some the 8 are people who really enjoy
abundance and they really enjoy influence without concern or abuse. As you know
they’re not trying to showboat or anything, and they just like to make money and they’ll
share their blessings generously and wisely.
The fact is any of you who are in the service based industry, you need to know especially
if you have 8 energy in your chart and you need to know that you have to chase the
opportunity to be of service, not the opportunity to make the money and that is where
these the 8 go wrong that’s where it goes all ass backwards and when you’re chasing the
opportunity to make the money, you’re pushing the boulder uphill when you’re chasing
the opportunity to be of service and the money will come and the opportunities to be of
service will come and guess what you’ll be rewarded and so that you know you can be of
service again, and the one is the weaker side is that they are afraid of and yet they’re
With issues around money really struggling about it wondering where its coming from
why can’t I get ahead. Again this relate to a sub lesion and if you’re a 17/8, so we are
looking at managers and we’re looking at executive and we are looking at investors and
these guys are really good working with other people’s money, sometimes not so well
with their own but they make really great bankers and such law enforcement military
leaders that sort of thing.

Number #9
Life path #9 purpose —— to be of selfless service to humanity, to find ways to lead by
example for the benefit of others.
Keyword —— humanitarian
strengths —— live in alignment with higher principles; leads by example, manifests
depth, charisma and wisdom
Weakness —— has lost sight of higher purpose, feels lonely and cut off, locked in the
mind; out of touch with heart and intuitive guidance.
Profession —— philanthropist, military, peace keeper, social worker, environmentalist
politician, surveyor, landscaper

These guys need to learn how to be of selfless service to humanity and to find ways to
lead. So the biggest lesson that the 9 is here to learn or the sub lesson of 9 is you can’t
fix anyone you can help them to help themselves, but you cannot fix them. So teach them
how to help themselves give them solutions rather than being the person who finds the
solutions to everything or has that need to fix everything, so the 9 is somebody who lives
in alignment with their higher principles, because they do have integrity and higher
principles and they want to lead by example, they manifest a depth and charisma and
wisdom like nobody else very warm people to be with typically unless they’re acting to
the negative, they can be really difficult to be with the 9. They do have a big fear of
rejection and abandonment and its very common with 9 and I feel that because they want
to be such a big part of humanitarian as of the humanitarian effort, so when they’re
rejected they’re not allowed.

Number #11
Life path #11 purpose —— to gain confidence in their creative potential and to use this
potential to inspire and empower others. To be a leader by example.
Keyword —— visionary
Strengths —— sensitive, team player, intuitive, psychic, great partner, collaborator, peace
Weaknesses —— hyper-sensitive, insecure, needy, depressed.
Profession —— intuition, spiritual, art, idealism, revelation, inventor, psychic, healer,
counselor, teacher, therapist, peacekeeper, pastoral care, minister, support staff,
evangelist, hair dresser.

Number #22
Life path #22 purpose —— to develop an methodical patient approach to create a solid
foundation that can help support humanity involving supportive team effort.
Keyword —— master builder
Strengths —— focused, detailed oriented, planner, visionary, manifester, uplifting,
Weaknesses —— wants it all now, skips steps, ambitious, impatient, confused, lacks
stability or follow through.
Profession —— foundation builder, material master, architect builder, contractor,
designer, lawyer, politician, security officer, police officer.

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