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in the making of stars times and seasons

are very fundamental in the rising of

stars times and seasons are very vital

for everything under the Sun there is a

time and a season for every purpose on

the heaven when a farmer misses his

planting season it has to wait for the

next one unfortunately you and I don't

have the next one for it's appointed

unto man once to die and after that

judgment I be showing you some very

striking things and this is one hour and

believing God that it will help you to

pay the required attention on your life

so you don't miss your season to

everything there is a season and a time

for every purpose under the heaven a

time to be born a time to die a time to

plant and a time to clock up or

harvester which is planted a time to

plant and as a time for harvest if you

miss the planting time you have lost

your harvest time you need you

understand in all the times to really

gain command of your destiny you need

understanding of the times like it was

said about the sons of Issachar in first

chronicles chapter 12 the Bible says

this our data had understanding of the

times and they our brethren were their


they had understanding of the times and

so the wanker man when you lack

understanding all the times we plant

anyhow and at any time only to discover

love only miss invested your energy

because the time for it was gone so this

teaching is to stay off your time

consciousness in the pursuit of destiny

1st chronicles chapter 12 and verse 32

another children of Asaka

which were men that had understanding of

the times to know what israel ought to

do the health of them were two hundred

and Audia brethren were at their

commandment they had an understanding of

the times to know what israel ought to

do per time what Israel ought to do per

time so divine child they were in

command so of captioned is teaching

timely discovery for striking

accomplishment timely discovery for

striking accomplishment and I want your

heart to be opened because God is

visiting you uniquely through this

teaching and giving you a sense of

responsibility for utmost accomplishment

this is so important I read for my text

chapter name of first Corinthians and

verse 24 to 26 timely discovery for

striking accomplishment chapter 9 verse

24 know you know the day which run in a

race run all but while receiver the

price so wrong that we may obtain not a

Rona and Sophie prize-winner that is a

race said before each of us Hebrews 12:1

and 2 so wrong that he may obtain that

is a star in it was destiny seated here

but whether the skies actualized or not

is dependent on many factors know he

know that death a tiny racer on all on

one DVD price so wrong that you may

obtain understand what it means to be a

star in your race so wrong that you may

obtain now bus 25 and he went on and

said and every man that striveth for the

mastery is temperate in all things

now they do these to obtain a

corruptible crown body and incorruptible

idea for so long not as on suddenly and

so fight I not as one bit in the air I

am certain about my race that's what

Paul was saying I am NOT guessing about

what I'm doing I'm definite about my

cause I know what I'm here to do I'm

Paul ended up a prize winner he said and

what I saw cranly before me

amen so it was a prize winner but let's

look at a few things here from the

natural perspective a few ever met

animal which has retired from civil

service for instance before embarking on

professional football in there is

retired knowledge of p25 and say what do

you want to do say I want to become a

professional footballer that is passed

the season for his stardom in

professional football is over it is

impossible for him to be enlisted toklas

of imagine is tau alpha bar mentor

professor who was just retired from his

university and is now how to enlist as a

professional athlete to run hundred

meters race or on 800 meters race is


the season for enlistment is passed I'd

like you to listen very carefully

because Paul the Apostle Quad City race

and he also calls it as it were a

wrestling so fight I notice one bit in

the air or boxing these are not things

you can listen after certain season in

your life you are no longer eligible for

enlistment after a particular season of

your life there is a season for

enlistment when you miss that season

like an old English adage once an

opportunity was lost can never be what

regained and Elizabeth season once lost

can never be regained listen to me very

carefully I want to start you from this

nature a perspective before we go into

scriptures after particular season in

your life we are no longer considered

fit for enlistment in the race we are no

longer considered fit for enlistment in

the race of destiny

you just began to survive the best you

can do is make a living you can make an

impact there are multitudes in the world

just making a living there are few

making an impact they're the ones that

cost us this is very important

almost every celebrity in the race of

life got to know we are they belong on

time and this talk there almost every

celebrity in the race of life knows we

are they belong on time and they stalk

there they know where they belong and

they stock death in the field of sports

no one ever gets laid gets up late and

become a star

you never find this posture that God

started even at 30 because the time is

running out young people timely

discovery for striking accomplishment

we're in a strange age we are in the

generation of the youths one of our

lecturers and Covina universitas

returning from the US and went to a

conference I was told give his report

this last Friday and the assistant

coordinator for United States of America

for that program was a 21 year old for

what 21 what 21 years old the second one

under 70 was 23 years old 23 years old

if you ever make yourself feel that you

are a child you are hidden and you may

end up in the kitchen

nobody will enlist a fourteen-year-old

in a boxy context they may scatter him

they can't and leash you in a wrestling

context you can only have it as a hobby

you never have it as a profession

almost every old people who have some

level of influence play golf but when

they come to a world championship it is

the young ones who win it

there's his form the form of tracking

about and holistic but the professionals

God hooked on in their early teens from

13 14 15 and my tabulated already

causing waves in the field this is so

important for you to know that timely

discovery is the only security of your

stud um you need a timely discovery a

timely discovery a timely discovery you

need a timely discovery a little eyes a

little shine an English Alice's early to

bed early to rise what I say a lead to

rise alley to shine John Durr of the

Dell corporation became president of

that cooperation at the age of 19 at

what age at the age of 19 he now retired

at the age of 40 I won't build that to a

fortune that is of his own class a

number of legions in the faith man giant

such as Kennedy again

of blessed memory our robots can it


Oh God on their feet in their teens 18

and maintain 18 and 19 18 and 18 has got

changed most Africans live to make a


very few leave to make an impact because

they are late risers

if the erasers at all this is so

important so at the age of 19 they

should not be pushing you around your

colleagues are already presidents of

corporations in other parts of the world

at the age of translation or be chasing

you around

we are you a few slap very shortly in

your generation you will find people to

enter one who the president of nature's

that's why your packaging must be

visionary you must have a visionary

packaging Billy Graham began is Monisha

20s today you are getting too old for a

star get up on your feet a make your

moment count we are in a race we are not

in a form the earlier you enlist in the


the greater the possibility of your

stardom it's not about hanging around is

about making left hand on a visionary

platform you don't have a sphere I

strive to make the most of this only

life you have

I said some time ago those who don't

have spare tires they don't drive rough

anything they see their dodgy because

they don't have a spare tire to change

it you don't have his fear live so stop

driving rough if this tire Pancho's you

are grounded stop living rough you don't

have his pure life stop driving

carelessly you don't have a spare life a

great man of God Norman Vincent Peale

who wrote the book the power of positive


he got ordained into ministry at the age

of 18 he was an ordained minister for 75

years before he died he pastored a

church for 50 years he wrote that book

which saw 20 million copies how many

copies 20 million copies every star in

every generation has been an early riser

every star in every generation has been

an early riser Jesus from the age of 12

from what age there are few people below

to a few if there is anyone at all is

not even permitted in the come from the

age of 12

don't - 9 must be about my father's

business he was not a playboy all the

children were playing around the

appearance were looking for them for

three days he couldn't find them when

they found him they found him about his

father's business

he was already operating in the

consciousness of his mission at the age

of 12 by the age of 30 the King ascended

the throne can I hear you're human

it's man breath was delivered to

authenticate the mission it was already

pursuing and then his fame erupted he's

tired so forth I did your xxx Joseph the

Great in Genesis 37 was too at the age

of seventeen ekata bishop

and it was operating in the

consciousness of that vision so much so

that when Potiphar's wife wanted to pull

him down he said no I know where I'm

going the Bible because I it was at the

age of 17 that Joseph got his dream now

1:19 you have no dream you are 2012 no

dream not 21 you don't even know the

meaning of a dream to do even know where

you are heading for

and by the age of 30 Joseph ascended the

throne he was taught to when his -

before Pharaoh and became the prime

minister of the land life is not about

laughing and yelling business you are

either making losses recording losses or

making profit if you are older than 12

and you don't still know where you are

going you are not in line with Christ

from the age of 12 a new is father's

business and it was I'm gonna round it

if you are semi Tina you see don't have

a piane for your destiny you are still

water already walking behind schedule

you need to wake up I'm privileged to be

in the ministry I have never seen any

late call my ministry that ends of his

time I've never seen one and I love

biographies a lot

our orders Michael Faraday when he

struck the deal it was a teenager our

host Matt Benjamin Franklin he was a

teenager when was spending his food

money to buy books and by so doing

developing himself until he became

Allegiant before

were printing our practices there were

apprentices in the printing shop both of

them taught themselves how to read and


because one of them had only two years

from education but with a sense of


they gave many to their life you know

how many schools have gone most of your

graduates already this one didn't go to

school what with the sense of mission

they made their life to count I'm like a

Faraday who never went to school

suddenly became the envy of his

professor that was in lab attendant with

he was a liability attendant when he

emerged a ward acclaimed scientist with

a sense of mission

I'm happy you are quiet majority of you

already behind schedule and listen for

this meeting is to dig around you and

fertilize your life and let the star in

you begin to find expression but that

has to begin with getting your bearings

right life without a right theory is a

body life without a right brain is

important life without a right brain is

aborted life without a right barren is a

body life without a right Baron is a

body according to scriptures you are to

enlist in the race

lettuce of 20 lettuce at what your

twenties are your last season for

enlistment you may not like this I I

don't like preaching this to old people

because they can get offended but I can

tell you that now because was t on time

all this I saw a vision at fifty is a

delusion my purpose area young men shall

see visions so efficient ok where is the

proof of the vision they always lack

proofs except through crooked means

looking for how to pretend that is


this Minister did not start as a

breakaway organization it started from

the scratch

there was no gimmicks about how some

fellows can move from one place to our

place no it was God you prove this

mandate or let it be whatever it is you

yourself know that I did you of totty

they wear lists you in professional

sports they want to elite you are late

except to a play look em footballing you

have the under sustained I mean onus on

I'm talking about

then you are beyond our 20 and they

loved 1.23 it is those ones who emerge

in the mainstream teams that go to

Olympic they have been watching you from

under-16 look like great wonder 23 on

the 20 undergraduate 223 then you enter

into mainstream professional football in

so it's not that - now come to touch me

say I want to register I say why say

I've been playing my house they don't

play in your house you play with your

peers there they can see why there is a

season that is already considered late

for you to enlist artists assist a

footballer in boxing we have

featherweight Abbas a featherweight

those are feather boxes trying to

develop your wings and then you have

lightweight and then you have what the

heavyweights are the barbers of boxing

who have graduated from feather to light

and then to what heavier you can say

because we are fast in your body then

we're boxer they say a few p.m. fogs and

no no no but look at me it's not you now

it is whether ul-listed on time or not

if the box you your body will break into

spare parts you don't have what it takes

don't do see those wrestlers when they

take them up and pass them on the floor

boom and then one ish

this man this man is mad and then it

looks off

look so you say one two three by the

time you got to seven there's an iron in

him does gets up because his body has

been used to being crush like that over

a long time it's not in the late age you

said you want to crush it you can't do

them no matter how I might add you I

don't wear list you if they are list

with the only a little to bury you it's

not possible

so this is your season you must know

where you are going now and keep going

there you must know you must know we are

going now and keep going there that is

what the truth says you may not like it

but as the truth numbers chapter one

numbers chapter one I would do some

quick joint ridden LaRouche are

radically share oblique tenable ELISA

Lessig a push a velouté sigelei really

to Zamora diet anga every form of

carelessness that is designed to trap

your destiny embarrassed ah I washed

them in the name of Jesus

chapter 1 of The Book of Numbers I just

take you through this graphic picture

verse 18 and there are some wood or the

congressional together on the first day

of the second month and they declared

their pedigrees after their families by

the house of their fathers according to

the number of the of the names from

twenty years old and upward by the

oppose now look at verse 20 and the

children of Reuben Israel discern by

their generations after their families

by the house of their fathers according

to the number of the names by the oppose

every maid from twenty years old and

upward or that were able to go forth to

all twenty years and of course all that

were able to go forth to all twenty

years and of war now look at verse 22 of

the children of Simeon by their

generations after their families by the

house of their fathers those who are

numbered of them according to the number

of their names by the oppose every male

from twenty years old and upward or that

were able to go to war from how many

years now so if you go through that 24

26 28 just two two versus two two buses

you'll find them repeating that now in

verse 45 so were those that were

numbered of the children of Israel was

fortified by the house of their fathers

from twenty years old and upward or that

were able to go forth to war in Israel

so in Israel 20 years upward is the

season of enlistment so when this mesmo

be satisfied properly in your twenties

if you miss it in the twenties you may

never capture it again and we are

citizens of the Commonwealth of is

official chapter 2 and verse 12 and 13

we are beneficiaries of the blessings of

Abraham Galician 3 13 and 14 so it's

important for you to know 20 years and

upward is your season of enlistment

so it means season of enlistment season

of enlistment season of enlistment

season of enlistment that is your season

of enlistment that is your season of

enlistment it was said that Joseph am a

David confronted Goliath a detour

cemetery and suddenly the woman began to


so last Lane is 1,000 and David is Lane

is 10,000 he was enlisted in the main

front line of Israel look at these 3

pictures like I was trying to mention

Joseph came to the lamb light at Totti

Genesis 41 verse 46 David became King at

30 second samuel chapter 5 and verse 4

Jesus mission erupted a Tati look

chapter 3 and verse 27 that goes on to

validate the season of your positioning

the season of your enlistment the season

of your positioning the season of your

enlistment this is so vital it is so

important what where is your passion now

we always see the in case of not had

anything from God but as a tender flows

out of you to add values to others where

is your passion what are the talents

inherent in you

and what is the Spirit of God say called

sunny you and his plan and God's plan

for your life he said I led him about or

do it did not know me so there are

certain things inside you that is

pointing to Gaza semaphore your life all

you need to discover what are you saying

and then in positions are begin to

invest your the energy and the strength

of your youth in the place where you

truly belong

thus we estas arise there are authors

and there are star authors there are

pastors and there are star pastors they

are evangelists and there are a star

evangelist there are musicians and there

are Taha musicians you know the Bible

says be not deceived God is not mocked

was a very mansu's that also shall you

reap so it is the quality of your

investment that it tummies your height

of accomplishment the quality of your

investment is what defines the height of

the accomplishment the quality of your


they don't use now to do this till they

invest to accomplish it God is not

mocked whatsoever man source that also

shall he reap God is not mocked was a

bad man source that also shall you reap

I got a convention in a Korea yesterday

and unfortunately the team they gave me

in the letter was not the theme of the

convention they are change the theme

without letting us know and when I was

getting in there I saw different team

from the one I knew and I'd already

package what they wrote me as their team

now I got him there and I asked the man

of God and I said what's happening was

the theme of this meeting and he

mentioned I said as nobody wrote me now

and that was only about 10 minutes more

to go up and I connected I collected

with the team under 10 minutes

and the fire of the law began to fall

amen makalah you were there the fire of

the law began to fall from the rich

investment of the past years now in ten


everybody was head on their toes under

the anointing of the holy spirit not

making noise but transmitting life

now on that ten minutes

God is not mocked whatever a man souls

that also shall you reap so the earlier

you began your investment the richer

your future becomes it's so important

that's why all those who are play

football behind the house today they're

the ones who get to the primary school

pitch tomorrow and from there to be a

second to scoop it and from there to the

University preached and their team and

then from there is tattoo the world

that's how the buter Jesus got there our


Joseph got there Tati the gaudiya Tati

whatever we miss as your parents you

will never miss it


whatever your parents may have missed

you will never miss it in the name of

Jesus you will never miss it in the name

of Jesus you will never miss it in the

name of Jesus you will never miss it in

the name of Jesus


between the commitment to dream an

actualization of dream in the life of

Joseph this was only 13 years how many

years it was only 13 years only 13 years

you know where some are not make an

impact they are no fooling we are they

claim to be they are not fully there the

idea one leg out and one leg in they are

not fully there they are not fully there

I told a friend of mine many years ago I

said you know why we are going through

time he said why I said we are going

full time so we can go full length I was

a fool and so when I came a to many see

I came to many see full length

I wasn't tossing full time it was there

who have been there fool and fool L fool

and fool and today presidents of

nature's knock on my door to seek my a

system to seek my advice to seek my

counsel I went there fool and I wasn't

there to go in and out I've never

thought of something else he called me

I've never known an alternative plan

well in that they are fool you are

making a fool of yourself

so if your academics just be their fool

and and you will make it full scale you

are a menace ability of not just

full-time making a fool of yourself but

fool and giving it all it takes that my

Chinese gymnastic say something said

where you are training to be a star in

gymnastics you don't have time for any

or nothing including yourself and when I

saw her display I said it took time


these two legs flush with the two hands

like a board see I refused to make a

fool of myself

time must not be allowed to run out to

me I refuse to be fun

I must be a major player by starting to

play on time by starting to play on time

there is this comedian cobra basilar men

of lava heard of his name now it was

only 70 now I've been hearing of him

since I was a boy growing up child

now that means this guy has been on the

stage for 50 years

Omo he was only 72 weeks ago when I was

a little kid I was hearing him he would

not have been there for later 40 years

wake up wake up don't let anybody make

you think you a child

Laura do you overgrowing the age of

vision Laura do not grow in the age of

correct positioning week apparently

cover your destiny don't watch it robbed

it's a letter below fornicator among you

or a profane person Pro famous alauda a

joker like Esau who saw this betrayal

with muscle of meat profane person

somebody going no we're just talking

callous how are you now highs today and

I thank what go we do it everything go

we do it you know we are winners happy

go we do it God we do it

you know our pastor said last Sunday

that go we do it we do it go we do it

you wake up any money don't do nothing

go we do it you sleep in the night eyes

today go we do it wake up again don't do

nothing you see you are on doing

yourself are mocking God he said God is

not mocked

whatever muscles - Ally if you saw

sleeping and waking up you will be

poverty plenty you will reap plane

t of poverty plenty of poverty at the

age of 16 I bought myself the first pair

of shoes I took delight and doing it

well not from a poor family above

average family but I just wanted to take

pleasure in how to live by myself let's

see how it goes

I've never been a burden on any motorman

in my little life I love to be a

blessing not a body none of you live in

this meeting will ever be important 30

many days of your life one of the men

here in Legos wanted to enter into

business and there was no capital so he

came into Legos in those days and began

tapping Wayne Palmer won't happen risk

tempers from power won't happen and

began his business empire and began his

business that business eventually grew

to become an empire now he only had the

primary school education but knew where

I was going and given what it takes with

the strength of his youth not after

returning for business it was a bizarre

number to business how do you know how

to do it you can only make a living I

love to be careful not to lose all the

livelihood Toby what you don't want to

do somebody's breaking for this money I

want you to be humbled by the times and

seasons that makes his time

the times are seasons that makes his

time I'd like you to be humbled by it

I'd like you to be humbled by it

he said teach me to number my days that

they may apply my heart on to wisdom

your days are running the clock is

ticking it's not waiting for nobody

no one is longer mangu than you were

last year every one of you doc a

blastula wanna order this year than say

I'm a you that angered

we are at the agent you are aging you

are aging you are eating you Raj one of

our brothers in the faith it would be

sixty two more renessa

life is moving so fast - how can it

Barabbas is just now 960 is 60 and went

to war celebrated 60 bless God is sleepy

great light 60 before you know what you

are talking about - already 40 and 50

and before you know what's happening you

don't be wondering what I feel what have

I done with my life

what is my life was your life will be

worth and envy of the world let me hear

your louder same and if you believe that

let me know you allowed us a man if you

believe that let me know your loudest

Amen if you believe that


so teach me to number my days that I may

apply my heart on to wisdom some ninety

and vast will teach me to number my days

that I may apply my heart on to wisdom

teach me to number my days that I may

apply my heart on to wisdom I've tried

this morning to show you a number of

things here that will help you become

far more responsible than you have ever

been and discovering a place for

yourself and destiny we are God as

already ordained for you you know one of

the benefits of vision is

self-discipline you can know where you

are going and not package yourself to

arrive there that's why when they say

your flight is also time you are brace

also where I mean every other team is on

Dino control to me that time isn't it

but if you are going on you know an

international flight and they say the

gate to be shot at 10:00 you lived on

foot behind to catch up with the flight

I'm saying the flight of Destiny Bob

taken off and now you see loiter on the

street I'm joking

all around and just in everywhere and

doing nothing to show that you don't

want to miss the flight

you can really have we are you are going

and not be committed to get in there

because Joseph who seems upon the throne

he knew the Porticus was only a passage

to the palace he would not be trapped in

Potiphar's house it was only a passage

for him to the palace so he park himself

dangerously not to be trapped in

Potiphar's house he got to the prison it

was the reigning king in his mind he was

in charge of the prisoners

just like the great man Nelson Mandela

said many many years as a child he sat

behind a small Baptist Church in South

Africa it was in the heat of appetite

and assert himself someday I will be the

president of these people someday be the

president of this people

what is saw in the prison to kill him

what his vision was alive there was a

time the dog the pit like those about

Anwar doing and put him in the pit and

covered his body with Sun and while you

narrating on his head some day our be

the president of this patrol vision was

living even though the body was dying

vision was living did he become

president or not you can have a vision

and not have gained arouse and not have

the discipline to maintain your course

to actualize that vision because I

already saw a fifty thousand signifies

the auditorium I will not be deceived by

five thousand forgotten or now thank you

oh yeah we got there we are not there we

are we are going still further than

where we are

so let's go can I hear your Lord s a way

so teach me to number my days that I may

apply my heart unto wisdom seek ye the

law when it may be fun and call upon him

when it's near as they are fifty five or


don't let this time run out on you time

is running out

wake up make your life count for God and

for Humanity time is running out so wake

up and make your life timed for God and

for eternity time is running out

so wake up men and women boys and girls

wake up not about what to possess but

about what to impart what to give not

what to take what to add not what to

receive forget your life to benefit the

kingdom and humanity look at where you

belong and begin to live by you if you

can catch a glimpse of what God has in

store for you there was nobody to

console yourself his vision was

directing his life his vision was

directing his life that's what he does

it gives you it imparts to do graceful

and the others it can pass to you

graceful focus ever so many destructions

on my journey but the vision was

stronger than the destructions the

vision was worth stronger than

distractions the vision was stronger

than the distractions they wanted to

make Jesus a king he fled that was not

his mission that we would no attraction

to him his vision was stronger than this

side attraction you must catch it on

this mountain

the days are running out tomorrow is the

main last main session on Sunday we have

a celebration between now tomorrow is a

very serious time for your life don't

eat away your destiny

just set it on a muscle of me and then

the talkative a hey you see one doesn't

really have to get it at this time I can

get it some other time

don't worry Jerry that is a profane

discussion that is profanity and the

distance is to lead your life to was

vanity it will never succeed in the name

of Jesus Christ the devil will not

succeed to rob you of the the intention

of God for this convention in your life

imagine if all the once it adiyae images


that is too much for Africa that is too

much for Africa in your various fields

that the past OC Magister pastures the

Evangelos Evangelos the industrialist

sustained oscillations as a musician the

entertainer's has time tetanus now you

see the academics a star academics in my

deep water to be to a wall and you will

get there I said ask the Lord the author

of this Commission liveth you will get

there early this parable and then we

close Ecclesiastes chapter 5

Ecclesiastes chapter 5 and we read the

story of a late riser and the cost of


sorry songs of Solomon please songs of

Solomon chapter 5 and verse 2 I sleep

bought my heart wicked it is the voice

of my beloved that knocketh saying open

to me my sister my love my dove my

undefiled for my head is filled with you

are my locks with the drops of the rain

of the night and then she answer from

within I have put off my coat how can I

put it on I've washed my feet how shall

I defy them

my beloved put in his hand by the hole

of the door am i bow as one move for him

so I rose up to open to my below my

hands dropped with my ax

my fingers with sweet-smelling Maya upon

the handle of the log I opened to my

beloved verse 6 but my beloved had

withdrawn himself I was

on my soul fade when he speak I sought

him but I could not find him

I caught him but he gave me no answer

the watchman that were about the city

found me they smote me they wounded me

the keepers of the walls took away my

way from me my glory was lifted because

I got up late I lost my star and respect

because I got up late

who is this beloved in Revelation

chapter 3 verse 20 behold I stand at the

door and knock if any man opens to me I

will enter into him and I was soft with


revelation 3:20 now who is this beloved

Jesus what is he doing he is coming to

deliver the plan of God for you so if

you got up late for that plan then you

have lost the glory you will not get up

late for the plan of God kanigan orders


that's why I said C key the law when it

may be fun and call upon him when he is

near when the planting season for a crop

is gone it is foolishness

to make seedlings available to any

farmer so in the place where the

government makes our seedlings or seats

of a master plan and the planting season

is gone and you go to a plan for your

seed would they give you any so when

your time your season of vision is gone

you may have ambition you may be a

victim of dilution but as far as vision

is concerned the time of it is gone that

season we know run out in your life

harmony said to make an impact how many

want to live beyond just making a living

can I hear you loud as women this nation

has witness a number of great

footballers like shared more day by me

I'm gonna remember him the world has

witnessed so great footballers like

Maradona how many remember him it's easy

on the pitch now he has passed the age

of a major player it has to withdraw to

his shell and at best become a coach you

never find a 70 year old man in Olympics

on your marks sad go even if he said he

has been anointed to be a star for life

they say not yet Juan based on your


age has disqualified him before you lose

your place to eat wake up and take

responsibility wake up and take

responsibility wake up and take


can I have you lift up your two hands

and pray the hard su-kam both in the

spirit and you understand it to live

hold on where you belong

Oh blessed be your name and the name of

Jesus in the name of Jesus Christ

what analysis among is not the

organization is his contribution not

every one of you we own a company of

your own the Virgin Empire the last time

I knew had 20 management tops each of

them flies the own plane and their

respective capacities Microsoft has a

man by name bill gate but behind Bill

Gates are other gates that makes the

Microsoft organization each one making

his waves by his contributions not all

of you may open a university but some of

you will be professors in federal state

and foreign universities so each one

belongs somewhere to make it the

contribution as has been enabled him by


it's not about position is not about

status is not about possession destiny

is about fulfillment of mission knowing

your mission and settling down with it

and making it work not all of you for

instance we start ministry know yet some

of you are gonna be ministers in

existing ministries and ministries

founded by some of you

as ordained by God in His own Etana

agenda what's important is to find your

mission with God and then take your life

to it it is your contribution that will

announce you not your position or your

title it is your contribution that we

give you your place it is not your

possession now listen to him that's why

you will pray again Holy Spirit deliver

me from my self into your plan I want me

to be delivered from myself into your

plan I want to live with your plan till

I die

deliver me from myself into your plan

come on pray now deliver me from my

servant to your blood in Jesus name

in the name of Jesus Christ not every

star Bangka is a bank owner not every

star banker is a bank owner but there is

a place you belong there is no great

industry without great experts within it

and they give to everyone I come to the

severability you don't determine your

ability it is giving you from the

factory a 1.6 car cannot begin to behave

like 2.8 capacity you can't behave like

that because that is not your makeup

from the factory each one has his

capacity of God one after this kind the

order after that kind so when you go

beyond your capacity you break your back

lord help me to live within your

ordained capacity for my life go ahead

and pray

lack of this illiberal candidacy Jasha

gotta break and natassja buy at Azusa a

dope racket is a route a broken a

borough of lord help me to live within

your cordon capacity for my life in the

name of Jesus in the name of Jesus

thank you Father

how many know does it differ between

musicians and singers musicians and

singers you know there's a difference

there are major players of instruments

who are not singers at all I mean in

order and so when an instrumentalist

want to pose as his singer he messes up

himself because he was no capacity for

that is mission is to provide music for

the same gas to sing can I hear amen

and easter is simply that music not is

singing with you know that Poe's voice

because it's not given commands it's not


oh you need this now because we live in

a blond-haired age I've seen quite a

number of people in my short journey who

will you ask them we had the one towards

a we don't work with anybody yet to come

walk by yourself because you don't have

it I had no one of them that for 15

years I can't with anybody on nothing's

working for him up till now I can't

offer anybody a full grown graduate

count point to what he does now because

his head is bigger than his neck it's so

important in your days you are going to

be a manufacturer we are opening

tomorrow but we are do you start today

that we graduate into the rim you must

find the starting point and find it now

my prayer is that no one we carry more

than his capacity on his head my prayer

is that no one we run our Gammons race


your friend can be called an evangelist

maybe you led him to Christ that does

not make you one

how can it is evangelist I was one who

led him to Christ I'm also Vangelis

thank you Jesus and then you go outside

and one which just blows one win because

we are not cool you are Rania no demands

race you are walking the competition on

the division you mustn't miss this for

any pain in your life you must miss this

for anything in your life I read the

scripture and then we close first

Timothy chapter 4 verse 12 see that one

minute 4:12 let's read together now let

no man despise thy youth but in order

for them not to despise I would be an

example of the believers in war and

conversation and charity

and spirit in faith and in purity if we

must not despise your youth

then live responsibly to make us respect

your views you can't believe in an

incorrigible life and expect us to

respect your vision of being an apostle

we can't because your life does not

portray what you are claiming to have us

a vision let no man despise thy youth

but take responsibility to command

respect take what take responsibility to

command respect let no man despise thy

youth but take responsible to command

respect on verse 13 till i come give

attendance to reading to exhortation to

doctrine that is equip yourself to match

your task so I'm asking you therefore

invests your time your energy and

resources in reading studying and

lighting your capacity of information

and driving the vision that God has

given you this is so important let me

run a brief of my life and see what it

is like I've always carried a strange

passion for God I never knew it was

going to be my lifetime assignment I've

told you before I go Steve 1969 I was

fifteen years old and got the privilege

of preaching the first message in 1870

and from then I've had all kinds of

opportunities in one leadership position

or another in the body of Christ at the

age of 19 I was privileged to perform a

church which was my first pastor

experience in 1973

I got to that village for a 71 day walk

vacation time and I said is there any

choice and I said no I said not even

Catholic they said no and I net Danny my

little what I said Lord may I never

leave this village where I met it

I had no college no ministry so we began

evangelism one-on-one evangelism I had a

friend there who could speak the

language of the place so Abram I myself

now became a team that's why I say I

co-founded a charge Abram was

interpreter I was a preacher and so

people gathered and in 40 days we

already Beauty class George

they were first meeting in our home and

then 40 days would be a great charge and

by day I was living they handed over to

me a mysterious gift a lantern the

oldest man in the church presented a

lantern he said delight to brought to

our village let his shia in the war now

that was at the age of 19 we handed over

that show to the UMC a mission when our

time there was over and they took over

the church to carry only a sermon I

never knew my passion was only an

expression of the plan of God that had

not known suddenly demand it was

delivered when I was 27

now I'm 53 I have not wasted any aspect

of my life my prayer for you is that to

get your bearings right on time

I began investing in books that I knew

consciously from 1974 I'm buying are

written by am biting I was buying and

biting the books God's light was Donnie

on my heart I was having series of

encounters of all kinds God was leading

the way to go up a time and bless God

there is no regrets today if God does

not reserves tasks for you you will not

have called you here the fact that

you're Cordia means you are already

enlisted a sister may you locate now we

are dusta ish and may you abide there

the Bible says therefore let everyone

abide in the same column we are name is

called let every man abide first

Corinthians chapter 7 verse 20 let every

man abide in the same calling we are in

his car and for this 26 years I have not

had an alternative plan

neither have I thought of an alternative

routine to do if your I single your

whole body will be full of light you can

be a star athlete and be a star magician

at the same time you have to be one who

may sing as a hobby you can have same

game as a professional a number of us

play some games but we are never

thinking of becoming a star in the

things we play because we are not we are

not eligible we are having it as a hobby

it takes a professional approach to how

to become a star I read that in a bar

graph is to prepare myself for ministry

how many 39 biographies of proven

ministries give attention to reading if

you don't want your youth to be despised

if you don't want to lose your place in

the race give attention to retain and

get a carbonyl university started I did

an explorative study of a number of

problem long-standing universities like

Harvard like Hembree like ox for like

year like Preston I told them so much

that I could tell a story with a habit

open any paper and now the developed and

I come up with a verdict carbonyl

University is a new generation Harvard

and you can see the waifus caution in

only five years give attention to

reading many are too lazy

you are busy playing music every day

watching AIT watching CNN

that's not how to become a star a star

is committed to information hunting

explorative studies because information

you don't have you cannot apply and what

is wisdom applied knowledge so delayed

you have not acquired how do you apply

it under some of you here debate Amelia

3035 you already named a professor if

that is to let me hear you loud si men


we got to coruña when the church began

24 years ago and he said the place in

five years they're not gonna recover

from it

in five years we blew the place open

five years I've listened to you young

men because you are strong

the truth is a certain things will be

able to do now a few years from now you

may not be able to do them again and I D

levels diminish with age so put in the

freshness of your strength to your

visual something will have let me

conclude here if you don't beat our

record you have not succeeded

if you don't beat the records of your

parents you have not succeeded if you

don't beat the record in your field you

have not succeeded

how many can see responsibility now

how many can see responsibility now how

it takes

Bishop Davidovich po has just placed in

your hands the key to all round victory

exploits success and unquestionable

dominion over all life's challenges the

end has come to all your struggles in

Jesus name

please share your testimony with us

right Bishop David oh you dick PO two

one six double date EKG Lagos Nigeria or

call eight one seven nine six seven zero

eight one seven nine six seven one eight

one seven nine six seven two eight one

seven nine six seven three and eight one

seven nine six seven four or send your

testimony through the email Bishop at

winners Canaan land org and best of all

come hear the man of God live as you

worship with us at Faith Tabernacle

Keenan land came it attended Iroko Road

otta on Wednesday 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

on Sundays 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.

god bless you


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