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Problem-Based Learning in a Blended Environment Implementation Outline

Ashley Karr

Lamar University

EDLD 5305: Applying Disruptive Innovation

Dr. Dwayne Harapnuik

July 16, 2023


June 2023 – July 2024

Phase I June 2023 – August 2023
● June 2023:
○ Establish learning goals and objectives
○ Research problem-based tasks and structures within a classroom
○ Research blended learning and models that best serve learners and campus
● June – July 2023: Gather literature supporting learning goals and objectives
○ Complete literature review
○ Reflect and revise innovation proposal and literature review based on feedback
● August 2023: Introduce and discuss the innovation plan, learning goals, and objectives
with stakeholders
○ Introduce to administration and instructional specialists for approval
○ Provide link to ePortfolio with innovation plan
○ Schedule follow up meeting for any questions, concerns, and feedback

Phase II August 2023 – December 2023

● August 2023: Introduce and discuss the innovation plan, learning goals, and objectives
with content Team (4th grade mathematics)
○ Seek interested educator(s) to pilot in their classroom
○ Review learning goals and objectives for pilot
○ Define how problem-based learning in a blended environment will enhance
■ Real-world problems or tasks
■ Critical thinking skills
○ Adapt scope and sequence and modify curriculum
○ Analyze and revise problem-based tasks from a variety of sources
○ Analyze use of current platforms to establish blended learning environment
■ Schoology, Google classroom, etc.
○ Establish schedule for check-in meetings, classroom support, and observations
○ Establish classroom structure and layout - dedicate designated location for the
■ Collaboration during problem-based tasks
■ Students utilizing vertical whiteboards during problem-based tasks
■ Station rotations and small-group instruction
■ Display of student work for evidence of learning

● September – October 2023: Planning with participating pilot classroom educator(s)

○ Students establish norms for collaborative work environment during
problem-based tasks

■ Establish and implement routines for decided blended model

○ Establish expectations for use of technology and blended learning
○ Introduce fixed mindset versus growth mindset
■ Students complete survey on ownership of learning and attitude towards
○ Introduce setting goals and procedures
● November – December 2023: Reflect with educator(s) on learners’ outcomes as well as
structure of problem-based learning in blended environment
○ Conference with participating educator(s)
○ Discuss what is going well and what could be improved thus far and adjust
○ Communicate which assessments will be collected and how they will be analyzed
● December 2023: Collect participating educator(s) data and curriculum-based assessments
○ Evaluate and analyze varied forms of student data:
■ Common formative assessments, district curriculum-based assessments,
■ Compare participating classroom(s) progress to the campus and district
○ Document and share current findings with participating educator(s)
○ Review and modify learning goals and objectives as needed for the Spring
○ Provide staff feedback survey

Phase III January 2024 – May 2024

● January 2024: Reestablish classroom routines and implement any notable changes
○ Analyze data from staff feedback survey
■ Reflect and adapt based on feedback
○ Establish routines, expectations, and any additional materials needed
● February – March 2024 : Collaborate with instructional specialists and fourth grade team
○ Invite instruction specialists for observation and feedback
○ Provide observation opportunities based on participating educator(s) schedule

Phase IV March 2024 – May 2024

● March 2024: Evaluation of data
○ Gather and analyze beginning of the year assessment compared to middle of the
year assessment data, district curriculum-based assessments, etc.
■ Compare participating classroom(s) progress versus non-participating
■ Document student growth
○ Based on findings, adjust pilot plan and expectations
● April 2024: Revisit goal setting with students and create new goals
○ Students evaluate their progress and note particular areas of growth and

● May 2024: Student and educator(s) survey

○ Write a basic report summarizing findings and compare with the beginning of the
year survey
● Schedule a meeting with administration and third and fourth grade content team to
present findings
● Recruit teachers in multiple grade levels willing to participate for the 2024 – 2025 school

Phase V May 2024 – July 2024

● May 2024: Reflect and adjust based off all feedback from staff and students
○ Evaluate the how findings align with district vision and goals
○ Plan for presenting to district and curriculum
● June – July 2024: Planning for sustaining and expanding in the 2024 – 2025 school year
○ Plan for sustaining problem-based learning in a blended environment
○ Schedule meeting with math curriculum department to report findings
■ Ask if other schools within the district are implementing similar models
■ Plan to visit other schools in the 2024 fall semester


Liljedahl, P. (2021). Building thinking classrooms in mathematics grades K - 12: 14 Teaching

practices for enhancing learning. Corwin Press.

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