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SI No.

No. l B 0
R•I• Amount
l'ART-A Road Work
l11nh work in ourfacc eiu:avation by m«haniGll mcano fa lowenng & leveling the ground for all works other lhan foundation m au lands of soils & uplo deplh not exceedtng JOOmm •• drawin
>lumps ond other deleterious matter including dressing cf e>.cavaled sud.Ja,s, W5pooing olf or IC'\-elhng
the evatt'\I ear1h or sorting & stacking lhcst>l«t<d earth for""'--"' an •raJn•• of 50 m and hit upto 15 m indudmg cool ol labour, tools. usage ol
machin<'f) &c other appurtenances rcqui IOcomplcl<' lht work.
31000 4.BO 010 4-1640 Cum 4-16 40 Cum 80.00
Brea ond CNS!ung of<nalobtau""1 b)• d.un.agt'd crmmt cuncretr • IO•Ile ronge not
t.'\Cl'edmg 75 mm •• specifi<J in table 400-9 tran5portmg thr •ggll'l' obutnrJ from brt-almg ol

2 cemcnl roncr1'te .Jabs "''th lead, laying and compactmg the""""••<ub t>.,_...,/ """'rour'it'. ronstnt<1ru H WB\i toclause -l-05 e>eepl the u..- ol screerung or btndulg M•terual
1 310.00 4Jl0 0.15 223.20 Cum

223.20 Cum 100.00

l'rovnhng. la1mg. spttadtng and compxtmg stone aggregates ol speafac •1.l.eS to waler bounJ macadam
•pocificallm including spreading in uniform lhicknc<s, hand rolling "l1h 1wl>l'Clru "'""I/

\Obratory roller an s1ages to proper grade and cao\ber, applying and brooming ""!Ull;lle l)·pe of "'1'<'l'111ngl bindfog Moleriab 10 mJ up W, inlLTStiC'l'S of l'mr.le oggr<gate,
walering aml compacting 10 the rcquin.>d density

U 1 310.00 4.&l O.IS 223.20 Cum

22. 20 Cum 2050.00
1>rovilllng and laying Bilumanous Macadam with 120 lph capaal) hol ml' pLlnt b.11<h IY!"' using crushl'll awcga1cs or <p<'Cified grading premixed wllh bilumlnou• bind<.,. VC-10•o 1141. by w
mi.lranop<>r1l'd IO Sile, laid 0\'Cr a pr<vk>u•ly prepared Surfac<' with lt\l'.Chanlcal pavor fini•iwr 10 lhe r<'luireJ grade, level and allgnmcnl and roll<J ._. per claUS<'!I 5016 and 501.7 10 ochic\e th
0.08 104.6'.\ Cum
1().11.:1 Cum SSll0.00
l'rov1dlng and laying Dense Graded 81twrunow; Macatl.lm with 100 11'1I copacil) hol mix planl billch
II J"' U•mg CTU>i..,d aggregales cl sp«ified gr.&dtng. rmru\eJ With btlWllUlOU\
btnJer VC-10, "4 O pe< cent by weigh! o/ iotal """ and filler, tran<portmg the! hot m1 lo work .,,.,,

5 la)tng with m«hantc.U povor finisher to the requll"'1 gndc,lc\cl •nd •hgnmcn mlltng with •moolh wh<eleJ. \ibnlory .inJ landftn roller.o 10 .m.e..., the d"'ired comp.tction as MoRTI I ip«lflC.lbO

cbuse No 505 completr Inall respects

1 310.00 4.50 0.03 34.811 Cum

34M Cum 7200.00

rro.·1Jong and •rrlytng pnmcr co;il with 9S1 gr•dc B1twnm Emuls10t1 m p...,,..rcd ,urfat'\' ol gr.inular
6 bo'iC' tndudmg cleaning olroad swfac:r and <praying pnmer al the filte ol0.90 kg J"'f m2
using mechanical """"")
310.00 4.50 1195.00 Sqm
119500 Sqm '18.00
Prov1Jlng and applying lade cool with RS1 Btlumlnous Emulsion u.lng emu1'1oo pre<<ure dislribulor •I
the rate of 0.20 lg/mlon the prepared bituminous swface deaned wlth m«han1Clll broom
1 310.00 4.50 1395.00 Sqm
119500 Sqm '18.00
Construction of Subgrade and Earthen Shoulders
Conslructlon of sub-grade and earthen shouldel'3 with approved m•IL<ri•I obtained from borrow pllli wilh nll lift< & leads. ltanoporting to site,spreading. gmling 10 n'.quir<J <lope
ond comp.1cled to meet reqttlremen1 of table No.30().2
2 310.00 1.65 0.30 306.90 Cum
10690 Cum "180.00 P•rt A
PART A DnlnWork
l:.rth "ort.. excavallan for Foundalt<ln lw mecharuaJ ""'"" for .all worls &c Jq>th uplO 1m. •• per Jr.owing al\d 1<Chnlalsp«ifiations, including setttngou shonng. •trulllng.hlrriadins. c.uuoo lig
<tacl.lng th• seled<oJ earth for reuse Ina radius ol 50 m anJ hfl upto 15 m "1Clud1ng CO.I of labour, loo1', u" f.C olm.-.chinet)• & other appurtenaces requuro lo complele the wO<k
310.00 0.t.O 065 24180 Cum
TolaI 241JI() Cum 6000
Pro\'lJlng and laying in po;ition plain cemenl roncrele for '-"·clting cuu1"" for oil worl.s In foundat.lon.
Inc gr.milc/lrap/ba"'ll crushed grodLoJ coarse aggreg.11es anJ lane •llll""g.11 ..a.• per relevonl IS Codet machine mixed, laid In layers not e>.ce<'.\ling 150 mm thickness, well compOCILoJ u<lng pl•i

2 1ncluJing all kaJ & lirt<, co:.1 of all ma1criab of quality,labour, Us.1gc chars•"of rn.1Chirwrl<'>, cunnr,
and all the other appuncnanccs required to complete the work •• per technical sredficallOM (Mix 1:4:8

(MS) 40mm Jlil

11000 060
0 IO 1720 Cum
h not exceedtng JOOmm •• drawing and 1<Chnical 1p<dficahons. including setting ou sharing. s1ru1ting. bilmcaJing. c.uuon hght<, rcmo\·al ol

r btndulg M•terual

mlnou• bind<.,. VC-10•o 1141. by wclgh 1 of

aUS<'!I 5016 and 501.7 10 ochic\e the de!lir<d

comp.tction as MoRTI I ip«lflC.lbOn

onng. •trulllng.hlrriadins. c.uuoo lighlS, 1ncluJing J,..,1ng of e>.ca'•ted surfaces, di<pOSing olf or clhng 1i.., t11Cn•led •mh or ""1tng le

ckness, well compOCILoJ u<lng pl•i. vibralo1'3,

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