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1. FARAH IZZATY BT. ISHAK 2018485846



22 NOVEMBER 2020
Perpustakaan Perbadanan Awam
Negeri Sembilan (PPANS)


1.1 Background of Organization ……………...…………………….………4
1.2 Planning Process……………...……………..……………...……………6
1.3 Organization Charts……………...……………..…………..……………6
2.1 Organization Charts……………...……………..………………..………6
2.2 Position Descriptions……………...……………..……………………....8
3.1 Objectives of Performance Appraisal……...........……………..………9
3.2 Appraisal Process / Flowchart…………………..……………..………10
3.3 Appraisal Form / System……………...………………………..………12
4.1 Budgeting Techniques……………...…………………………..………13
4.2 Sources of Funding……………...………….…..………………………14
5.1 Promotional Tools / Media / in house (image/visual) .….……..……14
5.2 Activities Promote Library
6.1 Children Department……………...…………………..………..………16
6.2 Adult Department……………...……………..…………………………18
6.3 Reading Movement Department……………...……………….………20
6.4 Information Technology and Communication Department…..……..21
6.5 Acquisition Department……………...……………………..…..………22
7.0 Innovations Services by Libraries……………...……………..…….…23
8. REFERENCE ……………………………………...……………..………24
9. APPENDICES………………………………………...…………………..25

The early history of the reality of the Negeri Sembilan Library is The Sir Hendry
Gurney located at Jalan Dato 'Abd. Malek, Seremban and was officially opened on
July 30, 1952 . Originally, the building was made of wood and was only 60'x40 'and
asbestos roofed. It can only accommodate about 50 seats and can accommodate a
total of 10,000 book copies alone. PPANS has relocated and occupied the Negeri
Sembilan Government Secretary's Old Building located at Jalan Dato 'Hamzah in
1987. It maintains the building as a Heritage Building, Negeri Sembilan. Through the
allocation of the Negeri Sembilan Government, the work to renovate the Wisma Umno
Building to be the State Library and PPANS administrative center was completed on
11 January 2007. On 11 January 2007, PPANS also moved to the Wisma Umno
Building while the State Library Building in Jalan Dato ' Hamzah was officially handed
over to the SUK, Negeri Sembilan on 29 January 2007.

This building is located in a strategic location in the middle of Seremban city and
able to attract people to come to the library to enjoy the facilities provided. The State
Library consists of three floors, the ground floor, the Mezzanine floor and the first floor.
The ground floor space houses the Children's Zone with an area of 6,597.74 k / p and
it is expanded with a Mezzanine floor of 5,174 k / p to house the PPANS Administrative
Center, while the first floor is an Adult Zone reserved for adult visitors with an area of
13,362 k / p.

❖ Leading to the best library services, especially to the people of Negeri Sembilan
❖ strengthening library services and collections while encouraging the systematic
development of local digital content.
❖ Provide efficient and friendly services and meet the need of users.
❖ Become a center of excellence of knowledge for Negeri Sembilan.
❖ Build, provide and manage the library collection for learning purposes to increase
the level of knowledge and skills of the people of Negeri Sembilan.

Logo of organization

This logo is the image of people who are diligently reading so it was related with the
objective of this library which encourages the public to be interested and inclined to
read. In the design of this logo there is also the adjunct of the Jawi letters 'pa' , 'pa' ,
'alif' , 'nun' , and 'sin' which is the letter prefix on the word Perbadanan Perpustakaan
Awam Negeri Sembilan. This logo uses three colors, red, yellow and black; the colors
found on the Negeri Sembilan flag.

❖ Build, provide and manage library collection for learning, research and raising the
level of knowledge and skills, especially Negeri Sembilan community
❖ Provides collection of library resources
❖ Facilitate the use of library resources

Perbadanan Perpustakaan Awam Negeri Sembilan
Persiaran S2 B1, Seremban 2,
70300 Seremban,
Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus, Malaysia
Telefon: 6-06-7635989 / 6-06-7621308
Faks: 6-06-7635944
E- Mel:

Five years plans :
✔ Manage membership registration not exceeding 5 minutes and complete all
information in a short time
✔ Answer reference inquiries not exceeding 10 minutes
✔ Manage borrowing and return process not exceeding 3 minutes
✔ Provide comfortable and professional infrastructure to all customers
✔ Provide more collections for future generations

Organization Structure

Figure 1 : Organization Chart.



An organization is basically a system that outlines how certain activities or unit

are directed in order to achieve their goals of an organization. It's also determines how
information flows between levels within the company. From my observation, the
organization chart/structure of Perbadanan Perpustakaan Awam Negeri Sembilan
(PPANS) is matrix structure which is a type of organizational or library management in
which people with similar skills are pooled for work assignments, resulting in more than
one manager to report to or sometimes referred to as solid line and dotted line reports.

From another observation also, this PPANS is a centralized structure which is
decision flow from the top. Another meaning is, the decision-making powers are
retained in the head office. As we are mentioned above, Perbadanan Perpustakaan
Awam Negeri Sembilan has a public library in each district. There are 7 district
branches, 2 town libraries, 1 library for housing estates, 1 mobile library in Seremban
and there are 73 rural libraries in each district. The establishment of this Rural Library
brings the total number of PPANS services to 85. There are several advantages and
disadvantages of centralized structure in PPANS. One of the advantages is all the
branches can get a clear chain of command because every person within the
organization knows who to report to. A clear chain of command is beneficial when the
organization needs to execute decisions quickly and in a unified manner. Furthermore,
by centralized structure, the PPANS can reduce costs which means a centralized
organization adheres to standard procedures and methods that guide the organization,
which helps reduce office and administrative costs. The clear chain of command also
reduces duplication of responsibilities that may result in additional costs to the library

From my point of view, centralized structure is not suitable for PPANS. This is due
to several things, which include the delay of works. Centralization results in delays in
works as records are sent to and from to main office or main library centre. Employees
rely on the information communicated to them from the top and there will be a loss in
man-hours if there are delays in relaying the records. Indirectly the employee will be
less productive if they need to wait long periods to get guidance on their next projects.
In other hand, lack of employee loyalty is also one of the disadvantages for the PPANS.
Employees become committed to a company when personal efforts are permitted in
the job they do. They will add their imagination and recommend ways to carry out those
duties. There is little effort at work in centralization, however when workers execute
activities conceptualised by top executives. This, owing to the rigidity of the role, limits
their imagination and commitment to the organization. This also one of the reasons we
recommend to PPANS to build a decentralized structure organization. It would make
the organization went smoothly rather than centralized structure because PPANS have
85 branches all over their state itself. Decentralized structure can increase expertise
which is decentralized library assign decision-making power to local managers who
have experience in particular products, rather than just one manager or a collective of
managers seeking to make decisions for a wide variety of products. It means every
branch of PPANS have their own expertise that can manage the branches. Indirectly,
quicker decision can be made. By having increased expertise and decision-making

authority, local managers are able to make decisions quickly without having to wait for
the approval of the organization’s top management.


There are wide varieties of jobs to be done in PPANS itself and all are important.
Whether it is putting the books on the shelves, paying bills, answering questions, hiring
staff or preparing a story-time, they all must be done to keep the library running. The
chain in Perbadanan Perpustakaan Awam Negeri Sembilan (PPANS) also has many
of position from director to assistant director of library until librarian is shown their own
duties and responsibilities itself in PPANS.

Figure 2

One of the important positions in PPANS is assistant director of the library

which is S52 @ S48. The essential roles and responsibilities of assistant library director
are assist with implementation of library strategic plan, goals and vision, they may act
on Library director’s behalf when the Director is not available to make decision, conduct
special projects as requested by Library Director, manage staff scheduled and
assignments, directly supervises departmental managers and provides input into
hiring, training and assist with annual employee evaluations and many more.

Figure 3

Furthermore, as you can see above, assistant librarian S29 is also one of the
positions in PPANS. Eligibility requirements to become a librarian assistant S29 is a
Diploma / STP / STPM / STAM / HSC graduate. One of the general descriptions of
assistant librarian is handling the development of information resources,
documentation and information management, preparation services and facilities to
library users. Implement ICT applications in the library, handle conservation and
security of information resources as well as assistance financial work is also one of the
work descriptions. Assistant librarian S29 is divided under several units in PPANS,
such as catalogue unit and acquisition unit.

3.1 Objectives.

Performance appraisal is an inspection review taken by a manager toward their

employee. This evaluation is one of the fundamental efforts usually done annually in
any organization to seek each of their worker production toward contribution for the
company over the year. This is where managers collect all information regarding the
performance based on evaluation taken from their staff. The objective includes the
manager can identify staff achievement, progress, interest, improvement and
development of their achievement. It is very important to help the company to come
out with feedback to each worker to discuss and talk about their development. Hence
managers can identify the worker chances to be promoted or need an improvement if
they ever miss behind the track. Managers can also decide whether to terminate staff
who have bad reputation and the one with a lot of merit. Overall, performance appraisal
can identify the strength and weakness of the employee in a certain of time.

3.2 Appraisal process.

Figure 4: Flowchart of appraisal process.

The first step of the appraisal process is the management planning. Here
managers are responsible to give explanations about their target goals for the
organization. Manager will set the KPI, Key Performance Indicator which provides
strategic planning from beginning to end. The system includes setting targets, giving
outcomes, objectives, quality time and tracking progress of worker development.
Moreover it also helps managers to reposition workers at the right department based
on their qualification, main skill and specialties to evade any low performance given.
The benefits of the KPI system is it provides accurate evidence of worker progress as
they can also submit any supporting document in the form. They also help workers to
understand well about their given task and the reason why it needs to be achieved to
inform staff about what achievement they are trying to gain this year. It also helps
managers to measure all their worker productivity for the decision making in the future.
To give more encouragement, bonus and reward are created to give workers more
spirit to perform well in their work. Not to forget, an agreement and rule policies should
also be set to avoid worker misbehavior. Hence with well planning of setting the target,
both manager and staff worker will be prepared to face any situation coming through
the time of chasing the goals.

After that, the evaluations are made. As we can see the library conduct twice as
many performances in a year. The first one are taken in June and the final in
December. This is because it is important for managers to seek and monitor their
worker development. They can ensure all staff are on the same line and should have
improvement on their KPI. At this stage the worker should be able to reach more than
60% of the progress. For workers who are still far from the average target, they can
consult with their manager to help them . Managers should also always motivate them
to never give up because all problems can be solved when working together as
teamwork and understanding each other. They can either need more training and
communicate to solve problems.
Next is, at the end of the year, once again, the final evaluations are made. Here
the final result of the mission will determine the worker's actual performance
throughout the whole year. The examiner will evaluate each result that comes out
based on their KIP observation. Here they can efficiently determine which worker who
reach 75% KIP means they have shown every hardworking and deserve an reward.
Furthermore, performance appraisal can also be beneficial toward the organization as
it can help to take action needed and give feedback. By giving feedback, the individual
knows where they can improve or know what they are doing wrong. For example, it
helps to give encouragement for staff who need more training. Managers can always
give their employees training to keep up with the current rapid technologies change.
Hence it can give more encouragement for workers to improve their development. On
the other hand, workers who perform well can discuss more about their future job
promotion if they have served in the organization for a long period of time.

Lastly, after the result and feedback are taken care of, rewards are given to
workers who perform well in their development . The company corporate uses the
target goals of the company to see the worker achievement. The selection criteria are
based on quality of work and attitude toward work. If their work reaches satisfaction
and excellence or get the highest score in their KPI. Bonuses are not only in the form
of money since this organization of libraries is a non-profit centre. The reward can be
a holiday voucher, employee of the month the worker will receive a bonus, reward,
certificate of appreciation or gift to show the acknowledgement toward their staff who
work hard in the company. The reward should be different according to each
percentages of PKI their contribute to ensure everyone receives fair for all. in all Thus
the manager should keep their promise when it comes to agreement in rewarding.
Other than that, termination. No organization would ever fire their employee
without a reasonable excuse. But since the performance appraisal also conclude

worker behavior negligent meaning bad behaviors such as rude with customer, does
not met the appearance requirement, sexual harassment, fail to accomplish task in
time or idle in teamwork. Thus the organization can take action to fire any misbehave
individual and the one who does not take their work seriously. Fire meaning to end a
contract with the individual work with the organization. All related documents should
also include in employees personal fail for their other organization reference in the
future. Therefore, a good feedback can improve overall organization performance. It
can give a good reputation for the library and to ensure all activities run smoothly.

3.3 Appraisal form.

Appraisal form is an evaluation to see worker performance. The beginning of
the form should include staff identity, who’s is the examiner, signature, date time
taken. Below is a figure of an example of well performance appraisal form which the
Public Library of Negeri Sembilan can utilize for their staff and worker development.
The example shown are an individual staff who manage to get 75% in their KPI. The
table content include agreed target, full mark, target achieve, staff achievement, score
and mark which are rate from 1 is below target, 2 average target and 3 exceed the
target. This system is very fair because it checks each worker performance very
accurately. Hence appraisal can determine future decision making for managers to
take action needed for their workers. Moreover, libraries can also make online
appraisals to keep up with the technologies standard. This way their data is kept secure
and easy to retrieve it back later. They can make it accessible for staff on their official

Figure 5 : Appraisal Form.

No. Agree target Full mark Target Achievement Score

1. Information 20% 70%-80% 70%

1 2 3
access for user
2. Cataloguing 25% 10%-50% 60% 1 2 3
3. Circulation and 20% 30%-50% 40% 1 2 3
4. Technology 20% 60%-70% 75%
1 2 3
5. Customer 15% 60%-70% 55% 1 2 3
Full mark 100%

Agree Score Mark

Target No
1. 2 x 20% 0.4
2. 3 x 25% 0.75
3. 2 x 20% 0.4
4. 3 x 20% 0.6
5. 1 x 15% 0.15
Full mark = 2.3

Figure 6 and 7: How performance form work.

2.3/3 x 100 = 77% (KPI Mark.)

This candidate exceeded his or her performance appraisal which score above 75%.
Thus this individual can be rewarded.

4.1 Budgeting Techniques.
Financial management is dealing with money and investments for a organization
because want to increase business concern and achieve profits. The main or purpose
of financial unit are manage development to efficient, accurate through in financial
management and accounting. Have one techniques that they use based on what we
have studied which is program budgeting. It more to organization activities and
performance. One of the activities or function is conduct departmental wealth collection
across the Customer Service Network. It is important because it was related with
interaction with customers. Although, it can increase sales organizations. Next, their

financial unit also managing PPANS investment in fixed deposit. It’s between with the
investor to fixed a rate of interests in period of time. This was a good investment
because it is more higher than normal savings. Besides that, they also manage
departmental procurement. They will organize for purchasing items, receipt, renew and
so on. This is because all of costing, they will arrange for this organization. They have
been give this responsibilities in this company either for activity, programs an so on.
Among the programs that organized by this library are staff celebration ceremony, JKR
visit to Samsung Smart Library which is one of the equipment digital that have in
PPANS and Program Puspanita Negeri Sembilan. All of this activities were using their
own budgeting for programs in their organizations.

4.2 Sources of Funding.

Among the sources of funding for the Negeri Sembilan library Corporations are the
National library of Malaysia and the Librarians Association of Malaysia. These two
parties who funded them but the Negeri Sembilan libraries still need to make an
application from the two parties to get the necessary funds for their company.


Promotion is a marketing tool used to create awareness and favourable attitude
within the target market, community and among various groups of people that are
connected to business as well as Perbadanan Perpustakaan Awam Negeri Sembilan
(PPANS). There are some promotional strategies/tools that are being used by PPANS
to create and improve their awareness and their public library itself.

The promotional tools or media that PPANS used in their promotion and
marketing are advertising and public relations and strategies. Basically, advertising is
one -way communication whose purpose is to inform potential visitors or user of the
library and services and how to obtain them. There are also so many types of methods
in advertising. In PPANS, they used to promote their services or activities through
electronic and digital such as their website and social media itself.

Their own website has promoted many services in their library. One of the
services that provided in their websites is E-Sentral. Online e-Book borrowing service
(local publication) through PNM ELib portal is specially provided for your convenience
by the National Library of Malaysia in collaboration. It provides access to 3,900 local
e-book titles from a variety of subject areas and from leading local publishers. Among
the areas covered are religion, language, autobiography and biography, home

decoration, crime and various. Users are allowed to borrow 2 copies of e-books at a
time where the borrowed e-books will be readable for a period of 7 days. Apart from
that, PPANS also have provided and created the “Ookbee Buffet” system for their user.
Where, Ookbee Buffet provides access to more than 2,000 digital reading materials
including newspapers, magazines, novels and books. Published by more than 15
reputable local publishers such as Karangkraf, Nanyang Siang Pau, News Straits
Times, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP), Fixi, Gempak Starz, PTS, and Utusan
Karya. In addition, you can also access unlimited collections of Disney publications
through the Ookbee Buffet mobile app. All collections under PNM Ookbee Buffet can
only be accessed through the Ookbee Buffet mobile application using a tablet /

Figure 8 and 9.

Apart of that, they have also provided i-LEARN Ace in their websites which us is
a 21st century e-learning platform where it was developed exclusively by Sasbadi
Online. One of the unique features of i-LEARN Ace is the note function where it
contains more than 200,000 notes. i-LEARN Ace also provides about 300,000 sets of
accumulated questions in its question bank. Students can easily answer practice
questions and access lesson notes online or offline. Apart from complying with the
latest 100% syllabus of the Ministry of Education Malaysia, i-LEARN Ace also creates
three-way communication between parents, teachers and users because this platform
is specially designed to improve users' learning skills starting from Year 1 - Form 5.

In PPANS also held activities to promote their library such as outreach program
and also social of the activities or program is “Lawatan JKR ke
Samsung Smart Library”. This program is to develop and enhance the public library
itself in terms of digital and the use of modern technology.futhermore, they also have
held other programs such as “Kursus PNM Digital Hands on”, book festival,
“Perhimpunan warga kerja PPANS Bil.2” and many more.

Figure 10.

In my opinion, there are also some other suggestions to PPANS in order to

promote its own public library. a program that I can recommend to PPANS, where I
see from the point of view of the situation of the country and also the world today is
experiencing a rather severe covid-19 pandemic. I suggest PPANS hold a competition
program not only open to the people of N9, but also to all Malaysians to participate in
the "poster competition on how to deal with covid-19". Malaysians can join it while
movement control order is underway. PPANS needs to put some conditions to
participate in this competition, such as participants need to find information on their
website. This indirectly, PPANS can increase their level of credibility and participants
will also gain awareness about covid-19 being experienced in our country.


6.1 Children department.
The children department in library is very crucial for children and can be used by
children aged 5-12 years old only. There are have several facilities for the children's
department that provide such as book borrowing, hypermedia, activity room, and book
corner. Hypermedia is a space for children to use computers and watch children's
stories in the form of CDs and DVDs that are provided by the library. If the children
want to use the hypermedia, have a policy for customers where they need to register
as a member at a counter and the registration fee is RM 2 for one person. The activity
room is a busy place because the library has organized various activities for children
such as coloring competitions, quizzes, creative competition and collages. The

children zone has the latest book corner which is there is a new book or collection
where books and collections are stacked on the shelves at the edge of the counter so
that children and visitors are easy to see.

Assistant librarian


Assistant librarian operation

S19 assistant

Figure 11 : Organization chart of children department.

In library have techniques for getting books in the children’s section where they
use code such as
● J Junior Non-Fiction
● JF Junior Fiction
● MJF Malay Junior Fiction
● JR Junior Reference
● KI Islam Collection
● KC China collection
● KT Tamil Collection

Point of view to improve the children department in PPANS is that the library can
organize activities or programs for children on every weekend. Usually the library will
be organized activities during school holidays only but the library also can organize the
programs on weekends. The examples of the activities or programs that can be
organized by the library is watching movies. Watching movies activities can attract the
attention of children who install a cartoon movie that has moral value on the screen
and this activity can be charged RM3 for one person.

Next, storytelling for kids. Story telling for kids can be done with the librarian or
hired person to do story telling. Storytelling is the best way teaching about life lessons
to children and at the same time, can teach them moral value. Besides, seminar for
standard six. Since the children's department can only use until the age of 12 years
old, the librarian is encouraged to organize seminars or talk about education. Seminar
or talk education can focus on 12-year-olds where they will sit for the exam which is
Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR). With the education program conducted by
the library can help students in process learning and teaching.

6.2 Adult department.
Adult department is important for them to do the work and the age of users can be
13 years old and above only. There are various facilities available such as hot book,
cyberspace, audio visual room, Negeri Sembilan collection room, special reading room
and photocopying service. Hot book is a corner of the book where the latest books will
be placed for user use. The space in the hot book is a relaxed concept for users who
want to use and give convenience to the user.

Next, cyberspace. Cyberspace is a space for users to use computer services for
free. Have a policy for customers to use a cyberspace where they need to register as
a member at the counter before using it and in the cyberspace, the library provides 6
computers only for user use. Besides, audio visual room. Audio visual room is a room
for video CD, VCD, DVD and audio data in the form of audio such as CD and MP3. If
the user wants to use an audio-visual room, they must register as a member and the
policy for the customer uses this audio-visual room can use this room only for one
Furthermore, Negeri Sembilan collection room. Negeri Sembilan collection room is
a special room for the Negeri Sembilan collection where defined as a collection of
library materials without calculating the form, time or language, published and recorded
by Negeri Sembilan-born writers or the writer is not from Negeri Sembilan. The policy
for users must be registered and the user age must be 21 years old and above only.
The collection cannot be borrowed and cannot be taken out of the room. Moreover, a
special reading room. Special reading room is usable for users aged 21 years old and
above for the purpose of doing a discussion, conducting research and many more.
This special reading room provides limited material in the market and must register
before using it. Lastly, photocopying service. In this area, users can do photostat
services on non-borrowing materials and fees are 10 cents for one piece.

Assistant Librarian

Adult counter

Assistant Asistant
Librarian S19 operation

Figure 12: Organization chart of adult department.

In library have techniques for getting books in the adult department by using online
public access catalog and code such as
● 000 General works
● 100 Philosophy
● 200 Religion
● 300 Community art
● 400 Language
● 500 Pure science
● 600 Technology
● 700 Art
● 800 Literature
● 900 Geography and history
● MF Malay Fiction
● F English Fiction
● KC China collection
● KT Tamil collection
● R Reference

The use of computers is very crucial to users to find information on the internet. By
having 6 computers in cyberspace is not enough and need to add more computers.
The reason is, in the adult department, the users age are 13 years old and above and
this age group needs a computer for them to find information on the internet such as
do a research, do an assignment or complete their homework that are given by the
lecturer or school teacher. Nowadays, teaching staff are always using technology to
find information on the internet compared to use a physical book because information
on the internet is readily available and has a lot of information. If the computer has only

6 in cyberspace, it can cause inconvenience to the user where they need to line up
and wait their turn to use the computer thus will waste their time. In order to solve the
problem, Perpustakaan Perbadanan Awam Negeri Sembilan should add more
computers to make it easier for users.

6.3 Reading movement departments.

The reading movement departments are liable for carrying out major programs in
library such as book fairs, let's read 10 minutes, and Independence Day programs.
Reading movement departments also organize reading encouragement programs at
86 libraries in Negeri Sembilan and organize group book lending services. The vision
is for offering library services through an encouragement reading program at all levels
regardless of age. The mission is to bring about a comprehensive reading
encouragement program that is covering all libraries in Negeri Sembilan through the
collaboration with government and private agencies to implement a reading
encouragement program in Negeri Sembilan.

The policy is planning and managing reading encouragement programs that will
give good benefit to the community, carry out all reading encouragement programs
that are performed in all district and rural libraries and coordinate group book loans at
all libraries that have in Negeri Sembilan. The best activities that can done are run field
trips which are library love programs, information tracking programs and promote
library services to schools and Universities students. Reading movement is to help the
public to know about the library and services offered by the library and organize
activities for the community which will give a benefit for them.

Assitant librarian


Assitant administration Assistant

N17/N22 librarian

Figure 13: Organization chart of Reading movement departments.

To show more advanced reading movements in PPANS is their can collaborate

with libraries in other states such as in Malacca and Johor which is called the southern

zone. The collaboration of the two state libraries is aimed to running the program library
activities such as inter-state cultural exchange readings or Independence Day
program. Collaborative activities such as cultural exchange can help the community to
learn and read about the culture of other states. As we know, in Malaysia there are
various cultures and customs so with the collaboration between state library, can help
the community to know deeper the culture of other states and at the same time, can
do an information exchange activity. Cultural exchange can be done on Independence
Day where at that time, community were encouraged to wear traditional clothing
according to the culture and customs of their respective states. The library can provide
reading materials based on the culture of each state such as book, brochure or
magazine. Through on that, can see the cultural reading of other states can provide
knowledge to the community and get to know about the culture and customs.

6.4 Information technology and communication department.

Information technology and communication (ICT) in library is directed by an

assistant information technology officer, computer technician and one operation
assistant. Serve technical support services and ICT advice like repair and maintain
computer hardware in all library branches in to all ICT users in. The vision of the ICT
department is to build up and increase the development of ICT infrastructure and
applications and the mission is to provide ICT infrastructure and training in the direction
of virtual libraries to reinforce the library mission.

Information technology and communication department in acts as a management

and support in the field of ICT. Their staff policies are to establish, complete, create,
develop and maintain all the application factors of ICT in line with the needs of PPANS.
The staff of ICT department must appliance computerized systems in all the libraries
in Negeri Sembilan because to ensure staff are more intelligent and well-informed
around the field of ICT and at the same time, spread the use of information technology
in all activities that are organized by library.

The activities by the ICT department is create and design the official website of
PPANS and ensure that the information displayed is clear, accurate and up to date for
users or staff. The best practice in the information technology and communication
department is to be a reference center and maintain the information in order to ensure
the hardware and software available at PPANS are in marvelous condition, so the staff

duties can perform their work well and quickly. Also, be a technology development
center and application software development center.

Figure 14: Organization chart of Information technology and communication


According to the latest technological developments, Information technology and

communication in PPANS are encouraged to add new equipment for staff and users
which is self-service borrowing and returning machine. Self-service borrowing and
returning machine is a machine for users to borrow and return borrowed books on their
own. With this machine, it can facilitate library work in the matter of borrowing and
returning books because users can do it by themselves. Users also do not have to
queue at the counter and can reduce waiting time. At the same time, librarians are no
longer chaotic to serve users. Self-service borrowing and returning machines are
expensive to buy but to ease the work librarian and users are encouraged to have the
machine. Staff in Information technology and communication will definitely give training
to other library staff about the machine before users use it.

6.5 Acquisition departments

The Acquisition department in library is the carry out duties to obtain library
materials through on purchase and donation. This department performs as the main
planner in the direction of increasing the source of information to the community in
order to create a society that is culturally knowledgeable and informative. The objective
of the acquisition department is to manage financial allocations for purchasing, develop
a collection of materials based on current standards, track and obtain collection
materials through on the purchase and donation according to the collection materials
selection policy, manage database for acquisition and cataloging of collection

The function of the acquisition departments is to select, trace and give

recommendations for a collection that full fill the needs of the user according to the

library service center, conduct the process of preparing materials, handle subscriptions
to serial publications and manage the receipt of book donations that are received from
external institutions and departments. The techniques to get the donation materials by
the community is to provide a donation box in the library. Also, manage the catalog of
donation books from outside departments.

Assistant director of the library

Assistant librarian

Assistant librarian

Assistant librarian

Figure 15 : Organization chart of acquisition department.

In order to get more donations from the community or organization,

Perpustakaan Perbadanan Awam Negeri Sembilan (PPANS) can organize a program
such as a book donation program. Book donation programs can help PPANS to get a
collection of material in various forms where society or organization has a book or
reading materials that are not used but they do not want to throw or do not know where
to donate. Therefore, they can donate their books and reading materials to PPANS
instead of keep. With the donation program, PPANS will acquire a lot of material
compared to placing boxes. This is because, with the box, they will only get a few
books compared to doing a donation book program.


In conclusion, the Perpustakan Perbadaan Awam Negeri Sembilan (PPANS)

should always use the current updated of technologies to provide a best services for
their users. This is because the innovation services provided by the library can achieve
the mission of the library. For example by improving their website with more accessible
information it can be a one stop center for user to get information needed. User can
get information anytime their needed with the use of technology devices. Therefor,
user with more flexibility information online. Furthermore the library have to always
promote their services so people of all age can know what they provide in their
facilities. The management should always communicate with all their employees to

improve their productivity in the work environment. Therefore, when a library
consistently improvising their management, it can attract more user and researcher
and become one of top modern library in Malaysia.


1) (2020). Self- Service Machines. Retrieved November 19, 2020, from

2) Gongala, S. (2020, April 16). 21 Very Short Moral Stories for Kids. Retrieved
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3) UTKM. (n.d.). Perpustakaan Perbadanan Awam Negeri Sembilan. Retrieved

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4) Performance Appraisal Process. (n.d.). Retrieved November 18, 2020, from

5) Silver, C. (2020, August 28). What is a Performance Appraisal. Retrieved

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