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Mrs.Subitha Lakshmi
District Registrar (Administration)
District Registrar Office
North Chennai, Kuralagam 1st Floor
Chennai – 600 108.
Ref:- Your office letter no.9871/E1/2021 dated 29.03.2022
I, M.Arul Mani Arasu, General Secretary, All India S.C/S.T Association
of I.O.B Employees (Regn.No.232/2012) is issuing this reply letter on behalf of
our Association including its President and Treasurer, after receiving your
office letter referred above as follows:-
1. I hereby state that our Association is the only recognized Association to
represent the demands of the S.C/S.T Employees to the management and
it is an accountable Association to its members and also to the
2. I state that the complainant one A.Maialagan mentioned in the above
office letter is the close associate of the terminated member Arun. B who
had earlier given a complaint and since they do not have the support of
other members to raise the issue in our association meeting they are
coming up with these baseless allegations. And in none of the complaint
they specifically mention any allegations with evidence or proof or they
have followed the due process of law by pointing it to the association but
their agenda is only to tarnish the reputation of office bearers and thereby
to defeat the office bearers in the upcoming election of the association
which is about to be held in coming July.
3. I state that as per the Association Bye Law, the functioning of the
Association is transparent in all means and it cannot be modified or
amended such as to the dance to the tune of the few individuals who are
only self interested and greedy and the allegation stated by that
A.Maialagan is that the minutes of the AGM/ECM meeting held on
12.09.2021 was not signed by E.C.Members but it was duly signed and
also the Statement of Accounts were internally audited by the
independent auditors. The above facts are well known to the complainant
A.Maialagan as he himself is an office bearer of the association but he
had joined hand in glove with some of the bad elements who were
terminated owing to their misbehaviour and came up with this frivolous
4. The complaint is a biased onslaught as that person A.Maialagan, he
himself had attended the meeting and he does not made any allegations
therein. Since, his close Aides were terminated recently for misbehaving
and spreading rumours against the office bearers of the Association in
social media without adhering and abiding to the procedures of the
Association, he had came up with this complaint with unclean hands and
ulterior motive indirectly garner votes in the upcoming election.
5. The baseless allegation in the complaint is that of increase in expenses
when compared to previous years which is only due to increase in
prices and the increased level of inflation and it can not be a case of
misappropriation but it is only based on surmise as no evidence was
provided specifically by the complainant to substantiate his complaint.
6. The other allegation is that donation is increased when compared to
previous years in 2020 and 2021 and the complaint itself bear the answer
as it was Covid period the people in need was more and therefore it is
as per our Aim and Objects of the Association it was done and it is
also necessary to mention that eventhough we are authorised to receive
donation from the members, we had not received even single penny to
prevent the financial burden of the members in the Covid situation and
we have spent only from the available resources of the Association.
7. The complaint was not sustainable legally as it is only a lack of
jurisdiction as it is the General Coucil that shall frame rules and
regulation apart from giving such instructions as it deem necessary, to
the committee regarding working of the Association ( As per para 14 of
the Memorandum of Bye-laws ) and other individuals ( like complainant)
can not direct by way of complaint about the working of the
Association which is barred on the face of it.
8. I wish to state that as per bye-law provision 15 b.xi the General secretary
as a collective responsibility person is authorised to record the minutes
which is chaired by the President and it is done duly following the lawful
procedure and hence there arises no question of accusation as alleged in
the complaint.
It is finally concluded that it is the Association before self and no
one is above the law and the Administration of the Association is
conducted in an orgainisational set up by 1.General Coucil, 2. Executive
Committee 3. Central Council 4. Central Unit and 5.Branch Unit. But the
complainant had instead of following the mechanism mentioned above
had joined hand with rival association for his self interest had came up
with this baseless allegations despite that the agendas were approved in
the meeting itself and thus hiding the truth wantonly.
Your letter is thus addressed with great respect and you are humbly
requested to drop the action of complaint mentioned in the letter cited and
referred above as frivolous and baseless accusation that lacks jurisdiction,
evidence and proof but it is only based on surmise and imagination.
Yours truly,
Mrs.Subitha Lakshmi
District Registrar (Administration)
District Registrar Office
North Chennai, Kuralagam 1st Floor
Chennai – 600 108.
Ref:- Your office letter no.9871/E1/2021 dated 29.03.2022
I, M.Arul Mani Arasu, General Secretary, All India S.C/S.T Association
of I.O.B Employees (Regn.No.232/2012) is issuing this reply letter on behalf of
our Association including its President and Treasurer, after receiving your
office letter referred above as follows:-
1. I hereby state that our Association is the only recognized Association to
represent the demands of the S.C/S.T Employees to the management and
it is an accountable Association to its members and also to the
2. I state that the complainant one Selva Ganesh. S mentioned in the above
referred office letter is the member of the association and he do not have
locus standi to come up with the complaint directly as he should have
given notice to its Branch unit or Central unit or atleast he should have
given intimation in the association meeting but since he has not supported
his allegation with any proof he was not entertained in the association
meeting. And since he do not have the support of other members to raise
the issue in our association meeting he is coming up with these baseless
3. I state that as per the Association Bye Law, the functioning of the
Association is transparent in all means and it cannot be modified or
amended such as to the dance to the tune of the few individuals who are
only self interested and greedy and the allegation stated by them are that
the minutes of the AGM/ECM meeting held on 12.09.2021 was not
signed by E.C.Members but it was duly signed and also the Statement of
Accounts were internally audited by the independent auditors.
4. The complaint is a biased onslaught by few individuals like the
complainants to tarnish the image of the office bearers of the association
so that they can indirectly garner votes in the upcoming election in July.
Since, his close Aides were terminated recently for misbehaving and
spreading rumours against the office bearers of the Association in social
media without adhering and abiding to the procedures of the Association,
he had came up with this complaint with unclean hands.
5. The baseless allegation in the complaint is that of increase in expenses
when compared to previous years which is only due to increase in
prices and the increased level of inflation and it can not be a case of
misappropriation but it is only based on surmise as no evidence was
provided specifically by the complainant to substantiate his complaint.
6. The other allegation is that donation is increased when compared to
previous years in 2020 and 2021 and the complaint itself bear the answer
as it was Covid period the people in need of care was more and
therefore it is as per our Aim and Objects of the Association the
donations were given to the needy people and it is also necessary to
mention that eventhough we are authorised to receive donation from the
members, we had not received even single penny to prevent the financial
burden of the members in the Covid situation and we have spent only
from the available resources of the Association.
7. The complaint was not sustainable legally as it is only a lack of
jurisdiction as it is the General Coucil that shall frame rules and
regulation apart from giving such instructions as it deem necessary, to
the committee regarding working of the Association ( As per para 14 of
the Memorandum of Bye-laws ) and other individuals ( like
complainants) can not direct by way of complaint about the working
of the Association which is barred on the face of it.
8. I wish to state that as per bye-law provision 15 b.xi the General secretary
as a collective responsibility person is authorised to record the minutes
which is chaired by the President and it is done duly following the lawful
procedure and hence there arises no question of accusation as alleged in
the complaint.
It is finally concluded that it is the Association before self and no
one is above the law and the Administration of the Association is
conducted in an orgainisational set up by 1.General Coucil, 2. Executive
Committee 3. Central Council 4. Central Unit and 5.Branch Unit. But the
complainants had instead of following the mechanism mentioned above
had joined hands with rival association for their self interest had came up
with this baseless allegations despite that the agendas were approved in
the meeting itself and thus hiding the truth wantonly.
Your letter is thus addressed with great respect and you are humbly
requested to drop the action of complaint mentioned in the letter cited and
referred above as frivolous and baseless accusation that lacks jurisdiction,
evidence and proof but it is only based on surmise and imagination.
Yours truly,
Mrs.Subitha Lakshmi
District Registrar (Administration)
District Registrar Office
North Chennai, Kuralagam 1st Floor
Chennai – 600 108.
Ref:- Your office letter no.9871/E1/2021 dated 29.03.2022
I, M.Arul Mani Arasu, General Secretary, All India S.C/S.T Association
of I.O.B Employees (Regn.No.232/2012) is issuing this reply letter on behalf of
our Association including its President and Treasurer, after receiving your
office letter referred above as follows:-
1. I hereby state that our Association is the only recognized Association to
represent the demands of the S.C/S.T Employees to the management and
it is an accountable Association to its members and also to the
2. I state that the complainant one Vishnu Kumar.K mentioned in the above
referred office letter is the member of the association and he do not have
locus standi to come up with the complaint directly as he should have
given notice to its Branch unit or Central unit or atleast he should have
given intimation in the association meeting but since he has not supported
his allegation with any proof he was not entertained in the association
meeting. And since he do not have the support of other members to raise
the issue in our association meeting he is coming up with these baseless
3. I state that as per the Association Bye Law, the functioning of the
Association is transparent in all means and it cannot be modified or
amended such as to the dance to the tune of the few individuals who are
only self interested and greedy and the allegation stated by them are that
the minutes of the AGM/ECM meeting held on 12.09.2021 was not
signed by E.C.Members but it was duly signed and also the Statement of
Accounts were internally audited by the independent auditors.
4. The complaint is a biased onslaught by few individuals like the
complainants to tarnish the image of the office bearers of the association
so that they can indirectly garner votes in the upcoming election in July.
Since, his close Aides were terminated recently for misbehaving and
spreading rumours against the office bearers of the Association in social
media without adhering and abiding to the procedures of the Association,
he had came up with this complaint with unclean hands.
5. The baseless allegation in the complaint is that of increase in expenses
when compared to previous years which is only due to increase in
prices and the increased level of inflation and it can not be a case of
misappropriation but it is only based on surmise as no evidence was
provided specifically by the complainant to substantiate his complaint.
6. The other allegation is that donation is increased when compared to
previous years in 2020 and 2021 and the complaint itself bear the answer
as it was Covid period the people in need of care was more and
therefore it is as per our Aim and Objects of the Association the
donations were given to the needy people and it is also necessary to
mention that eventhough we are authorised to receive donation from the
members, we had not received even single penny to prevent the financial
burden of the members in the Covid situation and we have spent only
from the available resources of the Association.
7. The complaint was not sustainable legally as it is only a lack of
jurisdiction as it is the General Coucil that shall frame rules and
regulation apart from giving such instructions as it deem necessary, to
the committee regarding working of the Association ( As per para 14 of
the Memorandum of Bye-laws ) and other individuals ( like
complainants) can not direct by way of complaint about the working
of the Association which is barred on the face of it.
8. I wish to state that as per bye-law provision 15 b.xi the General secretary
as a collective responsibility person is authorised to record the minutes
which is chaired by the President and it is done duly following the lawful
procedure and hence there arises no question of accusation as alleged in
the complaint.
It is finally concluded that it is the Association before self and no
one is above the law and the Administration of the Association is
conducted in an orgainisational set up by 1.General Coucil, 2. Executive
Committee 3. Central Council 4. Central Unit and 5.Branch Unit. But the
complainants had instead of following the mechanism mentioned above
had joined hands with rival association for their self interest had came up
with this baseless allegations despite that the agendas were approved in
the meeting itself and thus hiding the truth wantonly.
Your letter is thus addressed with great respect and you are humbly
requested to drop the action of complaint mentioned in the letter cited and
referred above as frivolous and baseless accusation that lacks jurisdiction,
evidence and proof but it is only based on surmise and imagination.
Yours truly,

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