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Extracting and Exploiting Inherent

Sparsity for Efficient IoT Support in 5G:
Challenges and Potential Solutions
Bassem Khalfi, Bechir Hamdaoui, and Mohsen Guizani

Abstract the devices from the burden of having to deal

with some or most of the computation and ener-
Besides enabling an enhanced mobile gy needed for task execution [2]. The third trend
broadband, the next generation of mobile net- is the adoption of device-to-device (D2D) com-
works (5G) are envisioned for the support of munications envisioned for public safety with the
massive connectivity for heterogeneous Inter- potential to enable more decentralized network
nets of Things. These IoTs are envisioned for management and local traffic offloading [3]. D2D
a large number of use cases including smart offers 5G real-time assurances and better spec-
cities, environment monitoring, smart vehicles, trum and resource allocation efficiency [3]. These
and so on. Unfortunately, most IoTs have very (technological) trends have jointly led to a com-
limited computing and storage capabilities and mon belief that the success of IoT applications is a
need cloud services. Hence, connecting these rather possible reality.
devices through 5G systems requires huge Indeed, telecom companies believe that IoT is
spectrum resources in addition to handling the main driver of 5G, as the major use cases for
massive connectivity and improved security. 5G involve IoT devices (e.g., consumer or indus-
This article discusses the challenges facing the trial IoTs). For instance, IoT will shift the focus of
support of IoTs through 5G systems. The focus mobile system designs from enabling traditional
is devoted to discussing physical layer limita- broadband communications to support not only
tions in terms of spectrum resources and radio enhanced broadband communications but espe-
access channel connectivity. We show how cially massive IoTs with heterogeneous service
sparsity can be exploited for addressing these requirements. However, there are major challeng-
challenges, especially in terms of enabling es that need to be addressed in order for 5G to
wideband spectrum management and handling support these massive IoTs. The first challenge
the connectivity by exploiting device-to-device lies in the enormous amounts of spectrum and
communications and edge cloud. Moreover, bandwidth resources that these massive numbers
we identify major open problems and research of IoT devices need. We envision that dynamic
directions that need to be explored toward spectrum access (DSA) is needed now more than
enabling the support of massive heteroge- ever, as it is commonly viewed as a potential solu-
neous IoTs through 5G systems. tion for overcoming the resource demand chal-
lenge. Second, large numbers of newly emerging
Introduction IoT applications are desperately in need of cloud
The foreseen success of the Internet of Things offloading services due to their limited computa-
(IoT) and its applications is the result of three tion and storage capabilities, as well as their low
major trends. First, fifth-generation (5G) systems latency requirements. Empowering such IoTs with
hold promise for meeting stringent quality of ser- cloud offloading capabilities is therefore crucial
vice (QoS) requirements that legacy systems fail to the successful support of key time-critical IoT
to meet. Examples of such requirements are high applications like virtual reality, video surveillance,
data rates, low energy consumption, low laten- and precision healthcare, just to name a few.
cy, high capacity, and improved security. These Third, current cellular systems are designed for
expected improvements make 5G an ideal can- users’ profiles that are different from the services
didate for ensuring the required connectivity requested by IoTs. In fact, current mobile systems
and services for massive and heterogenous IoT are designed for limited numbers of connections
devices [1]. The second trend is the emergence and high-rate downlink data traffic, whereas IoTs
of cloud computing services, which are believed require massive numbers of connections mostly
to play a vital role in making IoT a success by for low-rate uplink traffic with various delay con-
enabling diverse IoT services and applications that straints [4].
were not possible before. Bringing computing In this article, we discuss some potential solu-
and storage resources closer to the IoT devices tions that can be used to overcome the afore-
by means of edge computing has great promise mentioned challenges. Specifically, we leverage
for lowering energy consumption by releasing three key technology enablers, D2D, compressive
Digital Object Identifier:
10.1109/MWC.2017.1700067 Bassem Khalfi and Bechir Hamdaoui are with Oregon State University. Mohsen Guizani is with the University of Idaho.

68 1536-1284/17/$25.00 © 2017 IEEE IEEE Wireless Communications • October 2017

sensing, and edge cloud, to address bandwidth
resource shortages and network edge traffic bot-
tlenecks faced by 5G systems. The potential of
some of these technologies has already been rec-
ognized by ongoing research efforts such as the Central cloud
METIS project led by different research groups
from various telecom companies. The main contri-
bution of this work lies in the exploitation of key
sparsity properties that are inherent to dynamic
spectrum access and IoT traffic to develop effi-
cient techniques that offer better IoT connectiv-
ity, alleviate congestion bottlenecks at network
edges, and enable efficient dynamic wideband
spectrum access and sharing. The article also
identifies some open research challenges that still
need to be overcome in order to enhance 5G’s Heterogeneous IoTs
support of IoTs.
We want to mention that even though this
work focuses on the support of IoTs via cellu-
lar/5G systems, depending on the IoT application,
IoT devices can also be connected via various FIGURE 1. 5G support to massive and heterogenous IoTs with different service
other means, such as WiFi, ZigBee, and LoRa [5]. requirements enabled via edge-cloud and central cloud.
In fact, recent studies [6] show that by 2021, only
about 7 percent of IoT devices will be connected
via cellular systems.
Type/class of IoTs Service characteristics
The remainder of this article is organized as
follows. We discuss IoT connectivity challenges. Requires scalable connectivity and
We present the different approaches that can be Massive IoTs
generates small-sized, delay-tolerant
used to exploit 5G sparsity to overcome these (mIoTs)
uplink traffic
challenges. Finally, we present some open chal-
lenges and new research directions. Requires reliable, low-latency, and highly
Ultra-IoTs (uIoTs)
Challenges 5G Faces in Support of IoTs available network connections

Besides accommodating enhanced broadband Hybrid Includes low-latency, high-rate services

mobile communications, 5G is anticipated to
support a wide range of IoT applications with TABLE 1. Classification of heterogeneous IoTs.
various heterogeneous requirements [1]. Figure
1 illustrates 5G support to diverse IoT devices, The connectivity of these heterogeneous IoTs
where the BS is augmented with edge cloud ser- will be ensured through heterogeneous networks
vices. The traffic generated by such IoTs is dif- with diverse ranges and data rates including cel-
ferent from that generated by cellular systems in lular systems, WiFi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, Z-Wave,
many aspects. First, unlike the case of broadband Sigfox, LoRA, Weightless, and so on [5]. In partic-
access, most IoT traffic is in the uplink. Moreover, ular, we focus in this work on cellular systems as
IoTs’ messages are typically small in size and there have been significant efforts toward devel-
sparse in time. Furthermore, IoT devices are lim- oping standards relative to IoTs such as LTE-MTC,
ited in energy and computation resources. These NB-LTE-M, and NB-IoT. With that being said, it is
IoT devices’ characteristics make their access to worth acknowledging that it is anticipated that
5G systems different from classical cellular devic- only a small portion (about 7 percent) of IoTs will
es. Given these traffic characteristics and resource be connected through cellular systems by 2021
constraints, IoTs can be classified, as illustrated by [6].
Table 1, into three classes based on their required
services. Wideband Dynamic Spectrum Access Challenges
• Massive IoTs (mIoTs): This class of IoTs includes Serving these diverse, massive, and heterogeneous
large numbers of low-power, low-cost devices IoTs calls for the development of new intelligent
that generate low-rate, small-sized, delay-toler- resource management approaches. Of particu-
ant uplink traffic. Examples of such mIoTs are lar importance is the need for efficient spectrum
those envisioned for smart cities, smart homes, resource usage and access at higher frequency
smart parking, environmental monitoring, and ranges. Spectrum regulation agencies such as FCC
so on. and Ofcom have already issued notices for con-
• Ultra-reliable, low-latency IoTs (uIoTs): These sidering and using millimeter-wave spectrum with
IoTs need very low latency, high availability, the aim to meet the enormous bandwidth needs
and high reliability, but do not require high these massive IoTs are anticipated to require.
data rates. Examples of uIoTs are those envi- Although spectrum policy makers are taking the
sioned for vehicle-to-everything (V2X) services, necessary steps toward enabling and opening up
emergency management, remote healthcare, wideband spectrum for 5G access, much remains
manufacturing control, smart grids, and so on. to be done when it comes to developing resource
• Hybrid IoTs: These IoTs require both high data allocation techniques. Although there is a general
rates and low latency, and are used in applica- consensus among researchers that DSA will be a
tions like virtual/augmented reality, video sur- key for enabling efficient spectrum resource shar-
veillance, law enforcement, and so on. ing in the millimeter-wave range, there are key

IEEE Wireless Communications • October 2017 69

Network Edge Traffic Challenges
Cloud offloading has been adopted as a potential
solution for overcoming the resource limitation
Occupancy 10% Occupancy 10% ... Occupancy 5% of IoT devices, as it exempts them from having to
deal with the computation, storage, and device-to-
Service provider 1: Service provider 2: network communication burdens resulting from
occupancy 7% occupancy 13% running the IoT applications. Researchers have
recently started exploring new ways to take cloud

offloading to a higher level: bring cloud comput-


(a) ing infrastructures closer to end users, leading to

Wideband B Hz what is commonly known today as edge clouds
or cloudlets. Enabling IoT devices with edge cloud
offloading capabilities is a key requirement for the
5G network architecture, crucial to successfully
(b) supporting IoT applications at scale, character-
ized with diverse and more stringent QoS require-
FIGURE 2. n frequency bands occupied by heterogeneous applications with ments. In addition to relieving the device from
different occupancy rates. The green bands are occupied by primary users, having to run its application locally, edge cloud
while the white bands are vacant: a) the statistical allocation; b) realization offloading eliminates the need for having to send
of allocation in a given region at a given time slot. a) reveals that the wide- massive amounts of IoT data through the Internet,
band spectrum is stochastically underutilized, and (b) is an instantaneous thereby generating lesser Internet congestion and,
realization of this underutilization. more importantly, improves IoT device respon-
siveness, essential to the support of time-critical
challenges that need to be addressed to be able IoT applications, such as real-time video surveil-
to enable wideband DSA. Wideband spectrum lance, augmented reality, and remote healthcare.
sensing is one such challenge on which we focus With edge cloud offloading, IoT devices can
in this article. replicate their memory objects (often small-sized)
Spectrum sensing is the process by which unli- and transfer them to their associated cloudlets.
censed spectrum users identify unused portions Despite these apparent resource elasticity bene-
of the licensed spectrum to use opportunistical- fits of edge cloud offloading, the massive numbers
ly. Despite the huge research efforts dedicated of devices each 5G cell is expected to support
to developing efficient sensing techniques, not will render the network edges of 5G major traffic
much has been done when it comes to exploit- bottlenecks, thereby significantly limiting cloud
ing the sparsity properties that are intrinsic to the offloading performance gains [9]. We present
wideband spectrum access. As discussed later, techniques that leverage existing technologies
intelligently extracting and exploiting the sparsity such as D2D and compressive sensing theory to
properties inherent to the heterogenous occu- exploit key sparsity properties unique to IoT to
pancy nature of the wideband spectrum can sig- alleviate congestion bottlenecks and overcome
nificantly improve the sensing efficiency of the access scalability issues at 5G network edges.
available portions of the wideband spectrum, and
thus increase the overall spectrum utilization.
With the opening up of the wideband spec-
Extracting and Exploiting Sparsity for
trum access recently enabled by spectrum policy Efficient IoT Support in 5G
makers, and with the device characteristics and Having identified some key challenges facing the
traffic heterogeneity nature of these massive IoTs, adoption of IoTs in 5G, we now present potential
traditional single-band spectrum sensing approach- solutions that leverage compressive sensing theo-
es are no longer effective, and hence new sens- ry to overcome these challenges.
ing approaches need to be developed. The main
reason traditional approaches are not efficient for Enabling Efficient Wideband Spectrum Sensing
wideband DSA is that they require high numbers In order to serve the massive numbers of IoTs,
of sensing measurements; that is, in order to fully spectrum sensing techniques suitable for wide-
recover spectrum occupancy information, high band spectrum access and sharing need to be
(Nyquist) sampling rates are required, which can carefully developed. Above, we discuss the
incur significant sensing overhead in terms of ener- shortcomings of conventional sensing approach-
gy, computation, and communication. Motivat- es when applied to wideband spectrum sensing.
ed by the sparse nature of spectrum occupancy More specifically, the key limitations of such exist-
and in an effort to address the overhead caused ing approaches lie in their high sampling rates
by these high sampling rates, researchers have and the hardware capabilities needed to be able
recently been focusing on exploiting compressed to recover sensing information for wideband
sampling theory to develop wideband spectrum spectrum access. However, since (wideband)
sensing approaches that can recover information spectrum is heavily underutilized [8] in that the
at sub-Nyquist sampling rates [7]. We present a number of occupied bands is significantly less
novel wideband spectrum sensing technique that than the total number of bands (i.e., the vector
extracts key sparsity properties inherent to the representing spectrum occupancy information is
wideband spectrum occupancy heterogeneity [8] sparse), compressive sensing theory is an ideal
and exploits them through compressive sensing candidate for fully recovering spectrum occupan-
theory to improve the efficiency of spectrum sens- cy information while using sampling rates lower
ing. An illustration of the wideband spectrum occu- than sub-Nyquist rates [10]. In other words, the
pancy is shown in Fig. 2. recovery of the (sparse) spectrum occupancy

70 IEEE Wireless Communications • October 2017

vector can be done with fewer sensing measure-
ments. Encourage the search of occupied
bands in these blocks: less sparse.
With compressive sensing, the occupancy
information of a spectrum consisting of n bands
can be recovered with only m = O(k log(n/k))

Spectrum occupancy
measurements where m < n and k is the num-
ber of occupied bands, referred to as the spar-
sity level. The spectrum occupancy information
vector, xn1, is then recovered by minimizing the
l0-norm of xn1 subject to a constraint on the error
||ym1 – Fxn1||l22, where ym1 is the vector
representing the m measurements, F is a full-rank
sensing matrix, and  is the discrete inverse Fou-
rier transform matrix. Due to its NP-hardness, Frequency bands
recovery heuristics (e.g., l1-norm minimization and
orthogonal matching pursuit [10]) have been pro-
posed in the literature for solving such problems. Blocks that are temporarily used. It should
From a practical viewpoint, the implementation of Discourage the search of occupied be highly favored during the search.
wideband spectrum sensing requires the use of bands in these blocks: sparser.
m amplifiers and then mixing the received ampli-
fied signals with pseudo-random waveforms at FIGURE 3. Sparsity-promoting wideband spectrum sensing.
Nyquist rates. After that, an integrator is applied
followed by an analog-to-digital converter that
takes samples at sub-Nyquist rate. This architec- 0.06
ture is known as analog-to-information converter Conventional
(AIC) sampler [10]. Linear SVR
An observation we make by investigating the Nonlinear SVR

Batch gradient descent
existing compressive sensing-based approaches
is that they consider that the occupancy of wide- 0.02
band spectrum to be homogeneous, meaning
that the entire wideband spectrum is considered
as one single block with multiple bands, and the 0
300 400
0 100 200 500
sparsity level is estimated across all bands and Time index
considered to be the same for the entire wide-
band spectrum. However, in wideband spectrum FIGURE 4. Mis-detection performance evaluation of weighted compressive
assignment, applications of similar types (TV, sensing under different regression techniques compared to conventional
satellite, cellular, etc.) are often assigned bands approach [10].
within the same block, suggesting that wide-
band spectrum is heterogeneous. That is, band
occupancy patterns are not the same across the er than the blocks which are more likely to be
different blocks, since different application/user occupied. Since the number of occupied bands
types within each block can exhibit different traffic changes over time, the design of the weights w
behaviors; hence, wideband spectrum occupancy can be based on the average occupancy of every
– –
may vary significantly from one block to another, spectrum block i, ki, such that wi = 1/ ki [11]. Fur-
as illustrated in Fig. 2. This trend has indeed also thermore, if each block occupancy, k i, can be
been confirmed by recent measurement studies estimated through learning (e.g., using regression
[8]. techniques), better performance can be achieved
Incorporating this fine-grained sparsity struc- when setting w i = 1/ k i. In Fig. 4, we show the
ture into the formulation of wideband spectrum performance of the proposed weighted com-
occupancy recovery allows us to improve the pressive spectrum sensing approach with band
recovery performance and enhance the detection occupancy prediction (using different regression
accuracy of wideband spectrum sensing. Specifi- models) and compare it to a conventional wide-
cally, such a block-like sparsity structure allowed band spectrum sensing approach [10]. Note that
us to formulate the problem as a weighted l1-mini- in the non-cooperative case where IoTs perform
mization problem, thereby resulting in an algo- wideband spectrum sensing individually, there is
rithm that provides faster spectrum occupancy no signaling overhead (information exchange with
recovery with less sensing overhead [11]. The the other network entities to perform this task).
basic idea behind our algorithm is that the spec- However, in the cooperative case where multiple
trum blocks which are more likely to be occu- IoTs are involved in the sensing task, the signaling
pied are favored during the search. In addition, overhead becomes proportional to the number
blocks corresponding to critical applications or of cooperating IoTs. Table 2 shows the signaling
for which some occupancy information is known overhead associated with each of the approaches
are captured through careful design of block discussed in this article.
weights [11]. In essence, any additional knowl-
edge about spectrum utilization behavior can be Overcoming Network Edge Traffic Bottlenecks
incorporated and exploited so that faster recov- As discussed earlier, the massive IoT traffic that
ery of spectrum occupancy information can be 5G cells are required to support and enabling
achieved. Figure 3 illustrates some of these design edge cloud offloading will create severe conges-
elements, where the blocks that are more likely tion bottlenecks at the 5G network edges. One
to be unoccupied are encouraged to be spars- possible solution proposed in [12] to overcome

IEEE Wireless Communications • October 2017 71

When appropriately
Reference Application Comments Sparsity Signaling overhead
exploited, D2D can
offer great advantages. Without cooperation No signaling overhead
Higher throughput, low [10] Wideband spectrum sensing Fixed sparsity
With cooperation Proportional to number of SUs
latency, better availabil-
ity, and new services, [11] Wideband spectrum sensing Exploited spectrum heterogeneity Varying sparsity No signaling overhead
among other advantag-
Upload memory replicas
es, make D2D an ideal [12] Exploited D2D communications Fixed sparsity m connections with the BS
of mIoTs
candidate to help in
the adoption and sup- [13] Adaptive data gathering Exploited correlation Varying sparsity m transmissions to the sink
port of IoTs by 5G. Compressed measurement Exploited signal’s stationarity + For p active IoTs and n network
[14] Fixed sparsity
reporting D2D nodes: n + p transmissions

Two-step approach to adjust the

[15] Wideband spectrum sensing Varying sparsity No signaling overhead
number of measurements
TABLE 2. Summary of the techniques exploiting sparsity.

this challenge lies in leveraging D2D and com- cussed previously in the wideband spectrum
pressive sensing theory to reduce the number of sensing context. In addition, learning and predic-
connections established between the BSs and the tion approaches can also be used in conjunction
IoTs, and to reduce the amount of offloading traf- with the recovery approach to improve the per-
fic. D2D communication technology has been formance. This was considered in [13] where a
adopted in LTE-Advanced systems, but only for data gathering approach was proposed based on
public safety communications. When appropri- compressive sensing. The proposed scheme takes
ately exploited, D2D can offer great advantages. advantage of the correlation between data and
Higher throughput, low latency, better availability, introduces an autoregressive (AR) model in the
and new services, among other advantages, make recovery approach. IoTs can also be leveraged for
D2D an ideal candidate to help in the adoption performing wideband spectrum sensing but with
and support of IoTs by 5G. a focus on reducing the reported measurements’
With the use of compressive sensing, instead cost [14], which can be combined with the work of
of having all IoTs push their data to the BSs, the [13]. Under the assumption that the sensed signal
BSs can pull the data from only a subset of devices is sparse, a sparser basis can be found and can lead
and use compressive sensing to recover the data of to a more compressed signal than the frequency
all IoTs. Here the sparsity that allows the exploita- domain basis. The IoTs report the measurements to
tion of compressive sensing comes from the fact/ network nodes that perform simple addition of the
assumption that at a given time, only a few IoT measurements coming from the IoTs and report
devices experience changes in their memory, and them to the BS. This way, a constant communica-
hence only a few will need to upload their mem- tion cost is maintained (communication overhead
ory updates to the edge clouds. Specifically, con- is proportional to the number of network nodes).
sidering mIoTs with delay-tolerant requirements, At the BS, the different measurements are exploit-
every node multicasts to its neighbors a weighted ed to recover the wideband spectrum occupancy.
value of the updated data replica with a defined Table 2 summarizes the main proposed works
coefficient that corresponds to the coefficient of that exploit sparsity features to enable the support
the sensing matrix. When a node receives the of massive and heterogeneous IoTs.
weighted data replicas from other nodes, it adds
its corresponding update, if any, and multicasts it Open Research Problems and Directions
during its time slot. After exchanging the data rep- Despite the efforts made in exploiting the hidden
licas, the nodes turn to the sleep mode for energy sparsity structure for supporting IoTs through cel-
saving purposes. The BS pulls the measurements lular systems, key challenges remain that need to
from a few nodes, compared to the total number be overcome. We summarize here some of the
of mIoTs, where the number of these nodes should research directions we believe are worth investi-
satisfy a condition that depends on the total num- gating in the future.
ber of nodes and the number of nodes that have Wideband spectrum occupancy behaviors:
data updates. Since most of the mIoTs have no Although some research efforts aiming to exploit
update, the vector corresponding to the memory spectrum occupancy sparsity to reduce traffic over-
replicas is sparse. Compressive sensing theory can head have already been made, these approach-
accurately recover the data replicas for each IoT es either are generic (not specific to wideband
and support the corresponding ones through cloud spectrum access) or achieve limited performance
services. The proposed protocol shows that signal- improvements due to the assumptions made. For
ing overhead is considerably reduced (only m con- instance, the spectrum occupancy heterogeneity
nections are established with a BS), congestion is structure inherent to dynamic wideband spectrum
avoided, and latency is improved by placing cloud access is a feature that, when exploited properly,
services at the edge. The main shortcoming of this can allow for the design of more efficient compres-
approach is that it only works with homogeneous sive sampling approaches [11]. Also, a common
IoTs and assumes a fixed sparsity level. limitation of these existing approaches lies in the
Potential improvements can be achieved fact that the spectrum occupancy sparsity level is
through weighted compressive sensing as dis- considered constant and does not change over

72 IEEE Wireless Communications • October 2017

time. Therefore, designing efficient recovery algo- theory and D2D communication technology to As the demand for
rithms that exploit such features and structures in exploit some sparsity structures inherent to the spectrum resources
spectrum occupancy, finding bounds on the min- spectrum resource access and sharing in 5G to continues to rise with
imum required number of sensed measurements, overcome key challenges that 5G systems will the emergence of
and deriving error bounds on the achieved perfor- face. Specifically, we focus on two key chal-
mances are some important challenges that remain lenges that pertain to the support of IoTs in 5G: 5G, devising efficient
open and hence require further investigation. spectrum resource availability and traffic jams techniques for enabling
Cooperative wideband spectrum sensing: As the at network edges. We present some potential dynamic spectrum
demand for spectrum resources continues to rise solutions for overcoming these two challenges, sharing and access of
with the emergence of 5G, devising efficient tech- and identify some open research problems that wideband spectrum
niques for enabling dynamic spectrum sharing and remain to be addressed.
access of wideband spectrum resources is needed resources is needed
more than ever. Of particular importance is coop- Acknowledgment more than ever. Of
erative spectrum sensing. Considering and studying This work was supported in part by the U.S. particular importance is
cooperative wideband spectrum sensing approaches National Science Foundation (NSF) under NSF cooperative spectrum
under the observed heterogeneous structure of the award CNS-1162296. sensing.
spectrum occupation has great potential for improv-
ing spectrum sensing accuracy and reducing sensing References
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cannot be applied as they are to these proposed B assem K halfi [S’14] is currently a Ph.D. student at Oregon
State University. His research focuses on various topics in the
approaches, and hence new privacy-preserving area of wireless communication and networks, including dynam-
techniques need to be carefully designed so that ic spectrum access, energy harvesting, and IoT.
compressive sampling can be exploited to reduce
traffic without compromising the privacy of users Bechir Hamdaoui [S’02, M’05, SM’12] is an associate professor
in the School of EECS at Oregon State University. His research
involved in the data reporting process. interest spans various areas in the fields of computer network-
ing, wireless communications, and mobile computing.
IoTs have recently gained tremendous research Mohsen Guizani [S’85, M’89, SM’99, F’09] is currently a pro-
fessor in the ECE Department at the University of Idaho. His
attention as they are the main driver for a wide research interests include wireless communications and mobile
range of applications. Of particular interest is computing, computer networks, mobile cloud computing, secu-
the focus on leveraging compressive sampling rity, and smart grid.

IEEE Wireless Communications • October 2017 73

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