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AICTE Activity Points

Programme-Phase 2
“Promotion of appropriate technologies”
“Food preservation/packaging”
“Digitized money transaction”

Submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of



Submitted By




Assistant Professor,
Dept of CSE,VVIT



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Certified that the activity entitled “Promotion of appropriate technologies, Food
preservation/packaging,Digitized money transaction” carried out by

GEETHA.V[1VJ20CS012] is a bonafide student of Vijaya Vittala Institute of Technology in

TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY,BELAGAVI during the academic Year 2022-2023. It is
certified that the activity is carried out and the report has been approved as it satisfies the
requirements of AICTE activity points program for the said Degree.


Assistant Professor HOD
Dept of CSE Dept.of CSE


VVIT, Bengaluru

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The satisfaction and euphoria that accompany the successful completion of any task would be
incomplete without the mention of the people who made it possible, whose constant guidance and
encouragement crowned the efforts with success.

We would like to express my deepest sense of gratitude to my guide Mr. William Deepan,
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering for his constant support and

It gives me immense pleasure to thank Prof. MANGALA PATIL Head of Department for her
constant support and encouragement.

I express my gratitude to Dr. S. Rajendra, Principal, Vijaya Vittala Institute of Technology for
providing an opportunity to do this project as a part of my curriculum in the partial fulfilment of
the degree course.

I would like to acknowledge my gratitude to our chair person, Mrs. Rukmini T of Vijaya Vittala
Institute of Technology for providing necessary infrastructure and creating good environment.

Finally, I am indebted to my family, all my faculties and friends for constantly supporting and
encouraging directly or indirectly.

Dept of CSE,VVIT 5


I, GEETHA.V [1VJ20CS012] student of VI Semester B.E, in Computer Science & Engineering, Vijaya
Vittala Institute of Technology here by declare that the activity title “Promotion of appropriate
technologies, Food preservation/packaging, Digitized money transaction” has been carried out by us
and submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the VI Semester in Bachelor of Engineering
in Computer Science and Engineering of Visvesvaraya Technological University,Belagavi during
academic year 2022-2023.

Place: USN: 1VJ2OCS012


Dept of CSE,VVIT 6

Table of Contents

Promotion of Appropriate technologies

Chapter -1
Basics of Computers

Chapter -II MSWindows




Basics of Internet

Chapter-VII Food preservation/packaging

Chapter-VIII Digitized money transaction

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Definition of a Computer:
Computer is an electronic device which is capable of receiving data and produce a result in the form of
information. This is achieved by performing a sequence of operations in accordance with a set of
procedural instructions called program.
Data : Data is a collection of raw facts.
Information : Information is the processed data in an orderly form.
Unlike a calculator, computer scan store a program and retrieve information from its memory.

Characteristics of Computers:
Computers have the following characteristics:
a) Speed: The speed of operation of the computers are very high. Processing speed increases
dayby day with new inventions of Technology.In general, no human being can compete to solve
thecomplexcomputations, fasterthan computer.
b) Accuracy:SinceComputerisamachine,itgivestheresultswithhighaccurately.
c) Storage: Computer can store a large amount of data, Pictures, Movies with appropriate
format.Thedata can beretrievedwheneverrequired using proper programs.
d) Diligence:Computercanworkforhourswithoutanybreak andcreatingerror.
e) Versatility : We can use computers to perform completely different type of work at the
f) No IQ :Computer does not work without instructions. Whatever the way we programme thesame
way it will function.It doesn’t have its own intelligence. However, the present
daycomputersareprogrammed to haveartificial intelligence.
g) No feeling : Computer does not have emotions, knowledge, experience, feeling.It is just

The Computer works on the principle of ON and OFF states. These states are represented by
differentphysicalparameters as shown below.
Flowofcurrentinsomepart ofthecomputer mayberepresented Noflowofcurrent
HighVoltageatsomepartofthecircuit LowVoltage
MagneticFieldat apointin floppydisk Nomagneticfield
Reflectionoflightincompactdisk Noreflectionoflight

ON state is represented by 1 and OFF state is represented by 0. All that happens inside the
ecalled asBinarydigits(BITS )

8bits =1 byte
1024 byte=1 Kilo Byte ( KB)1024
KB= 1 Mege Byte
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1024GB =1 TeraByte(TB)

Digitization :It is possible to convert basic entities like voice, text, Pictures, motion pictures etc.
intoelectronic form (sayZerosand Ones). This is called digitization. Once basic data is converted
intodigitalform it can be processed in the Computers.

Computers are used in each and every part of our daily life and made our life easier.Computers
havetaken industries and businesses to a whole new level. They are used at Home for work and
entertainmentpurposes, at Office, in hospitals, in government organizations.The following are
some of the uses ofcomputersin various fields.

a. Working from Home : People can manage the office work at home. The owner of a company
canchecktheworkof theemployees from home andcontrol his officewhilesittingathome.
b. Entertainment:Peoplecanfindentertainmentontheinternet.They canplaygames,watchmovies, listen
to songs, and watch videos download different stuff. They can also watch livematcheson
c. Information:Peoplecanfindanytypeofinformationontheinternet.Educationalandinformative
websites are available to download books, tutorials etc. to improve their knowledgeandlearn new
d. Chatting &Social Media: People can chat with friends and family on the internet using
differentsoftware like Skype etc. One can interact with friends over social media websites like
Usesof ComputersinEducation:
Computer-based training (CBT) is any course of instruction whose primary means of delivery is
acomputer.CBT are different programs that are supplied on CD-ROM. These programs include
text,graphics and sound. Audio and Video lectures are recorded on the CDs. CBT is a low cost
solution foreducating people. You can train a large number of people easily. The following are
some of the benefitsofCBT:
a. The students can learn new skills at their own pace. They can easilyacquire knowledge inany
available time of their own choice. For example The courses offered by AP State
SkillDevelopment Corporation (APSSDC) can be accessed through YouTube through the
searchword‘ESC APSSDC’
b. It is verycost effectivewayto train a largenumber ofstudents.
c. Trainingmaterialsareinteractive andeasyto learn.Itencouragesstudentstolearnthetopic.
d. Trainingvideosandaudiosareavailableataffordableprices.
e. ComputerAidedLearning(CAL):Computeraidedlearningistheprocessofusinginformationtechn
ologyto help teachingandenhancethe learningprocess.
f. Distance Learning: Distance learning is a new learning methodology and Computer plays
thekey role in this kind of learning.The student does not need to come to the institute.
Theinstitute provides the reading material and the student attends virtual classroom. In
virtualclassroom, the teacher delivers lecture at his own workplace. The student can attend
thelectureat homebyconnectingto anetwork. Thestudentcan alsoaskquestions to theteacher.
g. Online Examination: Different examination like GRE, GMAT and SAT are conducted

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onlineall over the world. The questions are markedby computer.Itminimizes the chance
ofmistakes.It alsoenablesto announcethe resultin time.
Usesof Computersin Business
Businessmen are using computers to interact with their customers anywhere in the world. Many
businesstasks are performed more quickly and efficiently. Computers also help them to reduce the
overall cost oftheirbusiness.
a. Specialized hospital management softwares are used to automate the day to day
proceduresandoperations at hospitals.
b. Monitoring systems are installed in medical wards and Intensive care units to
atureand can alert medical staff about anyserious situations.
c. Specialiseddevices areusedtohelpimpairedpatientslikehearingaids.
d. Avarietyofsoftwareareusedtoinvestigatesymptomsandprescribedmedicationaccordingly.
Sophisticated systems are used for tests like CT Scan, ECG, and other medicaltests.
A computer system consists of mainly three basic units; namely input unit,central processing unit
andoutputunit. CentralProcessing unitfurther includesArithmetic logic unit, Memory Unitand
controlunit,as shown in the block diagram

Blockdiagramof acomputer

a. InputUnit:Thisunit isused forenteringdata andprograms intothecomputersystem bytheuser.

b. Output Unit: The output unit is used for storing the result as output produced by the computer

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c. Central Processing Unit (CPU) : The task of performing arithmetic and logical operations is done
byCPU. The major parts of CPU are :Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), Memory Unit (MU) and Control
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) : All calculations and comparisons, based on the instructions
provided, arecarried out within the ALU. It performs arithmetic functions like addition,
subtraction, multiplication,divisionand also logicaloperationslikegreaterthan, less thanand equal

Control Unit: Controlling of all operations like input, processing and output are performed by
controlunit.It takescareofstepbystep processingofall operationsinsidethe computer.

Memory Unit : Computer’s memory can be classified into two types; primary memory and
secondarymemory.PrimaryMemorycan befurther classified asRAM and ROM.
Random Access Memory (RAM) is the place in a computer where the programs and data are
kepttemporarily so that they can be accessed by the computer’s processor. It is said to be ‘volatile’
since itscontentsare accessible onlyas longas thecomputer is on.
Read Only Memory (ROM) is a special type of memory which can only be read and contents of
whichare not lost even when the computer is switched off. It typically contains manufacturer’s
instructions.ROM also stores an initial program called the ‘bootstrap loader’ whose function is to
start the operationofcomputer system oncethe power is turned on.
Secondary/auxiliary memory is storage other than the RAM. These include devices that are
peripheraland are connected and controlled by the computer to enable permanent storage of
programs and data.Someofthe secondarystoragedevices arehard disks, CDs, DVDs,Pen drive, Zip
Hard Disk : Hard disks are made up of a stack of metal disks sealed in a box. The hard disk and
the harddisk drive exist together as a unit and is a permanent part of the computer where data
and programs aresaved. Harddisks are rewritable.
Compact Disk : Compact Disk (CD) is portable disk having data storage capacity between 650-700
MB.It can hold large amount of information such as music, full-motion videos, and text etc. CDs
can beeitherread onlyor readwritetype.
Digital Video Disk : Digital Video Disk (DVD) is similar to a CD but has larger storage capacity.
DVDsare primarily used to store music or movies and can be played back on your television or the

These devices are used to enter information and instructions into a computer for storage or
processingand to deliver the processed data to a user. Input/Output devices are required for users
to communicatewith the computer.These devices are also known as peripherals since they
surround the CPU andmemoryof acomputer system.
An input device is any device that provides input to a computer. There are many input devices,
but thetwo most common ones are a keyboard and mouse. Every key you press on the keyboard
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and everymovementor clickyoumakewiththemousesendsaspecificinput signaltothecomputer.

Keyboard: The keyboard is very much like a standard typewriter keyboard with a few additional
keys.The basic QWERTY layout of characters is maintained to make it easy to use the system.
There are alsoFunctionalKeys, usedto perform certain special functions.
Mouse: A device that controls the movement of the cursor or pointer on a display screen. A mouse
is asmall object you can roll along a hard and flat surface. Its name is derived from its shape,
which looks abitlikeamouse. Asyoumove themouse, the pointeron thedisplayscreenmovesin
thesame direction.
Trackball: A trackball is an input device used to enter motion data into computers or other
electronicdevices. It serves the same purpose as a mouse, but is designed with a moveable ball on
the top, whichcan berolled inanydirection.
Touchpad: A touch pad is a device for pointing (controlling input positioning) on a computer
displayscreen. It is an alternative to the mouse. Originally incorporated in laptop computers,
touch pads are alsobeing made for use with desktop computers. A touch pad works by sensing the
user’s finger movementanddownward pressure.
Touch Screen: It allows the user to operate/make selections by simply touching the display screen.
Adisplay screen that is sensitive to the touch of a finger or stylus. Widely used on ATM machines,
retailpoint-of-saleterminals,car navigationsystems, medicalmonitors andindustrial controlpanels.
Light Pen: Light pen is an input device that utilizes a light-sensitive detector to select objects on
Magnetic ink character recognition (MICR): MICR can identify character printed with a special
where an OMR device senses the presence or absence of a mark, such as pencil mark.
OMRiswidelyused in tests such as aptitude test.
Bar code reader: Bar-code readers are photoelectric scanners that read the bar codes or vertical
shops etc.
Scanner :Scanner is an input device that can read text or illustration printed on paper and
translates theinformationinto a formthat the computer canuse.A scanner worksbydigitizingan

Output device receives information from the CPU and presents it to the user in the desired from.
Theprocessed data, stored in the memory of the computer is sent to the output unit, which then
converts itinto a form that can be understood by the user. The output is usually produced in one of
the two ways –onthe displaydevice, oron paper (hard copy).
Monitor: is often used synonymously with “computer screen” or “display.” Monitor is an output
devicethat resembles the television screen. The monitor is associated with a keyboard for manual
input ofcharacters and displays the information as it is keyed in. It also displays the program or
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heat or electrical signals to etch the symbols on paper. Inkjet, Deskjet, Laser, Thermal
printersfallunder this categoryof printers.
Sound cards and Speaker(s): An expansion board that enables a computer to manipulate and
outputsounds. Sound cards are necessary for nearly all CD-ROMs and have become commonplace
on modernpersonal computers. Sound cards enable the computer to output sound through
speakers connected to theboard, to record sound input from a microphone connected to the
computer, and manipulate sound storedon adisk.
Computers are available in different sizes and with different capabilities. On the basis of
capacityof speed processing information computers are classified into: Super computer,
Mainframe computer,Minicomputer and Micro computer.


They are most powerful and expensive computers. They have externally large storage capacities
andprocessing speed is at least 10 times faster than other computers. Some of the super computers
are NEC ,CRAY,CYBER 205,CDC STAR 100 etc.


They are medium or large machine, made of several units connected together. It's generally used
in bigorganizations.


They are like small mainframes. They consist of a few separate units connected together. They are
notpowerfulas mainframecomputers.


Micro Computers are the smallest general purpose computers.They are used in different
applicationslike business, engineering, schools, colleges, entertainment etc. Micro computers are
further classifiedintoDesk tops,Laptops,Palmtopsand so on dependingontheirrelative size.
In recent years the mobile phones too have computing facilities. The trend is that the
communicationfeaturesand computingfeaturesareintegrated in such devices.

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______________________________________ MS WINDOWS
MS Windows
Windows is an operating system based on GUI (Graphical User Interface). It is developed
byMicrosoft Company (MS). The different version of MS- Windows are: Windows XP, Windows
8andWindows10. Thefollowingsections explain thebasic operations of awindows operatingsystem.


Onceweswitch on theComputer theBootingProcessgoes on for afew seconds.
AftertheBootingisovertheDesktopof the Windows is displayed.


TitleBar Minimize




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Toopen anywindow:
Anapplication windowmaybeopened usingthefollowingsteps.

Start Programs Accessories Notepad

Click at maximise Button. Now the window is maximised. Click again at maximise
button tobringback to theoriginalsize
Clickattheminimizebutton.Nowthewindowwillappear attheTaskbar.
Clickagainatthetaskbar in order to restorethe window
Thewindow maybeclosed byclickingat Closebutton ( X ) thesizeofthewindow
Takethecursortotheborderofthe window.Now, adouble-headed arrow will
appear.Clickanddragthe double-headed arrow to changethe sizeof thewindow.

Width of the




6.To movea window

Clickat theTitlebar anddragthe mouseinorder to moveawindow. (Keep the
mousepressesand movethemouse)

Exercise: Open3windows(Notepad,
CalculatorandPaintbrush)andarrangethemasshownbelowso that all thethreewindows

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Notepad Calculator Paint

Steps :
1. OpenNotepadand movethewindow totheleftmostcorner.
2. Changethe size.
3. Repeattheprevious twosteps fortheremaining2 windowsalso

Hint:It is advisable to open Paint and draw some pictures. This would help the novice user to

Cut– Copy -Pasteusing notepad

1. OpenNotepadandtypeyouraddresslinebyline.

2. Selection:Take the cursor to the beginning of the address- Click and dragthe mousetill theend
of the address.Now the selected portion will appear on reverse video (Black
backgroundandwhite letters)

3. Edit Copy Nowtheselected portion iscopied on to the memory

Takethe cursorto theend of thetext(or) to anyportion of thedocument

Edit Paste

Nowthe selected textispasted on tothenew area.

Edit Cut isusedto replacetheoriginal text.


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Ctrl C




1. OpenNotepadand Calculator.Keep their sizes in such awaythat both are visible.

2. Type anequation inNotepad (12x60 x60 =)
3. UseCalculatorto gettheanswer.
Edit Copy
Nowthe answer is copied onto thememory( Clip board)

4. ClickattheNotepad
Edit Paste
Nowthe answerfrom memoryis pastedintothe Notepad.

5. Repeatthepreviousstepsforother equationsalso.


1. PressEnterkeytogotonextline/Paragraph

2. Press Shift keyandtypealetter to getCapital

Press CapsLock letters;(or)keytoget Capital letters.


3. Tab Keyis usedleaveaTabspaceatthebeginning oftheparagraph.

4. Backspace Keyis used deletetheletterjustbeforethe Cursor’sposition

5. Delete Keyis used delete theletterattheCursor’s position

6. NumLock Keyis usedget numbersfrom the NumericKeypad

7. Home Keyis used bringthe cursor to the beginningofaline

8. Keyis used move the cursor to the endofaline

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File :A file refers to a group of related items. It may be a letter written to your friend, a research
paper,asong,afilm or anythingof that sort.

Folder:Allthefiles arestoredondifferent folders. Itisalso calledasaSub-Directory.

Drive:A computermayhavedifferent portionswhereinyoumaystore folders

/files,thatarecalledasDrives. Thefollowinglettersarenormallyused torepresent drives

Cdrive Hard disk (thesame hard disk mayhavepartitions

thataresometimesreferredas Ddrive ,E driveetc.)

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Microsoft Word or MS-WORD is a graphical word processing program that users can type
with.Itspurpose is to allow users to type and save documents. Similar to other word processors, it
has helpfultoolsto makedocuments.

Thisnotesis usefulfor abeginnerto learntheoperationsofMSword(version 2007)through practice.

Anyprintedmatterisreferred toas adocument.Ex.A researchpaper,Leaveletteretc.
Thefollowingpoints areuseful to prepare adocument

ToOpen MS-WORD:Clickat themenuitems as shownbelow

Start Programs MS-Office Word

Nowadocument is opened.

1. Starttyping aparagraphafter leavingatab spacebypressingthekey TAB

2. TypeContinuouslytillthe endoftheparagraph. Press ENTER key to go to the


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3. Selection of a text: Take the Cursor to the beginning of the line- Click the mouse and
dragtilltheendofline.Theselectedportion willappearinthereversevideo(Black
backgroundandwhite letters). Now applythe followingforspecial appearance

B Boldspace

I Italic

U Underlinethetext

4. Font:SelectingdifferentFontsmaychangethestyleofthetext.To
applyafont,selectthe portion of the textandthendothefollowing

TimesNewRoman Clickhereandselect a font

Example: ArialBlack Tahoma ComicSansMS

Similarlythe sizeof thetext mayalso be selected:12 18 24

5. Textalignment: Alineoraparagraph maybealignedin the followingmanner.

Leftjustified Centerjustified Rightjustifie

Takethe cursorto theline or parabyclickingon it,and press anyoneof the justification buttons

Normallyparagraphs are leftjustified and theHeadings areCenterjustified.

6. LineSpace:
Thelinespace is adjusted bypressingthefollowingkeys together
Ctrl 1
Ctrl 5
7. SpellCheck:
Press F7 keyto begin thespell check. Oncethecheckingis goingonthe
computerwouldsuggest somecorrections. Youmayacceptbypressing
Change or Press Ignore

(Or)RightClickat thewrongword–Thesuggestionsaredisplayed–Click atthechosenword.

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8. ToSave: Save


9. ToPrint: Print

Specifythepagenumbersto beprinted andpress OK

10. ToopenaPreviouslyCreateddocument Open

Exercise :Re type the followingtext with all the effects displayed in this Text, including font,




1. OpenanewDocument New OK

2. InsertaPicture: Insert ClipArt

Select a picture from the Clip art gallery. Right Click the Copy

mouseMinimizethe clip art menu– Go to document: Paste

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Nowtheclip artisinserted.Right clickthemouse, ontheclip andpress

TextWrapping BehindText

Nowthe size of thepicturemaybemodifiedandmoved toanyposition byclick anddragmethod.

3. Togetaborder: PageLayout PageBorders

Pageborder BOX

Selectthedesiredborder styleandsizeandpress OK

Note: PageColour,Watermarkoptionsarealso availableinthismenu

4. WordArt:Wordartisusedtogetattractivestyleofletters.Itisunder INSERTmenu


1. PageSetup:This isused toset thesizeof thepaper tobeused forprinting,aswell

asmargins for thepage.
OpenaNewDocument. BlankDoc
New OK
Nowanew documentiscreated

PageLayout Size MorePaperSizes

Setthewidth andheightofthepaper(ininches)andpress OK


PageLayout Margins

Selectapredefinedstyle.(OR)clickat CustomMargin
SettheTop,Bottom,LeftandRightmargins (ininches)

andpress OK --Themargins selected are left blankwhileprinting.

NB:Themenuis usedto changethe orientationof thepaper for


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2. Bullets: Bulletsareusedto fixbulletsymbolsto eachlineofthetext.

 Solids
 Liquids
 Gases

Goto Home menu;press button and then typethetext.

The bullets are given automatically to every line. Press ENTER key to go to next line. To
stop thebullets: Press BACKSPACE keyin a new line.
NB:AutomaticNumbering mayalsobegiventothedocumentina

This type of Auto Numbering is very useful for typing references to the Research paper/ Thesis.
Whenweadd / deletesomereferencesfrom thetext, thelinenumbers areautomaticallyadjusted.

3. Indent:
onstoDecrease /Increaseindent
Example: The following lines are indented from left margin. All the lines start after leaving
somespacefrom left margin.
The use of indentation is get the text pushed inside. The indented text is
automaticallypushed till we press ENTER key.After pressing ENTER key press
Decrease indentkeyonce.

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Power Point is used for creating presentations(Seminar presentation, Quiz, Animated Shows,
PhotoShows, etc). It is a part of the package MS-Office.This presentation puts forward a simple and
easy waytolearn thepackage.

OpenPowerPoint START Program PowerPoint

ThetitlelayoutofthePowerPointwillbe displayed.Clickandtypethetitle ofthepresentation.

ToGet anew slide: Home Newslide

Selectalayoutfromthe availablelist.Layoutreferstotheoutlineoftheslide.


 Selecta suitablelayout and fillthe required items.Example: Selecta picturelayout-
byclickingatthepictureicon, insertanew picture.
Byusingthe previous steps, create morenumber ofslides (say7slides).
ToView theSlideShow:
View SlideShow
(or)Press F5 key

 Nowtheslides aredisplayed oneafter anotherbypressing Enterkey/Mouseclick.

 Usearrow keys togo toprevious/ nextslide.
 PressESC keyto stop the slideshow.
To Changethe background :
Thisoptionisused togetbeautifulbackgrounds forthepresentation.
kgroundgraphics at this level.
e visual effects. Animation can bedone at two levels
1. Slideleveltransition
2. ObjectlevelEffects
1. Slideleveltransition :Thiswilleffecttheslidesbeingdisplayed
Selectatransitionstyle fortheslide. Applytoall

Nowallthe slideswillappear accordingtothechosentransition.

We can give sound effect also by selecting a proper sound clip from the TRANSITION SOUND
listbox. The speed of transition can be controlled by selecting an option from the TRANSITION
SPEEDlist box.

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2. ObjectLevel:Thisis usedtoproducespecialeffectstovarious objectsintheslide(Text,Picture,Chart.. etc)

Animations Customanimation
Selectan objectin theslidebyclickingat it,and thenclick at
AddEffect Entrance
Selecttheanimation stylefromthelistboxbyclickingonit.

SlideView options

 NormalView : Used fordesigningthe slides.

 SlidesorterView : All theslides aredisplayed.This view isused
tochangetheorder oftheslide,deleteaslideetc.
 NotePageview : To add some notes to the slide. This may be useful
tothepresenterandwillnotbe displayed.

Tosave: Save
typea file name Save

ToOpenapreviouslysavedpresentation : Selectthefile

InsertingaHeader/Footerforall pages:
Open the slide in NORMALview.
Insert Headerand Footer Slide

SelecttheFOOTER. Typethetext tobeadded asfooter. ApplytoAll


Thereshouldbe a goodcontrastbetweentheforeground(letters)andthebackground.Itisadvisable
touse default designs. (Example : black letters with white background has the maximum
contrast. Blackletterswith ablue background is to be avoided)
1. Fontsize: 22-40 .Smaller fontswill notbe visibleto theaudience.
2. Thelinespacefortext maybe1.5 / 2 forbetter visibility.
3. To break the overcrowded text in to two slides: Click at the slide (ctrl+D). Now you get a duplicate
slide.Remove the second part from the first slide. Remove the first part from the second slide, and
readjust thefont size.
4. Avoidhyperlinksfromthetextcopiedfrominternet.(Rightclick,REMOVEHYPERLINK).

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MS- Excel is a package meant for three important applications viz., Calculations, Graph drawing
andData base management. The excel file is treated as a work book in which we have many work
sheets. Anexcelwork sheet hascells arranged in rows andcolumns.
1 Column-E
2 Cell-B2
3 Row 3

There are 16,384 columns named as : A , B, C.. Z, AA, AB, AC… XFD and1048576 rows in a
worksheet. A cell is identified by its cell address. The cell address has the Column name followed
by its rownumber.Example: A1, A2, B1, B2.

CommandButton DialogBox Launcher

Tabs :Maingroups/Coretask (Home, Insert,Page
Layout,Formula,Data,Review,View)Commandbuttons : Click to perform atask
relatedtoagroup.Operations :CTRL+F1 : To display/ hidetheribbon.

1. Openinga Workbook:
Start Programs MsOffice MsExcel
Nowthework bookisopenedandtheSheet-1 isdisplayed.

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2. Keysused:
Arrowkeys(Up,Down, Left,Right):to gotodifferent cells.
Ctrl+Uparrow :to goto previousdata itemin acolumn /Firstrow
Ctrl+Downarrow : to go to next data item in a column / last
rowCtrl+ Leftarrow (or)HOME : to go to the data item to theleft /first
ColumnCtrl+Rightarrow :togotothedataitemtotheright/lastColumn
Tab : Next column
Enter : Next row
3. Enteringdata:
Go to the cell where the data are to be entered and type the data. Press arrow keys to go to
nextcell.Thetext willbe automaticallyleft justified.Thenumbersarerightjustified. Usethe
justifyingtoolstochangethe justification.( Home tab)

ToenterDate :Use the format7/16/2011 or 16-July-

Toenteratime :Type thenumbers,aspace,
andthen"a"or"p"(Ex9:00p)Toentertime :CTRLand SHIFT andthe
AutoFill:Enter 5atA1 10at A2.
SelectBothA1andA2; Click and dragthefill handletoothercells togetthesequence
4. EditingData
theformulabarand correctthedata and then press Enter key.
(or)Double clickatthecellandedit.
5. Usingformulae:
Aformulamust startwitha=symbolfollowed
a. Tofindthetotal ofcellsB2 &C2  =B2+C2
b. Tofind 40 % ofthe cell C2 =40/100*C2

Thekeys + - * /represent addition,subtraction,multiplicationanddivisionrespectively.
6. Usingfunctions:
a. Tofindthe sumof cellsB2,C2,D2 =SUM(B2:D2)
b. TofindtheResultbasedon marksatB2&C2

7. Copyingaformula


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Clickand dragthe fill handledownwards to copythe formulaetoothercells.

8. Increase/Decreasethewidthof acolumn:
the doubleheadedarrow to increaseordecreasethewidth of the column.

9. InsertColumn:
Clickatcellwhereyou wantacolumn-Right Click-Insert–EntireColumn-OK

Exercise1 :

FormulaforTotal(D2) :
rmulaforAverage (E2) : =D2/2
FormulaforResult( F2) :=IF(AND(B2 >=35,C2>=35),"Pass","Fail")

Exercise2 :
Createa worksheetwithcolumnsName,BASIC,DA, HRA, CCA, GROSS_SAL, IT,
NET_SALto prepareasalarybill.

Dept of CSE,VVIT
Dept of CSE,VVIT 28

Cell Address Item RuleforCalculation Excelformula

C2 DA 10%of Basic =10/100*B2
D2 HRA 5%of Basic =5/100*B2
E2 CCA Anyamount
G2 IT Anyamount


To increase / decrease decimal positions

( zeros)Toget Commasymbols inbetween numbers
1. Enterthedata-Selectthedata-byclickand dragmethod

2. GotoINSERT;Select thetypeof chart byclickingonit. Thechart will appear on thesheet.

Dept of CSE,VVIT 29

3. Chartoptions :
a) There are three tabs under CHART TOOLS . They areDesign, Layout
andFormatDesign options



a) Createabar graphfor thestudentdatawith four
columnsName,Mark_1,Mark_2andMark_3.GiveproperX and Y titles.
b) Createa XY graphforthePressurevsVolume.
c) CreateaPieChart foryourMonthlyExpenses.

Dept of CSE,VVIT 30

______________________________BASICSOF INTERNET

Basics of Internet

• Internet: It is a globalnetworkof computer networks.It comprises



• HistoryofWorldWideWeb(WWW):


→ In April 1993, theWorldWide Web technology was available for anyone


• Definition of WWW: The World Wide Web (WWW) is an internet basedservice,

which uses common set of rules known as Protocols, to
distributedocumentsacrosstheInternetina standardway.


• The Internetis a massivenetwork of networks.It connectsmillions

ofcomputerstogetherglobally,forminga networkin
whichanycomputercancommunicatewithany other computeras long as theyare both

• TheWorld Wide Webor simplyWeb is a massivecollectionof digital

pagestoaccessinformationovertheInternet.TheWebusestheHTTPprotocol,totransmitdata and

Dept of CSE,VVIT 31


• Definition:Searchenginesaretheprogramswhichareneededtoextracttheinformationfromth

• WorkingofSearchEngines:


• Examples:Google,Yahoo,Bing,Ask


• Definition:Aserverisacomputerthatprovidesdatatoothercomputers.Theentirestructureofth
• Uses:

• ThecommunicationbetweentheclientnodeandservernodetakesplaceusingtheHyperte


• AwebservercommonlyknownasHTTPserverorapplicationserverisaprogramthatserv
• Theservercontentservedbythewebservercanbestaticcontentordynamiccontent.
• DifferentServerSoftware:

→Apachewebserver- theHTTPwebserver:Thisisfreeand opensourcewebserverandcanbe

Dept of CSE,VVIT 32





ystem.Thisisfast,secureandconsumesmuchlessCPUpower. Lighttpd canalso

→Jigsaw:Jigsaw (W3C’sServer)isintroducedbytheWorldWideWebConsortium.
SXFreeBSDetc.JigsawiswritteninJavathuscan runCGIscriptsandPHPprograms.


• ManyoftheserversarebasedonCloudcomputingwhichispopularamongsttheresearchers,sci
• CloudComputingisdistributedcomputingovera
• VariousservicesprovidedbytheWebserverare:

goandotherscalableoptionsavailable, which makesitveryreasonableforthecompany.

→ ResourceSharing:WebServer has the capabilityto

Dept of CSE,VVIT 33


→DataSharing:Withthehelpofwebserversonecan easilyaccess
Powerpointpresentations etc.


• MailServer:MailServersprovidesacentrally-
• ApplicationServer:An applicationserveractsas a setof
• FileTransfer Protocol (FTP)Server:FTP uses


• Database Server: A database server is a computer program that providesdatabase

services to other computer programs or computers using client-servermodel.
• Domain Name System (DNS) Server: A name server is a computer server


• Primaryfunctionis to translatehuman-

Dept of CSE,VVIT 34

• ThesecondaryfunctionofDNSistorecognizeanamespaceoftheInternet,usedtoidentifyandl


• Definition:ThecollectionofwebpagesontheWorldWideWebthatisaccessedbyitso

• DifferencebetweenWebsiteandPortal

→Webportalisamediumbywhichusersaccesstheresources,whileawebsiteis a

entitieswhicharelinkedtogether,buttheyshouldnotreplaceeach other.

Dept of CSE,VVIT 35

Food packaging is a packaging system specifically designed for food and represents one of the
most important aspects among the processes involved in the food industry, as it provides protection
from chemical, biological and physical alterations. The main goal of food packaging is to provide a
practical means of protecting and delivering food goods at a reasonable cost while meeting the
needs and expectations of both consumers and industries.]Additionally, current trends
like sustainability, environmental impact reduction, and shelf-life extension have gradually become
among the most important aspects in designing a packaging system.
Packaging of food products has seen a vast transformation in technology usage and application
from the stone age to the industrial revolution:
7000 BC: The adoption of pottery and glass which saw industrialization around 1500 BC. [3]
1700s: The first manufacturing production of tinplate was introduced in England (1699) and in
France (1720). Afterwards, the Dutch navy start to use such packaging to prolong the preservation
of food products.[4]
1804: Nicolas Appert, in response to inquiries into extending the shelf life of food for the French
Army, employed glass bottles along with thermal food treatment. Glass has been replaced by metal
cans in this application.[5] However, there is still an ongoing debate about who first introduced the
use of tinplates as food packaging.[4]
1870: The use of paper board was launched and corrugated materials patented.[6]
1880s: First cereal packaged in a folding box by Quaker Oats.[7]
1890s: The crown cap for glass bottles was patented by William Painter. [8]
1960s: Development of the two-piece drawn and wall-ironed[further explanation needed] metal cans in the
US, along with the ring-pull opener and the Tetra Brik Aseptic carton package.[9]
1970s: The barcode system was introduced in the retail and manufacturing industry. PET plastic
blow-mold bottle technology, which is widely used in the beverage industry, was introduced.[10]
1990s: The application of digital printing on food packages became widely adopted.
Plastic packaging saw its inaugural use during World War II, even though materials employed in its
manufacturing (such as cellulose nitrate, styrene and vinyl chloride) were discovered in the

Packaging and package’s labeling have several objectives:[12][13]

 Physical protection – The food enclosed in the package may require protection
from shock, vibration, compression, temperature, bacteria, etc.
 Barrier protection – A barrier from oxygen, water vapor, dust, etc., is often
required. Permeation is a critical factor in design. Keeping the contents clean, fresh, and safe
for the intended shelf life is a primary function. Modified atmospheres or controlled
atmospheres are also maintained in some food packages. Some packages
contain desiccants, oxygen absorbers, or ethylene absorbers to help extend shelf life.
 Containment or agglomeration – Small items are typically grouped together in one package to
allow efficient handling. Liquids, powders, and granular materials need containment.
 Information transmission – Packages and labels communicate how to use, transport, recycle, or
dispose of the package or product. Some types of information are required by governments.
Dept of CSE,VVIT 36

 Marketing – The packaging and labels can be used by marketers to encourage potential buyers
to purchase the product. Aesthetically pleasing and eye-appealing food presentations can
encourage people to consider the contents. Package design has been an important and
constantly evolving phenomenon for several decades. Marketing communications and graphic
design are applied to the surface of the package and (in many cases) also to the point of sale
display. The colour of the package plays a significant role in evoking emotions that persuade
the consumer to make the purchase.[14]
 Security – Packaging can play an important role in reducing the security risks of shipment.
Packages can be made with improved tamper resistance to deter tampering, and can also
have tamper-evident features to help indicate tampering. Packages can be engineered to help
reduce the risks of package pilferage; some package constructions are more resistant to
pilferage and some have pilfer-indicating seals. Packages may include authentication seals to
help indicate that the package and contents are not counterfeit. Packages also can include anti-
theft devices, such as dye packs, RFID tags, or electronic article surveillance tags, that can be
activated or detected by devices at exit points and require specialized tools to deactivate. Using
packaging in this way is a means of retail loss prevention.
 Convenience – Packages can have features which add convenience in distribution, handling,
stacking, display, sale, opening, reclosing, use, and reuse.
 Portion control – Single-serving packaging has a precise amount of contents to control usage.
Bulk commodities (such as salt) can be divided into packages that are a more suitable size for
individual households. It also aids the control of inventory: selling sealed one-liter bottles of
milk, rather than having people bring their own bottles to fill themselves.

Packaging design may vary largely depending on the function that are fashioned into different types
of packages and containers, and depending on the food products and their function, such as:[15]

Packaging Type Foods Materials

Aseptic Polymers, multi-layer

Primary Liquid whole eggs or dairy products
packaging packaging

Portion of fish, meat, fruits, vegetable, Polymers, cardboards, bi

Trays Primary
sweets and convenience foods opolymers

Potato chips, apples, dried fruits,
Bags Primary polymers, polymers, mult
rice, snacks
i-layer packaging

Can of tomato soup, beans, Aluminum, tin, stainless-

Cans Primary
mais, salmon, tuna, and prawns steel

Cartons Primary Carton of eggs, milk, and fruit juice
packaging, coated paper

Dept of CSE,VVIT 37

Flexible Bagged salad, potato chips, sweets and

Primary Polymer, biopolymer
packaging candies

Boxes Secondary box of cereal cartons, frozen pizzas Cardboards

A series of boxes on a single pallet used to

Pallets Tertiary transport from the manufacturing plant to
cardboard, wooden pallet
a distribution center

Used to wrap the boxes on the pallet for Polymer, multi-layer

Wrappers Tertiary
transport packaging

Since almost all food products is packed in some fashion, food packaging is both fundamental and
pervasive.[16] Additionally, by enabling the creation and standardization of brands, it provides the
opportunity to realized significant advertising, extensive distribution, and mass
merchandising.[16] Therefore, a distinction between the various type (or level) of packaging needs to
be made.
Primary packaging
Primary packaging is directly in contact with the food products, creating the ideal headspace for
them while providing protection from external alteration. Additionally, primary packaging, also
known as retail packaging or consumer units, is responsible for the marketing aspects of food
packaging.[4] Typically, the packaging materials used in the primary level include cardboard cartons,
plastic trays, glass bottle and multi-layerrd structure.
Secondary packaging[edit]
Secondary packaging contains a number of primary packages into one box being made usually out
of corrugated cardboard. Thus, the secondary level is a physical distribution carrier for the primary
packages, making more easy to handle during the transportation. Occasionally it can be used as an
aid in retail outlets or super market for the display of basic goods.[4]
Tertiary packaging[edit]
The outermost package, known as tertiary packaging, makes it easier to handle, store, and distribute
both primary and secondary packages in bulk safely, providing further protection of the product
while creating an easy way to transport large quantities of materials. The most familiar type of
tertiary packaging comprises a wrapped pallet of corrugated case.[17]

Dept of CSE,VVIT 38

Bagged cake mix

Biscuit components: plastic bottles, paper bag

Container for bulk vegetable oil

 Frozen processed food freezer in supermarket

 Bag in box; box wine

 Glass milk bottle and paperboard milk carton

Silk tea bag

 Coffee beans in burlap bags, gunny sacks

 Bushel baskets of fruit

 Tea tin, can with removable cover

Dept of CSE,VVIT 39

 Folding cartons of cereal

 Drink boxes
 Packaged Apples
 Fresh fish in plastic shrink-wrapped tray

Shrink-wrapped frozen pork

 A pair of Meal, Ready-to-Eat (MRE) field rations packaged in retort pouches

Condiments and spices
Aluminum can with an easy-open, full pull-out end
A Dip & Squeeze ketchup container

Packaging machines[edit]
A choice of packaging machinery requires consideration of technical capabilities, labor
requirements, worker safety, maintainability, serviceability, reliability, ability to integrate into the
packaging line, capital cost, floorspace, flexibility (change-over, materials, etc.), energy
usage, quality of outgoing packages, qualifications (for food, pharmaceuticals, etc.), throughput,
efficiency, productivity, and ergonomics, at a minimum.[18]
Packaging machines may be of the following general types:

 Autocoding label and date verification

 Blister, skin and vacuum packaging machines
 Capping, over-capping, lidding, closing, seaming and sealing machines
 Cartoning machines
 Case and tray forming, packing, unpacking, closing and sealing Machines
 Check weighing machines
 Cleaning, sterilizing, cooling and drying machines
 Conveying and accumulating machines
 Feeding, orienting, and placing machines
 Filling machines for liquid and powdered products
 Package filling and closing Machines
 Form, fill and seal machines
 Inspecting, detecting and checkweighing machines
 Palletizing, depalletizing, and pallet unitizing machines
 Labeling, marking, and other product identification machines
 Wrapping machines
 Converting machines
Dept of CSE,VVIT 40

Automated palletizer of bread with industrial KUKA robots

Shrink-wrapping trays of bakery good
Pumping slurry ice onto fresh fish

Filling machinery for bag-in-box

Reduction of food packaging[edit]

Reduced packaging and sustainable packaging are becoming more frequent. The motivations can be
government regulations, consumer pressure, retailer pressure, and cost control. Reduced packaging
often saves packaging costs. In the UK, a Local Government Association survey produced by the
British Market Research Bureau compared a range of outlets to buy 29 common food items, and
found that small local retailers and market traders “produced less packaging and more that could be
recycled than the larger supermarkets.”[19]

Optimum packaging design chart

In the last decades, the growing demand from the consumers and governments for more sustainable
and eco-friendly packaging design has driven the food industry to re-design and propose alternative
packaging solutions.[20] However, in designing a brand new packaging system, several variables
need to be taken in consideration. An ideal packaging design should only use the right amount of
the appropriate materials to provide the desired performance for a specific product. As shown in the
optimum packaging design chart, the variety of situations in which product losses occur increases
as the material weight or volume is decreased.[21]
Such trend will eventually reach a situation in which the loss outweighs the cost savings from using
less packing material. Beyond that point, any packing reduction increases the overall quantity of
waste in the system, rendering it a false benefit. The goal of the optimal packaging design is to
identify a weight below which the package can no longer be sold since it does not satisfy the
specifications, while considering the environmental impact connected to the materials selection.[22]

Recycling of food packaging[edit]

Main article: Recycling § Rinsing
Food packaging is created through the use of a wide variety of plastics and metals, papers, and glass
materials. Recycling these products differs from the act of literally reusing them because the
recycling process has its own algorithm which includes collecting, sourcing, processing,
manufacturing and marketing these products. According to the Environmental Protection Agency of
the United States, the recycling rate has been steadily on the rise, with data reporting that in 2005
Dept of CSE,VVIT 41

40% of the food packaging and containers that were created were recycled.[citation needed]
The product’s quality and safety are the package’s most important responsibility. However, there
have been growing demands for packaging to be designed, manufactured, consumed, and recycled
in a more sustainable fashion due to the increasing pollution connected with packaging and food
wastes. It has been estimated that only 10.33% of all municipal solid waste (MSW), which makes
up to 30.3% of the total waste, is recycled into new products globally.[23]
However, depending on the level of packaging and the materials that are being used during their
manufacturing, the end-of-life of a package may differ completely. Despite the fact that a recycling
process is usually the desired path, lots of complications may lead to less sustainable destines.[24]

 Plastic: Landfilling, burning, and recycling are all alternatives for plastic packaging at the end
of their shelf-life. However, improper disposal and handling lead to higher percentage of plastic
waste, which can pollute the environment in a wide spectrum of scenarios. The packaging
sector accounts for 40.5% of all plastic produced in Europe, which represents the largest sector
in food industry.[24] However, the recycling of such hysic is at a critical low level of
roughly 35%. Moreover, it has been estimated that over 20% of the plastic packaging does not
reach any recycling process.[23]
 Bioplastic: also known as biodegradable polymer or biopolymer, are usually made from
renewable feedstock resources like corn and sugar cane, as well as from microorganism of
different kind. Typical end-of-life options include the composting or the environmental
degradation of bioplastics, which result in resource loss and CO2 production. Complete
degradation is also only achievable under rigorous conditions that are infrequently offered by
the company. Additionally, some bioplastics are processed similarly to their traditional, fossil-
based counterparts, which, if improperly sorted, might cause harmful interferences in other
materials’ recycling processes.[25]
 Paper and cardboard: are composed of cellulosic fibers bonded together to form a flexible
structure. These packaging materials have a long tradition as the ideal solutions for storing dry
foods (such as flour, rice, and pasta) as well as being used as secondary or tertiary packaging.
Paper and cardboard are often collected separately for recycling; however, some difficulties are
faced in the case of the presence of a coating (e.g., plastic or aluminum) or contamination due
to food residues. Alternative end-of-life options include incineration and landfill. In theory,
paper and board packaging is compostable, but persistent chemicals (like PFAS) may be
dispersed in the environment through this practice, thus limiting the potential benefits.[26]
 Metal-based packaging can endure high temperatures and can provides outstanding gas, light,
and aromas barriers, leading to a very competitive solutions in a broad range of application.
Direct food preservation in the packaging was made possible with the development of the
canning method.[27] Coatings, whether organic or inorganic, may lessen the interactions
between metal and food. However, it was discovered that many of the chemicals in these
coatings migrated into food. The end-of-life alternatives for metal food packaging differ
depending on its usage: for example cans and lids can be broken down and recycled multiple
 Glass: is an inorganic packaging that has been used for storing food and beverages. Nowadays,
soda-lime glass is the commonly used variation manufactured from raw materials such as soda
ash, limestone, and metal. Due to the structural characteristics of glass, the risk of migration
into the food is very limited. Glass is incredibly chemically stable and durable when handled
carefully (due to its fragile nature).[29] Therefore, this packaging material is an ideal candidate
for repeated use, due to these characteristics. Glass can also be recycled multiple times without
losing any quality properties.[30]
 Multi-layer packaging: in the food and beverage business, packaging composed of numerous
layers of various materials is commonly referred to as multi-layer or multi-material packaging.
Dept of CSE,VVIT 42

In many countries, multi-material food packaging is frequently burned or disposed of

landfills.[citation needed] Nevertheless, some areas are actively developing separate collections and
efficient sorting processes for fiber-based multi-material packaging, such as beverage cartons.
On the other hand, multi-layer packaging composed of aluminum and plastic barrier, cannot
currently be recycled in an efficient way, and must undergo chemical treatment to be disposed
of correctly. In light of these considerations, it is clear how, despite being the state-of-the-art in
food packaging application, multi-layer packaging poses a great challenge when considering its
end-of-life.[31] An exception is the case of multi-layer packaging consisting of several layers of
the same material (or being part of the same category): such solutions in many cases allow for
outstanding performance and, at the same time, allow for an easier recycling.[32]

Trends in food packaging[edit]

Main article: Active packaging

 Numerous reports made by industry associations agree that use of smart indicators will increase.
There are a number of different indicators with different benefits for food producers, consumers
and retailers.
 Temperature recorders are used to monitor products shipped in a cold chain and to help validate
the cold chain. Digital temperature data loggers measure and record the temperature history of
food shipments. They sometimes have temperatures displayed on the indicator or have other
outputs (lights, etc.): the data from a shipment can be downloaded (cable, RFID, etc.) to a
computer for further analysis. These help identify if there has been temperature abuse of
products and can help determine the remaining shelf life.[33] They can also help determine the
time of temperature extremes during shipment, so that corrective measures can be taken.
 Time temperature indicators integrate the time and temperature experienced by the indicator
and adjacent foods. Some use chemical reactions that result in a color change, while others use
the migration of a dye through a filter media. To the degree that these physical changes in the
indicator match the degradation rate of the food, the indicator can help indicate probable food
 Radio frequency identification is applied to food packages for supply chain control. It has
shown a significant benefit in allowing food producers and retailers to have full real time
visibility of their supply chain.
 Plastic packaging being used is usually non-biodegradable due to possible interactions with the
food. Also, biodegradable polymers often require special composting conditions to properly
degrade. Normal sealed landfill conditions do not promote biodegradation. Biodegradable
plastics include biodegradable films and coatings synthesized from organic materials and
microbial polymers. Some package materials are edible. For example, pharmaceuticals are
sometimes in capsules made of gelatin, starch, potato or other materials. Newer bioplastics,
films and products are being developed.[35]
 There is an increasing development and production of food packaging materials containing
substances and realizing systems intended to extend shelf life: carbon dioxide (CO2)
emitters; antioxidants (e.g. butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), butylated
hydroxyanisole (BHA), tocopherols, hinokitiol); antimicrobial enzymes
(e.g. lysozyme), polymers (e.g. ε-polylysine, chitosan)
and nanoparticles (e.g. silver, copper, gold, platinum, titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, magnesium
oxide, organically modified nanoclays); bacteriocins (e.g. nisin, natamycin); and essential

Dept of CSE,VVIT 43

 In the last decades, the use of modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) and other variation of
this technology has shown growing interest and application in the food packaging industry. The
use of a specific gas mixture inside the packaging headspace has proven to be ideal to slow
down the metabolic process of food product, thus prolonging the shelf-life of meat, fish, fruits
and vegetables.[38]
 The design of multi-layer packaging system has been recognized as the state-of-the-art in food
packaging application for its versatility, processability and efficacy. Each layer can be made of
different materials and provides a key functionality for the whole structure, such as improved
mechanical properties, chemical stability, barrier properties and anti-microbial properties.
However, the use of such complex structure significantly reduces its recyclability (except for a
few cases).[39]
 Recently, the application of protective coating on commercially available packaging materials
(such as PET, PP, PLA cardboard or biopolymer) represents a potential solution to deal with the
increasing environmental impact due to both food and packaging waste.[40]
 Barcodes have been used for decades in packaging many products. 2D barcodes used
in autocoding are increasingly applied to food packaging to ensure that products are correctly
packaged and date coded.
 The ability of a package to fully empty or dispense a viscous food is somewhat dependent on
the surface energy of the inner walls of the container. The use of superhydrophobic surfaces is
useful but can be further improved by using new lubricant-impregnated surfaces.[41]

Food packaging barriers[edit]

Main article: Permeation
Physical processes involved in the permeability of a gas molecule across a packaging material
A critical requirement in food packaging is represented by the barrier properties against the
permeation of gases, water vapor, and aroma compounds of the packaging system. In fact, the
chemical interactions between the products and the environment are the principal reasons for
improper shelf-life and spoilage phenomena.[42] Therefore, the evaluation of the gas exchange by
means of the permeation of gas molecules is a crucial aspect in designing a product.
The permeation of a gas molecule through a packaging system is a physical process made up of
three independent phenomena: the adsorption of the molecule to the packaging’s outer surface; the
diffusion of the molecule through the packaging’s section; and the desorption in the internal
headspace.[43] Under the assumption of steady state condition, the physical processes involved in
the permeation can be modeled by simple equations.[44] Particularly, the diffusion of a permeant’s
molecule is dependent to the concentration difference between the two sides of the packaging
system, which acts as a driving force, thus creating a diffusive flux following the first Fick’s law of
Furthermore, other assumptions are needed, such as the absence of chemical interaction between
the penetrant and the packaging material and the fact that the diffusion flow must follow only one
direction.[45] The adsorption/desorption processes of a permeant’s molecule normally exhibit a
linear dependency with the partial pressure gradient across the barrier layer while keeping the
assumption of steady-state transport condition and exhibiting a concentration lower than the
penetrant’s maximum solubility, thereby adhering to Henry’s law of solubility.[46]
The type of permeant, the barrier layer’s thickness, the specific permeabilities of the packaging
films against gases or vapors, the packaging’s permeable area, the temperature, and the pressure or
concentration gradient between the barrier’s interior and external sides can all have an impact on a
system’s permeability.[47]
The gas exchange occurring between the packaging system and the external environment has a

Dept of CSE,VVIT 44

significant impact on the quality and safety of food products. Uncontrolled hysic-chemical and
biological processes such as oxidation of vitamins, excessive microbial growth, and spoilage of the
packed food may lead to improper conditions inside the packaging headspace, hence reducing their
shelf-life.[16] Therefore, the packaging system should be designed to create the ideal conditions for
the selected product, avoiding excessive gas exchange.[43]
Among the permeants that could affect the organoleptic properties of food, oxygen and water vapor
represent the most important ones. These permeants affect several bio-chemical processes in food
products, such as ripening, degradation, hydration/dehydration, microbial growth, vitamins
oxidation; they also have an impact on the organoleptic properties, hence causing off-flavours,
excessive weight loss, textural changing and generally shortening the shelf life.[40]
To quantify the barrier properties of a packaging system, both oxygen and water vapor permeation
are commonly assessed by measuring the oxygen transmission rate (OTR) and water vapor
transmission rate (WVTR), respectively.
Oxygen barrier[edit]
Main article: Oxygen transmission rate
Permeation cell setup for the measurement of the oxygen transmission rate.
The oxygen transmission rate of a gas through the packaging is defined as the amount of oxygen
permeating per unit of permeable area and unit of time in a packaging system considering
standardized test conditions (23 °C and 1 atm partial pressure difference). It is an effective tool to
estimate the barrier properties of a certain material.[48] The determination of the OTR is usually
carried out by means of a steady-state and isostatic method, reported by the ASTM D 3985 or
ASTM F 1307, containing respectively standardized protocol for the measurements of the OTR of
several kind of packaging.[49]
The typical instrumentation consists in a permeation cell composed by two distinct chambers
separated by the tested material; one of the chambers is then filled with a carrier gas (e.g., nitrogen),
while the other one with oxygen, hence creating the necessary driving force to let the oxygen
permeate across the barrier’s material.
Water vapor barrier[edit]
Main article: Moisture vapor transmission rate Water vapor transmission rate measurement setup,
consisting in a stainless-steel cups filled with water or a dessicant useful.[citation needed] Verification
and validation involves collecting documentary evidence of all aspects of compliance. Quality
assurance extends beyond the packaging operations through distribution and cold chain

Dept of CSE,VVIT 45

___________________________Digitized Money Transaction

Before, visiting Ashram, we made an attempt to understand facilitating digitized money

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Digital payments are transactions that take place via digital or online
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Benefits of digital payments

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Dept of CSE,VVIT 46

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transactions occur. This third-party addition is the simplest way for a business to collect online
payments via their website. If your venture has a website or an app, then Razorpay Payment
Gateway should be your go-to option.
With Razorpay Payment Gateway, you can accept end-to-end payments easily and seamlessly.
Some of the key features and benefits include:
 Accept all payment modes: A strong supporter of digital payments, options like Domestic and
International Credit & Debit cards, EMIs, PayLater, Netbanking, UPI, and mobile wallets
 Flash Checkout: Thanks to the option of saving cards, your customer no longer needs to type
in the card details every time – saving time and increasing sales
 Powerful Razorpay Dashboard: Dashboard provides efficient monitoring by way of reports,
detailed statistics on refunds and settlements, and much more
 Protected and Secured: PCI DSS Level 1 compliant along with frequent third-party audits and
a dedicated internal security team to make sure your data is always safe
 Run Offers Easily: Razorpay dashboard allows you to run any and every promotional offer at
the click of a button

Ways to Make Digital Payment Methods More Effective

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According to Statista , the number of digital payment users is forecasted to grow by 5.4% year-
over-year in 2020. While this continued upward trend is good news for those in the digital
payments space, there’s still room for improvement in how digital payments are processed.

Before digital payment options become ubiquitous, the platforms and payment processes must be as
seamless as possible for consumers. Below, Forbes Technology Council members share their
recommendations for making digital payment methods more effective.

1. Standardize Browser And Device Support

As with password management, different browsers and devices use different mechanisms for
storing credit card information and automatically supplying that information when prompted by
apps and Web pages. Some standardization would help. - Manuel Vellon, Level 11

2. Educate Consumers

Many consumers are still wary about using digital payments, but if companies can educate their
customers on the security advantages of digital payments, more consumers will be comfortable with
the new form of payment. Consider displaying signage in business or using email marketing to
explain to employees in Ashram how digital payments are much more secure than traditional
transactions. - Thomas Griffin, OptinMonster

Forbes Technology Council is an invitation-only community for world-class CIOs, CTOs and
technology executives.

3. Integrate More Banks

One way to make digital payment methods more effective is to integrate as many banks as possible
so that it becomes more convenient to transfer money from person to person. Clearly explained the
security benefits of using said digital payment method, such as tokenization and/or multi-factor
authentication. - Archie Agarwal, ThreatModeler Software, Inc.

4. Synergize With Credit Card Companies

Right now we literally have e-commerce at our fingertips. But what happens next? We select a
payment method, enter a credit card number, etc. We can improve the flow and work with credit
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card companies on secure synergy with an even more efficient method to pay. The future is now,
from fingerprints to facial recognition. We should be able to make payments instantaneous and
without bounds. - WaiJeColer, InfoTracer

5. Avoid Redirects

Nowadays, all payment credentials must work in a safe, convenient and fast environment across
any channel the customer wants to use and without the need for an account. Users dislike being
redirected and providing more personal information than needed. - Elaine Montilla, CUNY
Graduate Center

6. Leverage Blockchain

Blockchain enables secure worldwide payments. Blockchain-based systems have even more
advanced features such as faster transactions, increased anonymity and custom behavior through
smart contracts. The pros of blockchain payments over traditional centralized systems is the
absence of a single point of failure. The network is distributed so it is nearly impossible to shut
down an active blockchain. - Dennis Turpitka, Apriorit

7. Build Bank and FinTech Partnerships

Banks and fintech companies are likely to initiate more partnerships in 2020 to build financial
ecosystems — i.e., gathering multiple services, including payments, under one roof. It will improve
customer experience; facilitate in-store, online and person-to-person payments; and help the digital
payment industry grow. - Alexey Makarov, Qulix Systems

8. Instantly Reward Consumers

More consumers are willing to switch their primary cards if it means that they can receive higher
return values, which is why a built-in rewards system can be so enticing. However, when it comes
to earning and redeeming rewards, consumers desire simplicity. To make digital payments more
effective, allow consumers to redeem rewards at the point of sale terminal so that they can benefit
even faster. - Christopher Yang, Corporate Travel Management

9. Integrate SMS Messaging

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Digital payments have an interesting capacity to significantly inform the amount transferred, so
once transavtion is completed need to see SMS

10. Make Digital Payment Easier

As an end-user, if I had to substitute traditional payments with new-age digital wallets, one must-
have feature would be the ease of usage or ease of doing the transaction. While a lot of mobile
wallets have wide acceptance, if the user has to go through multiple levels of authorization asign-
ups, the chances are they may never use it again. - Srinivas Arasada, Evolutyz Corp.

11. Personalize the Digital Payment Journey

Capitalize on the richness of data across the ecosystem to gain greater context awareness and
combine it with the power of cognitive computing to dynamically optimize the payment methods
used. Maximize value to the customer in every transaction—all in milliseconds and behind the
scenes (app and device-agnostic)—and make the digital payment journey truly personalized, yet
incredibly simple. - Nitin Rakesh, Mphasis Limited

12. Enable Conversational Payments

Brands can go well beyond simply integrating digital payment methods with their apps and
websites. To keep up with consumer expectations for “always-on” access, brands can integrate
payments directly into conversational experiences, especially with the increasing capabilities of
secure, transactional, conversational AI. This can be done with encryption, sensitive data redaction
and PCI compliance. - Evan Kohn, Pypestream


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FIG 1.5

FIG 1.6

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FIG 1.8

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I here by conclude that I have successfully carried out the activity on promotion on
appropriate technologies, food preservation/packaging and digitized money
transaction for the people of Guenalla Preethi Nivas, where I was able to individually
conduct the activity on the above said activity programs. It was really an event to
train and teach them in all the above said areas of activity.
I conclude by thanking the Guenalla Preethi Nivas for providing an opportunity to
conduct the activity successfully for Guenalla Preethi Nivas people.

Dept of CSE,VVIT 56

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