AAmockpaper 2

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Miina Härma Gümnaasium

Mock Examination

Mathematics: analysis and approaches Candidate name

Higher Level
Paper 2

Friday 31 March 2023 (morning)

2 hours
Instructions to candidates
• Write your name in the box above.
• Do not open this examination paper until instructed to do so.
• A graphic display calculator is required for this paper.
• Section A: answer all questions. Answers must be written within the answer boxes provided.
• Section B: answer all questions in the answer booklet provided. Fill in your name on the front
of the answer booklet, and attach it to this examination paper and your cover sheet
using the tag provided.
• Unless otherwise stated in the question, all numerical answers must be given exactly or
correct to three significant figures.
• A clean copy of the mathematics: analysis and approaches formula booklet is required for
this paper.
• The maximum mark for this examination is [108 marks]

13 pages


Full marks are not necessarily awarded for a correct answer with no working. Answers must be
supported by working and/or explanation. Solutions found from a graphic display calculator
should be supported by suitable working. For example, if graphs are used to find a solution, you
should sketch these as part of your answer. Where an answer is incorrect, some marks may be
given for a correct method, provided this is shown by written working. You are therefore advised
to show all working.

Answer all questions. Answer must be written within the answer boxes provided. Working may be
continued below the lines, if necessary.

1. [maximum marks: 6]
Lucy sells hot chocolate drinks at her snack bar and has noticed that she sells more hot
chocolates on cooler days. On six different days, she records the maximum daily
temperature, T, measured in degrees centigrade, and the number of hot chocolates sold, H.
The results are shown in the following table.

The relationship between H and T can be modelled by the regression line with equation
H = aT + b .
(a) (i) Find the value of a and of b .
(ii) Write down the correlation coefficient.
(b) Using the regression equation, estimate the number of hot chocolates that Lucy will sell
on a day when the maximum temperature is 12∘C .


2. [maximum marks: 7]
The following diagram shows the quadrilateral ABCD.

̂ = 78.2∘ and CD = 3.80cm .

A B = 6.73cm, BC = 4.83cm, B CD
(a) Find BD.
(b) The area of triangle ABD is 18.5cm 2 . Find the possible values of θ .

Turn over


3. [maximum marks: 8]
Iqbal attempts three practice papers in mathematics. The probability that he passes the first
paper is 0.6. Whenever he gains a pass in a paper, his confidence increases so that the
probability of him passing the next paper increases by 0.1. Whenever he fails a paper the
probability of him passing the next paper is 0.6.
(a) Complete the given probability tree diagram for Iqbal’s three attempts, labelling each
branch with the correct probability.

(b) Calculate the probability that Iqbal passes at least two of the papers he attempts.
(c) Find the probability that Iqbal passes his third paper, given that he passed only one
previous paper.

(This question continues on the following page.)


(Question #3 Continued)

Turn over


4. [maximum marks: 7]
Let f (x) = 4 − x 3 and g (x) = ln x, for x > 0.
(a) Find ( f ∘ g) (x) .

(b) (i) Solve the equation ( f ∘ g) (x) = x .

(ii) Hence or otherwise, given that g (2a) = f −1 (2a), find the value of a .


5. [maximum marks: 6]

∫( )
Use integration by parts to find ln x d x .

Turn over


6. [maximum marks: 6]
Boat A is situated 10km away from boat B, and each boat has a marine radio transmitter on
board. The range of the transmitter on boat A is 7 km , and the range of the transmitter on
boat B is 5km . The region in which both transmitters can be detected is represented by the
shaded region in the following diagram. Find the area of this region.


7. [maximum marks: 9]
The seventh, third and first terms of an arithmetic sequence form the first three terms of a
geometric sequence.
The arithmetic sequence has first term a and non-zero common difference d .
(a) Show that d = .
The seventh term of the arithmetic sequence is 3. The sum of the first n terms in the
arithmetic sequence exceeds the sum of the first n terms in the geometric sequence by at
least 200.
(b) Find the least value of n for which this occurs.

Turn over

- 10 -

8. [maximum marks: 6]
A stalactite has the shape of a circular cone. Its height is 200mm and is increasing at a rate
of 3mm per century. Its base radius is 40mm and is decreasing at a rate of 0.5 mm per
century. Determine if its volume is increasing or decreasing, and the rate at which the
volume is changing.

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Do not write solutions on this page.


Answer all questions in the answer booklet provided. Please start each question on a new page.

9. [maximum marks: 14]

The weights, in grams, of individual packets of coffee can be modelled by a normal
distribution, with mean 102g and a standard deviation 8g.
(a) Find the probability that a randomly selected packet has a weight less than 100g .
(b) the probability that a randomly selected packet has a weight greater than w grams is
0.444. Find the value of w .
(c) A packet is randomly selected. Given that the packet has a weight greater than 105g,
find the probability that it has a weight greater than 110g .
(d) From a random sample of 500 packets, determine the number of packets that would be
expected to have a weight lying within 1.5 standard deviations of the mean.
(e) Packets are delivered to supermarkets in batches of 80. Determine the probability that
at least 20 packets from a randomly selected batch have a weight less than 95g .

Turn over

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Do not write solutions on this page.

10. [maximum marks: 18]

x 2 − x − 12 15
Consider the function f (x) = , x ∈ ℝ, x ≠ .
2x − 15 2
(a) Find the coordinates where the graph of f crosses the
(i) x− axis;
(ii) y− axis.
(b) Write down the equation of the vertical asymptote of the graph of f .
(c) The oblique asymptote of the graph of f can be written as y = a x + b where a, b ∈ ℚ .
Find the values of a and the value of b .
(d) Sketch the graph of f for − 30 ≤ x ≤ 30, clearly indicating the points of intersection
with each axis and any asymptotes.
(e) (i) Express in partial fractions.
f (x)
∫0 f (x)
(ii) Hence find the exact value of d x, expressing your answer as a single


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Do not write solutions on this page.

11. [maximum marks: 21]

Consider the differential equation , where y ≠ 0.

(a) Find the general solution of the differential equation, expressing your answer in the form

f (x, y) = c, where c is a constant. (3)

(b) (i) Hence find the particular solution passing through the points .

(ii) Sketch the graph of your solution and name the type of curve represented. (5)
0 1
(0) (−1)
(c) (i) Write down the particular solution passing through the points (1, ± 1).
−2= + λ 1 .
(ii) Give a geometrical interpretation of this solution in relation to part (b). (3)
Find Π is given
the general
plane by 2xof−the
solution 2zdifferential
= 3. The line L and the plane Π
equation , where xy ≠at
intersect 0.the
3 3
FindP.the particular solution passing through the point (1, √2 ).
(iii) Show the
at the point P, λ =
solution. .
(iv) The graph of the solution only contains points with |x| > a.
the find thevalue
exact coordinates
of a, a >of0.P. (10)
(d) The point B (0, − 2,0) lies on L .
(i) Find the reflection of the point B in the plane Π3 .
(ii) Hence find the vector equation of the line formed when L is reflected in the plane
Π3 .

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will not be marked.

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