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xylem BS 2250 HT 3~ 434 rg Technical specification PESETATTT ATTRA TTT TT ETT) BABE suutut Contiguragse roe Proto 10 a por cao om | Uta tunings onsrore xylem BS 2250 HT 3~ 434 Curva de desempenho rg Bomba Motor Dectane Range Diameter 180mm Molor# 82250011 952B4NAWETIG Falter da poten ‘osiar dae Onn strata 2. aieload oe umber of Bados $ reauéncla 2 Lae Fated vtage saov Weload O77 Nimewdepsios 4 Motor etfcsoney fame Fa iteed "Sh sx Patina nominal Sa sietoad 920% Eorenis nominal toga oe Gonente de parisa, 385A WPload 920% hare "2 ed 04 ed fora 2 aie asd a8 204 ed 2 234 24 204 34 38-4700 4 4 (1) Renamer s0gRond. oa «04 204 r sea 34 410m ‘04 (wil Patino absorvida Ph 4 aS oe er 504 204 304 209 10] VVaores de PSH ing 4 a ow woe 200 HO 2B OOOO) eaten conto Proto Pre crap as om onsrore | tara sisiangse xylem BS 2250 HT 3~ 434 Duty Analysi Io 16 72 10 os 8 se ies 0 8 si 5« 2 50 4 46 4“ 2 40 28 28 36 2 20 28 28 26 22 20 1: 16 4 2 16 rg rare Rend at 410m 0 40 a0 a0" a0" 200" 20, foams "280 "azo" ” “260 ‘0 "aso" ” [oP roe Proto 10 a por as om onsrore | tara sisiangse xylem BS 2250 HT 3~ 434 rg VFD Curve (tra ef eof sf Rene: 22: ste a aad «of ae 24 204 ie 34 40mm c a iRenamerto tren. tia sof aod 304 ji a4 4 204 104 (uw}gPotbnca Sbsoevida Ps ‘Smee ‘go {PotEncia de eixo PA ‘on (Pz sod aod 204 zoe 108 {Vabores de NPSH 94 410nm ne] a cl 07 Ta” "80" ” “120°” 180" ” “200” ” “ato” ” “ao” ” “azo” ” “aso” “400” “ak0” fot) roe onsrore a por | as om | ira susiangs0 xylem BS 2250 HT 3~ 434 rg VFD Analysi (fara BI9% BRERBSRESSSSESESR LSS SRE S RE \ 4 Maa 410m Perr 2.8.8. Pn ee ee ee Prete onsrore a por | as om | tara sisiangse xylem BS 2250 HT 3~ 434 rg Dimensional drawing 1145 Wag SCRENCARNNG ts Orrersorl cg — ft BSzanott Ht roe Proto 10 a por cao om | Uta tunings onsrore xylem BS 2250 HT 3~ 434 Life cycle costs (LEC) Tota itatime 6 Innation ate (ate of ren incase) 2% ‘Annual operating time 5800 Interest rat or invesimont) 3% Enorgy cos por Wh 00 us Poténcia bowie Pt Custo total [EBB 0.00 us Eneray [BEB 0,00 USD Investment costs TBE 0.00 USD instalation & commissioning 0,00 USD Operating cost [BEB 0.00 USD Maintenance & repair [I 0,00 usd Downtime HEB 0,00 USD Emironmental [B26] 0,00 USD Decommissioning usb First year costs \ [EB 0.00 usb Energy (1st year) [BH 0.00 usd investment costs (1st year) [I 0.00 usd instalation & commissioning (ist yea) [EB 0.00 usD Operating cost (1st year) 0,00 USD Maintenance & repair (1st year) [BEB] 0.00 usD Downtime (ist year) HEB 0.00 usp Envronmental (1st year) / [1G] 0,00 usD Decommissioning (st year) uso Disclaimer: The calculations and the results ore based on usr Input values and gonealassunpilons and provide only estimated bute fortne np sata, Xyemine con the irate savings wil tually oscar roe a por | as om | tara sisiangse onsrore

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