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Belladrum Secondary School

Science Department
Drama In Education
Annual Examination 2023
Grade 10A...
Paper 1 Time: 1 hour 20 mins
Name: …………………………… Date: …………….
Instruction: This paper consists of Sixty multiple choice questions with one mark each. You
are required to answer all questions.
1. A raising part of the stage is called a .
a. rail b. practical c. platform d. ramp
2. The back stage area for scenery is the .
a. dock b. blocking c. apron d. dip
3. A three dimensional representation of a stage is known as the .
a. mime b. model c. pro-set d. inset
4. The part of the stage closest to the audience is called the _______________.
a. upstage b. downstage c. center stage d. back stage
5. The right of the stage is determined by the actor standing in the center and facing the
audience is the ______________.
a. stage right b. stage left c. up stage d. down stage
6. The left of the stage is determined by the actor standing in the center and facing the
audience is the ____________.
a. stage right b. stage left c. up stage d. down stage
7. All of the following are types of stages EXCEPT
a. Arena Stage b. Thrust Stage c. Proscenium Arch Stage d. Circle in the Round
8. There are stage positions
a. 1 b.12 c.14 d. 10
9. The type of stage that is extended into the auditorium and audience sits on three sides is
called the _________
a. Arena Stage b. Thrust Stage c. Proscenium Arch Stage d. End stage
10. Another name for the Arena stage is _____________
a. Theatre in the round b. Circle stage c. Round stage d. Proscenium circle
11. Another name for the End Stage is the _____________
a. Arena Stage b. Thrust Stage c. Proscenium Arch Stage d. Missing wall stage
Study the diagram below and answer questions 12-28.

1 2 3

Right wing Left wing

Centre Stage

5 7


12. The part labeled ‘1’ is known as .

a. USL b. DSL c. USR d. DSR
13. The part label ‘5’ is known as .
a. USC b. DSC c. DSL d. DSR
14. What is the name given to the part of the stage in front the audience beyond the proscenium
a. Backstage b. Apron c. Wing d. Centre Stage
15. What is the name given to the part of the stage where actors stand to wait for their cue to go
on stage?
a. Backstage b. Apron c. Wing d. Centre Stage
16. The part labeled ‘3’ is known as .
a. USL b. CSL c. CSR d. DSR
17. The part labeled ‘6’ is known as .
a. USL b. CSL c. CSR d. DSR
18. The part labeled ‘4’ is known as .
a. USL b. CSL c. CSR d. DSR
19. The part labeled ‘7’ is known as .
a. USL b. DSL c. USR d. DSR
20. Mashramani is to Guyana as Carnival is to _________________.
a. Trinidad b. Barbados c. Grenada d. Jamacia
21. All of the following are Caribbean countries EXCEPT __________.
b. Barbados b. Trinidad c. Grenada d. Brazil
22. The person that writes the play is the _________________.
a. Journalist b. Calypsonian c. Technical Designer d. Playwright
23. The meaning for the word ‘Mashramani’ is _____________.
b. ‘Freedom from slavery’ b. ‘Celebration after hard work.’
c. ‘Together we stand, divided we fall’ d. ‘One People, One Nation and One

Study the diagram below and answer questions 24-33

Rising Action
Falling Action

1 3

24. The plot is the ____________________ in a story.

a. the series of events b. main idea c. people d. mood
25. The part of the stage labelled ‘3’ is called the ___________________
a. exposition b. climax c. resolution d. rising action
26. The part of the stage labelled ‘1’ is called the ___________________
a. exposition b. climax c. resolution d. rising action
27. The part of the stage labelled ‘2’ is called the ___________________
a. exposition b. climax c. resolution d. rising action
28. The actions that occurs immediately after the big climax is called the ________________
a. falling action b. climax c. resolution d. rising action
29. The actions that occurs just after the begining of the story leading up to the climax is called
the ________________
a. exposition b. climax c. resolution d. rising action
30. The Resolution is the ___________ of the story.
a. begining b. end c. resolution d. rising action
31. The real or imaginary persons or animals in a story is called the _______________
a. point of view b. theme c. character d. plot
32. The central idea of a story or what the story is base don is called the _____________
a. point of view b. theme c. character d. plot
33.The person who is against the main charácter in the play is called the ___________
a. antagonist b. director c. designer d. producer
For items 34-, answer the following questions on the stage positions
34. The position closest to the audience is called the _______________.
a. Upstage b. downstage c. stage left d. stage right
35. The position furthest from the audience is called ________________.
a. Upstage b. downstage c. stage left d. stage right
36. The left of the stage as determined by the actor standing in the centre and facing the
audience is called the ________________
a. Upstage b. downstage c. stage left d. stage right
37. The right of the stage as determined by the actor standing in the centre and facing the
audience is called the ________________
a. Upstage b. downstage c. stage left d. stage right



38. What is the meaning for “C”

a. centre stage b. downstage left c. upstage centre d. Centre
stage right
39. What is the meaning for “DSL”
a. centre stage b. downstage left c. upstage centre d. Centre
stage right
40.What is the meaning for “CSR”
a. centre stage b. downstage left c. upstage centre d. Centre
stage right

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