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English I workshop

Introductory Level
Saturday´s Class (20 / 05)

Name: _____________________________________________
Date: _________________________________ Score: _________________
Students Please read the instructions carefully, then complete from the most appropriate
1. Adjectives Use
When we use adjectives on the English language, we generally use two forms to do it:

Substantive + Adjective
My father is tall
The cat is beautiful
In this form as we can see on the examples the to be verb is frequently use to do
descriptions by using this type of adjectives.
Other way while adjectives are used is the most common in the English language. It
consists on put the adjective first, then the substantive.
Adjective + Substantive
I have a tall father
My beautiful cat
Both forms are correct to use the adjectives but English native speakers generally used the
second form more than the first form.

Now let´s check if you understand

Organize the next sentences by using the first or the second form of the adjectives,
REMEMBER to identify the adjective and the substantive for the exercise.
a) My brother is adorable.
b) I have a very big eyes, I love it.
c) The car of my father is awesome. It is fast.
d) The road is very dangerous at night.
e) The lips of Martha are thin.
f) My small cat is lost.
g) My pet is a large snake.
h) Your mother is very young.
i) He has a beautiful sister, I like her.
j) My family is very intelligent.

2. “Ing and Ed” adjectives

Adjectives that end in -ed (e.g. bored, interested) and adjectives that end in -ing (e.g.
boring, interesting) are often confused.
To create an adjective with ED and ING we take a verb to do the adjective.
Verb ED adjective ING adjective
Excite Excited Exciting
Entertain Entertained Entertaining
Touch Touched Touching

It´s important that you don´t confuse when the word is used as an adjective and when it´s
used as a verb. Remember that the words are polysemic. Now let´s see how are used ED
and ING adjectives:
An adjective that ends in -ING is used to describe: the characteristic of a person, a thing or
a situation.
An adjective that ends in -ED is used to describe: a feeling (or how a person feels) or an
emotion. It is used to describe a temporary thing. Since only people (and some animals)
have feelings, -ed adjectives cannot be used to describe an object or situation.
Compare the difference:

My girlfriend is bored. - (My girlfriend feels bored)

My girlfriend is boring. - (My girlfriend is a boring person)
You can use these adjectives to describe people or situations but be careful that you are
using the correct adjective. For example, there is a big difference in meaning between:

I am confused. - (I don't understand something)

I am confusing. - (I will cause you to be confused)
Now let´s practice
Create some sentences by using the next adjectives, remember to use it properly.
a) Inspired – Inspiring. b) Disturbed – Disturbing.
c) Insulted – Insulting. d) Confused – Confusing.
e) Annoyed – Annoying. f) Exhausted – Exhausting.
g) Shocked – Shocking. h) Terrified – Terrifying.
i) Challenged – Challenging. j) Disgusted – Disgusting.

3. Clothes
Organize the clothes depending on the season, then make the draw of the clothe. If
you want, you can add clothes that are not written.

Spring Summer

Autumn Winter

Skirt – Bikini - Dress – Pants – Jumper – Sneakers – Vest - High heels – Singlet -
Boots – Shorts - Polo shirt – Dress – Shirt – Socks – Swimsuit- Coat - Straw hat –
Cap – Scarf – T-shirt – Shoes – Suit – Sweaters.

Now that you know some clothes and adjectives, you have to imagine that you are a
fashion designer. Now that you image it, you are going to design two vestments for a
season, you have to use the adjectives to describe it and make the draw.

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