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938 Aurora Boulevard, Cubao, Quezon City

A Research Work Represented to the Electrical Engineering Department

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Research Method (EE 026)

“Harnessing Solar Energy using Alternative Cell with Adjustable Brightness for Street Light.”

Submitted By:

Bautista, Jaime Miguel

Bombarda, Abigail

Bulaon, Rafael

Burgos, Jean James

Cabael, Marvin

Chiang, Justin Carl

Dasigao, Adriane Paul

Submitted to:

Engr. Christine Ann Teodoro






The solar or photovoltaic energy 5

Solar energy in the Philippines 6

Zener diode application for photovoltaic cell 6

Environmental impact of renewable 7

Chapter 3: METHODOLOGY 8

Research method 8

Population and sample 8

Locale 8

Project design 8
Chapter 1

The innovations of different materials in the world are continuously evolving with
engagement to time. As the clock ticks in each timeline, technology is helping people to live in a
convenient way. By that, people need the energy that will be converted to enormous works.
Energy resources are considered to be very relevant as the time flies, the power is used to create
massive upgrades in which will help the world to continue with an elevated lifestyle. Yet, non-
renewable energy resources are now causing noxious to the Earth and the environment is being
destroyed. That’s why, there are lots of platforms that help the people to know more about the
renewable energy resources. Renewable energy is defined as energy produced from natural
sources that is replenished at a quicker pace than it is utilized. Sunlight and wind are two
examples of such continually replenishing sources. Renewable energy sources abound and are all
in the surroundings. According to Roy Cooper, renewable energy means good paying jobs along
with clean air and water. This only proves that it is like an opportunity that needs hard work in
order to gain lot of benefits.

Electricity is the most widely utilized technology in the world today, when did it all
begin? The Greeks were the first to invent electricity some 3000 years ago, according to the
Science line on June 3, 2003. The term "Electricity" was derived from the word "Elektron,"
which means "amber," and is now commonly used. Formerly, electricity was created by amber, a
yellow, fossilized rock found in tree sap. Greeks attempted to create electricity by rubbing amber
on wool or lightweight things such as straw or feathersand it is also used to explore the outer
planet. Since it is produced for comfort, it appeared toall of us that electricity was a need.
Benjamin Franklin became interested in electricity and began working on it in the 1740s. He
conducted several experiments to learn more about what electricity can accomplish and give.
Franklin also mentioned in this comment that energy may be compared to water. He decided that
electricity can move and flow like water via excellent conductors after experimenting with a
metal key linked to the kite and when lightning struck the key. Almost all tasks are made easier,
quicker, and more pleasant by electricity. Thankfully, there are still lots of resources to create
power at the moment.
Hydropower, coal, natural gas, biomass, wind, oil, solar, nuclear, and a variety of other
natural resources are examples. This, however, will not persist forever. There will come a day
when the Earth's natural resources will not be sufficient to supply the world's power, much alone
the rapidly growing population that will require continual access to electricity.

The sun is one of the reasons of life in Earth. It is used for photosynthesis, regulated
immune systems, killed kinds of bacteria, and it strengthens the body. The good association for the
sun is that it can also be turned into an electricity. Solar energy is the energy received by the earth
from the sun, typically in the form of visible light and other kinds of electromagnetic radiation.
High-frequency waves have very small wavelengths and repeat themselves numerous times in each
unit of time. Low-frequency waves, on the other hand, have substantially longer wavelengths. The
sun's greatest high-frequency waves include gamma rays, X-rays, and ultraviolet light rays. The
most dangerous UV rays are almost entirely absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere. Less powerful
UV rays can cause sunburn as they travel through the atmosphere. The fact that every single place
of the Earth receives sunshine to varying degrees provides a dual benefit. To begin with, sunlight is
an energy source that can be utilized anywhere on the earth and even reaches to regions with no
infrastructure or connections. Hence, in isolated, rural areas, distant or difficult-to-access locations,
the sun is always a suitable alternative. It emits no carbon or other heat-trapping greenhouse gases.
It avoids the environmental impact involved with mining or drilling for fossil fuels. Additionally,
unlike power plants that use steam turbines to create electricity, solar energy consumes little to no
water. The advantages can be observed in the solar renewable energy, the organization for this
project can be more beneficial since a certain home can sell excess power to other utilities and it is
a low maintenance cost.

The researchers will conduct research about the Zener diodes in which will can be turned
into solar energy. In addition, the integration of the plan is to elevate it with the engagement of
adjuster of light in order to give exact lighting needs for more conservations of the energy. It will
be applied to street lights which can prevent difficulties of darkness and utilizes safety. The
researchers strategize a factor in which people can have a renewable energy resource with the
capability to save and develop new innovations out of things that have other uses. In regard to the
concern of community sustainability, it is appraised as affordable, technology innovations for the
research can be elevated as the research further proceeds.

Darkness in different areas is observable in lots of communities. Usually, danger is

affiliated when there are dark places in which people stroll, decreased vision may also reduce
mobility if individuals avoid certain travels due to fear of crashes, falling over in the dark, or
criminality. It may still be a problem if the community would not give actions for it. In the
Philippines, crime is like a chronic disease, it is worst and similar to a cancerous cell which spreads
all over the country. No streetlights can increase the crime cases and letting it pass by with a clean
move, without any traces since it is done in the dark. Not just in crime, not having streetlights may
also lead to accidents when people were crossing on the other side of the street without being seen.
It is hard to put on the blame because it is an accident in which it is not really meant to be made.
Holes, sharp things, and humps may also cause accidents if not catch by sight, therefore a
streetlight can also be a safety measure and it show relevant to cities.

Adding up, non-renewable energy resources are not forever sustainable for the world, there
will be a time that it will be all consumed. It also brings inadequate happenings on the
environment; it is often destructive and cause global warming to the Earth. (Zafar,2022) indicated
that, now more than ever, the planet needs us to step up and act towards cleaning up many of the
messes we have made through irresponsibility. Whether it be from oil spills, air pollution, plastics,
or toxic chemicals leaking into our water, there is still a lot that must be done to bring our
ecosystem back into balance. Environmental justice for one and all should be our core mission. No
control usage of the non-renewable energy can cause the world a lot in exchange, alternative way
of harnessing energy must be done and a supported research must be further initiated in order to
create more new technologies that create energy.


This research aims to provide extensive knowledge and information in regard to the study.
The contents deliver importance to the individual as follows:

The Society

The direct recipient of this research is the society in which can do further research and will
benefit them for the ideas in which can help to improve the knowledge being modified. Harnessing
of solar energy is fruitful source of the next generation, in order to create power to a new spring of
energy generation. Convenience for the society will be provided because crimes and accidents can
be prevented in which will help the Philippines to gain more safety.

The Community

The research benefits the community for the technology which can be demonstrated and
applied to it. In that, it will show innovative movement for the communities in the Philippines.
Since the study initiates a renewable energy resource, it will benefit the environment of each
individual living in the city, a clean and no harm for the environment advocates will be achieved.

The Future Researchers

This study is essential for future reference of the other researcher who also has the eager to
support the renewable energy. It will open doors for the opportunity to distinguish any related
inventions that have criticized the articulations of the study. The renewable energy resource can be
very efficient wherein the future researchers may find new solutions or development to the
completion of innovation.

The Local Government

The research is targeting the community in which can be a fruitful knowledge of the local
government in order to raise economic innovation and can exchange it to other technologies that
cater the problems of a certain city.


The general intent of this study is to promote renewable energy specifically, solar energy.
Main factors are mainly regarded to the brightness of the solar light in order to preserve the use of
energy and to create other way of harnessing the energy. The research will be focused on the
aspects of lighting, factor of diodes, and the other materials in which are about to be used in the
said study. The study will only be conducted through online and on the campus as further
information must be provided. It will identify the problems in which people are experiencing and
can also be a platform for elevations of research about the renewable energy. Limitations of the
study starts from the limited supplies of products in which will perform theoretically through
alternative tools; however, the researchers will further exert efforts in regard to the intended
learning and proper initiation of the project.
Conceptual Framework

Storing electricity to the Street light will turn on

Harnessing Solar power
power storage of the solar depends on the darkness it
by using zener diode. lights. received.

Research Paradigm
The researchers used a descriptive method for the reason that this project needs to be
conducted through trial-and-error process and has a relation to another existing project that may
benefit to the project.
Chapter 2

The solar or Photovoltaic Energy

Solar cells are used by both commercial and residential customers and are regarded as a
clean source of energy. Only domestic implementations are tested (and used) for the majority of
solar cell design methods. Yet, it is essential to have precise solar cell design procedures that can
be used for both commercial and home energy systems (Mohamed and Diego, 2018). The
researchers stated that the use of photovoltaic energy systems as an alternative energy source is
growing in popularity. There are various difficulties with this system. The solar panels system must
remain in top shape in order to properly harness reliable energy. This necessitates ongoing
maintenance and observation. An intelligent monitoring system is needed in the event that the
weather-dependent energy yield changes in order to determine whether this variation is normal due
to environmental factors or not due to a defective, shaded, or dust-covered panel (Sufyan & Emad,
2019). Many benefits result from the use of renewable energy, including lower costs for electricity
transmission and lessening the effects of global warming. The important elements to improving
power conversion efficiency are investigating the operational parameters that have an impact and
optimizing the solar energy system. The various optimization techniques have been used in solar
energy applications to increase performance effectiveness (Al-Shahri et al., 2021). Due to its
cleanliness and accessibility, solar energy is regarded as a crucial source of energy. Nonetheless,
there is a pressing need to find a solution for how to efficiently absorb solar energy within the
range of solar radiation. In order to successfully capture solar energy, high-performance broadband
ideal absorbers must be designed. Refractory metals are used in the absorber's construction to
ensure its ability to function in high-temperature and solar radiation environments. The proposed
solar energy absorber is crucial for a variety of uses, including sensing, thermal photovoltaic
technology, and solar cells (Tao et al., 2022).
Solar Energy in the Philippines
Renewable energy in the Philippines is important because it can be used for energy security
and energy sustainability. The Philippines is one of having a high demand for solar energy systems
and there are places in the Philippines that utilize solar energy. The examples are Pampanga,
Batangas and Leyte. Installing photovoltaic in the Philippines can produce approximately 1 GW of
energy in two years. Currently, the Philippines' main energy source is fossil fuel, but soon, solar
energy might become an energy source in the Philippines. Also, renewable energy may be a
source, specifically solar energy, with a mini purpose of helping with the reduction of CO2. That is
why solar energy will be beneficial in the Philippines (Farias - Rocha et al., 2019).

Zener Diode Application for photovoltaic cell

According to Victor CH Lim a solar panel light current-voltage characterization using a
Zener diode is presented. A conventional solar panel is essentially a series-connected arrangement
of several sun cells. The measurement circuit must have an infinite resistor in order to satisfy this
criterion. A Zener diode was examined in order to approximate the infinite resistance for Voc
measurement. The ideal property of a Zener diode is that it prevents current flow under reverse
bias conditions until its breakdown voltage is achieved. Zener diodes have a wide range of
configuration options for the breakdown voltage. Across a voltage range of up to 22 V, solar panel
LIV measurements were successfully shown. The single diode model can be used to model a
photovoltaic (PV) cell. However, the use of the single diode model to implement a PV emulator
cannot be practical in case the application requires a high voltage output This happens in
consequence of the low threshold voltage of the silicon diode, which means the circuit should be
composed of several single diode circuits. Therefore, in this paper, we propose the use of a zener
diode to obtain a PV emulator with a high voltage output using fewer devices. (R. F. Q. Magossi et
al., 2017).
Environmental impact of renewable
Compared to traditional energy sources, solar energy systems (photovoltaics, solar
thermal, and solar power) have a considerable positive impact on the environment, which helps
to promote the sustainable growth of human activities. Yet, occasionally, the widespread
deployment of these technologies must deal with potential adverse environmental consequences.
For some consumers, these potential issues appear to be a significant barrier to the further
adoption of these systems. The analysis outlines the potential environmental costs, which may
include noise and visual intrusion, greenhouse gas emissions, water and soil pollution, energy
consumption, work accidents, and an impact on archaeological sites during the construction,
installation, and demolition phases, as well as particularly in the case of central solar
technologies (Tsoutsos, T., Frantzeskaki, N., et al., 2005). The development of energy-efficient
lighting technologies and the quest for renewable energy sources with low greenhouse gas
emissions are ongoing efforts to combat global warming and climate change. (Beaupré et al.,
Chapter 3


Research Method

The researchers will use observation method for the reason that this analyze the needs
and other specifications that will be needed to make the prototype. In this case, the researchers
will be able to inspect some areas in Luzon that do not have their own road safety specifically,
streetlights. The experimental methodology will show development and evaluation of the project
in which shall also provide designs and a responsive work.

Population and sample

The researchers will focus on communities that do not have electrical lines yet and
always rely on solar power materials (Solar lamps, solar powered battery charger, etc.).
The researchers will conduct an area inspection located in Brgy. San Andres, Tanay,
Rizal. This community is isolated and not reached yet by the power companies.
Project Design

The researchers initiate a designed streetlamp for the research process. As shown in the
figure 1, it is composed of a panel and the lamp itself in which will have an adjuster for more
conservation of energy and a different way of harvesting solar energy. The experimental project
is under the control of the energy harnessed by the panel from the sun, to justify and create
power that will light up the lamp. In the design of the panel, it will be adjusted accordingly by
the angle in which sun will be efficiently consumed by the panel.
Figure 1. Solar Energy Model

The figure 2 shows the block diagram of the system wherein more specified delivery is
being adapted. The panel will deliver the power to the LED and every wiring connection will
have an inserted protector to prevent the panel from being destroyed by different factors in which
might affect the efficiency of the solar power.

FIGURE 2: Block Diagram


The researcher designs a model and block diagram shows in figure 1 and fig 2. That combines a
bifacial solar panel with a reflective surface to increase energy generation. And also, researcher
incorporate an adjustable based controller that adjust the brightness of the LED lights based on
the density. The prototype built with light weight, durable materials to reduce installation. This
includes identifying the necessary components and materials and planning the project’s timeline
and budget.

Operation and Testing

The Researcher conduct the operation and testing of solar cells by these following measuring
performance parameters and testing:

(a) The absorption of photovoltaic cell by the materials, Photons from sunlight are absorbed by
the semiconductor material of the PV cell, which is commonly known as silicon. (b) Measuring
the electron excitation, the photons that are absorbed give electrons energy that enables them to
separate from their atoms.

(c) Separation of the charge, a conductive grid on the PV cell's surface collects the liberated
electrons, resulting in a current flow.

(d) Measuring of the electrical output, electrical equipment can be powered by the generated
current, which can also be retained in batteries for later use.

(e) Open circuit voltage, when no external load is connected, the voltage across a photovoltaic
cell. It denotes the highest voltage that the cell is capable of producing. Open circuit voltage is
commonly estimated utilizing a voltmeter across the cell's terminals.

(f) Calibration process, photovoltaic cells can undergo calibration procedures to establish
reference values and guarantee consistency across various devices or measurements for accurate
comparisons and measurements
Evaluation Procedure

The researcher will evaluate the performance of adjustable brightness of streetlight using solar
energy. The number of Zener diode, the best material to use when talk about conductivity, the
class of Zener diode, and what kind of LED light can use based on the trial and error that have
done in multi-sim. These requirements will be based on what the researcher have done when
simulating multi-sim and when they creating circuit.

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