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Title Seed-producing and spore-producing plants Bimester 2° Title Seed-producing and spore-producing plants Bimester 2°
Topic Classifying plants Grade 4th Grade Section Vivaldi/Brahms/Schubert Topic Classifying plants Grade 4th Grade Section Vivaldi/Brahms/Schubert
Teacher Miss Stheyssi Huayanay Date Time Teacher Miss Stheyssi Huayanay Date Time

Embryo is found inside the seed. It is the most important part of the
seed. It will grow into a new plant under suitable conditions.
Seed leaf contains the food stored for the growing embryo.

We can see from the

different parts of the
seed that a seed is a
baby plant with food
supply stored in it.
Although removed from
the parent plant, a seed
is itself a living thing.

Spore-producing plants: non-flowering plants such as ferns and

mosses produce spores instead of seeds. Spores are microscopic.

In ferns, they are usually found in spore bags on the

underside of the leaf. It is the spores that grow into new plants.

spore In mosses, the spores are

capsule contained within spore
capsules at the top of the plant.

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