ELazar of Worms British Library MS 27199

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Add MS 27199

Date 1516

Title Kabbalistic collectaneum.

Content A collection of mystical and kabbalistic texts..Fols 1r-379vAuthor: Eleazar

ben Judah, of Worms, approximately 1176-1238. (,‫אלעזר בן יהודה‬
‫)מגרמיזה‬Title: Sode razaya.Title: ‫סודי רזייא‬.Note: The contents of folio 1-49
are very close to those printed in Sefer Raziel, ed. Amsterdam 1701, folios
7v-24r.. The manuscript contains all the five parts of Sode razaya: Sod
ma῾aseh bereshit, Sod ha-merkavah (including Hilkhot Metatron, Hilkhot
mal᾿akhim, Hilkhot ha-kise, Hilkhot ha-kavod, Hilkhot ha-dibur, Hilkhot ha-
nevu᾿ah, Hilkhot ha-emunah), Sefer ha-shem, Perush sefer yetsirah, Sefer
ḥokhmat ha-nefesh.. The marginal notes are partially in Latin, especially
between folios 55-290..Decoration note: diagrams (ink). . (Fols 32r, 32v,
37v, 88v, 90r, 150r, 151r, 228v, 271v, 272r, 272v, 369v)Decoration note:
Maniculae. . (Fols 152r, 168v, 290r)Fols 379v-388vTitle: Sefer
yetsirah.Title: ‫ספר יצירה‬.Note: This recension of Sefer yetsirah is presented
in five chapters..Filiation: Cf contents of .BL: Or 6577. (Margoliouth,
Catalogue, no. 736). .Fols 388v-470vAuthor: Eleazar ben Judah, of Worms,
approximately 1176-1238. (‫ מגרמיזה‬,‫)אלעזר בן יהודה‬Title: Perush sefer
yetsirah.Title: ‫פירוש ספר יצירה‬.Note: The author's colophon is copied on folio
470r: ‫ וכאשר קבלתי ממורי‬:‫הסלת ספר יצירה ופירושו שבתי בר' אברהם החכם והרופא‬
‫ וגם קבלתי ממורי הרב ר' יהודה החסיד בן רבנא ר' שמואל‬:‫אבא ר' יהודה ב"ר קלונימוס‬
‫והוספתי לפרש בו גם אני הקטן אליעזר‬.Filiation: Cf .Steinschneider_1879:
number 918.Decoration note: diagrams (ink). . (Fols 437r, 437v, 439r,
439v, 440r, 442r)Decoration note: Maniculae. . (Fols 393r, 397v, 400r, 401r,
413v, 424r, 426v, 428r, 438r)Fols 470v-485vAuthor: Eleazar ben Judah, of
Worms, approximately 1176-1238. (‫ מגרמיזה‬,‫)אלעזר בן יהודה‬Title:
‫סגולות‬.Title: Segulot.Note: A number of segulot, combinations of letters of
the alphabet and an astrological section.. Folios 476v-477r contain a poem,
followed by a list of the divine names derived from each line of the poem,
and a prayer connected with the same.. Folio 477v contains some additional
names which were added by the scribe.. Folios 480v-485v - additional notes
on divine and angelic names and excerpts from Peraḳim de-rabi
Eli῾ezer..Decoration note: a pen and ink drawing of a snake. . (Fol 484v)Fols
485v-522vAuthor: Eleazar ben Judah, of Worms, approximately 1176-1238.
(‫ מגרמיזה‬,‫)אלעזר בן יהודה‬Title: Sefer ḥokhmat ha-nefesh.Title: ‫ספר חכמת‬
‫הנפש‬.Decoration note: Maniculae. . (Fols 498r, 498v, 499r, 503r, 503v, 507r,
etc.)Fols 522v-526rAuthor: Eleazar ben Judah, of Worms, approximately
1176-1238. (‫ מגרמיזה‬,‫)אלעזר בן יהודה‬Title: She᾿elat teshuvah.Title: ‫שאלת‬
‫תשובה‬.Note: An enquiry regarding the destiny of the soul by Shemu᾿el ben
Kalonymus, the younger, to Ele῾azar of Worms, preceded by a poem,
apparently also by Shemu᾿el ben Kalonymus..Fols 526r-600vTitle: Sefer
ḥokhmat ha-nefesh.Title: ‫ספר חכמת הנפש‬.Note: A continuation of the piece
under no. 5.. Finishes with a short summary and a short poetical piece by
Ele῾azar of Worms..Colophon: ‫אמר המתנצל הכותב הספר הזה אל יאשימני אדם‬
‫כאשר ימצא בספר הזה טעותים עד אין חקר כי הנני נשבע ביוצרי כי כפל כפלי כפלים היו‬
‫בהעתק אשר לפני ואני תקנתי מהם הרבה והרבה ולפעמים הנחתי מקום פנוי מתיבה‬
‫אחת או שתים כאשר לא הבנתי מה עניין התיבה ההיא וכתבתי הספר הזה לאחד מחסידי‬
‫אומות העולם איש תם וישר מכהני במות שנטו אגושטינו שמו אדון זידייו ראש וקצין על כל‬
‫ השם יזכהו להגות בו ולהבין מה‬.‫כהני הבמות הנזכרי' אשר בכל מדינות ארץ הנוצרים‬
‫שכתוב בו ובשאר ספירי ספריו אשר קנה והכתיב והוציא ממון רב ועוד ידו נטויה להוציא‬
'‫ והשלמתי הספר הקדוש הזה היום יום ד‬.‫ממונו עד שיהיו לו כל הספרים הנמצאי' אצלינו‬
‫ אשר ראיתי בו ראשי בעל הלבנה ברוך ה' כי מובטח אני‬- ]‫[רע"ו‬- ‫שהוא יום הושענא רבא‬
‫שלא אמות השנה הזאת נאם הסופר אליהו ב"ר אשר הלוי אשכנזי המדקדק‬.. (Fol 600v)
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Copyright © The British Library Board

Languages Hebrew

Physical Paper codex of the 16th century..

Description 601 folios. Dimensions (leaf): 206 x 138 mm. Dimensions (written): 150 x
88 mm.
Foliation: 601 folios (+ 2 unfoliated flyleaves at the beginning and at the
end of the manuscript).. The original foliation is preserved in the left-hand
upper corner of each recto and the right-hand upper corner of each verso..
Collation: 60 quires of 10 leaves each..
Condition: First leaves slightly damaged by water..
Layout: Columns: 1 to . Ruled lines: 22 to 36. Written lines: 22 to 36.
Uniform layout.. Regular layout with ruling by black plummet. Last written
line outside ruling.. Titles and initial words given in large characters..
Catchwords on every verso, in smaller letters, often highlighted with pen
and ink.. Occasional infralinear vocalization.. Red ink marginal notes in Latin
(not by the scribe).. Last line written outside ruling..
Binding: BM/BL in-house. Brown.. Spine: 'Kabbalistic Works by Eleazar of
Worms. Hebrew. Brit. Mus. Additional 27199.'.
Scripts: Hebrew.
Script (summary): Ashkenazi semi-cursive script of 16th century (at
variance with production area).Italian/Byzantine semi-cursive of
approximately 15th centurySpanish semi-cursive of approximately 15th
centuryItalian/Byzantine semi-cursive of approximately 15th century . (Fols
1r-2r.Fols 2v-7r.Fols 8r-61v)

Ownership Acquisition: Giuseppe Almanzi (owner) (b. 1801, d. 1860), bibliophile; his
manuscript no. 313; his library including 322 medieval Hebrew manuscripts
were purchased en bloc by the British Museum in October 1865 for £1,000
through Asher & Co, Berlin dealer to the British Museum (see Paisey_1997:
page 131-153): inscribed, back flyleaf (i)v. Place of origin: Italy, C.
(Rome).Date of origin: 1516 CE (5277 in Hebrew calendar).



Odeberg_1928: page 18
Dan_1968: page 62-64





George Margoliouth, Catalogue of the Hebrew and Samaritan Manuscripts in

the British Museum, 4 vols (London: British Museum, 1899-1935; vols I-III
repr. 1965); IV, Introduction, Indexes, ed. by Jacob Leveen (London: British
Museum, 1977), no. 737.

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‫ מגרמייזא אלעזר בן‬,‫יהודה‬, and of Worms Eleazar ben Judah. 'Sefer Sode Razya
/ Le-Rabenu Elʿazar Mi-Germaiza ; Nitṿasef Bo Hagahot u-Veʾurim u-Marʾe
Meḳomot Be-Shem Periśat Shalom, Hukhan Ṿe-Nitḳan ʿa. y. Shalom Ha-
Kohen Ṿais.'1987 ‫ מכון״שערי זיו״ שע״י ישיבת ״שער השמים״‬:‫ ירושלים‬or 1988,
Yerushalayim, 1987.
Judah, of Worms Eleazar ben, and of Neustadt Isaac ben Abraham. 'Zeh
Sifra De-Adam Ḳadmaʾah She-Natan Lo Raziʾel Ha-Malʾakh : Sefer Raziʾel Ha-
Gadol / [She-Hevi Le-Defus Yitsḥaḳ Ben Avraham].'‫ תסא‬,‫אמשטרדם‬,
Amśṭerdam, 461 1701, 1701.

Hugo Odeberg. '3 Enoch; or, the Hebrew Book of Enoch. Edited and
Translated ... with Introduction, Commentary & Critical Notes, by Hugo
Odeberg. [With a Bibliography.]'. Cambridge: University Press, 1928.

Dan, Joseph. 'Torat Ha-Sod Shel Hasidut Ashkenaz'. Jerusalem: Bialik

Institute, 1968.
Dunash ibn Tamim, Isaac Israeli, Abraham ben Meïr Ibn Ezra, Abraham ben
Samuel Ibn Ḥasdai, and Menasseh Grossberg. 'Sefer Yetsirah: Ha-Meyuḥas
Le-Avraham Avinu ʻa. Ha. ʻim Perush ... Abusahal Dunash Ben Tamim Hu R.
Yitsḥaḳ Ha-Yiśreʼeli ... Ṿe-Nilṿeh Elaṿ Sefer Le-Mishʼalah Be-Ḳadrut Ha-
Levanah Ṿeha-Shemesh ... Me-Rabenu R. Avraham Ben ʻEzra Zal Ṿe-Sefer
Mishpaṭ Shivʻah Ha-Iḳlimim Mi-Rabenu Avraham Ha-Leṿi Bar Ḥasdai'.
London: bi-defus E. Z. Rabinoṿiṭsh, 1901.

'Sefer Yesira: Edition, Translation and Text-Critical Commentary'. Tübingen:

Mohr Siebeck, 2004.

BL = British Library shelfmark.

Königliche Bibliothek zu Berlin. 'Die Handschriften-Verzeichnisse Der

K̈ oniglichen Bibliothek Zu Berlin. Bd. 2, Verzeichniss Der Hebræischen
Handschriften / von Moritz Steinschneider.'Berlin: Buchdruckerei der
KAkademie der Wissenschaften-1897, 1879.
Paisey, D. “Adolphus Asher (1800-1853): Berlin bookseller, Anglophile, and
friend to Panizzi.” British Library Journal 23 (1997).

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