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Proyecto maker

Sofía: a young and beautiful woman, but with low self-esteem
due to her toxic relationship with her boyfriend.

Juan: Sofia's boyfriend, a jealous and possessive man.

Ana: Sofia's best friend, a self-confident woman and

concerned about her friend's well-being.
freedom from a toxic

Public park
Sofia is sitting on a park bench, crying. Juan is standing in front
of her, arguing heatedly.
Ana approaches when she sees the scene and tries to intervene.

Act 1
Sofía: (crying) Juan, please, leave me alone. I do not want to be with you anymore.

Juan: (angry) How can you say that? ;I love you! You can't just leave me like that!

Sofia: (sad) But it's not a healthy relationship.

You're always jealous and won't let me do anything without you.

Juan: (yelling) It's because I love you and I don't want to lose you! You do not get it?

Ana: (intervening) Juan, I think the best thing is for you to calm down and talk about this in a calm and respectful way.

Juan: (annoyed) And who are you to interfere in our relationship?

Ana: (firmly) I am Sofia's friend and I am concerned about her well-being. I think he's in a toxic relationship and needs to get out of it.

Sofia: (nodding) Ana is right. I no longer want to continue in this situation.

Act 2
Sofia, Juan and Ana sit on the bench, trying to resolve the situation peacefully.

Ana: (talking to Sofia) I think the best thing is that you definitely end up with Juan and get away from him.

Sofia: (Wing) Yes, I know. But I don't know how to do it. I'm afraid he'll get angry and do something wrong.

Juan: (reacting) How can you think that about me? would never hurt you.

Ana: (trying to calm him down) Juan, I think you also need help. You have to understand that your behavior is
harmful to Sofia and to yourself. Juan: (thoughtful) Yes, you're right. I think I need help to control my jealousy
and possessiveness.

Sofia: (decided) I'm also going to look for help to heal my self-esteem and leave this tóxico c relationship

Ana: (supporting) I'm glad to hear that, Sofia.

Count on me for whatever you need.

Juan: (accepting) And I'm also going to get help. I don't want to be a toxic person and hurt those I
Nicolás plata


In this play, it is shown how a person can get

out of a toxic relationship with the support of
friends and family. The importance of seeking
professional help to overcome problems is also
emotional and behavioral problems that cause a
toxic relationship.

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