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M e t h o d s o f R e d u c i n g t h e T r a n s o n i c D r a

o f S w e p t - B a c k W i n g s a t Z e r o L i f t *

D. KUCHEMANN, Dr.rer.nat., F.R.Ae.S.
(Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough)

This note gives a brief review of the physical argument behind the methods developed
at the Royal Aircraft Establishment for reducing the normal-pressure drag of swept-back
wings of moderate or large aspect ratio in the transonic flight range. The potential
benefits of sweep are recalled; the causes for drag forces arising are discussed; and
means of reducing the drag are described.

1. D r a g F o r c e s in a D i s p l a c e m e n t F l o w drag must be zero, anyway—but in the limit of the flow

The purpose of this paper is to review briefly some regime where it begins to change into the transonic type
means of reducing the normal-pressure drag at transonic of flow. Now, as is well known, the subsonic type of
speeds of wings and wing-body combinations without flow obeys an equation of motion which is of the
lift. By transonic speeds is meant here not only the elliptic type for an inviscid medium, whereas the tran-
range of main stream Mach numbers around unity but, sonic and supersonic types of flow do not. Hence, the
more generally, that speed range where a transonic type end of the subsonic flow regime can be defined when it
of flow around the body may exist. Thick non-lifting is known where the equation of motion changes its type.
bodies as are considered here cause a displacement flow Here we come upon the first advantageous property of
and it may be recalled that at least three different types swept wings in that a subsonic type of flow can, in
of flow are involved: a subsonic, a transonic, and a principle, be preserved up to higher flight Mach
supersonic type of flow, all of which are here assumed numbers than on unswept wings, and even into the
to have one attachment line along the leading edge and regime of supersonic main stream speeds. Kiichemann
one separation line along the trailing edge. This and Weber 0 ' (1953) have shown that the equation of
excludes types of flow where separations occur else- motion changes its type when the velocity component
where, such as shock-induced separations along some normal to an isobaric surface reaches the local velocity
line within the wing chord. of sound. Defining the main stream Mach number at
which this happens, i.e. where the critical pressure
A displacement flow arises when a body of given coefficient, Cp*, is reached, as the " critical Mach
volume is propelled through the air so that air particles number ", it is found, as is demonstrated in a typical
are pushed out of the way. As the velocity of an air case in Fig. 1, that on a sheared wing of infinite span
particle relative to the body changes along its path, the the critical Mach number can be raised from point B„
pressure on the surface of the body changes and in all for an unswept wing to B, or B., according to the angle
three types of flow the air is first compressed, then of sweep used. This diagram, incidentally, also indi-
accelerated and finally compressed again. In the sub- cates the other advantages of swept wings, namely, that
sonic type of flow, the two compressions are such that the perturbation velocities are smaller than on the
the corresponding normal-pressure forces on the body corresponding unswept aerofoil with the same section
cancel each other and whatever forces may result from along wind, at zero Mach number, and that the rate of
suction forces in the region of accelerated flow, so that change of the pressure coefficient with Mach number is
no overall drag results. In the supersonic type of flow, also smaller. (There is, however, no simple " cos ?-
the two compressions are achieved through compression law " to describe these properties, as is often presumed.)
waves, which usually condense into strong shocks. The A very simple way, then, to keep the drag of wings
compression and expansion waves are often such that small at transonic speeds is to design them so that
a pressure greater than the ambient pressure results sheared-wing conditions are approached as closely as
over most of the forward-facing surfaces of the body possible. In other words, we attempt to preserve a
and, that a suction force results over most of the subsonic type of flow where the normal-pressure drag
rearward-facing surfaces. This, of course, produces a can be zero.
large normal-pressure drag. A transonic type of flow,
then, is a mixed flow where regions with a subsonic type In the transonic type of flow, a shock wave will
of flow appear simultaneously with regions with a usually occur within the wing chord and the normal-
supersonic type of flow. pressure drag cannot be zero. For the case of a two-
In the subsonic type of flow, the main interest lies dimensional unswept aerofoil, Warren'2' (1956) has
not so much in the drag forces themselves—the overall recently given a detailed description of this type of
flow, the transonic type of flow beginning when the first
supersonic region is formed locally somewhere on the
This paper was given at the Ninth International Congress
of Applied Mechanics, Brussels in 1956. Only a short abstract body surface, and ending when the upstream shock is
will be published in the Congress Proceedings. attached to the leading edge and the downstream shock

of the upstream Mach number has often been observed.

The local Mach number downstream of the shock is
then also independent of M„. This model of the flow
is roughly confirmed* by the experimental results'".
I BICONVEX PARABOLIC ! Evidently, the shock accommodates itself in such a way
that, at the boundary of the viscous region, the pressure
/ • \ ( V R A N D T L - QLAUERT RI
rise in the external stream is compatible with the
T = 0'/ i
M v cL = o
ia * pressure rise through mixing in the viscous region and
i that the downstream pressure smoothly joins into a
A pressure distribution which is governed primarily by the
\ \
1 / 1 then shockless external stream. Thus the backward
1 1
movement of the shock, as the main stream Mach
A 1 I
6 0 ^ - ^—-~7 number is increased, is rapid over the flat portions of
A 1 \ \ the fictitious shockless Mach number distribution and is
\ \ considerably retarded when the pressure rise steepens.
1 \
* 1 \ This model offers at once a means of reducing the rate
C FOR-Y = 0° ,45" \6o°
of drag rise in the transonic type of flow. Since the

1 1
*l 1
drag is generally the greater the farther back the shock
is, the basic shockless pressure distribution of the
OS 10 15 20 2-5
aerofoil should have its suction peak near the leading
Crown Copyright edge so that the pressure rise, and hence the initial
FIGURE I. Pressure rise up to the critical Mach number for
sheared wings of infinite span. shock, begins as far forward as possible and that the
rate of pressure rise is nearly uniform. Then, the shock
to the trailing edge. A simple model of the transonic will be farthest forward and the drag lowest.
type of flow has been suggested by Kiichemann and In the supersonic type of flow, the comparatively
Hartley'" (1955), which can be best explained by large normal-pressure drag resulting from two strong
considering the local Mach number distributions along compressions near the leading and trailing edges could
a two-dimensional aerofoil from experiments by Holder, obviously be reduced if it were possible to replace each
Pearcy and Gadd (1954), as shown in Fig. 2. The of the discrete shocks by a greater number of weaker
measured curves are compared with the dotted lines shocks, ideally by an infinite number of infinitely weak
which have been calculated for a " shockless " inviscid, shocks, i.e. by a "shockless" isentropic compression.
i.e. subsonic, type of flow obtained by scaling up the A shockless compression has been advocated for a
incompressible velocity distribution according to the number of diverse applications, for instance for air
Prandtl-Glauert rule, say. It will be seen that the intakes, and could, in principle, be used for wings also.
measured Mach numbers behind the shock approach In fact, designs according to the various forms of the
those for the shockless flow. The drag of the aerofoil "area rule" of Whitcomb(6) (1952) often rely on
is thus related to the chordwise position of the shock. achieving such shockless compressions in order to keep
This can be estimated if its direction is known and if the normal-pressure drag low. However, the flow in
the physical hypothesis is introduced that the pressure all such calculations is assumed to be inviscid and the
rise through the shock in the external predominantly boundary conditions are taken on the surface of the
inviscid stream at the edge of the viscous region is solid body. In reality, the flow can at best be assumed
limited by what the viscous region itself can muster by to be inviscid only outside a viscous region which
means of turbulent mixing, such that the pressure-rise envelopes the body and forms a wake behind the body.
coefficient The boundary conditions for the external inviscid
stream must then be taken at the edge of the viscous
region from the solution of the viscous flow in that
does not exceed a certain value which may, among region. Now, it can be shown that, in certain cases, the
other things, depend on the state of the boundary layer flow in the viscous region cannot be without shocks
(roughly, <r is about \ for turbulent layers and about -J even if an isentropic compression is possible in the
for laminar layers upstream of the shock). For external inviscid stream. This means that the solution
example, if the shock lies in a plane normal to the obtained for the inviscid external stream will not occur
main stream, in practice. In fact, shocks will be formed both in the
external stream and at the fringe of the viscous region.
P3-P. 4 / 1 \ This explains why it has been impossible so far to
achieve a shockless compression in many cases with a
real fluid, and this often makes the intended drag
which gives for the upstream Mach number
1 *That the downstream Mach number is not near 0-85, as it
jt+1 1-0-frr
should be for a normal two-dimensional shock, is probably
due to the facts that the shock is of limited lateral extent
for A = 1 4. We have Af1 = l-2 for o- = J, independent and that it is immediately followed by an expansion due to
the increase of displacement thickness of the viscous region;
of the main stream Mach number, M„. This " ceiling " see Holder^) (1955).

reduction illusory. There is one exception, however, ooio

namely, when the compression takes place over a swept
wing. In that case, the flow can be subsonic in type
even in a supersonic main stream and viscosity does not
normally upset the shockless flow. Swept wings thus
deserve further consideration.

2. T h r e e - D i m e n s i o n a l Effects
Now a real swept-back wing differs from the infinite
sheared wing considered so far in two main respects: —
it is composed of two sheared wings put together with a
kink at the centre line and it has a finite span. Whereas
the streamlines over a sheared wing are curved, this
curvature is smaller at the wing tips and disappears
altogether at the centre line. Thus the interference
Crown ConyritilK
effect between the two wing halves and the tip effect
both prevent the " sheared-wing-flow " from being pre- FIGURE 3. Calculated drag distributions along span for a
swept-back wing.
served over the whole wing. The potentialities of
sweep are then by no means realised, and the actual because sectional drag forces somewhere are counter-
drag of a swept-back wing is always found to rise above balanced by sectional thrust forces elsewhere. The
its low-speed value at some subsonic main stream Mach conventional swept-back wing is a typical example.
number and to be quite considerable when the critical There is a drag force in the central region and a thrust
Mach number of the corresponding sheared wing is force in the regions near the wing tips, forming a couple
reached. These setbacks are largely due to the three- which tends to reduce the angle of sweep, as shown in
dimensional nature of the flow. Fig. 3. In this particular case, the thrust and drag
As so often nowadays, we must realise that two- regions do not overlap and there is a region near mid-
dimensional flow is highly exceptional. On any truly semispan where no forces occur and where, indeed, the
three-dimensional wing or body, even in incompressible conditions of the infinite sheared wing are approached.
flow, the normal-pressure drag is not, as a rule, zero at Within these limitations, then, " sheared-wing condi-
every streamwise section. The overall drag is zero only tions " have still a physical meaning. Such local drag
and thrust forces persist in supersonic flow and Fig. 3
gives an example where the leading edge of the wing is
within the Mach cone and where, again, no drag forces
occur on a " sheared part" of the wing somewhere
between centre and tip. But now the centre drag due
to the kink is not counterbalanced by thrust forces near
P=P, t / c = 0 06 the tips. In fact, the tip regions themselves contribute
no overall force in this case, which is typical. Thus the
r =o" overall drag of the wing is not zero, and we note that it
arises from a normal-pressure drag due to the kink in
the central region, the local drag being highest at or
near the centre section itself.
It is of some interest to note that the drag at the
centre section arises, for both the subsonic and the
supersonic types of flow, from a term in the velocity
distribution, which is proportional to the local slope of
the aerofoil contour in wind direction, i.e. from an
" Ackeret term ", as shown in Refs. 1 and 3. For an
untapered swept-back wing of an aspect ratio that is
large enough to leave the centre effect unaffected by the
tips, we have
4 cos© , | \/([ -M/ cos2 ?) + sin 9
C» 2
x s/(l-M0 cos y) | v/(l -M,, 2 cos2 f)-sin <p

from linearised theory, for subsonic and supersonic
Crown Copyright Mach numbers with both subsonic and supersonic
FIGURE 2. Local Much number distribution along the cbord leading edges. M„ is the main stream Mach number.
of a two-dimensional aerofoil. o the angle of sweepback, and z (x) the shape of the

aerofoil section. For a biconvex parabolic section of

thickness-chord ratio t/c,

' • - i ( £ ) ' * - ^ ) ' .


and for a double-wedge section, l = (tjc)2. These drag

forces can obviously be quite considerable, and the v|v /v SUPER50NIC
overall drag depends on a very delicate balance between
the various thrust and drag forces, which in themselves
may be much larger than the final overall value.
The distortion of the sheared-wing flow at the
centre of a swept-back wing due to three-dimensional SUBSONIC \ . ^C /
effects, of which these drag forces are an indication, is
responsible for the limitation of the regime with a Crown Copyright
subsonic type of flow because of loss of isobar sweep FIGURE 4. Velocity distributions along a two-dimensional
and thus for the premature drag rise; it is also respon- curved wall (schematic).
sible for the comparatively high drag in the regimes
with transonic and supersonic type of flow. An attempt with such an efficiency; for this their flow fields differ
is, therefore, indicated to reduce this centre distortion. too much in all three types of flow under consideration.
If successful, this should have a beneficial effect in all A fuselage will, for instance, introduce a wave system
three flow regimes. It is possible too that if the critical of its own on its forebody and on its afterbody and
Mach number at the centre section is raised, then the this cannot easily be used to interfere favourably with
transonic drag rise can be less steep; and if the subsonic the wing. We may assume here that the fuselage is
type of flow is maintained up to a higher main stream long enough and slender enough for these waves not to
Mach number, then the transonic type of flow, too, is interfere with the wing and for the associated wave drag
likely to be maintained up to a higher main stream Mach to be small. The basic fuselage may then be taken as
number. Where the drag reduction is most needed cylindrical within the wing region. This is then modi-
determines the design Mach number; but the greatest fied so that a curved intersection line results between
drag reduction from such modifications (to reduce the fuselage and wing where the velocity distribution
centre distortions) is to be expected near the critical satisfies some required conditions. If the fuselage were
Mach number of the corresponding sheared wing. This very high and could be considered as a vertical wall of
has largely been confirmed by experiments, and it infinite extent, then it should be curved in the same way
explains why the application of the " sonic area rule " as the streamlines of the infinite sheared wing in order
has been successful in many cases where, as it to restore sheared-wing conditions everywhere. With
happened, the critical Mach number of the correspond- real fuselages, other junction shapes will be required
ing sheared wings was not far from unity. and the degree of success of such a modification then
depends on whether the influence of the fuselage reaches
far enough out and can satisfy the required conditions
3. M e a n s of R e d u c i n g t h e D r a g also away from the junction. Obviously, a very small
Actual methods for designing such modifications body with its diameter small compared with the wing
include changes in the plan form or the aerofoil section chord cannot affect the whole region where the wing
of the wing and the addition of other bodies to obtain a flow is distorted by the centre effect and will thus be
favourable interference: such methods have been less effective than a body with a larger diameter.
discussed in Refs 1 and 3 and Haines(7) considers the The first and obvious possible way to shape the
particular aspect of the wing design. We restrict our- fuselage junction is that which restores the sheared-wing
selves here to the basic case of wing-fuselage velocity distribution in the junction, the design Mach
combinations and we shall thus ignore possible changes number being the critical Mach number of the sheared
in the wing shape and, in particular, conditions at the wing. In this manner the characteristics and the sub-
wing tips, assuming that the wing tips have been sonic type of flow of the ideal sheared wing can be
properly designed by other methods. realised at the design Mach number, and the normal-
With wing-fuselage combinations, two different flow pressure drag of the wing can then be zero. There
fields are superimposed upon one another. This gives remains only the drag force on the fuselage itself; this
a far greater variety of choice and the chance of using does not necessarily exceed the forebody and afterbody
the interference between two bodies to advantage. In a drag by an appreciable amount, and these can be kept
supersonic type of flow, for example, two flow fields small. Hence, such a design keeps the overall drag
may be used to blot out the drag-producing wave near its smallest possible value for a given wing and
systems altogether, as in the classical cases of the body size.
Busemann biplane and the ring wing with central body We can see at once what kind of junction shape will
of Ferri and Ferrari (see e.g. the paper by Graham, result in such a design. The centre effect of swept-back
Beane and Licher'8' on this subject.) A long fuselage wings, in all three types of flow, is always such that the
and a thin wing across it cannot, of course, be matched velocities are lower over the forward-facing surfaces of
M o = 0-30






WINQ:A=JI; ^ = 40'; t/c = o-ia <


5 o
0-70 0-75 o-ao 0-65 0-30 0-35
Crown Copyright
FIGURE 5. Measured local Mach number distributions and
overall drag of Hartley's models.
Crown Copyright
the wing section and greater oyer the rearward-facing FIGURE 6. Calculated velocity distributions6 and measured drag
surfaces than they are on the sheared wing with the of Whitcomb's models' '.
same aerofoil section. Hence, the junction shape must
be such that the velocity is raised over the front part of waisted fuselage may further be used to reduce the
the section and reduced over the rear part, so as to com- whole velocity level over part of the wing, which will be
pensate for the Ackeret term. This seems plausible, especially effective on highly tapered wings. In this
physically, since, by raising the suction forces over the way, the critical Mach number can be raised and the
forward-facing part of the section and increasing the drag reduced in the transonic and the supersonic type of
pressure over the rearward-facing part, the normal- flow, the wing behaving in some respects like a
pressure drag is obviously reduced. The shape of the side thinner wing.
wall of the body to achieve this must always be a waist- The present line of approach to remedy the short-
like indentation, both at subsonic and at supersonic comings of swept wings was taken up in 1942 soon after
main stream Mach numbers, as can be seen from Fig. 4. their beneficial properties had been demonstrated by
One can almost state that any waisted fuselage suitably Betz w and Ludwieg and as soon as it was realised how
placed on any wing is likely to lead to some drag reduc- the central kink or the addition of a conventional
tion at transonic speeds. Conversely, conventional fuselage or engine nacelle distort the flow pattern
convex fuselage shapes, which bulge outwards, make associated with the infinite sheared wing {see e.g. Refs. 1
and 10, chapter 9). In the meantime, the design of
matters worse.
suitable junction shapes has progressed from empirical
A waist-like indentation, which swings out again and
methods involving tunnel tests and experiments with
forms a bulge near or behind the trailing edge of the
cavitation bubbles to analytical methods. Hilton""
wing, is also of the kind required to reduce the drag
(1955) has proposed a similar method, restricting him-
rise, once the critical Mach number has been exceeded self, however, in the main to the use of the streamlines
and a transonic type of flow established, because it tends of the infinite sheared wing. It remains to show how
to delay the rearward movement of the shock wave on effective these methods are in practice.
the wing by increasing the pressure over the rear part
of the section in the calculated shockless pressure
distribution. Such waisted junction shapes can, there- 4. Experimental Confirmation
fore, be effective also on unswept wings in reducing the Experimental results for two examples are given in
drag at transonic speeds when a transonic type of flow Figs. 5 and 6. The first case is a 12 per cent thick wing
must exist. For unswept and for swept wings, a of 40° sweepback with a critical Mach number of the

corresponding sheared wing of about 086. In this case, of a swept-back wing to zero up to near the critical
the junction shape was calculated by Hartley to have Mach number of the corresponding sheared wing, even
the same velocity distribution as the sheared wing and if the latter occurs at a supersonic main stream Mach
this was reasonably well achieved. The second case is number.
a 6 per cent thick wing of 45° sweepback with a sheared- In conclusion, it would appear that the greatest
wing critical Mach number of about 112. In this case, improvements in the zero-lift drag of swept wings and
the junction was not calculated to have a specified wing-body combinations can be achieved in the tran-
velocity distribution. The model was designed accord- sonic type of flow, with the design Mach number near
ing to the sonic area rule by Whitcomb16'. However, the critical Mach number of the sheared wing; and that
as it frequently happens (the series of possible area-rule it will be more difficult to substantially reduce the
shapes is always likely to contain one where the wing normal-pressure drag once a truly supersonic type of
flow is subsonic in type), the junction shape is such as to flow has been established because, then, the flow fields
give a reasonable, although not very good, approxima- of the body and of the wing cannot be properly
tion to the sheared-wing pressure distribution at the matched. The swept-back wing, in particular, offers
lower main stream Mach number of 105. The potential substantial benefits which, in view of the considerable
benefit of sweep was thus not fully realised with the aerodynamic and structural difficulties entailed in using
model. Further experimental evidence in support of swept wings, should be consciously exploited in a
the present method can be found in tests by McDevitt rational manner.
and Haire (i2) (1956).
In the first case, shown in Fig. 5, the distribution of ACKNOWLEDGMENT
the local Mach number as measured in the junctions of The author acknowledges the permission of the
three different body shapes is given at a main stream Controller, H.M. Stationery Office, to publish
Mach number of 090, which is beyond the critical of this paper. The illustrations are Crown Copyright
the sheared wing. The results in the junction with a reserved.
cylindrical body are typical of the transonic type of
flow; they clearly indicate a large supersonic region with REFERENCES
a shock nearly at the trailing edge, implying a con- 1. KUCHEMANN, D. and WEBER, J. (1953). The Subsonic
siderable increase in normal-pressure drag. A waisted Flow Past Swept Wings at Zero Lift Without and With
Body. A.R.C. R. & M. 2908, March 1953.
body where only the front part of the calculated junction 2. WARREN, C. H. E. (1956). Recent Advances in the
shape had been realised on the model was effective in Knowledge of Transonic Air Flows. Journal of the
raising the critical Mach number (because the peak- Royal Aeronautical Society, Vol. 60, p. 241, April 1956.
suction line was fully swept), but the super-critical drag 3. KUCHEMANN, D. and HARTLEY, D. E. (1955). The Design
rise was not much reduced. Thus, at Mo = 0-90, a of Swept Wings and Wing-Body Combinations to have
Low Drag at Transonic Speeds. Unpublished M.O.S.
supersonic region terminated by a shock was still Report, April 1955.
evident. A fully waisted body, on the other hand, not 4. HOLDER, D. W., PEARCY, H. H. and GADD, G. E. (1954).
only raised the critical Mach number but also reduced The Interaction Between Shock Waves and Boundary
the transonic drag rise by a considerable amount. There Layers. Unpublished M.O.S. Report, February 1954.
is hardly a shock to be detected in the junction, even 5. HOLDER, D. W. (1955). The Interaction Between Shock
Waves and Boundary Layers. Proceedings of the Fifth
though shocks farther out on the wing had been Anglo-American International Aeronautical Conference,
observed at this Mach number. The drag distribution Los Angeles, 1955. Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences.
along the span, as compared with the normal type 6. WHITCOMB, R. T. (1955). A Study of the Zero-Lift Drag-
shown in Fig. 3, has thus actually been reversed by the Rise Characteristics of Wing-Body Combinations Near the
Speed of Sound. N.A.C.A. R.M. L52H08, September 1952,
body shaping. It may be noted that the drag reduction see also: N.A.C.A. details area rule breakthrough.
obtained by proper junction design' is equivalent to Aviation Week, Vol. 63, p. 28, 19th September 1955.
either an effective increase of the angle of sweepback 7. HAINES, A. B. (1956). Wing Section Design for Swept-
from 40° to about 45° or to an effective reduction of the back Wings at Transonic Speeds. Paper presented at the
thickness-chord ratio of the wing from 12 per cent to IX International Congress of Applied Mechanics,
Brussels, 1956. To he published in the Journal of the
about 10 per cent. Royal Aeronautical Society.
8. GRAHAM, E. W., BEANE, B. J. and LICHER, R. M. (1955).
In the second case, shown in Fig. 6, a considerable The Drag of Non-Planar Thickness Distributions in
increase in drag is to be expected from the calculated Supersonic Flow. The Aeronautical Quarterly, Vol, 6,
velocity distribution in the junction with the cylindrical p. 99, May 1955.
9. BETZ, A. (1940). Sonderaufgaben der Aerodynamischen
body, whereas the flow can obviously be subsonic in Forschung. Schriften der Deutschen Akademie der
type in the junction with the waisted body, even if the Luftfahrtforschung, 1940.
effective isobar sweep is only 35° instead of 45°. 10. KUCHEMANN, D. and WEBER, J. (1953). Aerodynamics of
Consequently, there is evidently no wave drag at all on Propulsion. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York and
the wing itself up to M„ = 1 05, the measured drag London, 1953.
11. HILTON, W. F. (1955). Tests of a Fairing to Reduce the
being accounted for by the body drag and the profile Drag of a Supersonic Swept-Wing Root. Journal of the
drag of the wing if that is assumed to be independent of Aeronautical Sciences, Vol. 22, p. 173, March 1955.
flight speed. This confirms that it is possible and 12. MCDEVITT, J. B. and HAIRE, W. M. (1956). Investigation
worthwhile to establish a subsonic type of flow and thus at High Subsonic Speeds of a Body-Contouring Method
to reduce the normal-pressure drag in the central region for Alleviating the Adverse Interference at the Root of a
Swept-back Wing. N.A.C.A. T.N. 3672, April 1956.

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