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Family Dinner Drama

Short Film
Genre: DRAMA

Director's treatment by
Matei-Alexandru Mocanu
The idea behind this scenario is inspired by the TV series Modern Family, in that I intend
to focus specifically on a more unusual family, in the traditional sense. So, instead of the
classic mono-nuclear family, I opt for a modern family, one in which: MOM (50) is
infamous for burning food. DAD (55) is Mom's second husband, with a child, BOY (17)
from his first marriage. The Boy spends all day on Grindr, trying to hook up with good-
looking men. Dad enjoys a tipple every now and then. The GIRL (18) is in an on and off
relationship with an OLDER GUY (36). It's the first time she chooses to introduce him to
the family.  Unbeknownst to her, her fiance has brought along a diamond ring because
he intends to propose to her. The whole situation seems to grow out of proportions but
luckily there's an antidote to family dinner dramas. The key to this is serving the right
meal. There aren’t many meals that are guaranteed to please the whole family – but
Dolmio Spaghetti Bolognese is one. It’s something kids and adults both love, it’s
satisfying, it gets families diving in to a communal bowl, and it’s messy and fun.

Director's treatment by
Matei-Alexandru Mocanu
We open on a WOMAN (blonde) stirring the tomato sauce in the pan. She cooks some
pasta, while keeping an eye on the timer and on the TV. Parallel editing: in his room, the
BOY (ginger) is on Grindr trying to hook up with guys. In her room, the DAUGHTER
(blonde) is on the phone with someone. She paces the room while biting her cuticles. In
the bedroom, DAD (ginger) tiptoes to the wardrobe. There, hidden in a shoe box, lies a
bottle of Scotch. He helps himself a couple of times, when he hears shouting coming
from the kitchen. Emboldened by the fire-water, he runs down the stairs. In the kitchen,
the alarm is ringing. A lot of smoke. Mom starts crying because she's overcooked the
steak in the oven.  

Director's treatment by
Matei-Alexandru Mocanu
Amidst all the commotion, the door bell starts ringing. The teenager opens it: in the
door, a tall Sikh man with an orange turban and a bouquet of flowers. Dad starts to shout
after his daughter she has a visitor. They don't invite him in just yet. The girl runs down
the stairs and hugs the Sikh man. She kisses him then invites him to the table. Mom
throws the burnt food in the bin and serves them Dolmio pasta which are quick to
prepare and delicious to eat. But she asks the Sikh: ''You  [Sikhs] eat this, right'' (She is
sensitive to difference, but mistakes a Sikh for a Muslim). Halfway during lunch, the Sikh
proposes to the daughter. She says no. Dads tries to lighten the mood:. He changes the
subject: ''Great pasta, he says, Your Mom's an excellent cook.'' Everybody agrees. 
 Awkward silence. The kid scratches his fork on the plate. Everybody looks at him. He
places his knife and fork together in the centre of the plate, pointing to twelve o'clock,
thus indicating that he has finished. FADE OUT.

Director's treatment by
Matei-Alexandru Mocanu

Boy, Ginger, Dad. Enjoys a The Sikh. Exotic. Daughter, looks Mom. The
Mean, Gay, a tipple. Non- Shy. In Love. like her mom. heroine. Tries to
millennial who's confrontational. Laid-back. Can Sassy. Has a bad be a good wife,
intelligent, tech- Always tries to keep his cool habit, bites her good mother,
savvy and de-escalate a temper and his nails. Never good career
sarcastic situation spirits high finishes anything. woman. She is
Flamboyant. the man of the
The drama should unfold in a house somewhere in Sussex. Think nice cul-de-sac, Sussex
cottage/ detached home. The filming should include an exterior establishing shot or
ending shot, in order to enhance  the cinematic feel/ tv series vibe. The rest will consist
of interior shots.  The locations & furniture design  shouldn't be British colonial heavy,
but elegant, light, a bit vintage, but with modern touches (and appliances). It should be

Director's treatment by
Matei-Alexandru Mocanu

Director's treatment by
Matei-Alexandru Mocanu
Thank You

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