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The Phylogeny of the Alstroemeriaceae, Based on Morphology, rps16 Intron, and

rbcL Sequence Data

Author(s): Lone Aagesen and A. Mariel Sanso
Source: Systematic Botany, 28(1):47-69.
Published By: The American Society of Plant Taxonomists

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Systematic Botany (2003), 28(1): pp. 47–69
q Copyright 2003 by the American Society of Plant Taxonomists

The Phylogeny of the Alstroemeriaceae, Based on Morphology, rps16

Intron, and rbcL Sequence Data


Botanical Institute, Gothersgade 140, DK-1123 Copenhagen K, Denmark.
Present address: Instituto de Botánica Darwinion, C. C. 22, 1642 San Isidro, Argentina
Author for correspondence (
Instituto de Botánica Darwinion, C. C. 22, 1642 San Isidro, Argentina—Dpto. de Ciencias Biológicas,
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Communicating Editor: James F. Smith

ABSTRACT. Separate and combined analyses of morphology, rps16, and rbcL data were conducted on a total of 27 Al-
stroemeriaceae species including 23 Alstroemeria, three Bomarea, and Leontochir. We wished to examine the monophyly of
Alstroemeria and Bomarea as well as explore the phylogenetic position of Leontochir and two controversial monotypic genera
segregated from Alstroemeria: Schickendantzia and Taltalia. Monophyly of the Chilean and Brazilian Alstroemeria species were
explored. The results support monophyly of the family. Alstroemeria and Bomarea are both monophyletic with the former
genus being more strongly supported. Bomarea and the monotypic genus Leontochir form a clade distinguished from Alstroe-
meria by a set of morphological characters. Bomarea could not be defined by morphological characters without including
Leontochir. Resolution within Alstroemeria is only weakly supported and formal subdivisions should not be made until the
Brazilian members are revised and/or more appropriate phylogenetic markers at the species level have been found. Alstroe-
meria graminea or A. pygmaea never appear in a position that makes their segregation from Alstroemeria possible (as Taltalia
and Schickendantzia, respectively), without making Alstroemeria paraphyletic. The resolution best supported in this study
divides Alstroemeria into subclades roughly corresponding to geography: a clade from northern Chile, a clade from central
Chile, and a clade containing the Brazilian species. Most of the trans-andean species could not be unambigously placed by
this study.

Alstroemeriaceae Dumort. are mainly South Amer- rescence in most species. Buxbaum (1954) argued that
ican. They are erect or twining herbs living in a wide the flowers are pseudo-epigynous as the epigyny is
range of habitats from cloud forests to swamps and formed by the union of the basal part of tepals and
desert areas. The family includes two major genera: filaments with the ovary. Huber (1969), who studied
Alstroemeria L. (;50 species), which has become a very the seed morphology, and Dahlgren et al. (1985) both
popular cut flower (the Inca lily), and Bomarea Mirb. grouped the genera within Liliales (sensu Dahlgren et
(;100 species), as well as the monotypic genus, Leon- al. 1985). Dahlgren et al. (1985) recognized the Alstroe-
tochir Phil., and two controversial monotypic genera meriaceae as a separate family, and mentioned char-
segregated from Alstroemeria, Schickendantzia Pax and acters such as perigonal nectaries (and lack of septal
Taltalia Ehr. Bayer. nectaries) and variegated pattern on the tepals as pos-
The monophyly of the family has never been dis- sible synapormorphies for the order Liliales. Hutchin-
puted. Resupinate leaves are characteristic for nearly son (1959) grouped the Alstroemeriaceae together with
all members of the family. The leaves are twisted near Petermanniaceae and Philesiaceae in the order Alstroe-
the base or along the lamina, hence the abaxial leaf meriales.
In recent analyses based on DNA sequence data
surface becomes the functionally adaxial surface. The
Alstroemeriaceae form a clade with Luzuriaga Ruiz &
flowers are epigynous and are nearly always zygo-
Pav., Uvulariaceae p.p., and Colchicaceae (sensu Dahl-
morphic as the angles between the inner lower tepal
gren et al. 1985). This clade was found by Chase et al.
and the two inner upper tepals exceeds 1208. The zy-
(1995a) based on data from the chloroplast gene rbcL,
gomorphy is reinforced by the position of the fila-
by Chase et al. (1995b) based on data from a combined
ments, which are located in the lower part of the flower analysis of rbcL and morphological data, and by Rudall
during anthesis. Furthermore, all members of the fam- et al. (2000) based on a combined analysis of data from
ily have pseudo-basifixed anthers and thickened roots rbcL, trnL-F, and morphology. These analyses show no
modified to store nutrients and water (the only excep- support for a close relationship between the Orchida-
tions are Alstroemeria graminea Phil. and A. hygrophila ceae and the Alstroemeriaceae as hypothesised by
Meerow, Tombolato & F. K. Meyer). Dahlgren et al. (1985).
The family Alstroemeriaceae was recognised by The genus Alstroemeria is strictly South American,
Dumortier in 1829 but the genera were placed in the ranging from Venezuela (38 North) to Tierra del Fuego,
Amaryllidaceae by various other authors (e.g., Herbert Argentina (538 South). It is primarily found in the
1837; Baker 1888; Pax 1888; Pax and Hoffmann 1930), southern Andes and the Brazilian highlands, with the
due to the epigynous flowers and the umbel-like inflo- majority of the taxa in Chile and Brazil.

The Chilean Alstroemeria species were reviewed by and Xifreda (1995, 2001) showed that despite confu-
Bayer (1987), who recognised 31 species. Sanso (1996) sion in the literature, Alstroemeria and Bomarea differ in
more recently reviewed the Argentinean Alstroemeria morphology of the storage roots, morphology and de-
species and recognized one endemic species. The Bra- hiscence of the capsule, lack or presence of a sarcotes-
zilian Alstroemeria species are currently under revision ta, ornamentation of the exine, and chromosome num-
by Marta Camargo (University of Saõ Paulo). ber.
Few attempts have been made to make an infrage- Various authors have discussed the relative degree
neric classification of Alstroemeria. Baker (1888) divided of specialization among genera of the family. All dis-
the genus into Chilean and Brazilian species using cussions have been based on comparative studies in
mostly quantitative characters from the leaf and um- the complete absence of a suitable phylogenetic frame-
bel. The Brazilian species were further divided accord- work. Whyte (1929) studied the chromosome comple-
ing to the leaf structure: thin leaves or rigid, strongly ment of Alstroemeria and Bomarea and suggested that
nerved leaves, but no formal divisions were made and, Bomarea has arisen from Alstroemeria. This was disput-
Bayer (1987), who revised the Chilean species, noted ed by Hunziker and Xifreda (1990) and Sanso and
that a subdivision of the genus is premature until the Hunziker (1998) who also studied the chromosomes
Brazilian species can be included. However, Ravenna but found it more likely that Alstroemeria had risen
(2000) proposed the section Andesine based on floral from Bomarea, than vice versa. Furthermore, based on
characters, including species from the Andean region morphology, Bayer (1988) considered the characters of
and Patagonia. Alstroemeria as more derived than those of Bomarea. Ko-
Bomarea is found from Central Mexico and the An- senko (1994), who studied pollen morphology, agreed
tilles (248 North) to Chile (408 South). They are mainly that characters from Alstroemeria (and Schickendantzia)
vines from tropical and cloud forests, but erect, often seemed to be more derived than those of Bomarea and
high Andean taxa, are also found. Only the Argenti- Leontochir.
nean Bomarea species have been reviewed recently It is the goal of the present study to investigate the
(Sanso and Xifreda 1995). Herbert (1837) divided what monophyly of Alstroemeria and Bomarea and to examine
is now Bomarea into three different genera mainly the phylogenetic position of the three monotypic gen-
based on habit. Baker (1888) retained this division at era to determine whether they can be retained without
a subgeneric level: Bomarea, Wichuraea (M. Roemer) rendering either Alstroemeria or Bomarea paraphyletic.
Baker, and Sphaerine (Herb.) Baker. Using floral and in- We furthermore wish to explore whether the Brazilian
florescence characters Killip (1936) later divided one of and the Chilean Alstroemeria species form monophy-
the subgenera, Bomarea, into sections. Later Neuendorf letic groups within the genus.
(1977) added a new section based on pollen characters
within the same subgenus. No recent revision of the MATERIALS AND METHODS
genus is available.
Taxon Sampling. In this analysis twenty-three Alstroemeria
The monotypic genus Leontochir is found only in the species, including A. graminea and A. pygmaea (Schickendantzia 1
Atacama desert of Chile. Leontochir differs from the Taltalia), have been used. Fifteen species belong to the Chilean
other members of the family by its habit, the presence species group and seven species belong to the Brazilian species
group. The species have been chosen to represent most of the mor-
of Fritillaria-like nectaries (Wilkin 1997), and a uni-loc- phological variation found within the genus. Furthermore, Leon-
ular ovary with parietal placentation. The monotypic tochir ovallei Phil. and three Bomarea species, one from each sub-
genus Schickendantzia includes small, high Andean genus, are included. The complete lack of an integrated revision
herbs segregated from Alstroemeria by Pax (1890) on of Bomarea, combined with the large number of species and the
wide distribution of the genus makes it very hazardous to do a
the basis of the nearly actinomorphic flowers and the sub-sample within the genus for the purpose of a cladistic anal-
presence of a unilocular ovary. In contrast, Sanso ysis. We have no preconceived opinion about monophyly of the
(1996) and Sanso and Xifreda (1999) studied the ovary subgenera. The included Bomarea species represent the three dis-
tinct growth habits found within the genus and do not cover the
and found that it is trilocular with axile placentation entire morphological diversity within the genus. We do, however,
as in the other Alstroemeria species. They further noted consider the chosen sub-sample sufficient for a cursory test of the
that nearly actinomorphic flowers are also present in monophyly of the genus.
Three species from Luzuriaga have been included as outgroups
other Alstroemeria species. Hence the species was in- together with Uvularia grandiflora Sm. and Disporum viridescens
cluded in Alstroemeria as A. pygmaea Herb. (Maxim.) Nakai to represent the clade found in the phylogenetic
Recently Bayer (1998a, 1998b) established the mono- analyses based on DNA sequence data (Chase et al. 1995a, b, Ru-
dall et al. 2000). Finally, Dioscorea dodecaneura Vell. has been in-
typic genus Taltalia based on the Chilean species Al-
cluded for the purpose of rooting (Table 1). All characters were
stroemeria graminea, the only known annual Alstroe- scored according to the states found in the included species. Pos-
meriaceae species. sible polymorphisms within the outgroup genera are therefore not
Hunziker (1973) challenged the validity of Bomarea, represented.
Scoring of Morphological Characters. The scoring of morpho-
Leontochir, and Schickendantzia due to the lack of clear logical data was done mainly on fresh or FAA-fixed material, either
cut characters separating the genera. However, Sanso in the field or in cultivation, supplemented by a few characters

taken from the literature (mainly Wilbur 1963; Bayer 1987; Rod- is the relatively high or low weights that individual transforma-
rı́guez and Marticorena 1987; Arroyo and Leuenberger 1988). For tions receive compared to the weight of transformations in other
Alstroemeria andina, A. apertiflora, A. graminea, A. insignis, A. longis- characters of the data set (Lee and Bryant 1999). In case of char-
tyla, A. sellowiana, Leontochir ovallei, and Luzuriaga polyphylla only acter conflict, the result would be biased towards the transfor-
herbarium material was available. As no material was available for mations of high weights.
A. caryophyllaea, all characters were scored from its original de- In this study we apply the more commonly used method of
scription (Jacquin 1798) and Curtiss (1790). Specimens from the scoring the nested states as inapplicable in the species lacking the
following herbaria were examined: BA, BAA, BAB, BAF, BHCB, feature. Although this may cause impossible state assignments at
CEN, CTES, ESA, F, G, HUFU, IBGE, K, LIL, LP, MBM, MCNS, the internal nodes the method was chosen because all analyses of
MERL, SGO, SI, SP, SPF, UEC, and UPCB. For the outgroup taxa, the matrices are done using both equal weights of the characters
only the states of the included species have been scored. Voucher as well as their implied weights. When analyzing under implied
information not included in Sanso and Xifreda (1995) and Sanso weights, the program (PeeWee) used in this study does not allow
(1996) is listed in Appendix 3. optimization of step matrices. Furthermore, Strong and Lipscomb
The characters, including discussions of their scoring, are listed (1999), who reviewed various methods for coding inapplicable
in Appendix 1. The morphological matrix is found in Appendix data, found drawbacks in all of them. The authors argued that the
2. Unless otherwise stated in the text, the character is coded as ‘reductive coding’—used here—analyzed with NONA is the cod-
non-additive. When polymorphism was detected all observed ing method which leads to tree topologies that best reflect our
states were scored for the corresponding species. observations.
The Alstroemeria species are mainly distinguished by quantita- DNA Extraction. Total genomic DNA was extracted from fresh
tive characters of doubtful use in cladistics (Pimentel and Riggins or silica-dried plant material using the DNeasyy Plant Mini Kit
1987). Qualitative characters have been difficult to find, and those (Qiagen) according to the instructions provided by the manufac-
included in the present analysis may not be distinct if more Al- turer. DNA from Alstroemeria caryophyllaea was donated by J. I.
stroemeria species are included. For example, the extremes of the Davis, Cornell University. DNA was available for all species except
variation found in some characters often seem phylogenetically Alstroemeria insignis, A. longistyla, A. sellowiana, and Luzuriaga po-
informative, e.g., height of plants. Some species (A. graminea, A. lyphylla. Voucher information is listed in Table 1.
patagonica, and A. pygmaea) are very small whereas others attain a rps16. The rps16 (ribosomal protein S16) intron was amplified
considerable height, e.g., A. angustifolia and A. aurea. However, from total genomic DNA using the primers rpsF (59-GTGGTA-
nearly all intermediate heights are found in other species and the GAAAGCAACGTGCGACTT-39) and rpsR2 (59-TCGGGATCGAA-
apparent phylogenetic information of this character depends on CATCAATTGCAAC-39; Oxelman et al. 1997). PCR amplification
sample choice. As quantitative characters cannot be reliably coded, was performed under standard conditions, and the double strand-
many characters that make up the difference between the Alstroe- ed products were purified using the QIAquickTM PCR Purifica-
meria species were left out. Some quantitative characters have, nev- tion Kit (QIAGEN*) according to manufacturer9s instructions. Pu-
ertheless, been included when only a few species had intermediate rified PCR products were sequenced using the ABI PRISMy Dye
states. These include the characters size relation among inner te- Terminator Cycle Sequencing Ready Reaction Kit (Perkin-Elmer).
pals (char. 37) and shape of apex of the inner tepals (char. 38). The PCR amplification primers were used also as sequencing
The multistate non-additive characters present a special prob- primers. In addition, two internal sequencing primers were used
lem when some of the states are considered nested. One example in order to produce complete sequences: rps16-551F (59-CCGAAG-
comes from character 6 (leaves resupinate) and character 7 (resu- TAATGTCTAAACCCAA-39) and rps16-680R (59-CTCATAACTCA-
pination of leaves complete or partial, twisting only some leaves). AGTTGGGTAA-39; Asmussen et al., 2000). Cycle-sequencing prod-
Obviously, all species with resupinate leaves are bound to be ucts were analyzed on an Applied Biosystems 377 automated
scored as having either partially or completely resupinate leaves DNA sequencer. The obtained sequences were checked and assem-
in character 7. If it was known which of the states is the plesiom- bled using the program SequencherTM ver. 3.0 (Gene Codes Corp,
orphic one, the two characters could be combined into a single Ann Arbor, MI).
additive character. However, if this character were left as unor- rbcL. rbcL sequences were produced from 13 Alstroemeriaceae
dered the homology statement between the two alternative states species selected to represent the family. For amplification and se-
of resupinate leaves would be lost. Each state could appear indi- quencing of rbcL, the same method was followed as described
vidually without the cost of extra steps. When the ordering of a above. For PCR amplification the following primers were used:
multistate character is avoided, but one wishes to maintain the RH-1s and Z1204RS; the same primers were used as sequencing
homology statement between the alternative states, problems arise primers in addition to Z427s and Z674RS (all primers from G.
during the coding of the character. One commonly used approach Zurawski, DNAX Research Institute, Palo Alto, California, but
is to code the unit (in this case whether the leaves are resupinate slightly reduced in length).
or not) as a present/absent character, and the nested states in a The choice of including rbcL, which is mostly used for resolving
separate character where species lacking the unit are coded as phylogenetic relationship at higher taxonomic levels (Soltis and
inapplicable (Pleijel 1995). This allows either state to be the nested Soltis 1998), was based on preliminary results obtained from an-
one, while the homology statement between the two states is main- alyzing morphology and rps16 data. In the preliminary results
tained. The approach does, however, suffer from an unreasonable Bomarea appeared as polyphyletic or paraphyletic when analyzing
optimization of the missing data (Maddison 1993). In the present rps16 on its own or combined with morphology. To settle the re-
case, the missing data will be assigned as partly or completely lationships of the Bomarea species, rbcL was considered appropri-
resupinate leaves according to the most parsimonious resolution. ate. However, as rbcL is often found to be almost invariable at the
This, however, does not make any sense. It is simply not possible species level there was no justification for sequencing all species
to have partly or completely resupinate leaves in character 7 with- included in this study. The choice of the 13 species used for am-
out having resupinate leaves in character 6. A possible solution to plifying rbcL was based on the preliminary cladograms. We se-
the problem is to recode the two characters into a single character lected species that were likely to represent different clades of the
using a step matrix as discussed by Maddison (1993). Then the trees.
gain or loss of resupination could be coded as more costly than When only a subset of the species are represented in one of the
the change between having either completely or partially resupi- data sets a large number of missing data is bound to appear when
nate leaves. The use of step matrices for recoding complex char- combining the data sets unless the combined matrix is pruned.
acters also has been applied in the context of DNA sequence anal- Missing data are known to have undesirable effects on phyloge-
yses (Wheeler 1999; Simmons and Ochoterena 2000). However, netic analysis (Nixon and Davis 1991; Platnick et al. 1991; Mad-
apart from the problem of assigning justifiable relative weights of dison 1993). The missing data discussed here differ from the in-
the transformations within the step matrix (Maddison 1993), a sec- applicable data discussed under the coding of the morphological
ond drawback with this differential weighting within a character characters. When optimising inapplicable data combinations of

TABLE 1. Taxa used in the morphological and molecular study TABLE 1. Continued.
listed alphabetically. Vouchers are indicated for the species from
which DNA sequences have been obtained. Those from plants cul- A. sellowiana Seub. (BR).
tivated at the Copenhagen Botanical Garden are deposited at the A. versicolor Ruiz & Pav. (CH). Cult. at Copenhagen Botani-
Herbarium of the Botanical Institute of Copenhagen (Denmark). cal Garden (P1995-5053), C447, CH. Gen. O’ Higgins. Ter-
C-numbers correspond to purified-DNA samples deposited at the mas de Cauquenes. rps16 AY120387.
Botanical Institute of Copenhagen. References are given to voucher A. werdermannii Ehr. Bayer (CH). Cult. at Copenhagen Botan-
specimens and herbaria as designated by acronym in Holmgren ical Garden (P1995-5054), C446, CH. Atacama. Huasco.
et al. (1990). Accession numbers and references to already pub- rps16 AY120388.
lished sequences extracted from GenBank archives also are indi- Bomarea boliviensis Baker (AR-BO). Aagesen w/n (SI), C75b,
cated. 1 sequence from B. hirtella (H.B.K.) Herb. 2 sequence from D. AR. Prov. Jujuy. Dto. Tumbaya. Lag. de Volcán. rps16
sessile D. Don. Distribution follows the taxon name, in parentheses; AY120389, rbcL AY120368.
abbreviations: AR: Argentina, BO: Bolivia, BR: Brazil, CH, Chile, B. edulis (Tuss.) Herb. (AR-BO-BR-CO-PA, Central America).
CHI: China, CO: Colombia, PA: Paraguay, PE: Perú, UR: Uruguay. Aagesen w/n (SI), C76a, AR. Prov. Jujuy. Dto. Gral. M.
Belgrano. Lags. de Yala. rps16 AY120390. Rudall et al., un-
Alstroemeria andina Phil. subsp. venustula (Phil.) Ehr. Bayer publ. rbcL Z772551.
(AR-CH). Kiesling et al. 9216 (SI), C648, AR. Prov. San B. macrocephala Pax (AR). Aagesen w/n (SI), C78b, AR. Prov.
Juan. Dto. Iglesias. Cordillera de la Ortiga. rps16 Tucumán. Dto. Tafı́. Entre El Infiernillo y Tafı́ del Valle.
AY120370, rbcL AY120366. rps16 AY120391, rbcL AY120367.
A. angustifolia Herb. subsp. angustifolia (CH). Cult. at Copen- Dioscorea dodecaneura Vell. (AR-BO-BR-PA-PE).
hagen Botanical Garden (P1995-5003), C435, CH. Valparaı́- Disporum viridescens (Maxim.) Nakai (CHI). Cult. at Copen-
so. Valparaı́so. rps16 AY120371, rbcL AY120358. hagen Botanical Garden (S1939-1565), C422, rps16
A. apertiflora Baker (AR-BR-PA). Ribas 687 (BHCB), C92, BR. AY120394. Shinwari et al. (1994), rbcL D173762.
Mun. São José dos Pinhais. rps16 AY120372. Leontochir ovallei Phil. (CH). Cult. at Copenhagen Botanical
A. aurea Graham (AR-CH). Aagesen w/n (SI), C81, AR. Garden, C676, CH. Atacama. Carrizal Bajo. rps16
Prov. Neuquén. Dto. Minas. Lags. Epulauquen. rps16 AY120392, rbcL AY120369.
AY120373. Cult. at Copenhagen Botanical Garden (P1995- Luzuriaga marginata (J. Gaertn.) Benth. (AR-CH). Aagesen
5043), C441, CH. Araucaria, rbcL AY120359. w/n (SI), C74, AR. Prov. Rı́o Negro. Dto. Bariloche. Pto.
A. caryophyllaea Jacq. (BR). From J. I. Davis, Cornell Universi- Blest. rps16 AY120393.
ty, C4. rps16 AY120374. L. polyphylla (Hook.) J. F. MacBr. (CH).
A. graminea Phil. (CH). von Bohlen 1275 (SGO), C85, CH. L. radicans Ruiz & Pav. (AR-CH). Rudall et al., unpubl. rbcL
Antofagasta. Taltal. rps16 AY120375, rbcL AY120360. Z77300.
A. hookeri Schultes subsp. cummingiana (Herb.) Ehr. Bayer Uvularia grandiflora Sm. (U.S.A.). Cult. at Copenhagen Botan-
(CH). Cult. at Copenhagen Botanical Garden (P1995-5010), ical Garden (1080-4), C857, rps16 AY120395. Kawano and
C448, CH. Coquimbo. Pan Am. rps16 AY120376. Kato, unpubl, rbcL AB09950.
A. insignis Hérincq (BR).
A. isabellana Herb. (AR-BR-PA-UR). Rua (BAA 24543), C445,
AR. Prov. Misiones. Posadas. Pantano del Zaimán. rps16
AY120377, rbcL AY120361. states that are not logical occur at the internal nodes. When miss-
A. ligtu L. subsp. ligtu (CH). ing data come from states that simply were not scored the opti-
A. longistyla Schenk (BR). mization at the internal nodes is legitimate (Maddison 1993). How-
A. magnifica Herb. subsp. magnifica (CH). Cult. at Copenha- ever, missing data can result in a high number of equally optimal
gen Botanical Garden (P1995-5031), C449, CH. Valparaı́so. trees and a poorly resolved consensus tree, but they can not alter
rps16 AY120378. the topology obtained from the observed data (Kitching et al.
A. pallida Graham (CH). Cult. at Copenhagen Botanical Gar- 1998). Therefore, although there is a high number of missing data
den (P1995-5035), C444, CH. Santiago. Lagunillas. rps16 in some of the matrices included in this study this should not have
AY120380. a misleading effect on the conclusions as long as these are drawn
A. patagonica Phil. (AR-CH). Aagesen w/n (SI), C82, AR. from the strict consensus trees.
Prov. Neuquén. Dto. Catán-Lil. Entre Catán-Lil y La Ne- Sequence Alignment. The sequences were aligned by hand us-
gra. rps16 AY120381, rbcL AY120362. ing the software BioEdit ver. 4.8.10 (Hall 1999). All sequences and
A. pelegrina L. (CH). Cult. at Copenhagen Botanical Garden alignments are deposited in GenBank under accession numbers
(P1995-5037), C437, CH. Coquimbo. Cerca de Totoralillo. AY120358–AY120395.
rps16 AY120382, rbcL AY120363. Data Matrices. Eight matrices were constructed. Three matri-
ces included the individual data sets (morphology, rps16 intron,
A. presliana Herb. (AR-CH). Aagesen w/n (SI), C80, AR.
and rbcL). Furthermore, five combined matrices were constructed:
Prov. Neuquén. Dto. Minas. Camino Lags. de Epulauquen.
morphology plus rps16 or rbcL, and one including rbcL sequence
rps16 AY120383. data and all species for which rps16 sequence data was available.
A. pseudospathulata Ehr. Bayer (AR-CH). Xifreda and Sanso An additional rbcL plus rps16 matrix was constructed including
2004 (SI), C89a, AR. Prov. Neuquén. Dto. Chos-Malal. En- only species sequenced for both molecular data sets. Finally a
tre Chos-Malal y Andacollo. rps16 AY120384. combined matrix was constructed including all three data sets con-
A. psittacina Lehm. (AR-BR-UR). Cult. at Facultad de Agro- taining all species where rps16 intron sequence data were avail-
nomı́a, UBA (Argentina), C91a, AR. Cdad. de Buenos Ai- able. All matrices can be obtained from the first author. Number
res. rps16 AY120385, rbcL AY120364. of terminals and informative characters for each matrix are shown
A. pygmaea Herb. (AR-BO-PE). Aagesen w/n (SI), C79b, AR. in Table 2.
Prov. Tucumán. Dto. Trancas. Huanlinchay. rps16 Data Analyses. Analyses using equal weights were performed
AY120386, rbcL AY120365. with NONA ver. 2 (Goloboff 1998a). In contrast to PAUP ver. 3.1.1
A. revoluta Ruiz & Pav. (CH). Cult. at Copenhagen Botanical (Swofford 1993) and Hennig86 ver. 1.5 (Farris 1988), the default
Garden (P1995-5050), C434, CH. Del Maule. Pte. Longo- setting in NONA (amb-) calculates trees retaining a branch only
milla. rps16 AY120379. when unambiguous support is available (collapsing a branch if its
minimum length is zero) while Hennig86 and PAUP retain a

TABLE 2. Attributes of the eight data sets. MPT 5 most parsimonious trees; CI 5 consistency index; RI 5 retention index; * 5
significantly incongruent (P , 0.05) using the incongruence length difference test (Farris et al. 1994).

nr. informative nr. nr. MPT/ frequency
characters terminals % resolved nodes CI RI index

Morphology 57 33 3/87.1 0.40 0.68 0.14

rps16 81 26 4/47.8 0.87 0.90 0.17
rcL 55 16 6/61.5 0.81 0.89 0.54
Morphology 1 rps16* 138 26 4/75 0.56 0.69 0.21
Morphology 1 rbcL 112 26 2/87 0.52 0.70 0.17
rps16 1 rbcL complete 136 26 970/47.8 0.82 0.88 0.14
rps16 1 rbc reduced* 132 16 2/92.3 0.83 0.88 0.58
Morphology 1 rps16 1 rbcL 193 26 6/82.6 0.60 0.72 0.20

branch if its length in at least one of the possible optimizations congruence is caused by a particular taxon (as is the case in this
differs from zero (Coddington and Scharff 1994). All analyses study), we still consider that combining the unmodified matrices
were run using the default settings amb- and poly5 (polytomies is the best approach for placing this conflicting taxon.
allowed). The following search strategy was applied to all data Additional analyses using implied weights (Goloboff 1993) were
sets: five hundred subsearches were performed, each constructing run in PeeWee ver. 3 (Goloboff 1998b) using the same search strat-
a Wagner tree using a random addition sequence, swapping the egies as when analysing with equal weights. In cases of character
initial tree with TBR (tree bisection and reconnection) and retain- conflicts, PeeWee downweights homoplastic characters in propor-
ing a maximum of two trees in each replicate (hold/2; mult*500). tion to their amount of extra steps (homoplasy). The strength with
The resulting trees were swapped using TBR (max*). These two which a homoplastic character is downweighted by PeeWee de-
commands were repeated until no new trees were found. To ob- pends on the shape of the weighting function. Six different con-
tain different results in each mult replication the random seed set- cavities are available in the program, concavity six being the mild-
ting was changed to zero (rseed 0), using the time as seed for the est and concavity one the strongest weighting function (Goloboff
random number generator that calculates the input order of the 1998b). All six concavities were explored and will hereafter be
taxa during the mult replicates (Goloboff 1998a). referred to as conc one to six.
Bremer support values (BS, Bremer 1994) were calculated find- There are strong arguments for and against the use of equal
ing suboptimal trees up to five steps longer than the shortest weighting versus differential weighting of the characters (e.g., Go-
tree(s) holding a maximum of 2,000 trees. This can be done in loboff 1993; Källersjö et al. 1999). We use implied weights as a
NONA using a loop finding suboptimal trees of a given length by means for exploring the sensitivity of the matrices to different
swapping previous trees held in memory and calculating BS val- weighting schemes of the characters. The robustness of a group to
ues in each round. As starting trees for the first round of the loop changes in the analytic parameters has been used in DNA anal-
all most parsimonious trees held in memory were swapped until yses as a means for obtaining firm conclusions of monophyly
the treebuffer was filled (syntax: hold 2000; loop 1 5; sub#; find*; (Wheeler 1995). The implicit assumption is that the appropriate
bs; k N; stop;), where N refers to the number of optimal trees held analytical parameter is unknown. When a group appears under
in memory. BS values higher than 5 were calculated finding 5,000 all analytical parameters we may conclude that the group is mono-
suboptimal trees 10, 20, 30 etc. steps longer than the shortest phyletic and this conclusion will be independent of the analytical
tree(s) (e.g., hold 5000; sub10; find*; bs;). BS values higher than 5 parameters. In the present context a choice between the use of
were checked searching 5,000 suboptimal trees one step shorter equal weights and implied weights can be made on the basis of
than the support under test, while support values higher than 20 theoretical assumptions, but when using implied weights it is not
were checked searching 20,000 suboptimal trees one step shorter clear by which strength a homoplastic character should be down-
than the support under test. Note that when using a limited tree- weighted. We consider the use of equal weights and implied
buffer and a heuristic search method the BS values are estimated weights, using different concavities, as a gradual change of the
and not calculated exactly. The support may be the one indicated analytical parameters. If a group is resistant to variation in the
or less. This is because the limited number of trees used for cal- weighting scheme few or no characters contradict the monophyly
culating the BS values at each step represents only a fraction of and the group may also be found when new evidence is added.
the actual number of trees with a given number of extra steps.
High BS values are more likely to be overestimated than low BS
values are, simply because there may be many more trees with a RESULTS
high number of extra steps. The highest BS values reported here
should not be taken as absolute values but rather as indicators for Morphology. The morphological data set comprises
highly supported groups. Jackknife frequency values (Farris et al.
1996) based on 10,000 Wagner trees were calculated using the 57 informative characters with 6.6% of the cells coded
available instruction file for NONA, the file. as missing. When analyzing the data matrix with equal
The incongruence length difference test, ILD (Farris et al. 1994) weights two trees were obtained (212 steps, CI50.39,
was performed for each combination of the individual data sets
using the program Winclada. ver. 0.9.9 (Nixon 1999). The matrices
RI50.68). The strict consensus tree is shown in Fig. 1A.
were pruned to include only common terminals and informative Both Bomarea and Alstroemeria are monophyletic and
characters before the test. The test was done on the basis of 1,000 sister groups to one another. The Brazilian Alstroemeria
iterations, each finding a Wagner tree submitted to TBR swapping
holding a maximum of 10 trees for each submatrix.
species fall in two clades that branch off as sequential
We did not apply the ILD test to decide whether to combine the sister-groups to the remaining Alstroemeria species,
data sets or not, because we agree with Nixon and Carpenter with both informal groups of Baker (1888) being
(1996) that the ILD is the best measure of incongruence and regard monophyletic and the Chilean/Argentinean species
the test as a means of determining whether the amount of incon-
gruence is large or small. In case of significant incongruence, we complex forming a clade.
use the test to explore the source of this incongruence. If the in- When analyzed using implied weights nearly all

FIG. 1. Strict consensus trees from separate and combined analyses. Numbers below branches refer to Bremer support
values, numbers above branches denote jackknife frequencies. Group a1 refers to the Brazilian Alstroemeria species with rigid
leaves. Group a2 refers to the Brazilian Alstroemeria species with herbaceous leaves. Group b refers to the Chilean/Argentinean
species complex. Group c refers to the central Chilean species group. A. Strict consensus tree from two optimal trees resulting
from morphology analyzed under equal weights. B. Strict consensus tree from four optimal trees resulting from rps16 analyzed
under equal weights. C. Strict consensus tree from six optimal trees resulting from rbcL analyzed under equal weights. D.
Strict consensus tree from four optimal trees resulting from morphology and rps16 analyzed under equal weights.

conc values resulted in different trees that again dif- informative with 0.11% of the data matrix cells scored
fered from the topology found when using equal as missing data.
weights. A strict consensus tree between the trees When analyzing the rbcL matrix under equal
found when using conc four to six only includes the weights, six trees were found (121 steps, CI50.81,
monophyletic Alstroemeriaceae wherein B. boliviensis RI50.89). The strict consensus tree is shown in Fig. 1C.
and B. edulis are sister groups and Alstroemeria is Alstroemeriaceae is monophyletic and monophyly of
monophyletic. Within Alstroemeria the group including both Alstroemeria and Bomarea is supported. Leontochir
A. angustifolia, A. hookeri, A. revoluta and A. versicolor, and Bomarea form a clade which is the sister group of
also found when using equal weights, is retained to- Alstroemeria. Within Alstroemeria little resolution is ob-
gether with a clade consisting of A. patagonica and A. tained. The two species included from the Brazilian
pygmaea. This latter clade is lost when results from species complex (A. isabellana and A. psittacina) are sis-
conc three are added to the strict consensus tree. Trees ter species within a clade that also contains A. aurea
obtained when using conc two and one do not modify and A. patagonica 1 A. pygmaea. When analyzed under
this result any further. implied weights all six conc values yielded the same
rps16. Among Alstroemeriaceae the length of the tree as found using equal weights.
rps16 intron varied from 824 bp (A. hookeri) to 882 bp Morphology and rps16. Combining the morpholog-
(A. apertiflora). We were not able to amplify the com- ical data set with rps16 intron data resulted in a matrix
plete rps16 intron in A. pelegrina and Bomarea edulis, including 984 characters of which 138 are potentially
consequently only partial sequences are included for phylogenetically informative and with 5.21% of the
these in the matrix. In Alstroemeria pelegrina, A. presli- cells scored as missing. The two matrices are signifi-
ana, Disporum viridescens, and Luzuriaga marginata, the cantly incongruent (P50.050) according to the ILD test
(Farris et al. 1994). The conflict is apparently caused
amplified sequence fragments lack aprox. 20 bp near
by Bomarea macrocephala. When this species was ex-
the middle of the sequences which could not be am-
cluded from the test there was no significant conflict
plified. Several gaps, varying from one bp to 25 bp in
between the two data sets (P50.343). When analyzing
length were introduced in the alignment. In cases of
the matrix under equal weights four trees are found
ambiguous alignment, gaps were introduced to make
(steps5355, CI50.56, RI50.69). The strict consensus
the positions non-informative. Two hypervariable are-
tree is shown in Fig. 1D. As when analyzing the rps16
as were excluded from the analysis. Gaps were treated
intron data alone, Bomarea is not monophyletic. Bomarea
as missing characters, while a total of eight informative
macrocephala is the sister group to Alstroemeria. Leonto-
and non-problematic indels were coded as binary char-
chir is sister group to the remaining two species of
acters and added to the end of the alignment. The final
Bomarea. Among the Alstroemeria species resolution is
matrix includes 923 characters, of which 81 are poten-
moderate. The two Brazilian species with herbaceous
tially phylogenetically informative, and 5.32% of the leaves form a clade which is sister group to the re-
data matrix cells scored as missing data. mainder of the genus. In this second monophyletic
Four trees were found (164 steps, CI50.87, RI50.90) group A. pelegrina is the sister group to the rest of the
by analyzing the rps16 matrix with equal weights. The Alstroemeria species. Further resolution within Alstroe-
strict consensus tree is shown in Fig. 1B. Bomarea ma- meria is restricted to a clade consisting of four Chilean
crocephala is embedded within Alstroemeria rendering species, a clade containing A. andina and A. werder-
Alstroemeria paraphyletic and Bomarea polyphyletic. mannii, and a clade wherein A. pseudospathulata is the
The remaining Bomarea species are a sister group to sister group to a clade containing the Brazilian species
Leontochir. The resolution within Alstroemeria is mod- with rigid leaves and the clade A. patagonica and A.
erate. Bomarea macrocephala is sister species to A. psit- pygmaea.
tacina and the clade groups with A. patagonica. Two When applying weights conc three to six yielded
minor clades appear, one including A. graminea and A. trees nearly identical to those obtained when analyz-
werdermannii the other A. presliana and A. revoluta, ing under equal weights but adding resolution to the
while six of the purely Chilean species are gathered in collapsed part of Alstroemeria (see Fig. 2A). As op-
a clade. Analyzing under implied weights all six conc posed to the results shown in Fig. 2A (strict consensus
values yielded the same tree as found using equal tree from conc six), when applying stronger weights
weights. against homoplasy (conc three to five) A. presliana and
rbcL. In the final matrix nucleotide positions A. revoluta are placed as sister groups. When using
57,648 to 58,803 of the rbcL gene were used (numbers even stronger weights (conc one and two) all Brazilian
corresponding to the Nicotiana tabacum L. chloroplast species are placed basal within Alstroemeria (though
genome sequence [Shinozaki et al 1986; GenBank ac- not forming a clade) and the positions of A. aurea and
cession number Z00044]). The matrix includes 1156 A. andina are altered.
characters of which 55 are potentially phylogenetically Morphology and rbcL. Combining the morpholog-

FIG. 2. Strict consensus trees from separate and combined analyses. Numbers below branches refer to Bremer support
values, numbers above branches denote jackknife frequencies. Group a1 refers to the Brazilian Alstroemeria species with rigid
leaves. Group a2 refers to the Brazilian Alstroemeria species with herbaceous leaves. Group b refers to the Chilean/Argentinean
species complex. Group c refers to the central Chilean species group. A. Strict consensus tree from four optimal trees resulting
from morphology and rps16 analyzed with implied weights, conc six. B Strict consensus tree from two optimal trees resulting
from morphology and rbcL analyzed under equal weights. C. Strict consensus tree from 970 optimal trees resulting from the
complete rps16 and rbcL matrix analyzed under equal weights. D. Strict consensus tree from two optimal trees resulting from
the reduced rps16 and rbcL matrix analyzed under equal weights.

ical data set with rbcL data gives a matrix of 1218 char- ficient character conflict to obtain a nonsignificant re-
acters of which 112 are potentially phylogenetically in- sult in the ILD test (P 5 0.410).
formative and with 21.57% of the cells scored as miss- When analyzing the reduced rbcL and rps16 matrix
ing. According to the ILD test (Farris et al. 1994) the under equal weights two trees were found (282 steps,
two matrices are not significantly incongruent (P 5 CI50.83, RI50.88). The strict consensus tree is shown
0.143). in Fig. 2D. The tree includes the same clades as the
When analyzed under equal weights two trees were strict consensus tree found when analyzing the unre-
obtained (steps 5 308, CI 5 0.52, RI 5 0.70); the strict duced data set, but the resolution within Alstroemeria
consensus tree is shown in Fig. 2B. Both Alstroemeria is more detailed. This added resolution concurs with
and Bomarea are monophyletic and Leontochir forms a the topology found when analyzing the rbcL sequence
clade with Bomarea. Within Alstroemeria, the Brazilian data alone. When analyzing under implied weights all
species with herbaceous leaves form a clade which is six conc values yielded the same tree as found when
sister group to the rest of the genus. The two remain- using equal weights.
ing Brazilian species are embedded in a clade contain- Morphology and rps16 and rbcL. Combining the
ing the Chilean/Argentinean species. three data sets yields a matrix including 2140 charac-
When analyzed under implied weights several re- ters of which 193 are potential phylogenetically infor-
arrangements within Alstroemeria occur. Using conc mative and with 14.75 % of the cells scored as missing.
six, five and three a single tree is obtained placing the When analyzed under equal weights six trees were ob-
Brazilian species in a clade embedded among Chilean tained (steps 5 485, CI 5 0.60, RI 5 0.72); the strict
species. Among other clades found in the equally consensus tree is shown in Fig. 3A. Both Alstroemeria
weighted analyses only the sister group relationship and Bomarea are monophyletic and Leontochir forms a
between A. patagonica and A. pygmaea and between A. clade with Bomarea. Within Alstroemeria, the Brazilian
andina and A. werdermannii reappeared in this tree, species form a clade, which is sister group to the rest
while various rearrangements among the remaining of the genus. Among the Chilean/Argentinean species
Alstroemeria species occurred. Using conc four and two A. patagonica and A. pygmaea is the sister group to the
a second tree appeared in addition to the first. This remaining species. All other minor species (A. pseudos-
tree corresponds to the tree previously found but lacks pathulata, A. graminea, A. andina, and A. werdermannii)
part of the resolution. Using conc one only this second are gathered in a clade which is the sister group of a
tree appeared (trees not shown). clade consisting of purely Chilean species.
rps16 and rbcL. The complete rbcL and rps16 ma- When analyzed under implied weights, all six conc
trix including 26 taxa includes 2079 characters of which functions concur on the same pattern shown in Fig.
136 are potentially phylogenetic informative, and 3B. Using conc six and five a single tree was found,
18.81% of the data matrix cells are scored as missing. while when using conc four, four trees were obtained,
When analysing the complete rbcL and rps16 matrix one identical to the one found when using conc six and
under equal weights 970 trees were obtained (290 five and three trees identical to the trees found when
steps, CI 5 0.82, RI 5 0.88). The strict consensus tree using conc three. Conc two and one both yielded the
is shown in Fig. 2C. Both Alstroemeria and Bomarea are two same trees, different from those found when using
monophyletic. As in the rbcL tree Leontochir forms a higher conc values but not changing the consensus.
clade with Bomarea, and this clade is the sister group The results differ from those obtained when using
to Alstroemeria. Within Alstroemeria, A. andina, A. gra- equal weights mainly by placing A. andina, A. graminea
minea, and A. werdermannii form a clade, which is the and A. werdermannii as sister group to the rest of the
sister group to the rest of the Alstroemeria species. Fur- genus while the Brazilian species are embedded with-
ther resolution within the genus is poor, restricted to in the Argentinean/Chilean clade, still forming a
six Chilean species grouped in a clade, and the sister monophyletic group.
group relationship between A. presliana and A. revoluta.
Analyzing under implied weights yielded the same DISCUSSION
970 trees under all six conc values. Attributes of the Data Set. Three individual and
When including only species sequenced for both mo- five combined data matrices were analyzed. Table 2
lecular data sets the reduced rbcL and rps16 matrix shows different attributes of the data sets. Generally
includes 2079 characters of which 132 are potentially the CI is a good indicator of stability: in data sets hav-
phylogenetic informative, and 9.3% of the data matrix ing CI higher than 0.80 in the equally weighted anal-
cells are scored as missing. The two matrices are sig- ysis there were no changes when homoplastic charac-
nificantly incongruent according to the ILD test (Farris ters were downweighted using implied weights (Go-
et al. 1994), with P 5 0.006. A considerable part of the loboff 1993). The direct relationship between level of
conflict is, however, caused by Bomarea macrocephala. homoplasy in the data matrix and the effect of using
Excluding this species from the analysis removes suf- implied weights is no surprise since the concavity

FIG. 3. Strict consensus trees from separate and combined analyses. Numbers below branches refer to Bremer support
values, numbers above branches denote jackknife frequencies. Group a refers to the Brazilian Alstroemeria species. Group b
refers to the Chilean/Argentinean species complex. Group c refers to the central Chilean species group. A. Strict consensus
tree from six optimal trees found when combining all data sets analyzed under equal weights. B. Strict consensus tree from
seven optimal trees found when combining all data sets analyzed under implied weights using conc one to six.

function used to downweight a homoplastic character When implied weights were used nearly all conc val-
is a modification of the CI (Goloboff 1993). In data sets ues resulted in different resolutions that again differed
having CI between 0.55 and 0.60, the effect of applying from the resolution obtained when analyzing the ma-
weights was moderate, restricted to rearrangement of trix using equal weights. Furthermore, when the ma-
a few clades or polytomies found during the equally trix was combined with the DNA sequence data the
weighted analyses were resolved. Generally high con- resulting matrices were sensitive to changes in weight-
cordance was found between the results obtained us- ing schemes, while when analyzed on their own or
ing distinct conc values. Only in the data sets with combined, the rps16 and the rbcL matrices were insen-
lowest CI (0.40 and 0.52) were major changes found sitive to different weighting schemes. The high amount
when applying weights to the characters. of character conflict suggests that within Alstroemeri-
Of the individual data sets the rps16 data matrix is aceae various parallelisms and reversals have occurred
least homoplastic, but no more than 48% of the nodes among the morphological characters. Although some
were resolved. Furthermore, the low jackknife frequen- information is gained when adding morphology to the
cy index suggests low support for the resolution. The combined matrix (compare Fig. 2C and Fig. 3B), the
rbcL data is only slightly more homoplastic but more most obvious influence of adding the morphological
nodes are resolved (61%) and the higher jackknife fre- characters is to destabilize the results due to character
quency index indicates better support for the obtained conflict among the morphological characters (compare
resolution. The morphological data showed the highest Fig. 3 A and B).
level of homoplasy. Although 87% of the nodes were Among the combined analyses the rps16 and rbcL
resolved, the jackknife index was low, indicating poor data included the smallest amount of homoplasy. In
support for the topology. Among the individual data the strict consensus tree derived from running the
sets only the morphological one was sensitive to complete matrix less than half of the potential nodes
changes in weighting schemes. Although well resolved are resolved and the jackknife index was low, indicat-
topologies appeared when analyzing this matrix, these ing poor support for the topology. When the matrix
were not robust to changes in weighting schemes. was reduced to include only taxa in common between

the two data sets the result is a highly resolved tree Sister Group Relationship of the Alstroemeriaceae. The
with a reasonably high jackknife index. This matrix Alstroemeriaceae are monophyletic in all analyses. When
showed overall the best scores among all the combined combining all data sets monophyly is supported with a
data sets. According to the ILD test (Farris et al. 1994) Bremer support of 35, which is higher than the additive
the two matrices are incongruent. The conflict is prob- value for the individual data sets, and a jackknife fre-
ably due to the different rps16 sequence of Bomarea ma- quency of 100.
crocephala. Excluding this species from the analysis re- The sister group relationships have not been clearly
moves sufficient character conflict to obtain a nonsig- resolved in previous analyses (Chase et al. 1995a, b;
nificant result in the ILD test. However, despite the Rudall et al. 2000). In these analyses Alstroemeriaceae
character conflict both combined matrices are resistant were invariably included in a clade also containing Lu-
to changes in weighting schemes. zuriaga and a monophyletic group containing species
When morphology is combined with either the rps16 from Uvulariaceae p.p. and Colchicaceae. Only in the
or the rbcL data the resulting matrices include mod- combined analysis of Rudall et al. (2000) based on trnL-
erate to high levels of homoplasy. The resulting strict F and rbcL sequences and morphology does this clade
consensus trees are well resolved but with low support receive solid support with a bootstrap value of 100. In
for the topology. There is no significant conflict be- the analysis of Chase et al (1995a) based on rbcL, the
tween morphology and the rbcL data, but morphology relationships among the three groups were not re-
conflicts with the rps16 data. Again the conflict is ap- solved. When rbcL was combined with morphology
parently caused by Bomarea macrocephala. When this (Chase et al. 1995b) Alstroemeriaceae and Uvulari-
species was excluded from the test there was no sig- aceae p.p. 1 Colchicaceae are sister groups but the
nificant conflict between the two data sets. According clade has a Bremer support of only 2. In Rudall et al.
to both morphology and rbcL data, Bomarea macroce- (2000) the Alstroemeriaceae also appear as sister to the
phala clearly belongs in Bomarea. Sampling within Bom- Uvulariaceae p.p. 1 Colchicaceae clade but again the
area is very limited and we feel that the presence of an support is low with a bootstrap value of only 54.
Alstroemeria-like rps16 intron sequence in this species Our analysis only superficially explored the sister
should be confirmed in other individuals and/or other group relationships of the Alstroemeriaceae. When an-
Bomarea species (especially subgenus Wichuraea) before alyzing morphology on its own, and rooting the tree
a hypothesis concerning the divergent nature of the with Dioscorea, a clade is formed with Luzuriaga, Dis-
sequence can be constructed. The sequence differs at porum, and Uvularia. We conducted an informal anal-
several positions from all other rps16 sequences used ysis adding rbcL data to the morphological matrix in-
in this study. Although a simple contamination of the cluding Dioscorea. In the results, Alstroemeriaceae is
DNA sample from B. macrocephala can not be ruled out, the sister group to the Disporum-Uvularia clade as in
this would additionally require various modifications previous analyses but with a low Bremer support of 1
of this sequence during the amplification. and no jackknife support.
When all data sets are combined the level of ho- Apparently there is only weak evidence for a sister
moplasy is moderate and a well resolved strict consen- group relationship between Alstroemeriaceae and the
sus tree is found in the analysis using equal weights. Uvulariaceae p.p.-Colchicaceae clade (Colchicaceae
However, the support for the topology is low as judged sensu Rudall et al. [2000]). These results are, however,
by the jackknife index. The final resolution receives not convincing and Rudall et al. (2000) also considered
considerably higher support if morphology is left out, a sister group relationship between Luzuriaga and Al-
and the topology only partly coincides with the par- stroemeriaceae as likely.
ticularly well supported one found in the reduced rbcL Circumscription of the Genera of the Alstroemeriaceae.
and rps16 data sets. This condition changes if weights Both Bomarea and Alstroemeria are monophyletic in all
are applied to the fully combined data set. Using im- analysis, except when the rps16 data are analyzed
plied weights, the topology found in the reduced rbcL alone or combined with morphology. The rps16 data
and rps16 data set reappears though somewhat col- places Bomarea macrocephala within Alstroemeria due to
lapsed. two base substitutions shared with Alstroemeria and a
We mainly base our discussion on the trees obtained six bp indel shared with A. psittacina. Forcing Alstroe-
under implied weights combining all data sets (Fig. meria to be monophyletic in the rps16 data set adds one
3B). This topology closely resembles the particularly step and places B. macrocephala as sister group to Al-
well supported one found when combining rbcL and stroemeria, which is the position of B. macrocephala in
rps16, and it is stable under all weighting schemes ex- the combined morphology and rps16 analyses. Forcing
cept when using equal weights. However, the topology Bomarea to be monophyletic in the rps16 data set adds
found under equal weights (Fig. 3A), including a basal four steps to the tree.
dichotomy between Brazilian and Argentinean/Chi- Alstroemeria. Only when the rps16 data are ana-
lean species is likewise considered. lyzed alone is monophyly of Alstroemeria not main-

tained. Both morphology and rbcL data support mono- morphology. Morphology and rbcL data support
phyly of the genus with a Bremer support of 4 and 5, monophyly of the genus, but Bremer support values
respectively, and a jackknife frequency of 81 and 90. and jackknife frequencies are low (1/64 and 2/65 re-
The moderately high Bremer support and the high spectively). When all data sets are combined Bomarea
jackknife frequency suggest low conflict concerning has a Bremer support of 3, but the clade does not ap-
the monophyly of Alstroemeria in these two data sets. pear when the data set is jackknifed.
When the rps16 data set is combined with morphology In both the equally weighted analysis and in the
or rbcL a monophyletic Alstroemeria has a Bremer sup- analysis using implied weights monophyly of Bomarea
port that is slightly lower to somewhat higher than the is supported by one homoplastic morphological char-
support found in the separate data sets. Although the acter related to indumentum of the leaves, apart from
rps16 data places Bomarea macrocephala within Alstroe- base substitutions in rbcL. Within Bomarea, B. macroce-
meria, this signal is not sufficiently strong to lower the phala, belonging to the subgenus Wichuraea, is placed
support for monophyly of the latter when combined as sister group of B. edulis and B. boliviensis, which be-
with other data sets. If all data sets are combined, the long to subgenera Bomarea and Sphaerine, respectively.
Alstroemeria clade has a Bremer support of 11 and a The B. edulis-B. boliviensis clade is defined by two ho-
jackknife frequency of 74. moplastic characters (papillae at the inner tepals; chars.
When all data sets are combined the Alstroemeria 40 and 41) and a single substitution in rps16.
clade is defined by 11 morphological characters, five Bomarea is sister group to Leontochir in all analyses,
of which are free of homoplasy (two characters related except when morphology is analyzed alone. Alstroe-
to the veins of the outer tepals, explosive dehiscence meria and Bomarea share five morphological characters
of the fruit, a capsule which gradually tapers towards not found in Leontochir (zygomorphic flowers, multi-
the apex, and globose seeds). These five characters also colored outer and inner tepals, presence of a dotted-
characterize Alstroemeria in the equally weighted anal- striated color pattern on the tepals, and filaments as
ysis. Striate pollen exine and the shape of the storage long as upper inner tepals). The zygomorphic flowers
roots are potential synapomorphies, but these charac- and the tepal pattern show no reversals within the
ters are ambiguously optimized at the family level clade. When DNA data are added Leontochir is sister
(e.g., there are three different hypotheses of pollen group to Bomarea (or Bomarea p.p. when analyzing
sculpture evolution that are equally parsimonious: stri- rps16) and all the above mentioned characters are am-
ate pollen plesiomorphic within the Alstroemeriaceae, biguously optimized at the family level, e.g., either
altered to reticulate pollen in the Bomarea-Leontochir having evolved in parallel in Alstroemeria and Bomarea
clade, reticulate pollen plesiomorphic within the family or showing reversals in Leontochir.
and striate pollen a synapormorphy for Alstroemeria, or Leontochir. The monotypic Leontochir is sister
a third, different, pollen sculpturing could be plesiom- group to Bomarea. The genus Leontochir is characterised
orphic within the family and both striate and reticulate by its prostrate habit, the presence of Fritillaria-like
pollen sculpturing are synapormorphies for Alstroe- nectaries and an unilocular ovary (Wilkin 1997).
meria and the Bomarea-Leontochir clade, respectively). Bomarea-Leontochir. A morphologically based di-
Chromosome number does not appear as a synapor- agnosis of Bomarea is somewhat difficult. All characters
morphy for Alstroemeria, as the same number occurs in mentioned by Sanso and Xifreda (1995) as separating
Disporum (other chromosome numbers are found in Alstroemeria and Bomarea at the genus level (gradual
other Disporum species and homology between the dehiscence of fruit, presence of a sarcotesta, reticulate
chromosome numbers found in Alstroemeria and in pollen sculpturing, and chromosome number) are
Disporum is dubious). Furthermore, monophyly of Al- shared with Leontochir, and hence, diagnostic for the
stroemeria is supported by base substitutions within clade Leontochir-Bomarea. The only morphological char-
both molecular data sets. acter that defines the clade in our study is the presence
Taltalia and Schickendantzia. Neither Alstroemeria of hyaline hairs at the lower surface of the leaves (char.
graminea nor A. pygmaea ever occur in a position that 12). However, considering that our analysis only in-
make their segregation from Alstroemeria possible. El- cluded three of the ;100 taxa in Bomarea, a diagnosis
evating either species to genus level as proposed by based only on presence of hairs at the lower surface of
Bayer (1998a) and Pax (1890) and recently again by the leaves seems premature. Monophyly of Bomarea is,
Bayer (1998b) makes Alstroemeria paraphyletic. To re- however, also supported by rbcL data. Retaining both
tain Alstroemeria, both species must remain within the Leontochir and Bomarea as genera could be supported
genus, as previously proposed for A. pygmaea by Sanso by our results, but merging Leontochir within Bomarea
and Xifreda (1999). makes a morphological diagnosis possible.
Bomarea. Monophyly of Bomarea is not supported The Bomarea-Leontochir clade is supported by rbcL
by the rps16 data and the genus does not appear as data and all combined analyses including this data set.
monophyletic when these data are combined with When all data sets are combined, the clade has mod-

erate Bremer support (4) and no jackknife support. The ber of Brazilian species included (only three species),
clade is supported by nine character state changes. All one of which, A. inodora, was synonymized with A.
changes are non-homoplastic, including three morpho- psittacina by Sanso (1996).
logical characters (apex of inner tepals truncate, pres- Monophyly of the Brazilian species is supported in
ence of sarcotesta, and chromosome number). The all analyses where the three data sets are combined.
gradual dehiscence of the fruit is shared with the out- The sampling of the Brazilian species is limited, how-
group species while pollen sculpturing and the shape ever, and more thorough sampling is needed to con-
of the storage roots are ambiguously optimized at the firm monophyly of this species group.
family level (see discussion above). When analyzed under equal weights, the Brazilian
Alstroemeria versus Bomarea-Leontochir. Hun- species are placed near the root of the genus (Fig. 3A).
ziker (1973) disputed the validity of maintaining Al- The flowers of some Brazilian Alstroemeria species su-
stroemeria and Bomarea as two separate genera, and perficially resemble Bomarea flowers more than the
Bayer (1998) considered the genera to be morphologi- flowers of some Chilean species do (i.e. smaller and
cally very similar, but clearly distinguished by chro- more tubular flowers with the same color pattern on
mosome numbers. We consider the monophyly of Al- all inner tepals) and there is some support for the Bra-
stroemeria to be particularly well supported, and the zilian species being placed near the root of the genus
genus is easily distinguishable from the Bomarea-Leon- when all data sets are combined as a result of the in-
tochir clade by fruit, seed, root, and pollen characters fluence of the morphological characters (Fig. 1A). How-
as pointed out by Sanso and Xifreda (2001). Our re- ever, when implied weights are used the Brazilian spe-
sults do not support the notion that either of these cies are placed among the Argentinean/Chilean spe-
genera is nested within the other, as discussed by var- cies (Fig. 3B), which is the position favored by rbcL (see
ious authors (Whyte 1929; Hunziker and Xifreda 1990; Fig. 1C). At present, monophyly of the Brazilian spe-
Sanso and Hunziker 1998; Bayer 1988; Kosenko 1994). cies seems supported, but morphology and DNA se-
A discussion concerning derived characters within the quence data disagree about the position of the clade.
family must be postponed until the sister group rela- The monophyly of the informal subgroups needs con-
tionship of the family has been resolved and the ple- firmation.
siomorphic character states of the family can be estab- ALSTROEMERIA ANDINA , A. GRAMINEA AND A.
lished with more precision. WERDERMANNII. When implied weights are used Al-
Relationships within Alstroemeria. The infrage- stroemeria andina, A. graminea, and A. werdermannii form
neric divisions proposed by Ravenna (2000) do not a clade that is sister group to the remaining species
agree with the provisions of the ICBN (Greuter et al. (Fig. 3B).
2000). It is, however, beyond the scope of the present Within the clade Alstroemeria graminea and A. wer-
paper to make the necessary taxonomic and nomen- dermannii are sister species and defined by a substi-
clature changes. Bayer (1987) considered a subdivision tution and a 25 bp indel in the rps16 intron; both
of Alstroemeria premature until the Brazilian species changes are non-homoplastic. Both species are found
have been reviewed. on the coast of northern Chile between 258 S and 298
The overall resolution within Alstroemeria is high S. Alstroemeria andina grows slightly south of this area
when the three data sets are combined and the matrix but generally at higher elevations than 3,000 m (Sanso
analyzed under equal weights. Support for the branch- 1996). Other species occupying the same area were not
es is low, however, with Bremer supports of 1, rarely included in the analysis.
2 and only few clades reappearing when the matrix is When equal weights are used the group is placed
jackknifed. Five groups do, however, remain stable deeper within Alstroemeria together with A. pseudospa-
when applying weights to the characters (Fig. 3 A and thulata. The group appears as sister group to a purely
B). Hence, although the support of the branches is low, Chilean clade (see below) based on substitutions in
character conflict concerning monophyly of these rbcL.
OPHYLLAEA, AND A. PSITTACINA . This clade corre- clade contains central Chilean species (298 S–378 S
sponds to the Brazilian species complex. Based on [Bayer 1987]) and is defined by two substitutions in
AFLP data, Han et al. (2000) analyzed the genetic dis- rps16. A close relationship between A. angustifolia, A.
tances by cluster analysis among 22 Alstroemeria spe- hookeri, and A. pallida was predicted by Bayer (1987).
cies available in breeding programs. In the analysis Although the clade is only weakly supported, it per-
both the Brazilian and Chilean species groups were sists under all weighting schemes.
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Pedersen who helped us at various point of this work including 125. London.
sequencing of the rbcL DNA data. We also wish to thank Charlotte DAHLGREN, R. M. T., H. T. CLIFFORD, and P. F. YEO 1985. The fam-
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6. Leaves resupinate: no (0); yes (1). In nearly all spe-
(Liliaceae). Rhodora 65: 158–188.
WILKIN, P. 1997. Leontochir ovallei. Kew Magazine 14(1): 7–12, Plate cies belonging to Alstroemeriaceae the leaves are
308. resupinate making the adaxial surface (occupied
ZAVADA, M. 1983. Comparative morphology of monocot pollen by stomata, indumentum, etc., see char. 5) as the
and evolutionary trends of apertures and wall structures. Bo- functional lower surface. A few Alstroemeriaceae
tanical Review 49: 331–379.
species included in this study lack resupination.
7. Resupination of leaves: complete (0); partial, twisting
APPENDIX 1 only some leaves (1). Although nearly all Alstroe-
Characters used in the morphological analyses. meriaceae species have more or less resupinate
leaves, variation in the degree of resupination oc-
0. Persistence of aerial parts: persistent (0); dying after curs among the species. In species with completely
each growth season (1). All species included in this resupinate leaves the twisting of the leaves starts
study are rhizomatous and perennial, the only ex- at the base, turning the leaf 1808 within a short
ception being Alstroemeria graminea, which is annual distance, with all leaves repeating this pattern. In
(Bayer 1998a, b). In all Alstroemeriaceae, Disporum other species the resupination may be more or less
viridescens (pers. observation), and Uvularia (Wilbur complete, with the twisting occurring along the en-
1963) the aerial part withers after each growth sea- tire leaf, this being twisted 1808 or less while other
son. Luzuriaga species are perennial with somewhat leaves lack any sign of resupination. The Luzuriaga
lignified stems (Rodrı́guez and Marticorena 1987) species have been scored as having completely re-
and the aerial parts are persistent. supinate leaves as all leaves are placed with the

adaxial surface towards the ground although the coded as additive in the analyses (see discussion
twisting does not exceed 908. for char. 11).
8. Leaf texture: herbaceous (0); crassus (1); coriaceous 16. Sclerenchyma in bundle sheaths: no (0); yes (1).
(2). Most Alstroemeria species have thin leaves, but Sclerenchyma is found in the bundle sheaths in
species with somewhat thicker leaves occur mostly Leontochir and all Bomarea species included in this
among the Chilean species. study, as well as in the Brazilian Alstroemeria spe-
9. Proximal part of leaves: petiole-like (0); not constrict- cies corresponding to Baker’s (1888) informal
ed (1). group with rigid leaves. The condition is also
10. Form of leaves: lanceolate to ovate (0); linear (1). found in Luzuriaga (Arroyo and Leuenberger 1988).
11. Surface of the functional abaxial side of the leaf: 17. Sclerenchyma in bundle sheaths extended as girders
glabrous (0); with papillae (1); with hyaline hairs (2). from the vascular bundles towards both leaf surfac-
All Alstroemeria species included in this study have es: no (0), yes (1). The presence of conspicuous areas
glabrous leaves (papillae are found in leaves of A. of sclerenchyma extending as girders from the vas-
andina subsp. venustula and A. insignis), while the cular bundles towards both leaf surfaces is charac-
included Bomarea species have hyaline hairs on the teristic of the Brazilian species with rigid, strongly
functional abaxial side. Some species may be poly- nerved leaves (Sanso and Xifreda 1998).
morphic for the character (Sanso and Xifreda 18. Leaves of flowering shoots: abundant (resembling
1995). Hyaline hairs were found in some Uvularia those of the vegetative shoot) (0); sparse (reduced in size)
species, but not in Disporum or Luzuriaga. In the (1). Fertile shoots having only few, reduced leaves
latter genus, papillate cells are present, either on are found mainly in one of the Brazilian species
the entire surface or in the intercostal areas only groups. In these the vegetative shoots are leafy
(Arroyo and Leuenberger 1988). The character has with leaves bigger than those found at the fertile
been coded as additive in the analyses as we con- shoots. In Leontochir and Alstroemeria graminea veg-
sider the hyaline hairs to be prolonged papillae, etative shoots are not found.
hence state 1 and 2 are homologous and should be 19. Synflorescences: including 2 or more paracladia (0); in-
coded as internested states (Lipscomb 1992). cluding only a single paracladium (1). The synfloresc-
12. Papillae at the apex of the leaves: absent (0); present ences in species belonging to Alstroemeriaceae are
(1). In the Brazilian Alstroemeria species with stiff composed of one to several paracladia, each con-
rigid leaves, inconspicuous papillae are found at sisting of a cyme with one or more flowers. Most
the leaf apex. The character has also been coded species produce 2 or more paracladia, but in a few
as present in species having papillae covering the species, mainly belonging to the Chilean species
whole surface (see char. 11). group, only a single paracladium is formed.
13. Epicuticular waxes on the functional abaxial sur- 20. Pherophylls of axillary flowers of first order: simi-
face of the leaves: Convallaria-type (0); wax stalks (1); lar to upper leaves (0); smaller than upper leaves, leaf-
absent (2); non-oriented crystalloids (3). All studied like or reduced to bracts (1); bigger than upper leaves
Alstroemeria and Bomarea species as well as Leon- (2). In Alstroemeria the pherophylls (subtending
tochir have parallel wax scales (Convallaria-type) on leaves) of the axillary flowers of first order are sim-
the functional abaxial leaf surface (Sanso and Xif- ilar to the upper leaves of the flowering shoot in
reda 1998). In Uvularia epicuticular waxes of the most species. In some species the pherophylls are
Convallaria-type are found on both surfaces while strongly reduced, often into bracts. In Bomarea, the
in Luzuriaga the functional abaxial surface is cov- pherophylls are either bract-like or leaf-like. In the
ered with wax stalks (Frölich and Barthlott 1988). latter case, they are either smaller or larger than
In Dioscorea non-oriented crystalloids are found the upper leaves but never of the same size. In
(Frölich and Barthlott 1988). Information concern- Uvularia grandiflora and Disporum viridescens no dif-
ing waxes is lacking in Disporum. ference in size between pherophylls and other
14. Stomata present on both the adaxial and abaxial leaves was seen. In Luzuriaga radicans the synflo-
surface of the leaves: absent from abaxial surface (0); rescences are axillary brachyblasts, each composed
present on both surfaces (1). of several lateral flowers, while the apical meristem
15. Leaf margin: entire (0); minutely serrate to crenate (1); seems to abort. Pherophylls that subtend the
with papillae (2). In Alstroemeriaceae the margins brachyblast have the same size and shape as the
of the leaves are composed of elongate, hyaline assimilating leaves. In L. marginata and L. polyphylla
cells. In some species these cells are straight and uniflorous synflorescences, preceded by bracts, are
the leaf margin entire, while in others small pa- found at the apex of a seasonal growth unit and
pillae or teeth are found, making the margin mi- apparently ending the growth of this shoot. It has
nutely crenate to serrate. In a few species these are not been possible to determine whether the flower
prolonged into papillae. The character has been is terminal or axillary, but in both cases the cor-

responding pherophyll is similar to the assimilat- zuriaga marginata and L. radicans the apices of the
ing leaves. tepals are papillate though very inconspicuously in
21. Position of anthetic flowers: vertical (0); horizontal, the latter species.
angle between peduncle and ovary ; 908 (1); pendent 32. Central vein of outer tepals: not prominent (0); prom-
(2). In nearly all Alstroemeriaceae species the flow- inent (1).
ers are horizontally oriented during anthesis with 33. First pair of lateral veins of outer tepals: not prom-
the angle between peduncle and ovary being ;908. inent (0); prominent (1). In most Alstroemeria species
During development of the fruit this angle be- the first lateral veins of the outer tepals are prom-
comes more open and the mature fruit is eventu- inent from apex to base. At the level of insertion
ally vertically oriented. The only exceptions to this of the tepals the lateral and central nerve can be
pattern are seen in A. pygmaea and Leontochir, seen at the ovary as three ribs, which soon become
where the anthetic flowers are vertically oriented. confluent.
22. Perianth position: hypogynous (0); epigynous (1). 34. Second pair of lateral veins of outer tepals: promi-
23. Position of inner tepals in anthetic flowers: actino- nent (0); not prominent (1).
morphic (0); zygomorphic, angle between upper tepals 35. Anastomosing point of main veins of outer tepals:
and median tepal strongly exceeding 1208 (1). In all forming a flat apex of the tepal (0); forming a hooded
members of the Alstroemeriaceae the flowers are apex of the tepal (1); overtopped by the tepal (2). In
more or less zygomorphic due to the position of the Alstroemeria (except A. versicolor) the apices of the
inner tepals. In only two of the included species are outer tepals are hood-formed at the point where
actinomorphic flowers found to be mixed with flow- the central nerves anastomose (Sanso 1996: fig. 10
ers showing some degree of zygomorphy. D). In Bomarea and Leontochir the same pattern is
24. Background color of outer tepals: homogeneous (0); found, but the anastomosing point is overtopped
composed of various colors (1). by lateral tissue of the tepals (Neuendorf 1977: fig.
25. Color of outer tepals: white (0); yellow to orange (1); 5 C right). The character is coded additive because
rose to red (2); greenish (3). in species with overtopped main nerves the anas-
26. Striated to dotted color pattern on the tepal: absent tomosing point of these is hooded, hence state 2 is
(0); present (1). nested within state 1.
27. Color pattern of outer tepals: intense, always present 36. Backgroun color of inner tepals: homogeneous (0);
(0); weak, often lacking (1). In many Alstroemeria spe- composed of various colors (1).
cies color pattern is absent from the outer tepals 37. Inner median tepal differing in size from lateral
though specimens having a few spots or lines on ones: no (0); yes (1). In nearly all Alstroemeria spe-
the outer tepals may always be found. In other spe- cies the inner median tepal is slightly (to conspic-
cies, e.g. A. psittacina, the outer tepals are always uously) shorter and often a little wider than the
provided with spots or lines forming a pattern as two lateral ones.
intense as the one seen on the inner tepals. 38. Apex of inner tepals: attenuate (0); obtuse (1); trun-
28. Color pattern of inner tepals: the inner median tepal cate (2).
with the same pattern as the lateral inner tepals (0); the 39. Inner tepals base: smooth (0); papillate (1). The basal
inner median tepal with weak pattern or often lacking part of the inner tepals in most species of Alstroe-
(1). The pattern of the inner tepals can be similar meriaceae are covered with long dense papillae.
on all inner tepals or the lower tepal may be pro- The papillae are most pronounced at the margins
vided with only a weak pattern, or in some spec- of the tepals but in some species the adaxial sur-
imens completely lacking. face also is covered.
29. Margin of outer tepals: entire (0); finely serrate to 40. Inner tepals apex: smooth (0); papillate (1).
crenate (1). 41. Intercostal area between the central and the first lat-
30. Outer tepals with wings: absent (0); present (1). In eral nerves: without channels (0); with channels (1).
most Alstroemeria species the outer tepals are com- Due to the prominence of the central and first lateral
posed of a central part with parallel nerves anas- nerves the intercostal area is channelled (see Bayer
tomosing at the apex, and a more or less wing-like 1987; abb. 64- lateral view) in all Alstroemeriaceae
extension having nerves arising at the base or cen- species included in this study, except A. andina. In
ter of the tepal and terminating at the margin. some species the structure is somewhat less clear as
Among the outgroup species the nervation of the in A. cf. sellowiana. As the character can only be
outer tepals is parallel to curved. scored on live material, the character has been
31. Apex of outer tepals: glabrous (0); with short papillae scored as unknown when only herbarium material
(1). The apex of the tepals may be covered with was available. In Luzuriaga radicans the same pattern
papillae, often shorter and denser than the ones is found though it is not as conspicuous.
found at the basal part of the inner tepals. In Lu- 42. Base of the inner tepals: without nectar groove (0); with

nectar groove (1). In Leontochir the base of all inner opening of the flower while the anther turns 908,
tepals is closed to form a pocket that contains nectar bringing the pollen presenting surfaces into an in-
(Wilkin 1997). In all other Alstroemeriaceae species, trorse/extrorse position. Among Alstroemeriaceae
the proximal part of the two inner upper tepals is included, only Bomarea boliviensis seems to differ
channelled and contain nectar at anthesis. In Luzur- from this pattern. In this species the pollen pre-
iaga nectar is secreted at the base of all tepals before senting surfaces never become flat and the anthers
anthesis, with the area of nectar secretion not being are introrse. In Luzuriaga radicans and L. marginata
histologically recognizable (Daumann 1970). Nectar the dehiscence is introrse, while in L. polyphylla the
grooves are also found in Uvularia and Disporum pollen sacs open by pores and the character has
(Dahlgren et al. 1985; Wilbur 1963). not been applied to this species.
43. Length of style and filaments: nearly as long as the 50. Pollen sculpturing: striate-reticulate (0); reticulate
lateral inner tepals (0); clearly shorter than the tepals (1). (1); foveolate (2). In all examined species of Alstroe-
44. Form of filament: straight (0); curved (1). In Alstroe- meria the sculpturing of the exine is striate-reticu-
meriaceae the filaments are more or less curved, late, but reticulate in Bomarea and Leontochir (Schul-
occupying the lower part of the flower. Straight fil- ze 1978; Kosenko 1994; Sanso and Xifreda 2001).
aments are found only in Alstroemeria pygmaea. In Disporum viridescens the exine is reticulate too
45. Filaments forming a loop after dehiscence of an- (Rudall et al. 2000), while in Luzuriaga and Uvu-
thers: no (0); yes (1). In all Alstroemeriaceae species laria it is finely foveolate (Heusser 1971; Zavada
the anthers apparently move downward and out- 1983). In Dioscorea dodecaneura the exine pattern is
ward after dehiscence (see Hunziker [1991] and reticulate (Xifreda, pers. comm.).
Aizen and Basilio [1995] for a description of sta- 51. Style development: completed before anther dehiscence
men and style movement in Alstroemeria psittacina (0); completed after anther dehiscence (1). In nearly all
and A. aurea, respectively). In addition, some Al- Alstroemeriaceae species examined the style is
stroemeria species have very long filaments that very short during anther dehiscence, with prolon-
form a loop after dehiscence of the anthers. gation of the style and spreading of the stylodia
46. Proximal part of filaments: glabrous (0); papillate (1). taking place after pollen presentation is completed.
47. Color of anthers: yellow to orange (0); purple (1); green 52. Base of style: terete to three-lobed (0); three-edged (1).
(2), blue (3); brown (4). The color of the anthers varies In most Alstroemeriaceae the style is three-edged
within the Alstroemeriaceae. The color scored is of particularly towards the base, while in Alstroemeria
the mature anther just before dehiscence. isabellana and in Bomarea macrocephala, as well as in
48. Anther attachment: dorsifixed (0); basifixed (1); pseu- the outgroup, the style is three-lobed to terete in
do-basifixed (2). The anthers of Alstroemeriaceae are cross section.
pseudo-basifixed, with the pollen sacs elongated 53. Ovary winged: no (0); yes (1). In Alstroemeriaceae
beyond the point of insertion of the filaments. the three angles of the base of the style continue
Among the outgroups the anthers are either dor- as ridges on the ovary uniting with the ridges
sifixed or basifixed. formed by the central nerve of the outer tepals.
49. Anther dehiscence: introrse (0); extrorse (1); latrorse 54. Stigma divided into stylodia: no (0); yes (1). In Al-
(2). According to Huber (1969), Dahlgren et al. stroemeriaceae, Uvularia and Disporum the style is
(1985), and Sanso (1996), anther dehiscence in Al- divided into 3 stylodia, while in Luzuriaga the style
stroemeria is introrse. Sanso & Xifreda (1995) noted is 3-lobed but not divided into stylodia.
the same condition in Bomarea. Goldblatt (1995) 55. Fruit type: capsule (0); berry (1).
disputed the interpretation of the anthers as in- 56. Fruit dehiscence: gradual (0); explosive (1). A com-
trorse, arguing that at least during anthesis they plete analysis of fruit morphology and dehiscence
are latrorse, with no hint of an introrse condition is presented in Sanso and Xifreda (2001). In Alstroe-
in the buds. We agree with Goldblatt’s interpreta- meria dehiscence is loculicidal and explosive, split-
tion that the anthers are best interpreted as la- ting from the base (into three parts). The loculicidal
trorse. There is a weak sign of the anthers being capsule in Bomarea and Leontochir opens gradually,
introrse before they open. At that stage all four beginning at the upper region (Sanso and Xifreda
thecae can be seen from the adaxial side, while 2001). According to Wilbur (1963) the capsules
from the abaxial side only the two dorsal thecae found in Uvularia open tardily and loculicidally.
are seen. When opening the longitudinal slits are 57. Apex of capsule: gradually tapering towards the apex (0);
oriented laterally with the two pollen presenting truncate (1). The fruit of Alstroemeria is rounded, more
surfaces eventually becoming completely flat, still or less oblong, and slightly or notably umbonate to-
laterally oriented. While dehiscence takes place, wards the apex. In Bomarea and Leontochir it is semi-
the curvature of the filaments brings the open an- spherical, turbinate and more or less truncate at the
ther into a central position with regards to the apex (Sanso and Xifreda 2001). In Uvularia grandiflora

the capsules are more or less truncate, but variation 60. Chromosome number (2n): 14 (0), 16 (1), 18 (2), 20
is found within the genus (Wilbur 1963). (3), 40 (4). All Alstroemeria species so far studied
58. Sarcotesta: absent (0); present (1). Sarcotesta are found are diploid 2n52x516, except an unidentified tet-
in all species of Bomarea so far studied (Sanso and raploid collection of Goodspeed (1940). The Bom-
Xifreda 2001) and in Leontochir (Wilkin 1997). A sar- area species studied are diploid 2n52x518 except
cotesta is found in isolated species belonging to the B. hirtella (HBK) that is reported as tetraploid,
Liliaceae sensu lato (Danilova et al. 1995). Recently (Tsuchiya and Hang 1989; Hunziker and Xifreda
Norderstam (1998) reported the presence of a fleshy 1990; Buitendijk and Ramanna 1996; Sanso (2002);
aril or swollen strophiole in species of Colchicaceae Sanso and Hunziker 1998). Leontochir has the same
and Uvulariaceae, among them in Uvularia. Al- number as Bomarea, 2n 5 18 (Bayer 1998). The
though the aril found in Uvularia may be homolo-
chromosome number found in representatives of
gous to the sarcotesta found in Bomarea and Leon-
Uvularia is 2n514 (Love and Love 1981; Therman
tochir, the character is coded as absent in Uvularia.
and Denniston 1984; Utech 1980). Most species of
The lack of information concerning sarcotesta in
Uvularia makes us doubt its presence. Disporum have 2n 5 6 but other numbers (2n 5
59. Form of seed: globose (0); rounded-ellipsoidal (1); an- 12, 14, 18, 22, 30, 32) have been reported (Kuro-
gular-subangular (2); compressed and winged (3). In Al- sawa 1983; Lee 1979; Love and Love 1981; Sen
stroemeria the seeds are globose while those found 1974; Tamura et al. 1992; Utech 1980). The chro-
in Bomarea and Leontochir are rounded as are the mosome number reported in Luzuriaga parviflora is
seeds of Disporum (Don 1941) and Uvularia (Nor- 2n 5 20 (Benzenberg and Hair 1963) and in Dios-
derstam 1998). In Luzuriaga the seeds are angular- corea dodecaneura, 2n 5 40 (in this latter genus, the
subangular (Rodriguez and Maticorena 1987). base numbers are x 5 9, 10 and 12 [Huber 1998]).

APPENDIX 2. Morphological data matrix.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Als. andina 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 — 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 [02] 1 1 1 0 1 0

Als. angustifolia 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 ? 1 1 0 — — 0 0 1 1 1 0 2 1 1 [01] 1 1 0
Als. apertiflora 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 — 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 [12] 1 [01] 0 0 1 0
Als. aurea 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 — 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
Als. caryophyllaea 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 ? ? ? 0 0 — 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 [02] 1 0 0 ? 1 ?
Als. graminea 1 0 0 — 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 — — 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0
Als. hookeri 1 0 1 0 0 ? 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 ? 1 1 0 — 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 2 1 1 1 1 1 0
Als. insignis 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 ? 0 0 ? ? 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 2 1 0 0 1 1 1
Als. isabellana 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 [12] 1 1 0 0 0 1
Als. ligtu 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ? 0 2 0 — 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 2 1 1 1 1 1 [01]
Als. longistyla 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 — 0 1 0 0 1 ? 1 0 ? ? 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 [12] 1 1 0 0 1 0
Als. magnifica 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ? 0 2 0 — 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 2 1 1 1 1 1 0
Als. pallida 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 ? 1 1 0 — 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 [02] 1 1 1 1 1 0
Als. patagonica 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 [01] 0 0 0 1 1 0 — [01] 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 [01] 1 0
Als. pelegrina 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 — 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 [02] 1 1 1 1 1 0
Als. presliana 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 — 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 2 1 1 1 1 1 0
Als. pseudospathulata 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 [01] 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 — 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
Als. psittacina 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 — 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 1
Als. pygmaea 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 — 0 1 0 0 1 [01] 0 1 1 1 [01] 0 1 0
Als. revoluta 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 ? 1 1 0 — 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 2 1 1 1 0 1 0
Als. sellowiana 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 — 0 1 0 0 1 ? 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0
Als. versicolor 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 ? 1 1 0 — 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 0
Als. werdermannii 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 ? 1 1 0 — 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 2 1 1 1 0 0 0
Bol. boliviensis 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 [01] 0 0 0
Bol. edulis 1 2 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 [01] 1 2 1 1 0 0 [01] [01]
Bol. macrocephala 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0
Dioscorea 1 2 0 — 0 0 0 — 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 — 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 3 0 — — 0 0 0
Dis. viridescens 1 0 0 — 1 0 0 — 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 ? ? 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 — — 0 0 0
Leo. ovallei 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 — 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 — — 0 1 0
Luz. marginata 0 3 0 — 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 — — 0 0 1
Luz. polyphylla 0 3 0 — 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 — — 0 0 0
Luz. radicans 0 3 0 — 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 — — 0 0 1
Uvu. grandiflora 1 0 0 — 1 0 0 — 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 ? ? 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0

APPENDIX 3. Parque Nacional Los Alerces, Cusato 4740 (BAA).

Neuquen: Dpto. Catán-Lil, Sierra del Chachil, Ca-
Voucher specimens used in the morphological anal-
jón Chico, 28 Jan 1965, Rúgolo and Agrasar 393
yses not included in Sanso and Xifreda (1995) and San-
(BAA). Dpto. Minas, Reserva Prov. Lagunas de
so (1996).
Epulauquen, en bosque de la laguna superior, 20
Alstroemeria andina. ARGENTINA. San Juan: Dpto. Ig- Jan 1998, Aagesen s.n. (BAA). Dpto. Huiliches, 20
lesias, Rio de las Taguas, Cordillera de la Ortiga, km desde Junin de los Andes hacia Lago Lolog,
3800 msm, 30 Jan 1999, Kiesling et al. 9216 (SI). 22 Jan 1998, Aagesen s.n. (BAA).
CHILE. Región IV: Prov. Coquimbo, Illapel, Car- A. graminea. CHILE. Región II: Prov. de Antofagasta,
én, 18 Dic 1971, Beckett et al. 4612 (SGO). Dpto. Taltal, hills southeast of Taltal, 25 Nov 1925,
A. angustifolia. DENMARK. Copenhagen: Cult. Hort. Johnston 5099 (BA). Taltal, 7 Oct 1983, Elgueta 15
Bot. Garden, University of Copenhagen P1995– (SGO). Quebrada Paposo, 650 msm, ladera exp.
5003 (C). sur, 5 Sept 1991, von Bohlen 1275 (SGO). Paposo,
A. apertiflora. BRAZIL. Mato Grosso: Mun. Rio Brilhan- Quebrada Los Peralitos, 18 Oct 1991, Brinck w/n
te, Rod. BR-267, 22 Oct 1970, Hatschbach 25088 (SGO 122848). Prov. de Atacama: Dpto. Chañaral,
(MBM). Paraná: Mun. Contenda, Rodovia do Xis- vicinity of Puerto Chañaral, hills back of El Bar-
to, 22 Oct 1967, Hatschbach 17552 (F). Mun. Curi- quito, 28–29 Oct 1925, Johnston 4811 (BA).
tiba, Boqueirão, 8 Oct 1987, Silva 335 (MBM, A. hookeri. DENMARK. Copenhagen: Cult. Hort. Bot.
UPCB). Mun. Piraquara, São Roque, 9 Dec 1986, Garden, University of Copenhagen P1995–5010,
Silva 264 (ESA). Mun. São José dos Pinhais, Rio 5011 (C).
Pequeño, 20 Oct 1994, Ribas 687 (BHCB). Mun. Ti- A. cf. insignis. BRAZIL. São Paulo: Mun. São Bernardo
jucas do Sul, Rincão, 21 Oct 1977, Hatschbach do Campo, Parque Caminhos do Mar, Calçada de
40440 (CTES). Lorena, trecho A, 23 Jan 1991, Ferreira s.n. (SP).
A. aurea. ARGENTINA. Chubut: Dpto. Futaleufu, Mun. Ubatuba, Beira de estrada, serra que liga

APPENDIX 2. Extended.

32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

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Ubatuba a Taubaté, a 13 km de Ubatuba, 22 Dec A. psittacina. ARGENTINA. Buenos Aires: Capital Fed-
1996, Assis and Skorupa 340 (SPF). Mun. Salesó- eral, cult. Hort. Bot. Fac. Agronomia, 5 Dec 1967,
polis, margem do Rio Claro, 30 Nov 1966, Kuhl- Quesada s.n. (BA).
mann 2763 (SP). Salesopolis, Casa Grande, Estação A. pulchra. DENMARK. Copenhagen: Cult. Hort. Bot.
Biologica de Boraceia, 8 Dec 1981, Filho 718 (UEC). Garden, University of Copenhagen P1995–5047
A. isabellana. ARGENTINA. Corrientes: Dpto. Ituzain- (C).
go, Playadito, 7 km W de Colonia Liebig, 20 Jan A. pygmaea. ARGENTINA. Tucumán: Dpto. Trancas,
1993, Schinini 27574 (CTES). Rincón de Playadito, Hualinchay, Rodeo Largo, 15 Jan 1998, Aagesen s.n.
5 km N de San Alonso, 25 Jan 1995, Tressens and (BAA).
Barret 5180 (CTES). Misiones: Dpto. Capital, Po- A. revoluta. DENMARK. Copenhagen: Cult. Hort. Bot.
sadas, Pantano del Zaimán, 26 Dec 1997, Rua s.n. Garden, University of Copenhagen P1995–5050
(BAA). (C).
A. ligtu. DENMARK. Copenhagen: Cult. Hort. Bot. A. cf. sellowiana. BRAZIL. Paraná: Mun. Campina
Garden, University of Copenhagen P1995–5015, Grande do Sul, Pico Caratuva, 20 May 1967,
5016, 5028 (C). Hatschbach 16455 (MBM). Mun. Guaratuba, Serra
A. cf. longistyla. BRAZIL. Distrito Federal: Mun. Brasi- do Araçatuba, 21 Jan 1994, Kummrow 3369, 3387
lia, 27 Dec 1978, Heringer 18392 (IBGE). Zoológico, (ESA, MBM). Mun. Quatro Barras, Morro Mãe Ca-
18 Oct 1976, Heringer 16212 (IBGE). Entrada BSB/ tira, 9 Apr 1986, Cordeiro 281 (MBM).
Planaltina, 6 Oct 1980, Heringer Salles 217 (IBGE). A. versicolor. DENMARK. Copenhagen: Cult. Hort. Bot.
Reserva Ecológica do IBGE, 14 Oct 1986, Mendon- Garden, University of Copenhagen P1995–5053
ça & Alvarenga 756 (IBGE). Reserva ecologica do (C).
Guara, 26 Aug 1993, Pereira da Silva 1746 (CEN). A. wedermannii. DENMARK. Copenhagen: Cult. Hort.
Mun. Planaltina, Gallery forest and adjacent cer- Bot. Garden, University of Copenhagen P1995–
rado slopes, Córrego Moneiro, vicinity of Planal- 5003 (C).
tina, elevation 950 m, 29 Sep 1965, Irwin et al. 8774 Bomarea boliviensis. ARGENTINA. Jujuy: Dpto. Tum-
(SPF). Goiás: Mun. Alto Paraı́so, Fda. Mato Fundo, baya, Laguna de Volcán, laderas occidentales, 8
Oct 1990, Hatschbach 54670 (MBM). Mun. Formo- Jan 1998, Aagesen s.n. (BAA). Salta: Dpto. Chi-
sa, near Lagoa Feia, ca. 7 km S.E. of Formosa, 11 coana, RP 33, 41 km desde el desvı́o de El Carril,
Oct 1965, Irwin et al. 9156 (SPF). Mun. Rio Verde, 13 Jan 1998, Aagesen s.n. (BAA).
BR-060, próximo ao Rio Doce, 19 Sep 1974, Hatsch- B. edulis. ARGENTINA. Jujuy: Dpto. Capital, camino
bach 34976 (MBM). Mun. Pouso Alto, Chapada hacia Laguna de Yala, 4 km desde RN 9, 12 Jan
dos Veadeiros, brejo a 1800, 21 Dec 1968, 1998, Aagesen s.n. (BAA). Tunal, 8 Apr 1988, Rot-
Graziela 601 (UB). Minas Gerais: Mun. Gouveia, man 669 (LIL). Dpto. El Carmen, camino entre
Serra do Espinaco, 13 Nov 1971, Hatschbach 27866 Ruta 9 y Dique Las Maderas, 4 Mar 1987, Mar-
(MBM). Mun. Uberlândia, Estação Ecológica do chessi et al. s.n. (BAA). Misiones: Dpto. Iguazú,
Panga, 12 Oct 1993, Romero et al. 513 (HUFU). Pa- Parque Nacional Iguazú, 1 Dec 1993, Vanni et al.
raná: Mun. Palmas, Estrada Ponte Serrada, 5 Dec 3125 (CTES).
1971, Hatschbach 28252 (MBM). B. macrocephala. ARGENTINA. Catamarca: Dpto. An-
A. magnifica. DENMARK. Copenhagen: Cult. Hort. dalgalá, El Candado, Feb 1916, Jörgensen s.n. (BA).
Bot. Garden, University of Copenhagen P1995– Salta: Dpto. Chicoana, RP 33, km 50, 12 Dec 1995,
5030, 5031 (C). Hilger et al. s.n. (BAA). Tucuman: Dpto. Tafi, cam-
A. pallida. DENMARK. Copenhagen: Cult. Hort. Bot. ino entre El Infernillo y Tafı́ del Valle, 14 Jan 1998,
Garden, University of Copenhagen P1995–5035 (C). Aagesen s.n. (BAA).
A. patagonica. ARGENTINA. Neuquén: Dpto. Catán- Leontochir ovallei. CHILE. Región II: Prov. de Atacama,
Lil, RN 40, 14 km desde Catán-Lil hacia La Negra, Carrizal Bajo, Oct 1886, Heisse s.n. (SGO 72917),
22 Jan 1998, Aagesen s.n. (BAA). 17 Sept 1957, Ricardi s.n. (SGO 73065), 20 Nov
A. pelegrina. DENMARK. Copenhagen: Cult. Hort. Bot. 1963, Bolı́var Rojas s.n. (SGO 75234).
Garden, University of Copenhagen P1995–5037 Luzuriaga marginata. ARGENTINA. Rı́o Negro: Dpto.
(C). Bariloche, Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi, Puerto
A. presliana. ARGENTINA. Neuquén: Dpto. Minas, Bles, senda a Lago los Clavos, 19 Dec 1998, Aagesen
camino hacia la Reserva Prov. Lagunas de Epu- s.n. (BAA). Laguna Frı́a, 15 Feb 1948, Dawson and
lauquen, ca. 2 km despues de la confluencia de los Schwabe 2763 (BAA). Tierra del Fuego: Dpto. Us-
rı́os Buraleo y Nahueve, 20 Jan 1998, Aagesen s.n. huaia, Ushuaia, 5 Mar 1962, Robertson 63 (BAA).
(BAA). DENMARK. Copenhagen: Cult. Hort. Bot. L. radicans. ARGENTINA. Rı́o Negro: Dpto. Bariloche,
Garden, University of Copenhagen P1995–5040, Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi, Puerto Bles, cam-
5041 (C). ino a Las Cantaras, sobre árboles o en el suelo, 25

Jan 1998; 18 Dec 1998, Aagesen s.n. (BAA). Parque 1964, Boelcke 10634 (BAA). Región IX: Temuco, ca-
Nacional Nahuel Huapi, Puerto Bles, Laguna mion de Lago Villarica a balsa sobe Rı́o Tolben, 6
Frias, May 1980, Cusato 2138 (BAA). Parque Na- Nov 1955, Boelcke 7348 (BAA). Región X: Pangui-
cional Nahuel Huapi, Valle del Rı́o Frias, 5 Feb pulli, Fundo Trafún, 13 Jan 1962, Boelcke 8950
1946, Boelcke 2064 (BAA). CHILE. Región VIII: (BAA). Fundo Trafún, en piso selva y en troncos,
Concepción, Reserva Universitaria Hualpén, 8 Jan 14 Jan 1962, Boelcke 8957 (BAA).

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