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Plant Molecular Biology 19: 149-168, 1992.

© 1992 Kluwer Academic Publishers. 149

The chloroplast genome

Masahiro Sugiura
Center for Gene Research, Nagoya University, Chikusa, Nagoya, Japan 464-01

Key words: Cloroplast, DNA genome gene, intron, splicing, trans-splicing

Introduction plast DNA was determined in tobacco, liverwort

and then in rice. Sequences for defined regions of
Chloroplasts are intracellular organelles in plants many other chloroplast DNAs have also been
which contain the entire machinery necessary for completed, but the identification and expression
the process of photosynthesis. They also partic- analysis of many chloroplast genes have mostly
ipate in the biosynthesis of amino acids, nucle- been done with several representative higher
otides, lipids and starch. Mendel's law was re- plants and green algae.
discovered at the beginning of this century, and in The purpose of this paper is to review briefly
1909 Baur and Correns separately published the the historical background as well as our latest
first reports of non-Mendelian inheritance based knowledge of the chloroplast genome, emphasiz-
on studies of variegation in higher plants. Some ing its structural aspect, followed by a short dis-
of the green-and-white variegated leaves were cussion of future research. The references will
shown to be caused by factors inherited in a non- attempt to cite the first one or two reports, or
Mendelian manner. Further analysis of variega- reviews. Other aspects of the chloroplast genome
tion in higher plants revealed that the genetic de- have been presented in several recent reviews [ 10,
terminants for these characters were associated 40, 82, 88, 128].
with chloroplasts. However, the difficulty of ob-
taining specific chloroplast mutations has limited
the study of non-Mendelian genetics in higher Genome structure
plants. Our knowledge of extranuclear genetics
came primarily from studies using the unicellular The presence of unique, double-stranded and high-
alga Chlamydomonas. molecular-weight DNA in chloroplasts was dem-
The demonstration of a unique DNA species in onstrated by the distinct and characteristic buoy-
chloroplasts [e.g. 94] has led to intensive studies ant density of these molecules in CsCI gradients
of both the structure of chloroplast DNA and its [18,94]. Since 1963, CsClgradientcentrifugation
expression. These studies have been accelerated has been used widely to identify and isolate chlo-
by gene cloning and DNA sequencing techniques roplast DNA from plants [95]. However, diffi-
developed in the mid-1970s. The first physical culties were encountered early in isolating the
map of chloroplast DNA was constructed for chloroplast DNA of higher plants because their
maize in 1976 [3] and the first chloroplast gene buoyant densities were similar to those of the
was cloned in 1977 [5]. These studies and others nuclear DNAs. Chloroplast DNA is now pre-
established a new field, 'chloroplast molecular bi- pared from highly purified intact chloroplasts. The
ology,' and the organization and expression of circularity of chloroplast DNA was first reported
chloroplast genomes were among the most exten- by Manning et al. [75], who used an electron
sively studied fields in plant molecular biology. microscope and observed circular DNA mole-
After 10 years the entire sequence of the chloro- cules with a contour length of 44.5 f.1m in lysates

of Euglena chloroplasts. Circular chloroplast land plants and one segment of the IR was lost
DNAs have since been observed in many other in some legumes and conifers during evolution
plants. Chloroplast DNA molecules appeared to [88]. However, our recent analysis indicates that
have a uniform contour length within a given plant the loss of the IR is partial at least in black pine
species. Convincing evidence for the homogene- as its genome retains a residual IR (unpublished).
ity of chloroplast DNA molecules was provided The chloroplast DNA from Euglena gracilis con-
by digestion with class II restriction endonu- tains three tandem repeats, each of which con-
cleases [4]. Furthermore, mapping the restriction tains an rRNA gene cluster. Thus, chloroplast
endonuclease fragments always yielded a circular DNAs can be classified into three groups: chlo-
map. The first physical map of chloroplast DNA roplast DNAs lacking IRs (group I), chloroplast
was thus determined from maize [3]. Restriction DNAs containing IRs (group II) and chloroplast
site mapping is routinely used to determine the DNAs with tandem repeats (group III).
size of chloroplast DNA, and is almost a prereq- The entire nucleotide sequence of the chloro-
uisite for further studies. plast DNA is now established for tobacco (155
Almost all chloroplast DNAs fall into the size 844 bp) [103], liverwort (121 024 bp) [85] and
range of 120 to 160 kb [88]. Among chloroplast rice (134 525 bp) [53]. The gene order present in
genomes for which an accurate size estimate ex- tobacco (Fig. 1) is most representative of land
ists, the siphonous green alga Codium fragile has plants, probably reflecting the ancestral gene
the smallest chloroplast DNA known (85 kb) order among higher plants. Most of the chloro-
while the green alga Chlamydomonas moewusii has plast DNA from maize, pea and Euglena have
the largest (292 kb). The chloroplast genome of already been sequenced, and the determination of
the giant green alga Acetabularia is more complex complete chloroplast DNA sequences from sev-
than those of other plants and its genome size eral other plants including Arabidopsis and pine is
appears to be 2000 kb. The population of chlo- in progress. It was originally believed that the
roplast DNA in a plant species is generally ho- gene organization of chloroplast DNAs was rel-
mogeneous. However, the chloroplast genome of atively uniform from species to species. More re-
the brown alga Pylaiella littoralis has been shown cent analyses of chloroplast genomes from a va-
to be composed of two different circular DNA riety of land plants and algae has revealed that
molecules of 133 kb and 58 kb in size [74]. this is not always the case. New genes not present
Though genetically homogeneous, chloroplast in vascular plant chloroplast DNAs have been
DNA often consists of two groups of molecules found one after another in chloroplast genomes
differing only in the relative orientation of the from Euglena, marine algae and the cyanelles of
single-copy regions [87]. A small proportion of Cyanophora. This gives impetus to diversify the
the molecules exists in dimer, trimer and tetramer range of plant species in which chloroplast ge-
forms [20]. nome analysis is undertaken. The accumulation
One of the outstanding features of the chloro- of chloroplast DNA sequence data facilitates fur-
plast DNAs found in most plants is the presence ther analysis of chloroplast origin and evolution.
of a large inverted repeat (IR) which ranges from
6 to 76 kb in length [88]. Most of the size vari-
ation among land plant chloroplast DNAs can be Gene structure
accounted for by changes in the length of the IR.
The segments of the IR are separated by one large The average chloroplast genome contains about
and one small single-copy region (LSC and S SC, 120 kb of unique sequence, which is enough to
respectively). Pea, broad bean, alfalfa and pine encode 120 genes if one assumes that an average
chloroplast DNAs are exceptions to this pattern gene contains about 1 kb. The number of protein
and lack IRs [e.g. 63]. It has been suggested that coding genes seems to be about 100 in addition
the IR was present in the common ancestor of to rRNA and tRNA genes [24].

rps 11 (Nicotiana tabacuml
rps8 Chloroplast DNA
rpl16 *
155,844bp rp/2
rrP * tm/

Fig. 1. Gene map of the tobacco chloroplast genome. Genes shown inside the circle are transcribed clockwise, and genes on the
outside are transcribed counter-clockwise. Asterisks denote split genes. Major ORFs are included. IRF, intron-containing read-
ing frame; IR, inverted repeat; LSC, large single-copy region; SSC, small single-copy region; J, junctions between IR and LSCj
SSC. From the Research Grant Progress Report (1989) with minor revisions.

Initially, there were essentially three methods teins in tobacco were analyzed by this method
used to locate genes in the chloroplast genome. [95]. Analysis of the plastome mutants of Antir-
The first method was that of standard genetic rhinum and Pelargonium suggested that some
analysis. Chloroplast genes coding for ribosomal components of the thylakoid membrane are en-
proteins in Chlamydomonas and fraction I pro- coded in the chloroplast genome [46]. The sec-

ond method was RNA-DNA hybridization ex- rRNA has been found in higher-plant chloroplasts
periments which demonstrated the presence of [e.g. 12] and it is homologous to the 3' end of the
rRNA and tRNA genes in the chloroplast ge- 23S rRNA of prokaryotes. Maize chloroplast
nome [4]. Third, the study of proteins synthe- rRNA genes (rDNAs) were the first chloroplast
sized by isolated chloroplasts was a powerful genes cloned [5]. Sequencing of maize and to-
technique used to detect chloroplast-encoded bacco chloroplast rDNAs revealed a gene order of
proteins [26]. The analysis of ribosome-deficient 16S-23S-4.5S-5S and an interspersion of tRNA
chloroplast mutants also provided information on genes within this cluster [e.g. 97, 112]. In
proteins synthesized within the chloroplast [46]. Chlamydomonas reinhardtii the rDNA cluster con-
Later, the application of gene cloning and DNA sists of 16S, 7S, 3S, 23S and 5S in this order [93].
sequencing technologies gave us the primary The presence of two small rDNAs (3S and 7S) is
structure of chloroplast genes and predicted the unique in this alga. The Chlamydomonas 23 S
presence of new chloroplast genes. rDNA has one intron and was the first split gene
Identification of chloroplast genes has been found in the chloroplast genome. Moreover, the
pursued extensively in maize, wheat, spinach, pea, 23 S rDNA from C. eugametos contains six introns
tobacco, Euglena and Chlamydomonas. Chloro- and three short internal transcribed spacers that
plast DNAs are now known to contain all the are post-transcriptionally excised to yield four
chloroplast rRNA genes (3-5 genes), 30-31 rRNA species [115]. In Euglena (strain Z), there
tRNA genes and about 100 genes encoding pro- are three copies of the rDNA cluster arranged
teins, which fits the number of genes estimated tandemly and an extra copy of the 16S rDNA [e.g.
from the size of the chloroplast DNA. The chlo- 38].
roplast genes that have been sequenced (includ- The chloroplast rDNAs described above are all
ing putative genes) are presented in Table 1. Gene arranged as in Escherichia coli (16S-23S-5S).
nomenclature follows the proposal of Hallick However, the rDNA cluster of Chlorella ellipsoidea
[47]. The progress of chloroplast DNA analysis is split into two back-to-back operons; operon 1
has been rapid and exceeds that of chloroplast comprising 16S rRNA, tRNAIle(GAU) and
protein analysis. At present there are many open operon 2 comprising tRNAA1a(UGC), 23S
reading frames (ORFs), which are potential rRNA, 5S rRNA [121]. In P. littoralis chloro-
polypeptide genes in the chloroplast genome. Ho- plasts, the large DNA contains two sets of rDNA
mology searches in protein databases have pre- in reverse orientation while the small DNA has a
dicted that some of the ORFs are protein genes. 16S rRNA pseudogene and a split 23S rRNA
However, the final identification of chloroplast sequence separated by at least 4 kb [76]. The
genes encoding polypeptides requires the analysis sequences of individual chloroplast rDNA are
of the translation products. In vitro transcription- highly homologous to each other and to those
translation of specific DNA fragments followed from eubacteria, but rDNA operons differ signif-
by immunoassay and the determination of partial icantly when land plants and algae are compared.
amino acid sequences of isolated chloroplast pro- They vary in the presence or absence of introns,
teins are the two principal procedures used for additional small rDNA species and in rDNA or-
this purpose. ganization. This has led to speculation that the
origin and evolutionary history of chloroplast ge-
Genetic system genes nomes are diverse.

Ribosomal RNA genes Transfer RNA genes

Chloroplasts contain a 70S class of ribosomes Saturation hybridization of a total chloroplast
which are distinct from the 80S ribosomes found tRNA fraction to chloroplast DNA indicated the
in the cytoplasm. A 23S, a 5S and a 4.5S rRNA presence of 20-40 tRN A genes on the chloroplast
are all associated with the 50S subunit. The 4.5S genome [e.g. 45]. Chloroplast genomes are thus

Table 1. Chloroplast genes. Table 1. (Continued)

Genes Products Remarks Genes Products Remarks

Genes for the genetic system rpl23 CL23 pseudogene in spinach

rp132 CL32
23S rDNA 23S rRNA rpl33 CL33
16S rDNA 16S rRNA rpl36 CL36
7S rDNA 7S rRNA in Chlamydomonas
5S rDNA SS rRNA rpoA RNA polymerase subunit a
4.5S rDNA 4.SS rRNA in land plants rpoB subunit {J
3S rDNA 3S rRNA in Chlamydomonas rpoCI subunit P'
rpoC2 subunit P"
trnA-UGC Ala-tRNA (UGC)
trnR-ACG Arg-tRNA (ACG) tufA elongation factor Tu in algae
trnR-UCU Arg-tRNA (UCU) infA initiation factor 1 pseudogene in tobacco
trnR-CCG Arg-tRNA (CCG) in liverwort clpP ATP-dependent protease,
trnN-GUU Asn-tRNA (GUU) proteolytic subunit
trnD-GUC Asp-tRNA (GUC)
trnC-GCA Cys-tRNA (GCA) Genes for the photosynthetic system
trnQ-UUG Gln-tRNA (UUG)
rbeL Rubisco large subunit
trnE-UUC Glu-tRNA (UUC)
rbcS small subunit in red and brown algae
trnG-GCC Gly-tRNA (GCC)
psaA PSI P700 apoprotein Al
trnG-UCC Gly-tRNA (UCC)
psaB P700 apoprotein A2
trnH-GUG His-tRNA (GUG)
psaC 9 kDa protein
trnI-GAU Ile-tRNA (GAU)
psaI I-protein
trnI-CAU Ile-tRNA (CAU)
psaJ J-protein
trnL-UAA Leu-tRNA (UAA)
psbA PSII D I-protein
trnL-CAA Leu-tRNA (CAA)
psbB 47 kDa protein
trnL-UAG Leu-tRNA (UAG)
psbC 43 kDa protein
trnK-UUU Lys-tRNA (UUU)
pshD D2-protein
tnifM-CAU fMet-tRNA (CAU)
psbE cytochrome b559 (8 kDa)
trnM-CAU Met-tRNA (CAU)
psbF cytochrome b559 (4 kDa)
trnF-GAA Phe-tRNA (GAA)
psbH 10 kDa phosphoprotein
trnP-UGG Pro-tRNA (UGG)
psbI I-protein
trnS-GGA Ser-tRNA (GGA)
psbK K-protein
trnS-UGA Ser-tRNA (UGA)
psbL L-protein
trnS-GCU Ser-tRNA (GCU)
psbM M-protein
trnT-GGU Thr-tRNA (GGU)
psbN N-protein
trnT-UGU Thr-tRNA (UGU)
trnW-CCA Trp-tRNA (CCA) petA bl! complex cytochrome f
trnY-GUA Tyr-tRNA (GUA) petB cytochrome b6
trnV-GAC Val-tRNA (GAC) petD subunit IV
trnV-UAC Val-tRNA (UAC) petG subunit V

tseA small RNA in Chlamydomonas atpA H + -ATPase subunit CF 1 '

atpB subunit CF 1 {J
rps2 30S r-protein CS2
atpE subunit CF 1 E
rps3 CS3
atpF subunit CFo I
rps4 CS4
atpH subunit CFo III
rps7 CS7 2 pieces in
Chlamydomonas alpI subunit CFo IV
rpsS CS8
ndhA NADH dehydrogenase NDI
rps9 CS9 in Cryptomonas
ndhB ND2
rpslO CSIO in Cryptomonas
ndhC ND3
rpsll CSII
ndhD ND4
rpsl2 CSl2
ndhE ND4L
rpsl4 CSl4
ndhF NDS
rpsl5 CSl5
ndhG ND6
rpsl6 CSl6
ndhH 49 kDa protein
rpslS CSl8
ndhI (frxB) 18 kDa protein
rpsl9 CSl9
ndhJ ORFlS8-169 in LSC
rpl2 50S r-protein CL2 ndhK (psbG) 27 kDa protein
rpl5 CLS in Euglena
frxC 31 kDa protein
rp/13 CLl3 in Cryptomonas
rp/14 CLl4
rp/16 CLl6
rpl20 CL20
rpl21 CL21 in liverwort
rpl22 CL22 not in legumes

believed to encode all the tRNA species used in As shown in Table 1, no tRNAs which recognize
chloroplast protein synthesis, although plant mi- codons CVV/C(Leu), CCV/C(Pro), GCV/
tochondria take up some of their tRN As from the C(Ala) or CGC/A/G(Arg) [or CGC/A in liver-
cytoplasm. The tRNA gene (trn) maps were con- wort] according to normal wobble base-pairing
structed by hybridizing purified individual tRNAs have been found. If the 'two-out-of-three' mech-
to chloroplast DNA fragments [e.g. 23] followed anism operates in the chloroplast, four single
by the sequencing oftRNA genes [e.g. 35, 86]. All tRNA species, tRNAPro(VGG), tRNAA1a(VGC)
the tobacco chloroplast DNA fragments that hy- and tRNAArg(ACG) species can read all four Pro,
bridized to total chloroplast tRNAs have been Ala and Arg codons, respectively (note that these
sequenced, and thirty different tRNA genes were tRNAs form only GC pairs in their first and sec-
found [ 116]. A subsequent search of the complete ond codon-anticodon interactions). There is a
sequence of tobacco chloroplast DNA yielded no tRNA gene in which the tRNA Leu anticodon is
new tRNA genes. Hence these 30 tRNA genes VAG and if this tRNA has an unmodified V in
are probably all of the tRNA genes encoded in the the first position of the anticodon, it can read all
chloroplast genome of tobacco and perhaps of four Leu codons (CVN) by 'V:N wobble.' The
other higher plants. The liverwort genome con- bean, spinach and soybean tRNAsLeu(VAG)
tains an additional tRNAArg(CCG) sequence. have unmodified V s in their anticodons (V Am? G)
No chloroplast genes have been found which [90]. Thus, 30 tRNAs are probably sufficient to
code for a tRN A with a 3' -CCA end. All the read all 64 codons [103]. These hypotheses have
tRNAs deduced from the DNA sequences can been supported by a recent study in which these
form the clover leaf structure, and none exhibits four chloroplast tRNAs were purified from bean
an abnormal form. The presence of introns in and their decoding properties were analyzed in a
chloroplast tRNA genes was first demonstrated tRNA-dependent wheat germ protein synthesiz-
in maize trnI and trnA located in the long spacer ing system [89].
separating the 16S and 23S rDNAs [61]. Six chlo-
roplast tRNA genes from land plants are now Ribosomal protein genes
known to harbor long single introns (0.5-2.5 kb). Chloroplast ribosomes contain about 60 different
The trnG-VCC gene contains an intron in the protein components, one-third of which are
D-stem region, a feature unique to chloroplasts thought to be encoded by chloroplast DNA ac-
[21]. In contrast, no split tRNA genes have been cording to protein synthesis studies in isolated
found in algal chloroplasts. chloroplasts [e.g. 27]. Genes encoding chloro-
In land plants, the tRNA genes are scattered plast ribosomal proteins have been deduced
over the chloroplast genome, while in Euglena through their homology with E. coli ribosomal
most of the tRNA genes are clustered [49]. The protein genes [e.g. 11 0]. Twenty-one different
Euglena genome contains an additional pseudo ORFs potentially coding for polypeptides homol-
tRNA Jle gene in the l6S rDNA leader region, the ogous to E. coli ribosomal proteins have been
first pseudogene found in the chloroplast genome found in the tobacco, liverwort and rice chloro-
[86]. In monocot chloroplast genomes at least plast genomes [111]. The tobacco and rice ge-
five pseudo tRNA genes have been found. These nomes lack rpl2l but contain rps16 which has an
are located near the inversion endpoints, and the intron. The black pine genome apparently lacks
involvement oftRNA genes in genome inversions rps16 (unpublished observations). Many of their
during evolution has been proposed [e.g. 100]. translation products have been identified in spin-
All 61 possible codons are used in chloroplast ach, pea and tobacco through partial amino acid
genes which encode polypeptides. The minimum sequencing [114]. Several nuclear-encoded chlo-
number of tRNA species required for translation roplast ribosomal proteins and their genes have
of all 61 codons is 32 if normal wobble base- also been analyzed. Among them two have no
pairing occurs in codon-anticodon recognition. similarity to any bacterial ribosomal proteins, in-

dicating the uniqueness of chloroplast ribosomes unusual is rpsI2 in land plants, which consists of
[32, 58]. three exons and requires trans-splicing for expres-
The rp123, rpl2, rpsI9, rpl22 , rps3, rplJ6, rpl14, sion (see the next section). The putative rps7 gene
rps8, infA, rp136, rpsll and rpoA genes are clus- of C. reinhardtii is split into two segments. The 5'
tered in this order in the rpl23 operon and the and 3' portions of rps7 are separately transcribed
arrangement corresponds to that of the homolo- and no common transcript has been detected. A
gous genes in the E. coli S 10, spc and rt.. operons Shine-Dalgarno sequence occurs upstream of the
[e.g. 113] (Fig. 2). This raises the possibility that 3' portion, but the consensus sequences for chlo-
the genes for ribosomal proteins of higher plant roplast introns are absent. These results suggest
chloroplasts and E. coli may have evolved from a that trans-splicing is probably not involved in rps7
common ancestral gene set. However, rpl22 was expression, but rather that the protein may be
not found in legume chloroplast DNAs [105]. made in two pieces [33].
rpl23 is split into two overlapping reading frames
in spinach and several other higher plants [128], Translational factors
and its translation product has been identified A sequence similar to the E. coli EF-Tu gene
and shown to be functional in tobacco [123]. The (tufA) has been found upstream of rps12jrps7 in
rpl23 operon in Euglena is also similar to the gene Euglena [81] and several other algae, but not in
arrangement in the E. coli operons [17] (Fig. 2). any land plant chloroplast DNAs sequenced to
Euglena rpl5 is a new gene not reported for any date. A putative gene for the initiation factor IF-l
land plant chloroplast genomes to date, as are (in/A) was found in the rpl23 gene cluster between
rplJ3, rps9 and rps 10 in the marine alga Crypto- rps8 and rpl36 in spinach [104]. Among the infAs
monas [22]. so far sequenced, a tobacco infA homologue does
An intron within a potential chloroplast ribo- not constitute an ORF but is transcribed along
somal protein gene was first found in Nicotiana with neighboring genes. Recently a cDNA poten-
debneyi rpl2, but this intron is absent in spinach tially coding for chloroplast IF-l has been iso-
and some related dicots [128]. The higher-plant lated, suggesting that infA has transferred into the
rps 16 and rplJ6 sequences also contain single in- nucleus in tobacco (T. Wakasugi et ai., unpub-
trons while Euglena rplJ6, rp123, rps2, rps3, rps8, lished). It is curious that only one of the rpl23
rpsll and rpsI9 contain multiple introns. More gene cluster (containing 12 genes) is duplicated

-2, -1, 4, ,
6 8, 1,0 kbp



Fig. 2. Comparison of tobacco and Euglena chloroplast rpl23 operons with the E. coli S 10, spc and rx operons. Exons are shown
by filled boxes and introns by open boxes.

and transferred to the nucleus. A putative wheat nuclear DNA in higher plants and green algae. In
chloroplast gene (elpP) encoding the proteolytic contrast, the S S gene (rbeS) has been found in the
subunit of an ATP-dependent protease has been chloroplast DNA from brown and red algae [e.g.
reported [37]. This enzyme degrades incomplete 92]. The maize chloroplast gene for LS (rbeL)
polypeptides and unassembled proteins in chlo- was the first chloroplast protein gene cloned and
roplasts. sequenced [78]. rbeL has become the most widely
sequenced gene, enabling comparison for the de-
RNA polymerase subunit genes termination of phylogenetic relationships among
It had been suggested that higher-plant chloro- plant species [128]. The rbeL genes of higher
plast RNA polymerase is encoded in the nuclear plants and Chlamydomonas contain no introns
genome [e.g. 71]. However, chloroplast DNA se- while nine introns have been found in the Euglena
quences hybridizing with the E. coli RNA poly- rbeL gene [64]. In the chloroplast genomes which
merase genes were reported in Chlamydomonas contain it, rbeS is located downstream from rbeL
[117]. Subsequent sequence analysis revealed and constitutes an operon with rbeL as has been
that chloroplast DNA regions potentially coding reported in cyanobacteria and cyanelles. No in-
for polypeptides similar to E. coli RNA poly- tron has been found in chloroplast rbeS genes
merase ti (rpoA), 13 (rpoB) and 13' (rpoC) subunits while the nuclear rbeS genes have one to three
were found in land plants [e.g. 84, 104]. An E. coli introns.
rpoC homologue is split into two parts, rpoC1 and
rpoC2, of which only rpoC1 contains an intron Photosystem II genes
[e.g. 85]. However in rice and maize, rpoC1 is a The thylakoid membranes have four distinct
continuous gene and rpoC2 contains an extra se- complexes [e.g. 36]: photo systems I and II (PSI,
quence (380-450 bp) in the middle of it [57, 99]. PSII), the cytochrome b/! complex and ATP syn-
No sequences similar to a bacterial rpoD have thase. The genes encoding thylakoid proteins have
been found. The amino-terminal sequences of the usually been isolated and identified through pro-
38 kDa, 120 kDa, 78 kDa and 180 kDa subunits tein analysis, in which a protein component is
of maize chloroplast RNA polymerase have re- purified and its antibody is prepared. A cloned
cently been determined and found to correspond DNA fragment is then placed in a transcription-
precisely to the sequences deduced from the maize translation system, or an isolated mRNA (or
rpoA, rpoB, rpoC1 and rpoC2 genes, respectively hybrid-selected mRNA) is translated in a cell-free
[55, 56]. These findings indicate that chloroplasts system. The protein product is then identified
are the site of synthesis of some if not all of the using the specific antibody [e.g. 52]. After chlo-
chloroplast RNA polymerase subunits. We can- roplast DNA sequences became available, some
not rule out the possibility that a distinct species genes were identified by western blotting analysis
of RNA polymerase is imported from the cyto- using antibodies against synthetic oligopeptides
plasm (see the next section). deduced from the DNA sequences [e.g. 106] and
by comparing partial amino acid sequences of
isolated proteins with the amino acid sequences
Photosynthetic system genes derived from the DNA sequences [e.g. 28].
At least 12 components of PSII are encoded in
Rubiseo subunit genes the chloroplast genome. The gene for the 32 kDa
Ribulose-l,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygen- protein QB or Dl protein (psbA) was the first PS
ase (Rubisco) is the major stromal protein in gene sequenced in spinach and Nieotiana debneyi
chloroplasts and is composed of eight identical [126]. The 32 kDa protein binds to herbicides
large subunits (LS) of 55 kDa and eight identical such as atrazine and DCMU. Therefore psbA is
small subunits (SS) of 12 kDa. LS is encoded by agronomically important and is another widely
the chloroplast DNA and SS is encoded by the analyzed gene. The psbA genes isolated from

herbicide-resistant mutants have point mutations The genes for six subunits are present in the chlo-
at codon 264 of the protein which result in sub- roplast genome. Genes for the fJ and e subunits
stitution of glycine or alanine for serine [e.g. 54]. (atpB and atpE) were first sequenced from maize
In land plants all the PSI! genes are continuous and spinach [66, 127]. The atpB and atpE genes
while some of the algal psb genes are split by one in most higher plants overlap by 4 bp, so that the
to six introns [e.g. 60]. In higher plants the psbD first two bases of the TGA stop codon of atpB
gene overlaps psbC by about 50 bp [e.g. 1], sug- and an A residue preceding it form the ATG ini-
gesting that chloroplasts must have a specific tiation codon of atpE. The genes for the three CF0
mechanism for producing a proper amount of subunits (atpJ, atpH, atpF) are clustered just be-
each component of a given complex. fore atpA [e.g. 8]. The deduced amino acid se-
quences of these six subunits show homology with
Photosystem J genes their counterparts in E. coli.
Five components of PSI are encoded in the chlo-
roplast genome. The genes for subunits Al and ndh genes
A2 of the P700 chlorophyll a apoprotein (psaA Eleven chloroplast DNA sequences (ndh) whose
and psaB) were first sequenced from maize [29]. predicted amino acid sequences resemble those of
The psaA and psaB genes in higher plants con- components of the respiratory-chain NADH de-
tain no introns, are situated tandemly and are hydrogenase from mitochondria have been found
about 45 % homologous at the amino acid level. in a variety of plants [e.g. 85,103]. The ndhA and
The predicted A 1 and A2 products contain a ndhB genes contain single introns. As most of
leucine-zipper motif, which is probably involved these sequences are actively transcribed and the
in dimerization of these subunits [65, 118]. In ndhA and B transcripts are spliced rapidly, they
Chlamydomonas the psaA gene is. divided into are likely to be the genes for components of a
three exons scattered around the chloroplast ge- chloroplast NADH dehydrogenase [e.g. 77].
nome, while psaB is uninterrupted [68]. The three These observations suggest the existence of a
distantly separated exons of psaA produce a respiratory-chain in chloroplasts, although it re-
functional mRNA by trans-splicing (see the next mains to be determined whether or not all of these
section). transcripts are translated into functional proteins.

Cytochrome b/f complex genes

The cytochrome b/! complex consists of six com- Gene expression
ponents, four of which are encoded by the chlo-
roplast genome [e.g. 51, 120]. The petB and petD Transcription and promoters
genes are clustered with psbB and psbH in higher
plants and they constitute a transcription unit RNA polymerase
[e.g. 52]. In higher plants both petB and petD Chloroplasts contain at least two different RNA
contain single introns with short first exons (6-8 polymerase activities, a soluble enzyme and a
bp). In the green alga KS3/2 petD contains a 3.5 transcriptionally active chromosome (TAC) [40].
kb intron, the largest chloroplast intron reported A soluble DNA-dependent RNA polymerase was
to date, which has an ORF (608 codons) show- highly purified from maize chloroplasts and its
ing significant homology with reverse tran- subunit composition was analyzed (see the pre-
scriptase genes [67]. vious section). A TAC was first isolated from
Euglena chloroplasts [50]. RNA polymerase as-
A TP synthase genes sociated with TAC is tightly bound to chloroplast
ATP synthase consists of two parts, CF 1 and DNA and preferentially transcribes the rRNA
CFo. CF 1 is composed of five different subunits genes.
and CFo is composed of four different subunits. For the precise initiation of transcription, RNA

polymerase requires additional factors. Such fac- at the translation start codon [6]. The psbA genes
tors have been isolated from maize (S-factor [59], in higher plants contain both prokaryotic-type
BF fraction [ 125]), from spinach (a a-like , - 35' and '- 10' regions and between them a
polypeptide [70]) and from mustard [14]. In par- sequence motif similar to the nuclear TAT A box.
allel with the characterization of RNA poly- Mutation experiments have shown that the T ATA
merases and their accessory factors, in vitro tran- box-like region is also critical for correct psbA
scription systems have been developed to identify transcription in vitro [25]. Thus at present the
chloroplast promoters [e.g. 42, 73]. Chloroplast chloroplast genome is known to contain at least
primary transcripts are known to harbor 5'- three structurally distinct upstream regions: re-
triphosphates which can be specifically labeled gions containing the' - 35' /' - 10' promoter mo-
with [ 32 p]GTP and guanylyltransferase (in vitro tifs, the TAT A box-like promoter and no up-
capping). The in vitro capping assay can therefore stream promoter. Furthermore, they imply that
identify the initiation site of transcription in vivo. there are multiple RNA polymerase species and/
or multiple a-like factors in chloroplasts. This is
Promoter sequences consistent with nuclear and chloroplast origins of
The upstream regions of many initiation sites de- chloroplast RNA polymerases (see 'Genetic sys-
termined by in vitro capping contain DNA se- tem genes,' above).
quences similar to the' - 10' and' - 35' E. coli Transcription from deleted or mutated genes
promoter motifs. The identification and charac- has been studied in vitro as described above, but
terization of chloroplast promoters have been with recently developed systems for stably intro-
done using deleted and mutated genes and in vitro ducing foreign genes into chloroplast genomes it
transcription systems [43, 44, 73]. These analy- has become possible to do so in vivo. This method
ses have confirmed that' - 35'- and' - 1O'-like will permit testing of the conclusions derived from
sequences are required for proper transcription in vitro studies [e.g. 9, 13].
(Fig. 3). However, a class of chloroplast tRNA
genes has been identified which do not require
their 5' upstream regions for transcription in vitro Transcript processing and introns
[41]. Relevant to this, one of the four primary
transcripts for spinach atpB completely lacks an The chloroplast genome contains over 120 genes
untranslated leader; the transcription start site is and about 50 transcription units, suggesting that

" - 35" "TATA" " - 10"




Sp nach atpB

a tpB (5)



Fig. 3. Chloroplast promoter regions identified by using deleted/mutated genes and in vitro transcription systems. Mustard psbA
[25, 73] spinach psbA to trnM [43, 44] and spinach atpB(5) (the promoter for a fifth transcript starting at the translation initia-
tion codon [6]) are shown.

chloroplast genes are generally cotranscribed. The Most chloroplast transcnptIOn units contain
detection of primary transcripts has actually short inverted repeats at their 3' ends, which were
shown that most of the chloroplast genes are originally thought to function as transcription ter-
transcribed polycistronically. Multiple transcripts minators. The role of such inverted repeats has
are observed for most chloroplast gene clusters been examined using an in vitro transcription sys-
and these are mainly the results of multiple RNA tem. It was found that these inverted repeats are
processing of the primary transcripts. Processing ineffective as transcription terminators in vitro but
ofrRNA and tRNA precursors and of precursors serve as accurate and efficient RNA-processing
from split genes is required to form functional signals [107]. The stability of RNAs containing
RNA molecules. A couple of the chloroplast op- inverted repeats at their 3' ends is greatly en-
erons consist of functionally distinct genes; e.g. hanced.
the psbDC operon contains two PSII genes and The stability of chloroplast mRNAs and the
a tRNA gene [7], and the psaA operon has two protein interaction with their 3' -inverted repeats
PSI genes and a ribosomal protein gene [79]. have been investigated in spinach [e.g. 108],
Some chloroplast operons are known to be con- Chlamydomonas [e.g. 69, 109], barley [e.g. 30, 98]
stitutively transcribed. These findings suggest that and mustard [83]. The observations suggest that
posttranscriptional processing of primary tran- nuclear-encoded proteins function in chloroplast
scripts represents an important step in the control mRNA maturation and differential mRNA sta-
of chloroplast gene expression [40]. bility, which are major control steps in chloro-
plast gene expression. Recently a 28 kDa RNA-
RNA cutting binding protein which is responsible for
Chloroplast polycistronic transcripts are gener- processing the 3' ends of chloroplast mRNA has
ally processed into many overlapping shorter been isolated [96] and related proteins contain-
RNA species. Some of the shorter RNAs are ing RNA-binding domains have also been re-
monocistronic but others are not. Several tran- ported [72, 122].
script sets contain multiple 5' ends, which result
from the cutting of precursor RN As and from Introns and splicing
multiple transcriptional initiation. Detailed anal- Introns in chloroplast genes were first reported
ysis of polycistronic transcripts have been made for the 23S rDNA of C. reinhardtii [93]. Chloro-
for the rRNA gene cluster [e.g. 19], the tRNA plast genes which have been found to contain
gene cluster [39], the psbB operon [119] and the introns are listed in Table 2. Most genes possess-
psbDC operon [e.g. 31]. For example, the RNA ing introns in higher plants contain single introns,
pattern of the spinach psbB operon (psbB-psbH- while Euglena and Chlamydomonas polypeptide
petB-petD) is complex and resolves into 18 major encoding genes have multiple introns [e.g. 48, 91].
RNA species [119]. All RNA species arise from Six chloroplast tRNA genes in higher plants have
the cutting of 5.6 kb primary transcript rather introns but none are known in algae. The pres-
than from multiple transcription initiation and ence of introns can be predicted by sequence ho-
termination events. Processing results ultimately mology with known genes (e.g. tRNA genes, ATP
in the formation of monocistronic mRNAs for synthase genes, ribosomal protein genes) and by
each of the two PSII proteins and a dicistronic conserved intron boundary sequences (see
mRNA for both pet subunits. These mono- and below). However, experimental analyses are re-
dicistronic mRNAs are thought to be major quired to confirm the existence of introns and to
translatable mRNAs. Almost all of the transcripts determine the splice sites of pre-RNAs.
from the maize psbB operon co sediment with Introns found in chloroplast genes can be clas-
polysomes, suggesting that they are translated. sified into four groups on the basis of the intron
Intercistronic cutting is not always required for boundary sequences and possible secondary
translation of these RNAs [2]. structures [16, 102]. Chloroplast group I introns

Table 2. Chloroplast genes containing introns.

Gene Number of introns Remarks

higher plants Euglena Chlamydomonas

23SrDNA 0 0 ORF, an intron in Chlorella

6 in C. eugametos
I6SrDNA 0 0 I in C. moewusii
trnL-UAA 0 0
trn/-GAU 0 0
trnA-UGC 0 0
trnV-UAC 0 0
trnG-UCC 0 0
trnK-UUU 0 ORF

rps2 0 4
rps3 0 2 0
rps8 0 3
rpsll 0 2 0
rpsI2 3 exons 0 0 trans-splicing
rpsI4 0 I
rpsI6 I
rpsI9 0 2
rpl2 I 0 0 no intron in spinach
rp114 0 I 0
rp116 I 3 0
rpl22 0
rpl23 0 3 pseudogene in spinach
rpoB 0 8
rpoCI I 11 no intron in rice and maize
rpoC2 0 2
tufA no gene 3 0
elpP 2 no intron in wheat and rice

rbeL 0 9 0
psaA 0 3 3 exons trans-splicing
psaB 0 6 0
psbA 0 4 4 2 introns in C. moewusii
psbB 0 4
psbC 0 I 0 ORF
psbE 0 2
psbF 0 an-intron-within-an-intron
petB 0 no intron in Chlorella
petD 0 no intron in Chlorella
I 3.5 kb intron in alga KS3/2
atpF 3

IRF167-170 2

ORF means the presence of an ORF in an intron. IRF indicates an intron-containing reading frame which is present in front of
the psaA operon.

can be folded with a secondary structure typical The Chlamydomonas psaA gene is also divided
of group I introns of fungal mitochondrial genes into three parts [68]. The first exon of 30 codons
[11, 80]. The introns of trnL, the 23S rDNA and is 50 kb away from the second exon (60 codons),
C. moewusii psbA belong to this group. Introns of which is itself 90 kb away from exon 3 (661
trnI and trnA in the 16S-23S spacer can be folded codons). All exons are flanked by the consensus
into a secondary structure which is similar to the intron boundary sequences. The three exons are
postulated structure of group II introns in fungal transcribed independently as precursors, and the
mitochondrial genes, but their boundary se- synthesis of mature psaA mRNA involves trans
quences are different from those of chloroplast assembly of these three separate transcripts [e.g.
group III introns. Chloroplast group III introns 15]. Interestingly, exon 2 is cotranscribed with
have conserved boundary sequences G TGYG RY the upstream psbD gene, and psaB is uninter-
at the 5' ends and RYCNAYY(Y)YNAY at the rupted as are psaA and psaB of higher plants
3' ends, and include introns in protein-encoding (Fig. 4). At least one additional chloroplast locus
genes, trnV-UAC, trnG-UCC and trnK-UUU (tseA) is required for trans-splicing of exons 1 and
from higher plants. Their postulated secondary 2 and produces a small RNA of about 430 bases
structures are similar to those of group II introns [34 ].
(therefore groups II and III are sometimes com- Chloroplast introns can be classified into three
bined). It should be noted that introns in protein- to four groups, suggesting the presence of multi-
encoding genes and some tRNA genes in higher ple splicing pathways. Clear self-splicing of pre-
plant chloroplasts show common features. This is RNAs from split chloroplast genes has not been
not true of nuclear genes which are split. A fourth demonstrated in vitro. The group III conserved
intron group has been described for Euglena rp114, intron boundary sequence is similar to that found
rp116, rp123, rps2, rps3, rps8, rpsll, rps14, rpsI9 in nuclear protein-encoding genes, suggesting that
and tufA [e.g. 16]. These introns are uniform in at least one group of chloroplast intron sequences
size (95-109 bp), share common features with is removed by a mechanism similar to that oper-
each other and are distinct from chloroplast group ating in the nucleus. Splicing of nuclear pre-
I - III introns. mRNAs is catalyzed by protein-RNA complexes.
The tobacco gene for a ribosomal protein, RNA molecules are not thought to be imported
CS 12, is divided into one copy of 5' -rps 12 and into chloroplasts from the cytoplasm, which sug-
two copies of 3' -rpsI2. 5' -rpsI2 contains exon 1 gests that the RNA components of these com-
consisting of 38 codons and 3' -rpsI2 consists of plexes, if there are any, should be encoded in the
exon 2 (78 codons), a 536 bp intron and exon 3 chloroplast genome. Aside from Chlamydomonas
(7 codons). This gene structure was designated as tseA RNA, the tobacco chloroplast genome has
a 'divided' gene [103]. The 5'- and3'-rpsI2 seg- been found to encode a small RNA species which
ments are separated by 28 kb and are transcribed is not tRNA or rRNA (unpublished observa-
independently. These two transcripts are spliced tions). No in vitro splicing systems in chloroplasts
in trans to produce a mature mRNA for CS12 are currently available. This makes it difficult to
[e.g. 124] (Fig. 4). The 3' -flanking sequence of analyze individual steps in splicing and to detect
exon 1 and the 5' -flanking sequence of exon 2 fit factors involved in splicing in chloroplasts.
the conserved boundary sequences of chloroplast
group III introns. It is noteworthy that the to-
bacco rpsI2 gene requires both cis and trans splic- Conclusions
ing in order to produce the mature mRNA. Liv-
erwort rpsI2 is divided into two parts; the 5' - and Thirty-eight different genes for RNA components
3' -rps12 segments are present in single copies and and 74 different genes for polypeptides (including
are located on opposing DNA strands [85]. The putative genes) have now been reported (see Ta-
mRNA is also produced by trans-splicing [62]. ble 1). Most of the putative genes (some rpsjrpl,

Tobacco rps72 Chlamydomonas psaA


1{1 I

£Z}- ~



I / scA-ll
I ..... ,----I

E1 EJ E1 E2 EJ
rpsI2/7-mRNA ~ pS8A -mR

clpP -mR A m- rpl20-mR A -{8]-

p sbD -mH A { :: .:.::::.:. ).

Fig. 4. Scheme for rps12 and psaA mRNA maturation from separate pre-mRNAs [15, 124]. Upper circles show the location of
genes and the direction of transcription. Bold lines, IR. In tobacco, 5'-rps12 contains exon 1 (El), and 3'-rps12 has exon 2
(E2)-intron-exon 3 (E3). In Chlamydomonas, psaA-l, 2 and 3 contain exons 1,2 and 3 (El, E2, E3), respectively. The pathway
is shown in the lower part. Slashed/dotted boxes indicate exons and open boxes, introns.

lUI, inf, e/p, ndh and !rx), which have been iden- The sequence analysis of algal chloroplast
tified through homology with the corresponding DNA and cyanelle DNA of Cyanophora has re-
genes of other organisms, are transcribed in chlo- vealed the presence of new genes not found in
roplasts, but their translation products remain to land plant chloroplast DNAs as well as signifi-
be isolated and characterized. There are still 26- cant differences in genome organization in com-
34 ORFs (each over 29 codons in length) and parison both with each other and with land plants.
twelve of them are conserved in size and sequence Further analysis of chloroplast genomes from dis-
among the chloroplast genomes which have been tantly related plant species as well as cyanelle and
completely sequenced [ 101 ]. Further efforts must cyanobacterial genomes will provide the funda-
be made to determine whether these ORFs (in- mental data needed to estimate the origins and
cluding putative genes) are functional chloroplast process of chloroplast genome evolution as well
genes coding for polypeptides. Isolation of trans- as the phylogenetic relationships among plant
lation products followed by amino acid sequenc- species. Relevant to this, portions of chloroplast
ing appears to be the best way to do so. There genomes are found in both nuclear and mitochon-
remain several long sequenced regions that have drial genomes (called 'promiscuous sequences').
been assigned no genes and contain no significant The process of chloroplast DNA sequence trans-
ORFs. The tseA RNA was found in such a region fer and the functional significance within the nu-
from Chlamydomonas chloroplast DNA and fur- cleus and the mitochondrion are interesting sub-
ther small RNA species might be encoded there. jects for future study.

The molecular mechanism of chloroplast gene system has many interesting features as described
expression and its control are very interesting in this paper. Many researchers have taken ad-
sUbjects. The number of RNA polymerase spe- vantage of the relative simplicity of the chloro-
cies in chloroplasts still remains to be answered. plast genetic system compared to nuclear and
The structure of chloroplast genes and their prokaryotic systems to produce new findings and
modes of expression as presently understood ex- hypotheses which are not only restricted to the
hibit both prokaryotic and eukaryotic features. plant world but apply to other organisms as well.
This implies the presence of multiple RNA poly- It can be expected that further research on the
merase species. The control of chloroplast gene chloroplast genome as a model system will con-
expression operates during several steps, tran- tinue to yield such exciting results.
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