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INFO-1111: LINUX I 1


On completing this lab, you should be able to:

● Access your Virtual Machine in the infoadc Virtual Lab

● Demonstrate using a terminal with basic commands

Complete each task as indicated and provide the necessary screenshot when indicated.

Task 1

Read the handout in Virtual Lab folder in Canvas for this class to access your Linux virtual

machine. Task 2

Access your stu101-CentOS8 virtual machine. Log in to the Sysadmin account with the password

INFO 1111: Linux I
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Task 3

Click on the Applications menu in the upper left corner and select the terminal


Task 4

When the terminal program opens, you should see a command prompt:
INFO 1111: Linux I
INFO-1111: LINUX I 3 Task 5

We will first run a custom program that was written specifically for this course. The program will change your
command prompt to display your name, the date and time. This is NOT a regular Linux command. Its purpose
is to make your command prompt unique from all other students. Later in this course you will learn how to
further customize your command prompt.

At the command prompt type the command and press enter:


Task 6

You will then be prompted to enter your MCC username and press enter. This the first part of your MCC email
and usually consists of your first and middle initials and your last name. Some usernames contain numbers at
the end.

NOTE: Do NOT type the username shown in the image above. Use your own username.

Task 7

A message will display informing you that you will be prompted for a password. Press enter to continue. INFO

1111: Linux I
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Task 8

Enter the password: netlab123

It will look like it is not typing and the cursor will not move, but the password is being captured. Once
the password is typed, press enter to continue.

INFO 1111: Linux I

INFO-1111: LINUX I 5 Task 9

You will then be instructed to close the terminal and re-open a new terminal to see the new
personalized command prompt.
Task 10

When you open a new terminal you will see the new command prompt with your name, date and


Task 11

Take a screenshot showing your new customized command prompt with your MCC username, date and

time. Submit a screenshot of your successfully completing this task on the answer sheet as Screenshot 1.
INFO 1111: Linux I
INFO-1111: LINUX I 6 Task 12

List all your files and folders in your current directory by typing the “ls” (lower case LS) command.

Submit a
screenshot of your successfully completing this task on the answer sheet as Screenshot 2.
Task 13

Display a calendar of the current month by typing the cal command. Submit a screenshot of your
successfully completing this task on the answer sheet as Screenshot 3.

Task 14

Display your username (who you are logged in as) by typing the whoami command. Submit a screenshot
of your successfully completing this task on the answer sheet as Screenshot 4.

Task 15

Display a list of all the commands you recently used, by typing the history command. Notice all the
commands you typed previously. Submit a screenshot of your successfully completing this task on the answer
sheet as Screenshot 5.
Task 16

Display the time and date, by typing the date command. Submit a screenshot of your successfully
completing this task on the answer sheet as Screenshot 6.

INFO 1111: Linux I

INFO-1111: LINUX I 7 Task 17

Clear the screen by typing the clear command.

Task 18

Close the terminal by typing the exit command.

Answer the following questions about this lab.

Task 19

Did this lab meet its objective of learning how to access the command line and run basic commands? Explain
why or why not.

Submit your answer on the answer sheet as Answer 1.

It did meet the objective of teaching basic commands and how to log in and access the terminal and Virtual

Task 20

Which command(s) did you like the best? Explain why.

Submit your answer on the answer sheet as Answer 2.

It got the point across quickly and didn't try to have you do 1 command 50 times like in some other classes.

Task 21

Did you experience any challenges during this lab? If so, what were the challenges and how did you
overcome them? Explain why or why not.

Submit your answer on the answer sheet as Answer 3.

The only challenge on this lab was typing exit because i made like 6 typos.

INFO 1111: Linux I

INFO-1111: LINUX I 8

1) Save this document with your answers.
2) Submit this completed document in the assignment Dropbox.
INFO 1111: Linux I

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