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The Crop Circle Music

by Joseph E. Mason

I am not a student of music, but the subject came up in a number of my other studies. I
and others have had dreams where music is heard or a song is sung. I had a dream in
1990 of musical tones sounding as water drops came down into a field, creating
quintuplet set crop circle formations.

Some others have dreamed of seeing musical symbols. For example, Katherine
dreamed of seeing huge spheres in orbit around the earth. She went inside one of the
spheres and saw large geometric shapes that seemed to be musical notes.

The ancient Greeks spoke of "The Music of the Spheres." The sun god, Apollo, was
the god of music and truth. Ancient philosophers, such as Pythagoreas, incorporated
arithmetic, geometry, astronomy and harmonics into their studies. An understanding
of the universal forms that underlie the structure of life and the cosmos was a key in
understanding the Divine.

I read about the work of Gerald Hawkins in crop circle journals, and in Science News.
He reportedly found mathematical theorems revealed in the geometry of various crop
circle formations. According to professor Hawkins, the crop formations indicated
ratios that correspond to the intervals of the octaves of the musical scale, as with the
white keys of the piano.
One article pointed out that the present standard tuning is based on the central "A"
note in the center of the piano keyboard being set at 440 cycles per second.

In mid 1996, the idea came to me to create a Music Wheel based on 440 cycles per
second tuning. In mid-June, 1996, I sent a letter and diagrams to Charles Johnson,
explaining the concept. I made contact with Charles through Carl Munk's "The Code"
newsletters. Charles later created the great website, Earth/matriX, Science in Ancient

This is the letter, and related materials, I sent to Charles:

Letter to Charles Johnson

                                                                                                                                          June 16,

Charles W. Johnson
P.O. Box 231126
New Orleans, LA 70183-1126

Dear Mr. Johnson,

Thank you for your response to my letter. It was good timing, because some of the numbers you
wrote about popped up in a current project involving music wheels. I'll give a brief background
about it and enclose some photocopies of the work.

In the first several years of my dream research and related areas, such as crop circle patterns and
myths/religions, I sometimes found numbers and/or geometry. Many of the numbers were
divisible by nine and added to nine or twice nine, such as 72, 108, 360, 432, 666, 864, 1080,
1152, 1656, 2520, 3168, 3240, 25920, 31680 and 144000. The number 31680 was reported to be
the square footage of the circles in the Barbury Castle crop formation. When divided by six, the
result is 5280, feet in a mile. Divided by 72 gives 440.

A corresponding friend sent some of my material about the numbers to Carl Munck, who then
contacted me and informed me about "The Code," and Gematria. I presume you know that Carl
found the numbers to contain just two tangents, (ignoring the +/- signs) which suggest sine
waves. When the two tangents are multiplied, the number produced is the square root of five,
which itself is the tangent of the speed of light in air. The above numbers (other than 440 and
5280) have such tangents or zero tangents. When the final zero(s) are removed, all have the same
two tangents.
He also informed me that 5280, 60, and 67800 (the orbital speed of the earth) have tangents that
equate to the square root of three.

Some months later, I had a dream of a circle divided into pie-shaped parts, and knew it was about
Gematrian numbers. I drew a circle and then put the numbers on marks around it based on the
tangents. It turned out to be a 360 degree circle divided into 10 divisions of 36 each. Each
divisional section has six subsections of 6 degrees each, for a total of 60 small subsections. Each
full circuit around the wheel produces the same numbers multiplied by ten. (360, 720, 1080, etc.)
This can be continued into more circuits, adding more digits, so that 144000, for instance, could
be considered as 400 times around the wheel.

It seemed coincidental that the circle (or wheel) had ten parts, because I had mentioned such an
idea regarding two crop formations that appeared in 1993, the Bythorn Mandala and the Spider
Wed pattern. Both were circular patterns divided into ten sections. Carl said ten was the base
harmonic of the planet earth, found at its very core.

Bythorn Mandala Spider Web

1993 1994
Click on left image for more information

I wrote to Carl about the idea and he subsequently published it in "The Code," #4-95. He pointed
out that each section (36 degrees) is 1/5 radian, and how the radian is integral to The Code.

More recently, I contacted James Furia, after I read his article in "The Code," #33. His Music
Circles were quite meaningful to me as regarding dreams and universal mythology. The number
5280 showed up at the 180 degree point of his circle, which was intriguing. 440 was a number I
considered some years ago, and one idea is that it is one quarter of a mile in yards. In this sense,
all of the "A" notes in Jimi's Circle are divisions of yards in a mile, including 1760 = one mile.

You probably know that astronomer Gerald Hawkins found previously unknown mathematical
theorems revealed in the geometry of certain crop formations and that they show ratios that
correspond to the intervals of the octaves of the musical scale. As the patterns seem to be created
by other-worldly beings, I do think something major is starting to be revealed. Many clues
suggest that it's about creation itself, rather than just an interesting system of numbers/geometry.
Your work seems to further support this claim.

In Carl's latest newsletter, "The Code," #34, a diagram showed a musical scale worked out by
William B. Conner that is similar to Jimi's, but has 492 as the center "A" note, rather than 440.
There are many Gematrian numbers on this scale, and, unlike Jimi's Circle, integers only are

In an attempt to understand the differences, I took the 440 figure as the central "A" note and
calculated the next number/note based on Hawkins' ratios, which were also used by Gurdjief.
The interval ratio given for the note of A is 5/3 and B is 15/8. Gurdjief gives 12.5% as the
multiplier between A and B. The reasoning seems to be - (15/8 = 1.875)/(5/3 =1.666666667) =
1.125. So the B note is 440 x 1.125 = 495. Jimi listed that B note as 513.3.

I continued the calculations up and down the scale and found some very interesting number
relationships. (see (A) following )

A 55 A 220 A 880 A 3520

B 61.875 B 247.5 B 990 B 3960

C 66 C 264 C 1056 C 4224

D 74.25 D 297 D 1188 D 4752

E 82.5 E 330 E 1320 E 5280

F 88 F 352 F 1408 F 5632

G 99 G 396 G 1584 G   6336

A 7040
A 110 A   440   A 1760
B 7920
B 123.75 B 495 B 1980
C 8448
C 132 C 528 C 2112
D 9504
D 148.5 D 594 D 2376
E 10560
E 165 E 660 E 2640
F 11264
F 176 F 704 F 2816
G 12672
G 198 G 792 G 3168
A 14080

Except for some of the lower notes, most of the numbers are integers. All of the A notes are the
same as [one of] Jimi's, but all of those in between are different. 5280 came up as an E note,
rather than the D# on Jimi's Circle, and it falls at 240 degrees. Many notes are Gematrian
numbers, such as 396, 792, 1188, etc., in the sense that they divide evenly by 36. Other numbers
fall on the sub-scale marks of 6 degrees each. Like Conner's system, there are interrelated scales
of certain numbers. Your term, "fractals," seems appropriate.

The number 11 and multiples are clear in the numbers. In an attempt to show the relationships
graphically, I created a double wheel. The outer one is the "Gematrian Wheel," while the inner
one has 33 marks, separated into three groups of 11 each.

The Gematrian Wheel

Inner Wheel with 33 marks

The major marks on the inner wheel at 11 and 22 fall on the 120 and 240 degree points. Unlike
the outer wheel, the inner wheel does not retain geometrically the degrees and tangents. They can
be calculated easily, however. 360/33 = 10.90909091, so, for example, 11 marks = 11 x
10.90909091 = 120, and 5.5 marks correspond to 60 degrees.

Music wheels (B) through (G) show the numbers placed on the double wheel and some of the
interrelationships. Wheel (H) shows the geometry suggested by some of the numbers.

#B - #C - #D - #E - #F - #G - #H

You can see that the numbers/relationships have similarities to those in your work. When I saw
the numbers in your Extension of the Pythagorean Theorem, I thought of them in terms of
various "wheels." They all fit in certain ways to the ten-part Gematrian Wheel.  The progression
5, 15, 30, 60, 120, etc. fits with the six-part or twelve-part wheels (as with our own clock face).

The geometry of the Northwest quadrant of the Double Wheel (H) suggests a twelve-part wheel.
All points of the star are marked with a note except at 60 degrees. The points are marked by "E"
notes along with "B" notes at 0/360, 180, and 270 degrees. The points of the star have either zero
tangents or square root of three tangents.

I have more ideas/information about the square root of three connection, but I'll withhold most of
it for now in order to keep this reasonably short. It fits with a nine-part wheel and music.
Pythagoras is said to have expressed it as 265/153 in the metaphorical story of the 153 fishes in
the net. The story was adapted by the writer of the Book of John. (see John 21:3-11)

John 21

3 "Simon Peter said to them, "I am going fishing." They said to him, "We will go with you."
They went out and got into the boat; but that night they caught nothing.

4 - Just as day was breaking, Jesus stood on the beach; yet the disciples did not know that it was

5 - Jesus said to them, "Children, have you any fish?" They answered him "No."

6 - He said to them, "Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some." So they
cast it, and now they were not able to haul it in, for the quantity of fish.

7 - That disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, "It is the Lord!" When Simon Peter heard that
it was the Lord, he put on his clothes for he was stripped for work, and spring into the sea.

8 - But the other disciples came in the boat, dragging the net full of fish, for they were not far
from the land, but about a hundred yards off.

9 - When they got out on land, they saw a charcoal fire there, with fish lying on it, and bread.

10 - Jesus said to them, "Bring some of the fish that you have just caught."

11 - So Simon Peter went aboard the boat and hauled the net ashore, full of large fish, a hundred
and fifty-three of them; and although there were so many, the net was not torn.

(The 153 Fishes)

I found it fascinating that your series 4, 12, 24, 48, etc. shows up on the double wheel as
multiples of 11. (12 x 11 = 132, 24 x 11 = 264, 48 x 11 = 528, etc.) These are "C" notes. In your
system the numbers repeat by a factor of ten in the other column, (120, 240, 480, etc.) and a
similar thing happens on the double wheel. (1320, 2640, 5280, etc.) These are "E" notes that
have "feet in a mile" implications.

The "F" notes relate to the "A" notes in a similar way: 88/880, 176/1760 , 352/3520, etc. These
have "yard" implications, so that makes four notes (C, E, F, and A) suggesting "distance" in
present and apparently ancient terms. The note of "B" also fits into the idea.  For example, 7920
could be considered as 4.5 miles in yards.

The note of "G" fits as well, such as 3168 being .6 of a mile in feet or 1.8 miles in yards. The "D"
note fits in a similar way, such as 4752/5280 = 0.9. All seven notes can be seen as "distance"

Conner's system has numbers that fit with yours. Particularly interesting is the "F" at 192, and the
"A" at 1920. Jimi has recently worked out a similar system starting with 432 as the central "A"
note. Of course, anytime you start multiplying by 36 multiples, you are going to come up with
Gematrian numbers. The same happens with multiples of 6, 9, 18, and other numbers. So, I'm not
sure that such systems are all that significant. The ratios and geometries impress me as being
more significant than specific numbers. The "distance" connection tends to get "lost" when
proceeding in such a manner.

Some of the reasons I like the Double Wheel system, starting at the central "A" note of 440 cps,
are these: It is the international standard for tuning, and tends to enhance the "distance"
connection. Clear whole numbers of significance appear, such as 1760, 5280, and 3168, and
proportions of them are also clear.

I'll tell a story to illustrate another reason. Not long after I learned of Gematria through Carl, I
mentioned it briefly to Paul Rydeen, a correspondence friend. Paul replied, saying that he had
studied Gematria, and Carl's numbers did not fit with it. Numbers such as 666, 777, 888, and 999
were part of the system Paul knew about. Paul sent some of his recent dreams along with the
letter, all of which had "sand" in some form. The final dream had the number 7920 in it. I am
enclosing a photocopy. (I) Recognizing it as a Gematrian-type number, I looked in "The Code,"
(vol. 3, nr. 6) to find the "Alpha" meaning. It was not there, but a related number was listed, 396,
as "Classical earth radius (3,960 miles)." Incredibly, 7920 is the diameter of the planet earth!
After informing Paul of this fact, he said it was quite an eye-opener, because Gematria literally
means, "measuring the earth."

You can imagine my delight when the earth radius and diameter popped up on the Double
Wheel. It was "music" to my ears.

Paul's dream added some support to a theory I expressed in my letter to Carl that appeared in The
Code. The idea is that the ancients received advanced knowledge from dreams or dream-like
states, such as visions. The remarkable things we are seeing, such as the accurate locating of the
ancient sites, came from a dream source or spiritual source.  We are involved collectively on that
level, but we remember little.

The similarity of the sites and dimensions, their interrelated numbers/coordinates, etc. can be
explained in this way, that is, it is part of the collective consciousness of the world. It's part of
the same phenomenon found in comparative mythology where very similar ideas are found
worldwide. The ancient people of the East and West may never have had physical contact. And
they may have not completely understood the various numbers, coordinates, etc.

I should explain how I went about calculating the musical numbers. Hawkins listed the notes and
ratios with common denominators like this:

D E F G A B C'
1 9/8 5/4 4/3 3/2 5/3 15/8 2
 24/24  27/24  30/24  32/24  36/24  40/24  45/24  48/24

Gurdjief gave the same fractions along with the interval percent increase:

D E F G A B C'
 12.5  11  6.5  12.5  11  12.5  6.5
The 12.5% works out to the 1.125 multiplier, as I mentioned. (or divider for going to a lower
note) 11% appears to be an approximation, so I figured (5/4 = 1.25)/(9/8 = 1.125) =
1.111111111. Instead of 6.5% I used (4/3 = 1.333333333)/(5/4 = 1.25) = 1.066666667.

An interesting possibility came to me as I read your "Science in Ancient Artwork Series," #16.
The fractions 225/360 and 365/584 reduce to 5/8, and when this is doubled, it is 5/4, which
relates to the musical note of E. Doubling the decimal .625 comes to 1.25, which may be related
to the 12.5% interval increase in music. The number 384 appears in your Extension, and it shows
up on the Double Wheel as 384 x 11 and 3840 + 384 = 4224, a C note. 3840 is ten and two-thirds
times 360. I noticed that 384/360 = 1.066666667, another music interval increase number.

I have a large amount of information about the crop circles, including all the "Cerealogist" and
"Circular" issues. Unfortunately, I haven't found time to study them specifically for number
connections. But I have noticed some that fit in. I'll give my best example.
Click here for large chart
Graphic Image credit: John F. Langrish

The chart above shows some numbers concerning the Barbury Castle pictogram.

(Barbury Castle is a crop circle which appeared in England in 1991)

666 may be suggested by the 6 radii distance between the corner circular areas. A subsequent
pattern had three sixes in a triangular arrangement. The square footage number, 31680, is that
amazing number I mentioned previously. The north sun symbol may suggest the six- part wheel,
with its 60 degree segments and square root of three tangents. Line XA at 120 degrees matches
one of those points in terms of direction. Line CD at 30 degrees fits with the twelve-part wheel.
Angle AY has the Gematrian number 108 degrees.

The date the pattern appeared may be part of the message. Noah's Ark landed on the seventeenth
day of the seventh month. (Gen. 8:4)

Gen. 8:4 - "and in the seventh month, on the

seventeenth day of the month the ark came
to rest upon the mountains of Ar'arat."

The 234 degrees of XB and BZ leading into the moon symbol did not seem to fit with anything,
until I punched up the tangent. I was surprised to see it was the positive tangent of 666. I already
felt that 666 was Gematria- related, because it falls exactly between two Gematrian points, as
does 90 and 270. It fits with a twenty-part wheel. These tangents fall at 54, 126, 234, 306, 414,
486, 594, 666, etc. 594 shows up as a "D" note on the Double Wheel. (C) The numbers are
separated by 72 and 108 degrees. Doubling the numbers create Gematrian numbers. This shows
on the Double wheel as a "D" at 1188.
I do not think of 666 in the same way as a conventional Christian. The Greeks associated it with
Helios and the physical sun. Early Christian mystics associated it with the lower, physical aspect
of the sun as demiurge or world fabricator. St. John calls it "a human number" in Rev. 13:18.
Notice: 13 x 18 = 234! Coincidence? Synchronicity?

A dream/experience of mine indicated that the demiurge signifies the consciousness gestalt of
mankind, symbolized by the swastika. Going counterclockwise, or West, indicates a negative,
although learning, creation. This can be formed by four curved horns, like glyphs found in
Mexico. Going clockwise, or East, shows a positive creation (Hitler not withstanding). This can
be composed of four right-angled squares, like those used by carpenters and masons. It was
called a "builder" symbol. Imagine my surprise when I read Zechariah 1:18-21:

"And I lifted my eyes and saw, and behold, four horns! And I said to the angel who talked with
me, 'What are these?' And he answered me, 'These are the horns which have scattered Judah,
Israel, and Jerusalem.' Then the Lord showed me four smiths (or carpenters). And I said, 'What
are these coming to do?' He answered, 'These are the horns which scattered Judah, so that no
man raised his head; and these have come to terrify them, to cast down the horns of the nations
who lifted up their horns against the land of Judah to scatter it.'"

Several years ago I told a dream to Pablo, a correspondence dream networker. He wrote back,
saying that it reminded him of a story about Judah in Genesis, where Judah fornicated with a
putative harlot by the roadside. I flipped open my Bible to find the story, and by coincidence,
found that I had opened it to the exact page, Genesis 38. The genealogy listed in Matthew 1
shows that a line of kings, including David and Solomon, led down from Judah's unholy union
with the woman he thought was a prostitute, and eventually to Jesus.

Joshua was helped by a harlot at Jericho. Revelation 17 speaks of the great harlot who is seated
upon many waters (which are peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues) with whom the
kings of the earth have committed fornication. Indications are strong that the harlot is none other
than Kali, of the Eastern traditions. In my view, the symbolic meanings are being revealed now
in the dreams of the people.

There is a strong clue in Genesis 49:9 about the symbolism of Judah. He is called "a lion's
whelp," then, "He stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as a lioness; who dares rouse him
up?" This, I do think, has a connection to the Sphinx. According to Blavatsky, the Biblical
patriarchs correspond to the Zodiacal signs, and Judah is Leo. Genesis 49:10 says the scepter
shall not depart from Judah, nor the ruler's staff from between his feet, until it comes to whom it

The Sphinx looks directly East. According to Graham Hancock, new evidence shows that the
Giza pyramids represent Orion and the Sphinx represents Leo. He also says that people are now
digging down to a chamber between the paws. Perhaps they will find Judah's scepter!

I believe there is another connection in Revelation. In Rev. 7:2 the angel ascends from the rising
of the sun, that is, East, and he calls with a loud voice. In Rev. 10:3 the angel calls out with a
loud voice, like a lion roaring.

The distance the sun travels in 20 days, 230,400,000 miles, may be related to the number 234 by
more than the other-than-zero numbers. Compare to it the adding of zeros into Gematrian
numbers and finding that they all have the same tangent, such as 108, 1008, 10008, or 144, 1044,
1404, etc. Try this with 36 and find 306 has the 666 tangent. 2016 has the same tangent as 216,
whereas 2106 has the 666 tangent.

Another interesting thing, 666 - 90 = 576 x 2 = 1152, or 2 x 666 = 1332 - 180 = 1152. Being
directly across from one another on the Gematrian Wheel, 1332 and 1152 have the same tangent.
It may not mean anything, but 666 is related to the sun, and, as you discovered, 11,520,000 miles
is the distance the sun travels in one day. 1152 is the most important Gematrian number to me
personally. I had quite an experience with it, but that's a very long story. It's in my Pollen Path
series of articles.

Several years before I heard about Gematria, I jotted a note in my journal about the sinking of
the Titanic in 1912 as a symbolic event, foretelling a period of stress starting with W.W.I two
years later, and how this precedes a great change. This was partly based on a book called,
"Futility", which predicted the event in exacting detail years prior to the building of the ship. In
the book, the ship was called "The Titan". Shortly thereafter, I discovered some Jehovah's
Witness literature on my writing table, left there by a young friend of my son's. I started to put it
in the wastebasket, but something told me to read it. It told of the dream of Nebuchadnezzar in
the Book of Daniel, where a great tree was cut and banded, causing a period of insanity for seven
years. This means "prophetic years," they say, which are 360 years each (the Hebrew calendar
used twelve 30-day months). The story is interpreted as 7 x 360 = 2520 years. From the fall of
the temple at Jerusalem this gives the date 1914 as the time when Jesus would throw the demons
out of Heaven down to earth to begin the Apocalypse. Well, it seems wild, but I do pay attention
to coincidence.

Around this time, a relative gave me the book, "The Book of Knowledge, The Keys of Enoch". It
was written by scientist, James J. Hurtak, as a result of a visionary experience in 1973. It's an
amazing book, but not easy to understand. I found many connections to my own experience,
including the Mayan connection. It tells of a very great change coming within decades. Dr.
Hurtak was told by spiritual beings that there are 72 Divine Names used as codes in creation.

The following year, I received a communication from Susan Alexjander of Oakland. She is a
musical scholar and told of her project of creating music based on the frequencies of the four
bases of DNA. She found that the best conversion factor was 36 to bring down the frequencies to
audible sound. She found this interesting, because she read about music created from movement
of the planets, and how 36 was used as the conversion factor to bring up the frequencies to our
hearing levels.

Right after this, a strange thing happened as I was working the swing shift. The numbers 72 and
360 kept coming into my mind over and over, as the Divine Names used as codes in creation,
and the Prophetic years. Finally, I stopped working to multiply them. 72 x 360 = 25,920! Well, I
knew the precession number from Campbell's "The Inner Reaches of Outer Space", so I was
quite startled. All this happened at the time of the solstice, and Susan had signed off her letter
with, "Happy solstice." I returned home that night and looked at my calendar, which had little
sayings on each page. This day had information about the 26,000 year precession.

Later on, I became intrigued with the precession number. Playing with it, I came up with (6
squared + 6 squared) x (6 squared x 10) = 25,920. I wondered if it had a 666 connection.

I am telling these little stories to illustrate a couple of points. I want you to see how my peculiar
approach led to this interest in numbers, and how they seem to connect to the ancient systems.
The main point is, if a few meaningful things came my way by rather strange means, could it be
that the ancients, who were far more advanced than we in dream-related work, came to some of
their information by some similar method? Another point is to show evidence that these things
are part of the collective (un-) consciousness of mankind, and that they have a truth behind them
about creation, which we are only beginning to re-learn.

I am wondering if there is a number connection between 234 and 216. In the pictogram 234
degrees positions the moon glyph (the three corner glyphs are said to have parallels in alchemical
signs corresponding to the sun/sulfur, the moon/salt, and Mercury/quicksilver). 234 is midway
between 216 and 252, 18 degrees from each. 234 has the 666 tangent, while 216 is 6 x 6 x 6.
2160 is sometimes associated with the moon's diameter (it is also the radius of the earth's inner
core). Gematrian numbers have the tendency to appear in various orders of the digits, for
example, 432 and 324, or 864 and 468. 486 is directly across (180 degrees) from 666. Twice 216
is 432, which is a well known number in mythology. Reverse the order of 432 and you have 234.

The Gematrian Alpha meaning of 432 is "Consecration" (and the square root of the classical
speed of light), while its double, 864, is "Time, the source of light and life, Most Holy."

In myths/religions, 432 is associated with time cycles, sometimes expressed as 4 x 108. The
moon is also said to be symbolically related to evolutionary cycles. In Eastern religions, our
present age, the Kali-Yuga, is said to be 432,000 years. 108 is the number of names of the
Goddess Mother of the world. A Viking myth tells of the Day of Ragnorook, the Doomsday of
the Gods. At that time 800 Divine Warriors will come out of each of the 540 doors of Valhalla.
800 x 540 = 432,000 (540 could relate to 54, which has the 666 tangent).

According to Joseph Campbell, the cycle number is carefully hidden in the Bible. Genesis
follows the earlier Babylonian story of the great flood, where ten kings ruled for 432,000 years
up to the time of the flood. There are ten patriarchs from Adam to Noah, who lived very long
lives. From Adam's creation to the landing of the Ark there are 1656 years (a Gematrian
number). There are 86,400 weeks in 1656 years, and half that is 43,200.

Campbell also pointed out that the precession number, 25,920, when divided by the ancient
"soss," 60, is 432. It just struck me now, 25,920 divided by the 12 signs of the Zodiac comes to
2160. This fits well with your "Extension" numbers. Each Zodiac sign averages to 30 degrees
each. The axis of our world wobbles along for 2160 years as we go through each age of the 30
degrees of each Zodiac sign. And your "Extension" numbers have 12 and 30 as multiples, 6
cubed (216), and 60 cubed (216,000).

A sequence of doubling 216 shows up on Conner's keyboard as "G" notes (216, 432, 864, and

I just started adding 216's and more ideas cascaded: 216, 432, 648, 864, 1080, 1296, 1512, 1728,
1944, 2160, 2376, 2592. Carl listed the "Alpha" of Gematrian 1728 as "A- flat in music." 1296 is
an interesting number, the square of 36. If you punch in a six on your calculator and then hit the
"square" key twice, you get 1296. 2592 is a tenth of the precession number.

Then a memory popped in - two of those numbers are related to the global positioning of the
Temple of the Warriors at Chichen Itza (see "The Code 1996" annual, page 187). There are 36
steps arranged in a square and 20 columns on top, giving 36 squared = 1296 times 20 = 25920,
divided by 119, then by 42 gives the longitude of 119 degrees 42' 05.18607443" West Giza.
Then divide 25920 by 20 to get 1296, divided by 20, then divided by 41, to get the 20 degrees 41'
01.580487802" North latitude. The coordinate intersect is 20. (25920 divided by 1296) Perhaps
this is another clue as to why the Mayans used the number 20.

I had a dream several years ago involving a Mr. Webb and a Mr. Noon, which I interpreted as
being about the end of a great cycle and the beginning of a new one. In trying to interpret the
meaning of "Mr. Noon", I remembered that the number of seconds up until noon time is 43,200.

Part of the point here is that the sequence of numbers, 54, 108, 216, 432, and 864, may be related
to portions of time and time cycles. It fits with our own system in a certain way.

I know only a little about Mayan time keeping, and I want to learn more. I have been fascinated
by it, especially when I learned of the Gematrian connection. I am wondering about their use of
the number 20 as a multiplier of various numbers. Could it be related to a "wheel" divided into
20 parts, like a double Gematrian wheel? Such a wheel would include all those in-between
points, such as 18, 54, 90, 126, 234, 270, 306, and 666.

There are some interesting things about 225/360. 225 is 15 squared, and 360 is six squared times
ten. 225 has a tangent of 1, while 360 has a zero tangent. This may hint at a wheel divided into 8
parts - at 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, 315, and 360 degrees. Connecting the points forms an eight-
rayed star, which is a major symbol. I had a dream in 1990 which caused me to draw such stars.

About a month later I began my study of myths, and found that Navaho sand paintings resembled
my dream. They show four couples around a square (there were also four couples aboard Noah's

Some months later a relative gave me "The Sacred Symbols of Mu". The eight-rayed star is a
male sun symbol and the Royal Escutcheon of Mu, and was associated with Kin, Horus, Apollo
and Belmarduk (K).

I noticed too, that these points are marked on the photos of the carving you included with the
material you sent to me. Perhaps it suggests a diagram of a wheel relating to the various numbers
and tangents.

I have had a constant string of what I call "dream-coincidence" for six years. Some of them seem
to be predictive of, and/or related to, certain crop formations. Through this, I feel I have a pretty
good handle on what this big change is all about. And there are most definitely Mayan and
Mexican connections. The numbers sometimes are interrelated with it.

One of the things I'll be hoping for, is that dreams will come that give new insights. This happens
very often in my research, and it sometimes comes from another person who knows little or
nothing about the work. Part of the objective is to learn the new insights, and to show evidence
that the information is imparted through the dream/spirit/unconscious realm, and therefore it may
have come via that method to the ancients.

Part of the goal of my work is to interest others in exploring dreams and related things, as part of
a flood of new, yet ancient, knowledge that is, and will be, part of the great change. It's coming
like puzzle-pieces to many, but most of it remains unrecognized. It is not easy to "prove" such a
claim because it involves symbol interpretation, which is always controversial. but,
mathematical/geometrical concepts are not as subject to interpretation or misinterpretation.

I find your material very brilliant indeed, and I personally thank you for the work. I look forward
to hearing from you again, and reading the Science in Ancient Artwork Series.

Best wishes and High regards,


Paul Rydeen's Dream

July 9, 1995 - The Sands of Time

I am walking along the edge of what is supposed to be our new house. It doesn't really look like
it. It's right on a busy street, maybe near Grandma Johnson's old house. I'm sort of both inside
and outside at once, as if the basement merges into the yard. I walk along a sand-filled trench
looking for dinosaur tracks. I kick back several inches of sand to find the hard surface below.
Instead of dinosaur tracks, I find astronaut tracks fossilized in the bedrock.

I push a large, empty, off-white fiberglass linen cart out of my way. It rolls through the sand,
down toward the street. It keeps on going, and I worry it will cause an accident. It looks OK, but
then a car crashes into it. It's a little white four-door car, a miniature Ford Falcon. This must be
Horus, the Millennium Falcon who, descending, spews out a New Age. I go down to inspect the

The driver is an actor - hence, not what he seems - named Kirk, which means 'church'.  Kirk is
OK, but the car has heavy damage to the left side, which is where the cart hit it.

Kirk comes back later with an inflated estimate of $7920.00. Kirk wants me to sign the estimate.
I tell him I can't admit to fault, but I will give it to my insurance company for review. They'll
probably want to negotiate, I tell him. I go ahead and start to sign it as an acknowledgement
rather than agreement, but stop when I get grease all over the page.  The grease is from some
green shop machinery the previous owner left behind. His name was Champion. I hand the
estimate back to Kirk, unsigned.

Out front, I see Kirk's car. Now it's an early '80s Monte Carlo, all hot-rodded up, still white. Kirk
points out the damaged rear quarter panel. 'Make sure they know it's a fender,' he says, as if the
insurance agent wouldn't know what a rear quarter panel was.  There's no way I'm allowing my
insurance company to pay $7920 when the whole car is not worth half that much. Even if it's the
Monte Carlo I'm paying for, it's too much. I haven't forgotten the Falcon.

The fact that it's a different car now, a substitute, bothers me. 'Monte Carlo' (Mount Charles)
refers to a Mediterranean (Middle Earth) gambling resort. It's a gamble all right, a gamble on
their part. This seems to be a scapegoat, a 'pharmikon' substitute for a real sacrifice. The inflated
repair bill seems to be the price they want me to pay for searching for those dinosaurs tracks, for
discovering the truth. The astronauts, the future, where here first. They weren't allowed to set
foot on the moon in Apollo 13, but they did set foot on the earth, once. The record lies beneath
the sand. It was in our past.
End of letter and materials sent to Charles in June, 1996

Note: I originally created the basics of this on-line article on November 21, 1999.  For
various reasons, I did not complete it and upload it to the Internet until October, 2005.


A triangular crop circle formation with "eye" was reported near roadway A34, at
Highclere, Hampshire, on 21 July 2002. It had 33 sun-like rays, 11 on each of the
three sides. I felt that it might be related to the Music Wheel, because the music
numbers fit with a circle/triangle divided into 33 sections. Compare the two:
Close-up of Music Wheel
2002 Crop Circle

Photo credit: Lucy Pringle

The formation was on the other side of the road to 'Beacon Hill'.

Visitor's to Paul Vigay's site posted significant comments, including these:

On 31st Jul 2002, Richard Markell wrote;

"I'm surprised nobody has picked up on the fact that this circle is positioned close to
Lord Carnarvon's grave on top of Beacon Hill, who was responsible for the discovery
of Tutankhamen's tomb in Egypt. Given the style of the design there is obviously a
connection there."


On 10th Aug 2002, Patricia wrote;

"The top of the pyramid seems to be pointing to Lord Carnarvon's grave on top of
Beacon Hill. As far as I can make out it's in perfect alignment! I'm sure this must be
intentional as this is some kind of Egyptian symbol."


On 29th Aug 2002, Barbara wrote;

"Last year I was looking at the gog and magog formation on the internet and decided
to go to my bible and read up on the matter. To my amazement the bible opened on
the exact page I wanted to look at and the page was not attached to the spine it was
sitting in the bible loose.

This year when I saw this formation (pyramid with eye and rays), I said to myself I
have seen this image before but couldn't remember where I had seen it. I was lying in
my bed with the flu thinking and trying to remember where I had seen it when my 10
year old son walks in and tells me that a friend of his gave him an American Dollar
bill when I looked at it I was amazed that the answer came to me. This is very unusual
as I live in Australia and don't see many American dollars.

The next amazing thing was that my son who new nothing of what I was thinking
noticed the amazement on my face and came out with "what's the matter mummy, is it
the aliens?". I said "what made you say that?" he said I don't know."


Also see:

Aldbourne (1), near Swindon, Wiltshire, 24 July, 2005

The Interrelated 2005 Crop Circle Formations - Part Nine


Added October 15, 2005

In one of my postings to the Crop Circle Connector, I spoke of the Gematrian Wheel
with Spider Grandmother superimposed over it.
The Interrelated 2005 Crop Circle Formations - Part Four

Spider Symbolism = Code of the Ancients

Later, an Aztec Calendar type crop formation appeared that seemed to display a
similar Wheel:
Basic image credit: Bertold Zugelder

Crop Formation at Wayland's Smithy, near Ashbury, Oxfordshire, 9 August 2005

Wayland's Smithy - near Ashbury, Wiltshire, 9 August 2005

11 November 2005 Update

A somewhat similar "Aztec" type crop circle formation appeared last year around 2
August 2004, at Silbury Hill, near Beckhampton, Wiltshire. The same number
relationship was suggested:

Basic image credit: Bertold Zugelder

The base Gematrian numbers in this version of the theory are shown in red as
multiples of 36. The "in between" numbers are shown in Black. Some of them (54,
126, 234, 306) have the "666" tangent. The same tangents are found in the "second
revolution" (adding 360), as: 414, 486, 594, and 666.
A special group of numbers that seem to be related are: 135, 153, and 315. The
number 153 is found in the Biblical Book of John, chapter 21, as the number of "Fish
in the Net." Double 153 to 306 and add 360 to find 666. Various combinations of this
type of set add to 666 (135 + 531, 153 + 513, 315 +351).

It is also interesting that the number 333 is directly across (180 degrees) from 153.
The "ratchet spiral" or "Mercury spiral" of the 1991 Barbury Castle triangle/trinity
type crop circle formation was 333 feet in length. The ratchet spiral glyph is in the
position of the "Son" of the trinity. This may indicate 1/3of the Trinity of One.

This is another interesting set:

117 (9 x 13) and (x 19.5)

234 (x 13) and (x 19.5)
351 (27 x 13) and (18 x 19.5)

There are 13 days in a Mayan "week." There are four suits of 13 cards each (52) in a
deck. With the Tarot, there are 78 total cards (13 x 6). There are 52 complete weeks in
a year (364 days). The Flower or Seed of Life is said to have 13 spheres in three
dimensions. This may correspond to the camp positions of the Tribes, as symbolic of
the Zodiac, with the Twelve Tribes around the Tabernacle. Jesus and the Apostles,
and King Arthur with the Knights of the Round Table, seem to suggest the same

The "Moon" glyph of the 1991 Barbury Castle formation was at 234 degrees, with its
positive 666 tangent. It "should have been" at 240 degrees, but was six degrees off,
apparently causing the offset and kink. When I realized this back around 1994, I
looked up the 666 verse in Revelation. It took a moment to realize the coincidence -
that it is in Revelation 13:18. It is via 13 x 18 within the Gematrian Wheel that one
finds 234, with its 666 tangent. The number 666 can be found as 37 x 18.

Numbers divisible by 39, such as 117, 234, and 351, are, of course, also divisible by
19.5, which is associated with hyperdimensional tetrahedral geometry/mathematics.

Hyperdimensional Physics

They are also part of the "triplet" relationships (117 + 216 = 333, 234 + 432 = 666,
351 + 648 = 999). See:

Sacred Numbers to Resuscitate the Dead -

Lazarus and Awakening the Giant
The "Moon" glyph was in the position of the "Holy Spirit" of the Trinity, or the
"Mother" position in other systems. My feeling is that there may be a symbolic
message involved. My guess is that the "Mother" aspect in the time cycle, as humanity
process through the karmic learning/purification process, is represented symbolically
as the Harlot in Revelation 17. We each "sleep" with a "daughter" of the Harlot in the
process, indicating a "payment" for the duality bond. See:

Tamasisk - Anger - Fury (Kali & The Harlot)

When we reach the Heart Chakra level, the "Mother" becomes the Holy Spirit,
corresponding to Ishtar in the ancient Sumerian/Babylonian tradition, and to Mary in
the Christian tradition. The seemingly negative 666 cycle seems to correspond to
Ishtar's time in the underworld. Her return to being Queen of Heaven once again,
(see Part Two) corresponds to our reaching the Heart Chakra, when the harlot and her
daughters are replaced by the Holy Spirit.

[End of 11-11-05 update]


In September 2001, I sent an e-mail to the Code group, explaining the Music Wheels,
and the connection to the "Mega Glyph" crop circle of August 2001. Robert put the
writing on one of his web pages:

Electrons and Mythologies - Page 44

[Excerpts ,with slight modifications]

99.44.2 2112, Music, Crop Circles, 9-11 Disaster (JMason4557)

Date: 9/17/01

In a message dated 8/21/2001 10:32:22 PM Pacific Daylight Time, RHHannaHH sent:

<< Subj: (no subject)

Concerning your string number 2112, it has a connection to the Vedic form of mahayuga 4.32
million years: from the book " The Mind of God" by Paul Davies page 40 is the following quote:

The Hindu system consisted of cycles within cycles, of immense duration. Four yugas (108)
made up a mahayuga of 4.32 million years: a thousand mahayugas formed a kalpa, two kalpas
constituted a day of Brahma; the life cycle of Brahma was one hundred years of Brahma, or
311,040,000,000 years.......

Your string number can create the fine-structure constant through this mahayuga (432) as


which is related to the Hebrew Abraham number (82944):

[(10^(82943.99305/32/666))/666]^-2 = 1/137.035999935...

J.Iuliano >>


Hello Ray, Jerry, Robert, and all.

2112 and similar numbers came up in one of my projects, which I sent to our Code group around
April, 1998. It is part of a musical number theory, that came about from following the crop circle
story. I will paste in a slightly edited version below. One of the related numbers, 8448, recently
came up in a speculation concerning a crop formation (see below).

It seems like a good time to send additional material concerning the Mega-Glyph crop circle
formation, along with several other number connections. You will also find that material below.


Joe Mason


Hi gang.

Jimi, Michael, and I were chatting on-line today, when I happened to mention Gerald Hawkins'
musical theories about the crop circles, and how the number 24 is the common denominator of
the interval ratios. Hawkins has some material at -

Gerald Hawkins - Crop Circles, Euclidean Geometry & Diatonic Ratios

They asked me to explain, so here goes -

Hawkins and Gurdjief both list the fractional intervals like this:

C D E F G A B C'
1 9/8 5/4 4/3 3/2 5/3 15/8 2
 24/24  27/24  30/24  32/24  36/24   40/24  45/24  48/24
C', of course, is the next octave from C. Gurdjief also listed the intervals as percent increase:

. D . E . F . G . A . B .
.  12.5  .  11 .  6.5 .  12.5 .  11  .  12.5 .  6.5  .
I couldn't get the numbers to come out right with this, so I did it my own way (correct me if it is
wrong). I started with 440 cycles per second, as the standard central "A" note. I've heard it is the
center key on the piano keyboard.

To calculate the next higher B note, I took the 5/3 of the A note (1.666666667) and the 15/8 of
the B note (1.875), and figured 1.875/1.666666667 = 1.125 x 440 = 495 for the next B note.

The value corresponding to the 11% is taken as 5/4 = 1.25, 9/8 = 1.125, and 1.25/1.125 =
1.111111111. The value corresponding to the 6.5% is then 4/3 = 1.333333333, 5/4 = 1.25 and
1.333333333/1.25 = 1.066666667.

Using the calculated numbers as multipliers to go upscale, and as divisors to go downscale, it

came out like this for a range of notes:

A 55 A 110 A 220 A 440 A 880 A 1760 A 3520 A 7040

 B  B
 B 61.875  B 247.5 B 990  B 1980  B 3960  B 7920
123.75  495 
C 66 C 132 C 264 C 528  C 1056 C 2112 C 4224 C 8448
D 74.25 D 148.5 D 297 D 594 D 1188 D 2376 D 4752 D 9504
E 82.5 E 165 E 330 E 660 E 1320 E 2640 E 5280  E 10560
F 88 F 176 F 352 F 704 F 1408 F 2816 F 5632 F 11264
G 99 G 198 G 396 G 792 G 1584 G 3168 G 6336 G 12672
As you can see, some Gematrian numbers (multiples of 36) pop out along the bottom row,
starting with G 396. Harmonics with a ten factor appear in B 3960, and B 7920, the Earth's
radius and diameter. G 3168 is quite interesting, as Gematrian for "Lord Jesus Christ."

The F 88 is also interesting to me. The square footage of the triangular Barbury Castle crop
formation of 1991 totaled 31680, which is six miles in feet. 88 x 360 on the "Gematrian Wheel"
gives 31680. On the six-segment "Wheel," 88 x 60 = 5280, which is at E 5280 in the table above.

The top A row can be seen as harmonics of feet or yards in a mile. You see harmonics of them in
the F row and E row.

Another interesting thing - a similar style of number appears -

C 2112, C 4224, G 6336, and C 8448.

They are all 11 multiples -

2112/11 = 192, 4224/11 = 384, 6336/11 = 576, and 8448/11 = 768.

They are also 33 multiples.

I sent this material via snail mail to Charles Johnson back in June 1996. I included a few
diagrams with it. Based on the numbers, it came out a double circle, one inside the other. Two
triangles are drawn, like a Star of David, inside the outer wheel, like in some of Jimi's renditions.
A single, up-pointing triangle is drawn inside the inner wheel.

The outer circle is the basic "Gematrian Wheel," a circle divided into 10 major divisions of 36
degrees each. Each sub-section is marked into six parts, of 6 degrees each, for a grand total of 60
marks. See:


The inside circle is divided into 33 parts. The triangle inside divides it into three parts of 11 parts

The various numbers from the above music table are placed on the marks.

So, for example, the "A 55" is placed on the fifth mark on the inner wheel (5 x 11). Certain
numbers fit with marks on both wheels. For example, 66 is on the sixth mark on the inner wheel,
and the tenth mark on the outer wheel. You can express the latter as a fraction, multiplication and
addition, as 1/6 x 360 = 60 + 6 = 66.

The first Gematrian number that appears, 396, is on the second revolution around the wheels. It
is 36 x 11 on the inner wheel, and at the first major mark on the outer wheel (360 + 36).

The earth diameter harmonic, 792, is on the third revolution, at the second major mark on the
Gematrian Wheel (2 x 360 = 720 + 72). On the inner wheel, it is 72 x 11.

Continuing around, here are a few other examples - 1188 is 3 x 360 = 1080 + 108 on the
Gematrian Wheel, and 108 x 11 on the inner wheel. 5280 is 13 1/3 x 360 = 4800 + 480, and 480
x 11. 3168 is 8 x 360 = 2880 + 288, and 288 x 11. The earth radius and diameter, of course, are
11 and 22 full revolutions around the wheel. Gematria literally means measuring the earth.
Part of the idea of the Star of David inside the circle, is to mark the six-part wheel, of 60 degrees
each. Some of the numbers from the above table fall on all of the points, except one - the one at
60 degrees. 3960 and 7920 are at the top point. At the 120 degree mark, are 2640 and 10560. At
the south, 180 mark, is 1980. At the 240 degree mark, are 1320 and 5280. At the 300 degree
mark is 660.

The 440 cps for note "A," I read, came as a kind of consensus agreement among experts,
primarily J.S. Bach. So, it seems rather arbitrary. Yet, these numbers ARE interesting. And the
crop formations DO seem to be pointing us in this direction.



Update, 9-15-01

The Mega-Glyph crop formation that appeared at Tan Hill, near Milk Hill this year, may suggest
a few related numbers. See:

Huge 6 Fold Julia, Milk Hill (2), near Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, 13 August 2001

This was composed of 409 circles. Each of the six segments had 13 major circles and 55 smaller
circles. The total circles in each segment are multiples of 17. I added like this:

Mega Glyph Numbers

Large Small Divided
Rowcirclescircles by 17
1 13 55 68 4
2 26 110 136 8
3 39 165 204 12
4 52 220 272 16
5 65 275 340 20
6 78 330 408 24
Add the central 72 foot circle to
408 to arrive at the total of 409.
Some of the "music" numbers are there. The left column fits with Mayan timekeeping and with
Tarot cards.

The number 17 is related to 153, the number of fish in the net (John 21), as the numbers 1
through 17 add to 153.

The formation appeared around August 17, perhaps suggesting 8 x 17 = 136.

I also realized that 1836 / 17 = 108, while reading about electrons and such on one of Robert's
pages. To me, the 108 connection to the electron is symbolically significant, as the number is
related to time cycles, dowsing energy, the goddess, and the moon, the smaller sphere that rotates
around the bigger one.

[Note: The mass of a proton is said to be 1836 times the mass of an electron.

Gerald Hawkins - Crop Circles, Euclidean Geometry & Diatonic Ratios

Code of the Ancients

Sacred Numbers to Resuscitate the Dead - Lazarus and Awakening the Giant

10 Fold Spider Web, 11 August 1994, Avebury, Wiltshire
(The Spider Web formation appeared next to Avebury Stone circle.
It also suggests a circle divided into ten parts.)

The Interrelated 2005 Crop Circle Formations

Mid-Atlantic Geomancy
Sacred Crops: Sacred Space & Crop Circles

If you have any questions, or comments, or would like to add a link to this page,
please e-mail

This page was originally uploaded October 2, 2005

This page was last updated November 11, 2005

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