Embryo Nutrition

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Nutrition of the Developing Embryo and Hatchling

Article  in  Poultry Science · June 2007

DOI: 10.1093/ps/86.5.1043 · Source: PubMed

313 896

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Edwin Moran
Auburn University


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Muscle Development in the Embryo and Hatchling1

S. G. Velleman2

Department of Animal Sciences, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center,

The Ohio State University, Wooster 44691

ABSTRACT Muscle cell proliferation, migration, adhe- growth factor 2, transforming growth factor-β, insulin-
sion, and fusion are processes involved with the forma- like growth factor, and myostatin stimulate or inhibit
tion of multinucleated myotubes that will further differ- myoblast and satellite cell proliferation and differentia-
entiate into mature muscle fibers. The process of muscle tion. Some of these growth factors like fibroblast growth
fiber development is nearly complete at the time of hatch. factor 2 must interact with a low affinity extracellular

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Muscle growth during the embryonic period of develop- matrix macromolecule to bind to their high affinity recep-
ment is characterized by an increase in myoblast cell num- tor necessary for cell signaling. It is probable that the
ber through hyperplasia. Posthatch muscle fiber growth expression of extracellular matrix proteins involved in
occurs through muscle fiber enlargement by the process growth factor signaling will affect muscle growth proper-
of hypertrophy, which results from the recruitment of ties during hyperplasia and hypertrophy. As signaling
satellite cell nuclei. Hyperplasia and hypertrophy are reg- pathways associated with muscle growth mechanisms
ulated by factors extrinsic to the cell. These extrinsic ele- are further understood, the poultry industry may find it
ments include growth factors and the extracellular matrix. beneficial to include the expression of key genes in their
The growth factors, hepatocyte growth factor, fibroblast selection strategies.
Key words: extracellular matrix, growth factor, hyperplasia, hypertrophy, muscle fiber
2007 Poultry Science 86:1050–1054

INTRODUCTION fibers to form is termed primary fibers that have centrally

located nuclei. Surrounding the primary fibers are mono-
Skeletal muscle comprises the largest proportion of ani- nucleated myogenic cells that will differentiate into sec-
mal mass. Understanding the mechanisms that regulate ondary fibers. The secondary muscle fibers position is
muscle growth has significant agricultural implications. based on the location of the primary fibers. After the
Muscle is the major food product. One of the goals of the secondary fibers form, the Z band of the sarcomere, the
poultry industry has been to select animals for increased contractile unit of muscle, will line up forming a mature
growth rate and increased muscle mass while main- muscle fiber.
taining meat quality. For poultry breeders this maximiza-
tion of growth has focused on lean carcass development Mechanisms of Muscle Growth
especially for the breast muscles, the most valuable part
of the carcass. The process of muscle fiber formation is nearly com-
Muscle cell proliferation, migration, adhesion, and fu- plete at the time of hatch. Muscle growth can be separated
sion are processes involved with the formation of multi- into 2 periods, hyperplasia and hypertrophy. Hyperplasia
nucleated myotubes that will further differentiate into refers to the embryonic increase in myoblast cell number.
mature muscle fibers (Swartz et al., 1994). Not all muscle During the embryonic period of muscle development,
fibers form simultaneously during the prenatal period of myoblasts are proliferating, differentiating into multinu-
muscle development. The first set of embryonic muscle cleated myotubes, and forming muscle fibers. After the
prehatch formation of muscle fibers, fiber number is set
at hatch (Smith, 1963). How the prehatch period of muscle
©2007 Poultry Science Association Inc. growth affects posthatch muscle accretion has not re-
Received August 7, 2006. ceived significant research attention to date.
Accepted October 7, 2006. For posthatch muscle growth to occur there must be
Salaries and research support provided by state and federal funds
appropriated to the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Cen- an increase in protein synthesis, which is the direct conse-
ter, The Ohio State University. Presented as part of the Embryo Sympo- quence of more DNA resulting in increased transcription
sium: Managing the Embryo for Performance, July 19, 2006, at the and translation. To acquire more DNA, there is a required
Poultry Science Association Annual Meeting, Edmonton, Alberta,
Canada. increase in nuclei number. Because nuclei number de-
Corresponding author: velleman.1@osu.edu rived from myoblasts is set at hatch, the new nuclei are

derived from another cell type. Mauro (1961) identified
the presence of a cell wedged between the plasma mem-
brane and basement of skeletal muscle fibers. These cells
were termed satellite cells because they have little cell
cytoplasm. Mauro (1961) hypothesized that the satellite
cells may be involved in postnatal muscle growth. Moss
and LeBlond (1971) demonstrated that when 3H-thymi-
dine was given to rats the label incorporated into the
nuclei of the satellite cells for the first hour. After this
time, the label was localized in the nuclei of the muscle
fiber. Allen et al. (1979) reported that most of the nuclei
in a mature muscle fiber are from satellite cells. After
hatch, the satellite cells fuse with existing muscle fibers,
causing an increase or hypertrophy in muscle fiber size.
Simply incorporating more satellite cell nuclei into a

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muscle fiber alone does not result in muscle hypertrophy.
The balance between protein synthesis and degradation
will modulate the hypertrophy process. To have an in-
crease in muscle fiber size requires protein synthesis rates
being higher than the rate of protein degradation. Degra-
dation of muscle is largely regulated by the calpain system
(Goll et al., 2003). The calpains, ␮-calpain and m-calpain,
are calcium-dependent proteases that do not degrade pro-
teins to amino acids but disassemble the myofibril to
the point of the Z-band. The further degradation of the
myofibrillar structure is through the activity of the protea-
some system. Calpastatin is a protein whose only known
function is to inhibit the activity of the calpains.

Muscle Organization
Mature muscle fibers are surrounded and supported
by 3 layers of connective tissue: endomysium, perimy-
sium, and the epimysium. Connective tissue is composed
of cells and an extracellular matrix. The extracellular ma-
trix is composed of fibrous and nonfibrous proteins in-
cluding collagens and proteoglycans. Muscle should con- Figure 1. The effect of growth selection on 16 wk posthatch turkey
tain well-defined muscle fibers as well as distinct endo- breast muscle morphology. A) Randombred Control 2 Line (RBC2); and
B) F line.
mysial spacing between the muscle fibers and well-
defined perimysial spacing between the muscle fiber bun-
dles. Maintaining this spacing is critical in preventing
muscle fiber degeneration. converted into glycogen by the liver (Bangsbo et al., 1991).
In broilers and turkeys selected for increased growth, Velleman et al. (2003) observed in turkey breast muscles
it is common to observe more muscle fiber degeneration having increased muscle damage, there was a reduction
than in unimproved birds (Wilson et al., 1990; Dransfield in the capillary supply in the perimysial connective layer.
and Sosnicki, 1999; Velleman et al., 2003). Figure 1 shows A reduction in the blood supply to the muscle would
16 wk posthatch breast muscle from a turkey randombred increase lactic acid concentration and lead to muscle dam-
control line (RBC2) that is representative of a commercial age potentially associated with the pale, soft, and exuda-
1967 turkey and 16 wk posthatch breast muscle from an tive condition. Turkey pale, soft, and exudative condition
F line turkey developed from the RBC2 line by selection is associated with an increase in lactic acid and a decrease
for only increased 16-wk BW. The growth-selected F line in pH (Sosnicki and Wilson, 1991).
has significant muscle fiber degeneration. In birds with
increased muscle fiber degeneration, there is significantly Factors Regulating Muscle Growth
reduced endomysial and perimysial spacing between the during Hyperplasia and Hypertrophy
muscle fibers and the muscle fibers appear fragmented.
The breast muscle is composed of glycolytic type II muscle Growth factors are strong stimulators or inhibitors of
fibers. The glycolytic mode of anaerobic respiration re- myoblast and satellite cell proliferation and differentia-
sults in the formation of lactic acid. Lactic acid is largely tion. The following growth factors have been shown to
removed from the muscle by the circulatory system to be affect hyperplasia and hypertrophy: hepatocyte growth
Table 1. Growth factors affecting myoblast and satellite cell proliferation a dynamic structure that changes in expression with the
and differentiation1
developmental age of the tissue and is cell type specific.
Growth factor Proliferation Differentiation The extracellular matrix communicates information back
Hepatocyte growth factor Stimulates Inhibits to the cell and regulates cellular gene expression. Certain
Fibroblast growth factor 2 Stimulates Inhibits extracellular matrix macromolecules, especially the pro-
Insulin-like growth factor Stimulates Stimulates teoglycans, interact with growth factors and are required
Transforming growth factor-beta Inhibits Inhibits
Myostatin Inhibits Inhibits for the cell to elicit a response to the growth factor. Proteo-
glycans contain a central core protein with one or more
Proliferation and differentiation information is from Allen and Goll
attached carbohydrate residues called glycosaminogly-
cans. Glycosaminoglycans covalently attached to the core
protein include chondroitin sulfate, keratan sulfate, der-
matan sulfate, and heparan sulfate. Based on this defini-
factor, fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2), insulin-like tion, the proteoglycans are a diverse family of macromole-
growth factor, transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β), cules that exhibit developmental and tissue specificity in
and myostatin. Table 1 summarizes the effects of each of terms of their expression.

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these growth factors on muscle cell function. In skeletal muscle, the proteoglycans play a major role
In recent years, myostatin has received significant re- in regulating myoblast and satellite cell responsiveness
search attention from the biomedical and agricultural to the growth factors FGF2 and TGF-β, and recent data
communities. Myostatin is a member of the TGF-β family suggest a role in myostatin responsiveness (Miura et al.,
and is a strong inhibitor of myoblast and satellite cell 2006). The interaction of FGF2 with its high affinity recep-
proliferation and differentiation. Inhibiting the expres- tor is mediated by the interaction of FGF2 with the he-
sion of myostatin results in a significant increase in muscle paran sulfate chains of heparan sulfate containing mem-
mass. In addition to the increase in muscle mass, meat brane-associated proteoglycans. Yayon et al. (1991) dem-
quality is good from animals with inhibited myostatin onstrated that cells deficient in heparan sulfate
expression, and intramuscular fat and connective tissue proteoglycans and transfected to express the FGF2 recep-
are decreased with improved feed efficiency. tor were unable to bind FGF2. The treatment of cells with
Fibroblast growth factor 2 is a major growth factor chlorate to prevent glycosaminoglycan sulfation de-
involved in the regulation of muscle growth. It is a potent creased the binding of FGF2 to its high affinity receptor
stimulator of myoblast and satellite cell proliferation and (Olwin and Rapraeger, 1992). These studies have demon-
an intense inhibitor of differentiation (Dollenmeier et al., strated that heparan sulfate functions as a low affinity
1981). One biological effect of FGF2 during myogenesis is coreceptor for FGF2. Because commercial poultry have
to inhibit the transcription of myogenin, a muscle specific been selected for enhanced muscling based on phenotype
transcriptional regulatory factor required for the initia- not by biological mechanisms involved in regulating mus-
tion of myotube formation (Brunetti and Goldfine, 1990). cle growth, it is not clear how growth selection has af-
By suppressing myogenin expression, FGF2 maintains fected the expression of extracellular matrix macromole-
the skeletal muscle cells in a state of proliferation. The cules critical to the regulation of muscle growth during
turkey F line when compared with the RBC2 line that it hyperplasia and hypertrophy.
was selected from has been shown to have higher FGF2 To study how selection for growth and muscling has
expression during satellite cell proliferation and embry- affected the expression of heparan sulfate proteoglycans
onic stages of development (Liu et al., 2003). Increased during the embryonic and posthatch periods of develop-
FGF2 expression during the hyperplasia period of muscle ment, research is in progress comparing the expression
growth would result in the formation of more muscle profiles of heparan sulfate proteoglycans in the RBC2 and
fibers prior to hatch. If more muscle fibers are present at F lines. During the embryonic and posthatch periods of
time of hatch, this would provide more fiber availability age, heparan sulfate proteoglycan expression was higher
for satellite cell fusion and muscle growth by hypertro- in the growth selected F line compared with the unse-
phy. Fibroblast growth factor 2 is also a strong stimulator lected RBC2 line (Liu et al., 2002). The expression of FGF2
of satellite cell proliferation. The activation of satellite mRNA was higher earlier in embryonic development for
cell proliferation is critical in muscle hypertrophy. Feed- the F line compared with the RBC2 line (Liu et al., 2003).
deprived turkey poults and chicks exhibit reduced satel- This suggests that the growth-selected F line has the po-
lite cell mitotic activity (Halevy et al., 2000; Mozdziak et tential for increased FGF2 signaling, which would stimu-
al., 2002). The activity of the myoblasts and satellite cells is late the proliferation of muscle cells leading to enhanced
further influenced by the extrinsic or extracellular matrix muscle development and growth. In a related study,
environment surrounding the cells. McFarland et al. (2003) showed that fast growing turkey
The extracellular matrix is composed of an organized satellite cell populations were more responsive to FGF2,
network of proteins and polysaccharides, which are se- expressed more FGF2 mRNA, and had higher levels of
creted by the muscle cells and localized in the connective heparan sulfate proteoglycans compared with slower
layers surrounding the muscle fibers. The extracellular growing satellite cell populations.
matrix consists mainly of collagens, proteoglycans, and In muscle, 2 predominant groups of heparan sulfate
glycoproteins like fibronectin. The extracellular matrix is proteoglycans expressed are the syndecans and glypi-
cans. The syndecan family is composed of 4 members, fiber proportions (Dransfield and Sosnicki, 1999). As well
syndecan-1 through -4, which have all been identified in as muscle fiber proportions being modified, the connec-
skeletal muscle. The syndecans have a membrane span- tive tissue spacing surrounding the muscle fibers will be
ning core protein possessing highly conserved cyto- changed resulting in a situation that could be detrimental
plasmic and transmembrane domains and a diverse ecto- to muscle health and subsequently meat quality.
domain to which the glycosaminoglycan chains are The extracellular matrix macromolecules especially the
attached (Carey, 1997; Rapraeger, 2001). Glypicans 1 proteoglycans will affect a number of properties critical to
through 6 have a core protein that contains conserved muscle growth and meat quality including water-holding
cysteine residues and glycosaminoglycan attachment capacity and growth factor regulation. The growth factor
sites. The glypicans are attached to the cell plasma mem- FGF2, for example, is a potent stimulator of muscle
brane through a glycosylphosphatidyl-inositol anchor growth and a strong inhibitor of differentiation. For the
(David et al., 1990). Only glypican-1 has been reported muscle cells to elicit a response to FGF2, the FGF2 must
in skeletal muscle. In vitro studies with C2C12 myoblasts bind to heparan sulfate containing proteoglycans. Selec-
have shown that syndecan-1, -3, and -4 expression are tion for increased 16-wk BW in turkeys has been shown
downregulated during skeletal muscle differentiation to increase FGF2 and heparan sulfate proteoglycan ex-

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(Larraı́n et al., 1997; Fuentealba et al., 1999), whereas syn- pression during the embryonic phase of growth (Liu et al.,
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