Major Related Career

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English Language Support Unit

Project 1- Major-Related Careers Group Report

Professor: Chuon Kheang

Academic Year: 2021-2022

Mathematics Department
- Chab Mony
- Choeurn Sokna
- Laing Savdy
- Nov Kanika
- Peang Sreynith
- Va Narin
- Vat Sokhao

Table of Contents
I. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 2
II. CAREER PROFILES.............................................................................................................................. 3
A. Operations Research Analysts (by Chab Mony)............................................................................... 3
B. Actuary (by Choeurn Sokna).............................................................................................................. 4
C. Mathematician (by Laing Savdy) ....................................................................................................... 5
D. Production Development Engineer (by Nov Kanika) ....................................................................... 5
E. Investment Banking (by Peang Sreynith) .......................................................................................... 6
F. Software Developer (by Va Narin) ..................................................................................................... 7
G. Mathematics Teacher (by Vat Sokhao) .............................................................................................. 9
III. CONCLUSION...................................................................................................................................... 11
The aim of this report is to inform some of major-related careers profiles. We are junior students from
Mathematics Department in Royal University of Phnom Penh. Mathematics is a fundamental, pure
science. As such, it is rightly considered the “language” of other scientific disciplines. In mathematics
major, there are many courses range from algebra to statistics, and the concepts build on one another.
Advanced Analysis is one of courses that we are currently studying. It covers fundamental of
mathematics, leading on to other areas of analysis, such as topology as well as measure theory. This
course covers advanced design topics related to dimensions and partitions. It also provides important
tools for application areas such as theoretical computer science, physics and engineering. As for
Probability, is a branch of mathematics that deals with the occurrence of a random event. Probability
has been introduced to predict how likely events are to happen. The meaning of probability is
basically the extent to which something is likely to happen. It uses mathematical method to predict
outcome of the event. In junior year, we are introduced to Operation Research course which is an
analytical method of problem-solving and decision-making that is useful in the management of
organizations. It involves mainly in probability and statistics to make a better decision. At the present
time, bachelor's graduates are able to continue their studies to achieve Master degree in Royal
University of Phnom Penh in Cambodia.

According to information that we found, mathematics graduates usually work in Education and
Banking fields. Students in mathematics major usually become teachers including secondary, high
school or college teachers. They also get a job as a private tutor in private school. Other than working
in education field, many graduates apply for jobs that related to banking or finance such as accountant,
sale manager or business analyst. Even these two fields are popular for graduates, there are many
kinds of job that require mathematics. At the present, in Cambodia, labor market for mathematics
graduates remains needed. Maybe it safe to say that due to the importance of mathematics for science
fields and technology growth, many new jobs are created too. Mathematics is the basic of all scientific
majors. However, you still need some other training courses in order to get higher pay.

A. Operations Research Analysts (by Chab Mony)
1. Nature of Work: Operations research analysts use advanced mathematical and analytical
methods to help solve complex issues. Operations research analysts spend most of their time
in offices, although some travel may be necessary to meet with clients. Almost all operations
research analysts work full time.
2. Working Conditions: Some operations research analysts in the federal government work for
the Department of Defense, which also employs a large number of analysts through private
consulting firms. Operations research analysts spend most of their time in offices. Some may
spend time in the field to gather information and observe business processes directly. Analysts
may also travel in order to work with clients and company executives and to attend
conferences. Because problems are complex and often require expertise from many
disciplines, most analysts work on teams.
3. Training and Qualifications: Many entry-level positions are available for those with a
bachelor's degree. However, some employers may prefer to hire applicants with a master's
degree. Although some schools offer bachelor's and advanced degree programs in operations
research, some analysts have degrees in other technical or quantitative fields, such as
engineering, computer science, analytics, or mathematics. Because operations research is
based on quantitative analysis, students need extensive coursework in mathematics. Courses
include Statistics, Calculus, and Linear Algebra. Coursework in computer science is important
because analysts rely on advanced statistical and database software to analyze and model data.
Courses in other areas, such as engineering, economics, and political science, are useful
because operations research is a multidisciplinary field with a wide variety of applications.
Continuing education is important for operations research analysts. Keeping up with advances
in technology, software tools, and improved analytical methods is vital.
4. Chances for Advanced: As technology advances and companies seek efficiency and cost
savings, demand for operations research analysis should continue to grow. In addition,
increasing demand should occur for these workers in the field of analytics to improve business
planning and decision making. Operations research analysts will continue to be needed to
provide support for the Armed Forces and to assist in developing and implementing policies
and programs in other areas of government.
5. Job Outlook: Employment of operations research analysts is projected to grow 25 percent
over the next ten years, much faster than the average for all occupations. About 10,200
openings for operations research analysts are projected each year, on average, over the decade.

Many of those openings are expected to result from the need to replace workers who transfer
to different occupations or exit the labor force, such as to retire.
6. Probable Earning: The median annual wage for operations research analysts is 3,000,000
KHR. The median wage is the wage at which half the workers in an occupation earned more
than that amount and half earned less. The lowest 10 percent earned less than 2,000,000 KHR
and the highest 10 percent earned more than 20,000,000 KHR.

B. Actuary (by Choeurn Sokna)

1. Nature of Work: Actuaries analyze the financial costs of risk and uncertainty. They use
mathematics, statistics, and financial theory to assess the risk of potential events, and they
help businesses and clients develop policies that minimize the cost of that risk. Actuaries’
work is essential to the insurance industry.
2. Working Conditions: Actuaries typically work on teams that often include managers and
professionals in other fields, such as accounting, underwriting, and finance. Although
actuaries usually work in an office setting, those who work for consulting firms may need to
travel to meet with clients.
3. Training and qualifications: Actuaries must have a strong background in mathematics,
statistics, and business. Typically, an actuary has an undergraduate degree in mathematics,
actuarial science, statistics, or some other analytical field. Because there are different types of
practice areas, including health, life, pension, and casualty, internships may be helpful for
students deciding on which actuarial track to pursue. Most entry-level actuaries start out as
trainees. They are typically on teams with more experienced actuaries who serve as mentors.
At first, they perform basic tasks, such as compiling data, but as they gain more experience,
they may conduct research and write reports.
4. Chances for Advancement: Advancement depends largely on job performance and the
number of actuarial exams passed. For example, actuaries who achieve fellowship status often
supervise the work of other actuaries and provide advice to senior management. Actuaries
with a broad knowledge of risk management and how it applies to business can rise to
executive positions in their companies, such as chief risk officer or chief financial officer.
5. Job Outlook: Employment of actuaries is projected to grow 20 percent from 2018 to 2028,
much faster than the average for all occupations. However, because it is a small occupation,
the fast growth will result in only about 5,000 new jobs over the 10-year period.
6. Probable Earnings: The median monthly salary for actuary is around 4 640 000 KHR. The
salaries range from 2 130 000 KHR (lowest) to 7 370 000 KHR (highest)

C. Mathematician (by Laing Savdy)
1. Nature of Work: Theoretical mathematician are concerned with the development and
clarification of mathematical theories and laws. They want to improve basic understanding of
mathematical relationships and develop new mathematical laws. Moreover, mathematician
analyze data and apply mathematical techniques to help solve problem.
2. Working conditions: Mathematicians usually work in comfortable offices. They often are
part of interdisciplinary teams that may include economists, engineers, computer scientists,
physicists, technicians, and others. However, there are some area that they can work
independently. In addition, some mathematicians may travel to attend seminars and
conferences. They work full time from thirty-five to forty hours a week. Mathematicians are
required to be patient since some works need long time to research or solve.
3. Training and Qualifications: Mathematicians require doctoral degree. Bachelor’s graduates
are able to find the jobs as assistants to mathematicians. Many colleges and universities advise
or require mathematics students to take courses in a related field, such as computer science,
engineering, physics, or statistics. Because mathematicians often work with data analysis
software, computer programming courses may be particularly beneficial for students.
4. Chances for Advancement: Advancement opportunities are great for mathematician for who
have advanced degree. They can become manager, supervisor. For those who have doctoral
degree, they can become professor at colleges and universities. Most theoretical and applied
mathematicians grow by focusing in a specific field, such as algebra, geometry, or computing.
5. Job Outlook: Over the next ten years, job growth of mathematicians expected to expand by
33 percent, substantially faster than the average for all occupations.
6. Probable Earning: Averagely, a person working as a Mathematician in Cambodia earns
around 5,710,000 KHR per month. Salaries range from 2,630,000 KHR (lowest) to 9,080,000
KHR (highest).

D. Production Development Engineer (by Nov Kanika)

1. Nature of Work: A product developer manages the process of developing a product or
enhancing existing products in order to meet customer expectations effectively. Product
developers conduct research, develop proposals, and supervise the design process. This role
will oversee the end-to-end development of new products from conceptualization to launch
as well as the enhancement of existing portfolio. This position will also be responsible for
developing new propositions, reviewing, and promoting existing ones.
2. Working Condition: The workers in this career often work full time around forty hours a
week. They are working as a group to oversee the process of a new product design. Each

member of the team collaborates with the others to create and implement a strategy. They also
work independently to contribute to the overall goal, which is to take the product to market.
There is a great deal of pressure connected with this job due to numerous deadlines, schedule
changes, and regular meetings with other managers. They are dealing with both people and
3. Training and Qualifications: Production Development requires Bachelor’s degree in a
related area (e.g. Finance, Business, Actuarial, Mathematics, or Marketing). Those who have
experience of 3-5 years in relevant product, marketing or insurance industry are at advantage.
Professional qualifications in insurance & product management (LOMA, for example),
experience with Cross-Functional Project Management initiatives are also needed. In addition,
applicants are required excellent interpersonal, communication, and presentation skills in
English (Khmer preferred), strong analytical and problem-solving skills, demonstrate
initiative, commitment, and responsibility and leadership.
4. Chance for Advancement: After working on more and more of interesting products and
performing well in the role of products developer, those experiences and good work
performances can help workers to be promoted to higher positions. They can be promoted to
be managers or supervisors.
5. Job Outlook: Between 2020 and 2030, the career is expected to grow 10 percent and produce
5,400 jobs opportunities across the U.S. According to the results, 26 percent of the product
managers polled had 3-5 years’ work experience. This was followed by 24% with 6-10 years’
work experience. The study also showed that about 39% of the polled sample were within the
ages of 35-44 years of age.
6. Probable Earning: Product Development Engineer in Cambodia averagely earns
around 2,970,000 KHR per month. Salaries range from 1,370,000 KHR (lowest) to 4,720,000
KHR (highest).

E. Investment Banking (by Peang Sreynith)

1. Nature of work: Investment bankers raise funds for corporations and government agencies
by structuring the issuance of securities such as stocks and bonds. They also advise
corporations that are contemplating mergers and acquisitions.
2. Work Condition: Because investment banking involves huge financial risks and large-scale
crises, an investment banker's work is often stressful and demanding. Those employed in the
field report average workdays of fourteen to seventeen hours in office, frequent and often
unexpected travel, interrupted weekends, and all- night work sessions.

3. Training and Qualifications: Investment banks require a bachelor's degree as the minimum
educational qualification for an entry-level analyst position. However, in some investment
banks, a master's degree is required to gain entry to the firm's career advancement track. Most
investment banks prefer finance, accounting, business administration, or other business
degrees. An undergraduate degree matters less in the hiring process if an individual has a
master's degree in finance, business administration, or another relevant area. Courses in
economics, finance, and mathematics are highly recommended. Investment banks don't
require first-year hires to have experience, although relevant internships can help during the
hiring process. If applying as a candidate that has a master's degree, previous work experience
may give an edge, especially if it's relevant to the industry or the company. Investment banks
may require certain securities licenses such as a Series 63 and Series 79, issued by the
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) after passing an exam. Careers in
investment banking also require strong quantitative abilities combined with excellent sales
skills, a willingness to work hard, excellent people skills, and a competitive nature.
4. Chances for Advancement: After two years of working for the investment bank, top
performing analysts are often offered the chance to stay for a third year, and the most
successful analysts can be promoted after three years to investment banking associate. A
successful investment banker may be promoted to vice president or managing director. A large
investment banking firm might have forty to eighty managing directors, or partners.
5. Job outlook: The job outlook for securities, commodities, and financial services sales agents
is about average. This group includes investment bankers. Job growth will be driven by a
continuing need for investment banking services such as initial public offerings and mergers
and acquisitions as the economy grows. However, ongoing consolidation in the financial
services industry will offset this growth to some degree. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
predicts that employment in these jobs will grow about 6 percent from 2016 to 2026, which
is about as fast as the average job growth of 7 percent for all occupations through 2026.
6. Probable Earnings: The median salary range for Investment Banker in Cambodia typically
around 4,330,000 KHR per month. Salaries range from 1,990,000 KHR (minimum salary)
to 6,880,000 KHR (highest average, actual maximum salary is higher).

F. Software Developer (by Va Narin)

1. Nature of Work: Software developers design computer applications or programs. Software
developer identify problems with applications or programs and report defects. The job of a
software developer depends on the needs of the company, organization, or team they are on.
Some build and maintain systems that run devices and networks. Others develop applications

that make it possible for people to perform specific tasks on computers, cellphones, or other
2. Working Condition: Software developers usually work in an office setting, though many can
work in a remote setting since they perform most duties on a computer. Most of them work at
least 40 hours per week during regular business hours along with some occasional nights and
weekends to meet deadlines or resolve unexpected technical issues. Software engineers spend
their day solving problems in web applications and programs, writing code, attending
meetings, and collaborating with their peers. They usually work on several projects at once.
3. Training and Qualifications: Software developers typically need a bachelor's degree in
computer and information technology or a related field, such as engineering or mathematics.
Computer and information technology degree programs cover a broad range of topics.
Students may gain experience in software development by completing an internship, such as
at a software company, while in college. For some software developer positions, employers
may prefer that applicants have a master's degree. Although writing code is not their primary
responsibility, developers must have a strong background in computer programming.
Throughout their career, developers must keep up to date on new tools and computer
languages. Applicants must be a full-stack developer and understand concepts of software
engineering. Analytical skills, communication skills, creativity, detail oriented, interpersonal
skills, problem-solving skills is always a plus.
4. Chances for Advancement: Software developers can advance in their career after gaining
enough experience. Advancements can include becoming a project manager, chief
information officer or manager of information systems. They can also work as systems
designers or independent consultants. Typically, being promoted up to the senior level is
mostly based on gaining skills, demonstrating those, and delivering impact. However, above
the senior engineer level, other factors come into play. First, there might be a budgeting limit
to how many people can be promoted to higher levels.
5. Job Outlook: In recent years, there has been an increase in demand for software engineers
and programmers worldwide. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the
number of job opportunities in software development is projected to increase 22 percent from
2020 to 2030, much higher than the projected national average growth rate for all professions
of 8 percent. About 189,200 openings for software developers, quality assurance analysts, and
testers are projected each year, on average, over the decade. Many of those openings are
expected to result from the need to replace workers who transfer to different occupations or
exit the labor force, such as to retire.

6. Probable Earning: Most Software Developer in Cambodia typically earns around 2 400 000
KHR per month. Salaries range from 2 375 000 KHR (lowest) to 7 396 000 KHR (highest).
This statistic is from the survey, so the earning can be different.

G. Mathematics Teacher (by Vat Sokhao)

1. Nature of Work: Typically, math teachers tend to work in a standard classroom as other types
of teachers do. They may have other responsibilities within their school such as in the
cafeteria, in a math lab, or in the front office, but they can expect to spend much of their time
in their individual classroom.
2. Working Conditions: Teachers spend most of their time in classroom with students. They
also work in their offices where they can expect to create their lesson plans and grade
homework. For those teachers who are organized and on top of their lesson plans, then the
stress level may be manageable. For those that struggle with getting work done in advance,
there may be some stress involved in the job. There may be some occasional evenings for
conferences, but the hours are usually quite reasonable. There may be additional causes for
stress when students aren’t doing well and the teacher has to talk to the parents.
3. Training and Qualifications: The minimum level of education required for a mathematics
teacher is a bachelor’s degree, though they often possess far more than that. Most states
require that teachers either get a teaching certificate or license to be able to teach in their home
state. This requires ongoing education to keep it current and up to date each year. Many
teachers will go on for further education such as a master’s degree as this can really benefit
them in their career, meaning more money and more potential opportunities. Mathematics
teachers must keep current with their curriculum and therefore find that there are a lot of
workshops, conferences, and other training opportunities throughout the school year. It’s
important for teachers to stay up to date with their curriculum and their field, so this is an
important part of the job. Additionally, mathematics teachers work to keep their license or
certificate current, they will need to fulfill certain educational or training requirements.
4. Chances for Advancement: Math teachers may be required to supervise study halls,
homerooms, extracurricular activities, or field trips. They may also provide academic and
career advising to students. Most math teachers will participate in workshops and conferences
to keep their own advanced math and math education skills current. Teachers commonly also
tutor students after hours who are struggling in their subject. There are chances where teachers
can be promoted to higher positions in their institutions based on their abilities and

5. Job Outlook: Though there is always a need for teachers, it happens to be a rather competitive
field as well. As many people want to be teachers, this can mean far more demand than there
is opportunity. Those math teachers who have good solid experience, strong references and
reputation, and relationships in place may find it easier to find future opportunities. There is
always demand for teachers, but it all depends on the district and the number of teachers
competing for a spot. Math teachers are focused on a specific niche or curriculum so that can
make their chances easier when jobs like theirs come up. They may find that their experience
working within math specifically allows them to focus in on the right opportunities when they
6. Probable earning: The average monthly salary for a mathematics teacher is around 3 180
000 KHR, however that is only an average. The lowest is expected to be around 1 460 000
KHR and the highest is around 5 060 000 KHR. The more experience that a teacher has and
the more tenure that they build up, the more their salary will increase. Those teachers working
in specific geographical locations can expect to earn more as well. Teachers that have
flexibility in what they can teach in terms of ages of children and curriculum within math have
a better likelihood of earning more money as well. Math teachers typically earn a very
generous benefits package including paid time off, health benefits, tuition reimbursement, and
of course a retirement account.

To sum up with all information above, we are able to agree that a math degree is definitely worth it.
A math degree will drastically increase your employability, provide you with a wide range of options
for further schooling, help improve your critical thinking and analytical skills and enhance your
programming and problem-solving abilities. Math is always the basic, as long as you want to study
STEM majors, so are the jobs. According to Bureau of Labor Statistics, STEM (science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics) careers are expected to grow greatly over the next eight years. BLS
predicts a 10.5 percent increase in STEM occupations, compared with a 7.5 percent increase in non-
STEM occupations. As we can see in the profiles above, additional education in other courses and
skills is still needed. The combination of mathematics, statistics, economics, and finance courses
provides strong applied quantitative skills that are highly valued in many jobs.


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