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Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning

Element 2.1 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Models and Models fair and Reinforces positive, responsible, Develops shared Facilitates student self-
communicates respectful behavior. and respectful student responsibility with reflection and ongoing
expectations for fair Demonstrates interactions. Assists students to students for resolving improvement of the
and respectful commitment to resolve conflicts. conflict and creating and caring community based
behavior to support fairness and respect Incorporates cultural awareness to maintaining a caring on respect, fairness, and
social development. in communications develop a positive classroom classroom community.   the value of all members.
with students about climate. (7/15/23) Supports students in
Promoting social language and taking leadership in
Development and behavior. Students demonstrate efforts to be developing a caring
responsibility within Seeks to understand positive, accepting, and respectful community that is Students take leadership
a caring community cultural perceptions of differences. (7/15/23) responsive to the diverse in resolving conflict and
where each student Some students share of caring cultural norms of creating a fair and
is treated fairly and in responsibility for community. identities of all students. respectful classroom
respectfully the classroom community where
community. Students participate Students take student’s home culture is
in occasional responsibility resolving included and valued.
community building conflicts and maintaining Students communicate
activities, designed a caring classroom with empathy and
to promote caring, community. Students understanding in
fairness, and promote respect and interactions with one
respect. appreciation for another.
Evidence This is an area that I think I can
grow in, not because I don’t work
hard to maintain an environment
that is positive and accepting, but
because I am not sure in some
instances how to counter when
students are not practicing these
skills. Many of my students work
very hard to understand and
respect cultural differences but I
have some who I don’t think
realize they are not and I work
hard to try and counter those
instances and have them reflect on
why that might not promote a
positive environment for some. For
example I have had one-to-one
meetings with students where I
explained why their words or
comments could be harmful to a
particular group of people in order
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
to not just counter the action but
provide content for why we are
trying to counter it. However, I
would really like to develop and
explore new ways to help expand
the self awareness and inclusivity
of some of my students. (7/15/23)
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Element 2.2 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Is aware of the Experiments with and/or Develops physical Maintains physical Adapts physical and/or
importance of the virtual learning environments that reflect environments that reflect environments flexibly to
physical and/or virtual environments that student diversity and student diversity and facilitate access to a wide
learning environments support student learning. provide a range of provides a broad range of range of resources that
that support student resources for learning. resources, displays, and engage students in
learning. artifacts that are current learning. Ensures that
Structures for interaction Utilizes a variety of and integral to environments enhance
Is aware that structured are taught in single structures for interaction instruction. learning and reflect
interaction between lessons or sequence of during learning activities diversity within and
Creating physical or
students can support lessons to support that ensures a focus on Integrates a variety of beyond the classroom.
virtual learning
learning. student learning. and completion of structures for interaction
environments that
learning tasks. that engage students Selects from a repertoire
promote student
constructively and of structures for
learning, reflect
productively in learning. interaction to ensure
diversity, and
(7/15/23) accelerated learning for
the full range of students.
constructive and
Some students use Students use resources Students use a variety of Students routinely use a
available resources in provided in learning resources in learning range of resources in Students participate in
interactions among
learning environments environments and environments and learning environments monitoring and changing
during instruction. interact with each other interact in ways that that relate to and enhance the design of learning
to understand and deepen their instruction and reflect environments and
complete learning tasks in understanding of the their diversity. structures for
single lessons or content and develop Students share in interactions.
sequence of lessons. constructive social and monitoring and
academic interactions. assessment of
(7/15/23) interactions to improve
effectiveness and develop
a positive culture for
Evidence Where I would like to One of the first groups of
grow is how I can help steps I take in my class is
students succeed while trying to understand how
also challenging them and all of my students learn.
providing an array of My school goes to great
resources for some of length to fully explore the
them. For many of my wide array of learning
students I have a plethora styles that our students
of resources that I utilize: have. I also do this myself
readings, presentations, and begin the semester by
discussions/debates, discussing different
videos, and even methods of learning and
sometimes podcasts. For having them think about
some students, however, what they have succeeded
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
they only like one type of with in the past, and what
resource and it simply has been a point of
does not work to only use struggle for them in the
one type of resource for a past. This then goes to
whole semester. I want to influence how I set up the
find that balance between class for the students. The
taking into account their lessons I put together
learning differences and throughout the semester
providing resources that will have an array of
will help them succeed visuals, presentations,
while also still challenging readings, videos, and
them. I hope to learn discussions where they
some ways where I can are all given the chance to
find the difference engage with and
between resources that understand the content
they don’t like and we are discussing. I will
resources that will not also have alternates of
help them succeed. certain assignments in
(7/15/23) case a student is
struggling with a
particular subject or has a
learning difference like
dyslexia that must be
taken into account. I also
make sure to create an
environment where it
feels like im not just their
teacher but sort of a peer.
In a one-to-one
environment like the one
employed at my school, it
can sometimes feel hard
for students to have that
communal nature of other
schools. By positioning
myself as both and
utilizing collaborative
lessons I am able to bring
that communal nature to
my classroom. We read
documents together, we
exchange ideas, and built
upon what we both think.
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Element 2.3 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Adheres to policies and Recognizes and addresses Anticipates and reduces Integrates support for Shares responsibility with
laws regarding safety that safety issues regarding risks to physical, students to take risks and the students for the
are required by the site, materials, student intellectual, and offer respectful opinions establishment and
district, and state. interactions, and the emotional safety using about divergent maintenance of a safe
Responds to behaviors organization of the multiple strategies that viewpoints. (7/15/23) physical, intellectual, and
that impact student safety learning environments. include examining biases emotional environment
as they arise. in the learning focused on high quality
environment and and rigorous learning.
curriculum. Engages in reflection on
Establishing and
Explores strategies to their own language and
maintaining learning
establish intellectual and Models and provides behavior that contributes
environments that
emotional safety in the instruction on skills that to intellectual and
are physically,
classroom. develop resiliency and emotional safety in the
intellectually, and
support intellectual and classroom. (7/15/23)
emotionally safe
emotional safety. Students demonstrate
Students are aware of resiliency in
required safety Students follow teacher Students develop and perseverance for
procedures and the guidance regarding Students take risks, offer practice resiliency skills academic achievement.
school and classroom potential safety issues for opinions, and share and strategies to strive Students maintain
rational for maintaining self or others. alternative perspectives for academic intellectual and emotional
safety. achievement, and safety for themselves and
establish intellectual and others in the classroom.
emotional safety in the
classroom. (7/15/23)
Evidence I selected this level
because this is something
I try to encourage in
almost every assignment
I give. I want students to
be able to feel
comfortable explaining
and exploring their own
ideas. I want them to both
feel comfortable with
what I and other students
will think and feel like it’s
safe to share on that level
but I also want them to
feel comfortable with
themselves. Every time I
give one of these
assignments I reiterate a
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
sentence that I think has
really helped many of my
students open up to this
idea on both fronts:
“Remember, this is your
opinion so do not worry
about being right or
wrong, think more about
how you will develop and
support your argument.” I
also describe history as a
puzzle that is missing
2/3rds of its pieces and
we, as historians, have to
use the evidence we have
to fill in those blanks. For
some students I think this
has helped them grow
more comfortable as,
over the course of a single
semester, I had a student
who went from only
wanting to answer using
information from the text
to being comfortable
using that information to
support what they
thought about why
something happened the
way it did. I was very
proud to see such growth.
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Element 2.4 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Focuses the rigor of the Strives for a rigorous Develops a rigorous Integrates rigor Facilitates a rigorous
learning environment on learning environment learning environment throughout the learning learning environment in
accuracy of answers and that includes accuracy, that includes accuracy, environment that values which students take
completion of learning understanding, and the analysis, problem solving, accuracy, analysis, and leadership in learning.
tasks. importance of meeting and appropriate levels of critical reading, writing Fosters extended studies,
Is aware of the targeted learning goals. challenge. and thinking. research, analysis and
importance of Works to maintain high Holds high expectations Integrates strategic purposeful use of
maintaining high expectations for students for students. Has an scaffolds and learning.
Creating a rigorous
expectations for students. while becoming aware of understanding of technologies throughout Supports students to
achievement patterns for achievement patterns, instruction that support utilize an extensive
environment with
individuals and groups of and uses scaffolds to the full range of learners repertoire of
high expectations
students. address achievement in meeting high differentiated strategies
and appropriate
gaps. (7/15/23) expectations for to meet high
support for all
achievement. expectations.
Some students ask for Some individuals and Students engage in a
teacher support to groups of students work variety of differentiated Students actively use Students take
understand or complete with the teacher to supports and challenges supports and challenges responsibility to fully
learning tasks. support accuracy and in ways that promote to complete critical utilize teacher and peer
comprehension in their their accuracy, analysis, reading, writing, higher support, to achieve
learning. and problem solving in order thinking, and consistently high levels of
learning. (7/15/23) problem solving across factual and analytical
subject matter. learning.

Evidence This is a balance that I

continue to grapple with
and might be something I
choose as the thing I need
to work on the most. I
believe that many of the
assignments and
activities that I utilize
encourage my students to
go beyond just reading
the materials and
encourages them to think
about what they think,
whether they truly
understand the material,
and draw connections to
the world today. One of
my favorite things to do is
to treat history more like
how its treated in college
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
courses where you aren’t
just learning about the
past but are engaging
with it and major
questions that historians
themselves are struggling
with. (Did the Treaty of
Versailles cause WWII?
Why did Constantine
convert to Christianity?
How do you discuss the
founding fathers
objective successes and
objective failures at the
same time.) The issue I
run into is assessing if
these questions are too
intense for some
students. I provide
scaffolds and supports for
students who need them
of course but I struggle
with when I should I
lower the intensity of the
questions I am posing to
then and when am I
underestimating their
capabilities. (7/15/23)
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Element 2.5 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Establishes expectations, Develops expectations Uses multiple strategies Integrates equitable Facilitates a positive
rules, and consequences with some student including culturally expectations, positive environment using
for individual and group involvement. responsive instruction to supports, and systems that ensure
behavior. Communicates, models develop and maintain consequences for students take an active
and explains expectations high standards for individual and group role in monitoring and
for individual and group individual and group behavior within and maintaining high
behavior. behavior. (7/15/23) across learning activities. standards for individual
and group behaviors.
communicating, and
Refers to standards for Reviews standards for Utilizes routine Guides and supports
behavior and applies behavior with students in references to standards students to self-assess,
high standards for
consequences as needed. single lessons or for behavior prior and monitor, and set goals for
individual and group
sequence of lessons in during individual and individual and group
anticipation of need for group work. (7/15/23) behavior and
reinforcement. participation.

Students are aware of Students know Students follow behavior Students respond to Students demonstrate
classroom rules and expectations for behavior expectations, accept individual and group positive behavior,
consequences. and consequences and consequences and behaviors and encourage consistent participation
respond to guidance in increase positive and support each other to and are valued for their
following them. behaviors. (7/15/23) make improvements. unique identities.
Evidence In my class I strive to
create an environment
where everyone feels
comfortable to explore,
learn, and understand the
topics we are discussing.
With history, however,
there can be a lot of
weight to this. I have
some students who have
strong opinions related to
the past thanks to their
own personal experiences
or their family’s history
with that actual history of
the past. There is also the
current complicated
debate around history
that is taking place in the
United States as a whole
where certain topics are
tinged with a lot of weight
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
and controversy. I don’t
try to shy away from
those questions and
topics because that would
be ignoring very
important things that
must be discussed and
that comes with setting
standards and
expectations for how we
will discuss these topics. I
make it clear that
opinions are going to
come up but we must be
respectful and conscious
of opening up our mind to
seeing through someone
else’s eyes. Regardless,
this is not an easy
standard to set and I
would love to focus on
how I can continue to
improve and develop new
tools, methods, and
approaches. (7/15/23)
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning

Element 2.6 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Establishes procedures, Develops routines, Maintains regular use of Engages students in Facilitates student
routines or norms for procedures, and norms in routines and procedures monitoring and reflecting participating in
single lessons to support single lessons or that are culturally on routines, procedures, developing, monitoring,
student learning. sequence of lessons with responsive and engage and norms in ways that and adjusting routines
some student students in the are culturally responsive. and procedures focuses
involvement. (7/15/23) development and Maintains a quality on maximizing learning.
monitoring of norms. learning climate that Classroom climate
builds on student integrates school
strengths. standards and culturally
Seeks to promote positive Provides positive relevant norms.
Employing classroom
Responds to disruptive behaviors and responds behavior supports. Promotes positive
routines, procedures,
behavior. to disruptive behavior. Responds appropriately behaviors and Promotes positive
norms, and supports
(7/15/23) to behaviors in ways that consistently prevents or behaviors and establishes
for positive behavior
lessen disruptions to the refocuses behaviors preventions and a
to ensure a climate in
learning climate. disruptive to the learning positive classroom
which all students
Students participate in climate. climate that eliminate
can learn
routines, procedures, and most disruptive behavior.
norms and receive
Students receive reinforcement for
Students are aware of correction for behavior positive behaviors.
procedures, routines, and that interferes with Students are involved in Students share
classroom norms. learning, and positive Students receive timely assessment and responsibility with
reinforcement in and effective feedback monitoring of routines, teacher for managing and
following routines, and consequences for procedures, and norms in maintaining a positive
procedures, and norms. behaviors that interfere ways that improve the classroom climate that
(7/15/23) with learning. learning climate. promotes learning.

In my class I place a lot of

emphasis on positive
behavior and a positive
climate for learning. Due
to our 1-1 classroom
environment, I find this
does come with an
Evidence unusual caveat where I
am trying to find a
balance between taking
into account student
learning differences (such
as a Tourette’s with
coprolalia or ADHD
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
where the student might
speak before they think)
while also helping to
provide positive supports
that help students self-
reflect and practice
positive behaviors when
they can. It’s a very tricky
line trying to find a
balance between the two
when there are
extenuating factors that
may be outside of a
student’s control. I do
provide positive
reinforcement and
communicate and
reiterate my classroom
and school rules from the
moment my class begins
but would like to develop
more tools for my
repertoire. (7/15/23)

Element 2.7 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Paces instruction based Paces instruction with Paces instruction with Paces instruction to Paces, adjusts, and fluidly
on curriculum guidelines. some consideration of students to provide include ongoing facilitates instruction and
Develops awareness of lesson type, adjustments adequate time for assessment of student daily activities.
how transitions and for sufficient student instruction, checking for learning. Supports
classroom management work time and transitions understanding, students in the
impact pacing and to optimize learning. completion of learning monitoring of
lessons. activities and closure. instructional time.
Using instructional
time to optimize
Some students complete Students complete Students participate in Students monitor their
learning activities in time learning activities and, as and complete a variety of Students use their own time, are engaged in
allotted. needed, may receive learning activities in the instructional time to accomplishing learning
some adjustments of time time allotted with options engage in and complete goals, and participate in
allotted for tasks or for extension and review. learning activities and are reflection, self-
expectations for prepared for the next assessment, and goal
completion. sequence of instruction. setting.
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Evidence One thing I strive for in
my classes is setting up a
consistent routine with
my students that allows
for us both to understand
the pace we are following
for the day and provides
optimal options for
adjusting and reassessing
how we are doing and
how the students
understanding and
mastery is doing.
Everyday we start with a
homework review and
warmup activity to set
the stage for the day and
help assess how their
understanding was with
what they did on their
own the previous day. If
there were some
struggles we take some
time to reassess and I
might adjust the activity
for the day to help them
practice the skill they
struggled with a bit more.
We then move on to the
main classwork activity
where we divide up the
work and work together
to not only learn new
content but practice
important skills like
highlighting or note
taking or answering
critical thinking
questions. One thing I
also do on this front is I
often have us focus one
particular skill
throughout the course of
one week so we don’t just
have optimal
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
opportunities in one class
to self-reflect on our they
might doing with the
content or particular skill,
but throughout the week.
It gives us both plenty of
opportunities to assess
how they might be doing
and adjust as needed.
Perhaps the homework
will continue the practice
or it will raise the bar and
push them to do a little
bit more intensive work.

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