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CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Is aware of the purposes Explores the use of Decides on the purpose for Develops and adapts the Demonstrates purposeful
and characteristics of different types of pre- assessment and skills to be range of appropriate use of a wide range of
formative and summative assessment, formative assessed to select assessments to address assessments to support
assessments. and summative appropriately matches questions about students’ differentiated student
assessments. pre-, formative and learning needs and learning needs and reflect
5.1 Applying
summative assessments. progress. progress.
knowledge of the
Begins to identify (7/15/23)
specific characteristics Integrates a variety of Draws flexibility from a
characteristics, and
of assessments that Selects assessments based characteristics into repertoire of appropriate
uses of different
yield different types of on clear understanding of assessments to allow assessment options and
types of assessments
information about the purposes and students with a ranges of characteristics to
student preparedness, characteristics of learning needs to maximize student
progress, and assessments to support demonstrate what they demonstration of
proficiency. student learning. know. knowledge.
At my school we are given
a lot of flexibility when we
design and layout our
classes. However, one thing
that we are required to do
is begin with what
assessment we are going to
be using and work
backwards. This means we
begin with the end goal
and make sure that the
assignments we are
utilizing build for that end
of unit assessment. In my
class I often do this in the
form of considering what
the students learning
needs are and what type of
assessment will both help
the student build valuable
skills while still
considering their learning
needs. One example of this
was in my Medieval
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

History class. I chose a
writing assignment
because I had noticed that
my student was struggling
with organizing longer
written responses. To pre-
assess how their writing
was doing I had their first
homework be a 3-4
sentence written response
where they had to organize
a short argument. Then for
the rest of the unit many of
their class and homework
assignments were writing
activities where we are
practicing organizing a
structured short response
and how to utilize quotes
in responses. This would
then build up to their unit
assessment where they
would answer prompts
with 5-6 sentence
paragraphs and practice all
the skills we built up
throughout the unit.
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Use data from required Explores collecting Collects a variety of formal Designs and integrates an Infuses assessments
assessments to assess additional data using and informal assessment assessment plan that strategically and
student learning. supplemental data on student learning. provides formal and systematically
assessments. (7/15/23) informal assessment data throughout instruction to
5.2 Collecting and Follows required on student learning. collect ongoing
analyzing processes for data Make adjustments in Uses analysis of a variety of assessment data
assessment data analysis and draws planning for single data to inform planning Uses data analysis of a appropriate for the range
from a variety of conclusions about lessons or sequence of and differentiation of broad range of of learner needs.
sources to inform student learning lessons based on instruction. (7/15/23) assessments to provide
instruction. analysis of assessment comprehensive Uses results of ongoing
data. information to guide data analysis to plan and
planning and differentiate instruction
differentiation of for maximum academic
instruction. success.
In terms of formal
assessment data, I gather
many different types
throughout the semester.
There is the homework and
classwork that they do
throughout the semester
that I utilize both to
understand how certain
skills are progressing as
well as how their content
comprehension is coming
along. If they are struggling
with the former, I will
reassess how I am teaching
the skill and find a new
way to practice those skills.
If they are struggling with
the latter, we will
reapproach the topic on a
deeper level before moving
on. As for informal
assessments I utilize things
like warmups or my
beginning of the semester
activity overview activity.
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Activities like these help
me set the stage with
where they are at,
particularly when it comes
to the content of the class.
They help me gauge where
they are at with the topic
and whether or not I have
to start with the very
foundational information
or if I can go up one level in
Reviews and monitors Reviews and monitors Reviews and monitors a Reviews and monitors a Facilitates collaborative
available assessment data additional assessment variety of data on student broad range of data work and fosters
5.3 Reviewing data,
as required by site and data individually and learning individually and individually and with colleagues ability to
both individually and
district processes. with colleagues and with colleagues to identify colleagues to analyze identify and address
with colleagues, to
identifies learning trends and patterns among student thinking and causes for achievement
monitor student
needs of individual groups of students. identify underlying patterns and trends.
students. causes for trends.
Throughout the semester
I am utilizing students’
formal assessment
(homework, classwork,
projects) and their
informal assessments
(warmups, discussions,
etc) to analyze how the
student is doing with the
skills and content we are
discussing. If I notice
consistent struggles with
a particular topic, like say
homework responses
where they are
misunderstanding what
we learned about or
repeating questions in
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

class about the same
aspect of something we
are discussing, I will
consider changing our
course of action. We
might slow down in order
to re-cover the topic that
they are struggling with. I
might also talk with other
teachers who have had
the student to assess
what they would
recommend. At my
school, if a student is
having ongoing struggles
with something we will
meet and share ideas on
how we can work
together or what we have
done that has had
success. These types of
meetings are usually used
for focusing on what
particular academic skills
we are all working on a
student with like writing,
note taking, organization,
and the likes. It allows all
of the students teachers
to come together, find
common trends of
struggles in all of classes,
and coordinate to help
the student develop that
skill. (7/15/23)
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Uses data from Uses data from available Uses a variety of Uses a broad range of Reflects on data
assessments provided by assessments to establish assessment data to set data to set learning goals continuously to make
site and district to set content-based learning student learning goals for for content and academic ongoing refinements to
learning goals for the goals for class and content and academic language that are learning goals for content
class. individual students in language. (7/15/23) integrated across content and academic language
5.4 Using assessment single lessons or standards for individuals for the fill range of
data to establish sequences of lessons. and groups. students.
learning goals and to Plans instruction using Plans differentiated
plan, differentiate, available curriculum Plans adjustments in lessons and modifications Plans differentiated Uses data systematically
and modify guidelines. instruction to address to instruction to meet instruction targeted to to refine planning,
instruction learning needs of students’ diverse learning meet individual and differentiate instruction,
individual students. needs. (7/15/23) group learning needs. and make ongoing
adjustments to match the
Modifies lessons during evolving learning needs
instruction based on of individuals and groups.
informal assessments.
The types of assessment
data I use to set goals can
take many different forms
including both informal
warmups and class
discussions as well as
formal classwork and
homework assignments
that can range from writing
activities to reading to note
taking. These assessments
help me to then in turn
plan our path forward.
Sometimes students will
struggle with a particular
topic and we decide to go
over a topic again and take
it slow and answer any
questions that come up
and make sure that
everyone feels confident
enough to move on. This
area is also, however, a
place where I want to
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

grow. Particularly, in terms
of how I meet all of my
students needs. I want to
find ways to both take into
account students needs
while also challenging
them and helping them
grow in those areas they
struggle with. Say for
example helping a student
with dyslexia still practice
their highlighting and text
analysis skills or a student
with dysgraphia practice
their note taking skills. I
don’t want to avoid
practicing those skills
entirely, but I also want to
be mindful of their needs
and that’s why I want to
focus on expanding and
growing this standard so
much. (7/15/23)
Informs students about Begins to encourage Models and scaffolds Implements structures Provides systematic
learning objectives, students to establish student self-assessment for students to self-assess opportunities for student
outcomes, and learning goals through and goal setting processes and set learning goals self-assessment, goal
summative assessment single lessons or for learning content and related to content, setting, and progress
results. Recognizes the sequence of lessons that academic language academic language, and monitoring.
5.5 Involving all
need for individual include goal setting development. individual skills.
students in self-
learning goals. exercises. (7/15/23) Develops students’ meta-
assessment, goal-
Guides students to monitor cognitive skills for
setting, and progress
Monitors progress using Provides students with and reflect on progress on Integrates student self- analyzing progress and
available tools for opportunities in single a regular basis. assessment, goal setting, refining goals towards
recording. lessons or sequence of and progress monitoring high levels of academic
lessons to monitor their across the curriculum. achievement.
own progress toward (7/15/23)
class or individual goals.
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Every semester I begin by
discussing with students
whether or not they have
any goals for themselves;
this can include a
worksheet to self-assess
how much they know.
Throughout the semester
I also have students
consider how they are
doing with the different
topics we are covering
and skills we are
practicing. I provide
feedback (both verbal
and written) for every
single one of their
homework assignments
and we spend some time
at the beginning of each
class discussing where
they are at and reflect on
how they can grow and
improve. A recent
example of this was a
student who struggled
with capitalization and
spelling in their writing.
We discussed this quite a
bit and early on he was
very upfront about how
this was a point of
struggle for him. As we
continued throughout the
semester he started
practicing a checklist we
set up where he reread
his responses before
turning them in. We did
check ins once a week
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

about how he thought he
had been progressing
with this challenge and he
steadily grew more
confident in his writing
and has been routinely
practicing this checklist
to the point where I am
considering moving onto
a new goal and I am going
to have him decide on the
next one we focus on.
Uses available Explores use of Uses technology to design Integrates a variety of Use a wide range of
technologies to record additional technologies and implement technologies into the technologies to design,
assessments, determine to implement individual assessments, record and development, implement, and analyze
proficiency levels, and assessments, record analyze results, and implementation, analysis assessments and
5.6 Using available
make required results, and communicate about of assessments, and provides for an in depth
technologies to assist
communications about communicate with student learning with communication of and ongoing
in assessment,
student learning. administration, administration, colleagues, student learning to all communication regarding
analysis, and
colleagues, and families families, and students. audiences. student learning to all
communication of
about student learning. Ensure that audiences.
student learning
communications are
received by those who lack
access to technology.
Communication within our
school district is something
that we have emphasized
quite extensively. Every
day we send home a short
message about what their
students are doing in our
class. This allows us to not
only praise any progress
but also communicate
about struggles students
might be facing with
particular academic topics
or skills we are working
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

on. Parents are also able to
see this in our monthly
grade reports. With fellow
teachers and our heads of
school we communicate
and meet regularly to set
student goals on our
student profile system. As
for those who do not have
easy access to technology,
our daily messages are not
easily transferable to those
parents. However, we still
have back to school nights
where we get to meet one
to one and functionally
discuss exactly what they
would have learned in
those messages. We also
provide opportunities for
parents to come to the
school outside of those
back-to-school nights and
meet with heads of school
and teachers to discuss
how their students are
doing. (7/15/2023
5.7 Using assessment Provides students with Provides students with Provides students with Integrates the ongoing Facilitates students’
information to share feedback through additional feedback clear and timely sharing of leadership in seeking and
timely and assessed work and based on formative information about comprehensible feedback using ongoing
comprehensible required summative assessments from single strengths, needs, and to students from formal comprehensible
feedback with assessments. lessons or sequence of strategies for improving and informal assessments communications about
students and their lessons. Seeks to academic achievement. in ways that support individual student
families Notifies families of provide feedback in increased learning. progress and ways to
student proficiencies, ways that students Provides opportunities for provide and monitor
challenges, and behavior understand. comprehensible and timely Communicates regularly support.
issues through school two-way communications with families to share a
mandated procedures. Communicates with with families to share range of assessment
families about student student assessments, information that is
progress, strengths, and progress, raise issues comprehensible and
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

needs at reporting and/or concerns, and guide responsive to individual
periods. Contacts family support. student and family needs.
families as needs arise (7/15/23)
regarding struggling
students or behavior
With every single project,
assignment, activity, or test
I give in my class I provide
comprehensive feedback,
not only in terms of their
mastery of the content we
are discussing in class as
well as the skills we are
practicing. This feedback is
done in writing on the class
page as well as verbally the
day after the assignments
is given. Recently a student
and I, based on the results
of some writing
assessments where they
struggled with
capitalization and
grammar, set up a checklist
to do whenever they are
working on a writing
assessment to make sure
they check for these things
before turning it in. One
parent requested that all
the teachers of their child
have a meeting soon to
have the newer teachers
and more experienced
teachers meet and share
their experiences with said
student. We did and we all
got to share tactics and
assignments we have used
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

with this student, and we
all left with new ideas
including an assessment
setup I plan to iterate on.

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