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It is often widely believed that

To put it simply- En pocas palabras
It seems to me that
Whereas Mientras que
Therefore Por lo tanto
in order to be accepted by their peer group
The first thing that needs to be said
While I appreciate the arguments put forward in both texts, I tend to feel more in
sympathy with the approach of the first one
I would accept that advertising can be very creative and I personally often find
It does not seem unreasonable to suggest that
It is worth staring at this point that
Another key point to remember is that
To give an illustration of what I mean
Today there is widespread agreement that-Hoy en día existe un acuerdo generalizado de
Despite a few problems with the design, the car’s advantages clearly outweigh its
The major drawback of this method is that it can be
The downside of running your
I would like to stress that-Me gustaría enfatizar que
It is worth bearing in mind that

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