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Brief summary of one thing that was discussed (could be in response to your question or someone

else’s). Try to include a variety of points. (Reading for Meaning)

In this last discussion, we mostly talked about the death of the father. We would ask questions and
have multiple discussions about how you felt while reading that and if we would’ve felt bad in
Frank’s place. We also discussed what Franks is going to do now that he knows his story from his
dad’s perspective. Other points were pretty similar such as “how do you think Frank felt / why did
Frank dig a nice hole” . This all ties under 1 main topic which is Eldon’s death.

Description of something you learned about FNMI perspectives from the conversation or how your
mind was changed about something related to FNMI perspectives due to the conversation. Try to be
specific about who you listened to in order to answer this question.

The only real FNMI related part that we, as a group, could think of in the last couple was the part
where Frank offered some tobacco on his dad’s dead grave. We discussed how this possibly could
mean something to the FNMI community that we, as non FNMI people could learn more about. It
does indeed mean something “sentimental”. It is basically an offering to honour occasions. In this
case, Frank’s dad’s death.

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