CSE3100 Lab4 Online-1

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Lab 4

Steps for this Lab

1. Download and install the Logic Gate Simulator program from here
You will need a Windows computer or a VM on a Mac.
2. After you download it and install it, watch this short, introductory video. My apologies
for the bad quality of the sound. All else is good. You may turn on captions.


3. Experiment by building the logic circuit

What do you get for the output Z when the inputs have these two sets of values:
a. X = 1, Y = 0, W = 1
b. X = 1, Y = 0, W = 0
(This part is just for practice, not to be turned in.)

4. This part is to be turned in.

Build the logic diagram using the Gate Logic Simulator you have installed fo this logic
Z = X’Y + X Y’ + XYW’
Fill this table based on what you see on output Z for the given inputs on the simulator.

0 0 1
0 1 1
1 1 0
5. Repeat part 4 for this logic function:
Z = XY’W + XY + YW
6. Turn in:
a. The two tables from parts 4 and 5. Clearly label the corresponding function.
b. The screenshot of the Gate Logic Simulator for input X=0, Y =1, W=1, for each
function. Clearly label the corresponding function.
c. The two .gcg files (explained in the YouTube video in part 2).
Upload the items above on Canvas as usual.

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