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This proposal is intended to outline why a students’ council should be set up, in order to
plan some events for the students, how the council leaders will be elected, and to
suggest alternatives to the things done at school.
Reasons for the council
At the moment, the school does not have anything that represents the students opinions,
which means that great ideas that could improve how the things are done, cannot be
bear in mind. Establishing council would make the students to fell more enthusiastic,
since their ideas can be considered, and some plans for the school could be made.
How the council will be organized
It is time to transform how the things are done at school. Furthermore, the leaders will
be volunteers, people who in its free time would be able to take care of the council,
taking into account everyone’s opinion. However, as it may became an arduous work,
the leaders would be changed every year.
Benefits of the council
There is no doubt that the council will become an important part of the school, as the
same students that are in the school, will be the ones that can organize some events and
suggest how some things could improve. What is more, this allows students to feel that
they have a voice in the decisions.

To sum up, If the council is finally set up, the current situation at school will definitely
improve, since there are only advantages and will benefit all the members at school in
the long run.

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