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New fossils shed light on the Late Cretaceous terrestrial community in the
Caribbean and the First American Biotic Interchange

Article  in  Cretaceous Research · October 2021

DOI: 10.1016/j.cretres.2021.105067


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7 authors, including:

Lazaro Vinola Laura Codorniú

Florida Museum of Natural History Universidad Nacional de San Luis


Carlos Rafael Borges Sellen Alberto Felipo Arano Ruíz

Sociedad Cubana de Geologia Independent Researcher


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Cretaceous Research 130 (2022) 105067

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New fossils shed light on the Late Cretaceous terrestrial community in

the Caribbean and the First American Biotic Interchange
zaro W. Vin
La  pez a, *, Ignacio A. Cerda b, Julian Correa-Narvaez a, Laura Codorniú c,
~ ola-Lo
Carlos R. Borges-Sellen d, Alberto F. Arano-Ruiz d, Yasmani Ceballos-Izquierdo e
Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611-7800, USA
b n en Paleobiología y Geología, Museo Carlos Ameghino, Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, Belgrano 1700, Paraje Pichi
CONICET-Instituto de Investigacio
Ruca (predio Marabunta), Cipolletti, 8300, Río Negro, Argentina
CONICET, Departamento de Geología, Facultad de Ciencias Físico, Matema ticas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de San Luis, San Luis, Argentina, Av.
ercito de Los Andes 950
Sociedad Cubana de Geología, Cienfuegos, Cuba
Instituto de Geofísica y Astronomía, Cuba

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The Caribbean islands are one of the most important hotspots of endemism and biodiversity globally, and
Received 7 February 2021 the scenario of unique examples of biological radiations. Although our knowledge of the current and
Received in revised form recently extinct diversity in the area is strong, the origin and evolution of most groups in the region
26 September 2021
remain obscure because of the absence of fossils from deep time periods. The existence of temporal
Accepted in revised form 14 October 2021
Available online 25 October 2021
islands on the Caribbean plate can be traced back to the late Mesozoic, but little evidence of the paleo-
communities that once inhabited the archipelago and their relationship with the older lineages in the
region has been discovered. Simultaneously, the relationship of the early Caribbean archipelago with the
Late Cretaceouseearly Paleogene biotic interchange between the Americas has remained unsolved. Here
Biogeography we describe the first evidence of a Late Cretaceous terrestrial community in the region based on several
Late Cretaceous remains recovered at three upper Campanianelower Maastrichtian localities in Central Cuba. The fossil
Pterosaur assemblage includes four specimens referable to a midsize pterosaur on the base of morphological and
Cuba paleohistological characters, as well as seeds and casts of leafy shoots of plants of the families Cupres-
saceae and Lauraceae. Fossils fruits of a new taxon closely related to Chlorocardium are of particular
interest because they correspond to the first direct evidence of the role played by the Caribbean seaway
and islands in the First American Biotic Interchange.
Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction islands on the Caribbean became permanently exposed (Iturralde-

Vinent and MacPhee, 1999; Iturralde-Vinent, 2006), but the exis-
The origin of the present and past biota of the West Indies has tence of older temporal islands is well documented based on
been a question surrounded by vigorous debate for over a century geological and, to a lesser degree, paleontological evidence (Rosen,
without a clear consensus. The extensive bias of the fossil record on 1975; Iturralde-Vinent and MacPhee, 1999; Iturralde-Vinent, 2006;
the islands, where remains of the first species established on the Pindell and Kennan, 2009). During the Cretaceous, a volcanic
twilight of the Mesozoic are virtually absent, has impaired any island-arc was situated on the Caribbean plate's eastern leading
attempt to assess the diversity of the early arc of islands. The origin margin in the gap between North and South America (Pindell and
of the Caribbean Plate can be traced back to the Late Jurassic when Kennan, 2009) (Fig. 1). Nearly 70 Mya, the extinction of the vulca-
its oceanic crust began to form east of the North and South America nism in part of the arc system resulted in the extensive uplift of
plates (Pindell and Kennan, 2009). By the late Eocene, some of the some islands and their areal increment (Iturralde-Vinent, 2006;
Garcia-Casco et al., 2008). Coincidentally, this is when the first
pieces of evidence of a direct biotic exchange between North and
South America are found in the fossil record after the drift between
* Corresponding author. Laurasia and Gondwana. Extensive evidence of this event is known
~ ola-Lo
E-mail address: (L.W. Vin  pez).
0195-6671/Published by Elsevier Ltd.
~ ola-Lo
L.W. Vin pez, I.A. Cerda, J. Correa-Narvaez et al. Cretaceous Research 130 (2022) 105067

from the fossil record in the continent and has been supported by inhabiting the Antilles can be traced back to the Late Cretaceous
phylogenetic studies on the modern biota of the region. The biotic (but see Iturralde-Vinent and MacPhee, 1999).
interchange involved the migration of hadrosaurs, condylarth and Here, we bring attention upon a collection of fossil vertebrates
didelphimorph mammals, land snails, plants, and other groups and plants recovered from three upper Campanianelower Maas-
from North to South America, while titanosaurs colonized the trichtian outcrops in Central Cuba, representing the first remains of
boreal continent from the south (Bonaparte, 1984; Rage, 1986; pterosaurs and plants of the families Lauraceae and Cupressaceae
Gayet et al., 1992; Chanderbali et al., 2001; Santiago-Valentin and described from the Upper Cretaceous in the Antilles. The discovery
Olmstead 2004; Pascual, 2006; Uit De Weerd, 2008; Valieri et al., of these fossils provides a much-needed insight into the biota that
2010; Goin et al., 2016). The dispersal between the two isolated once inhabited those ephemeral islands and their relationship with
landmasses supposedly took place through the evanescent islands the FABI (Iturralde-Vinent, 2006). In particular, fossil fruits of a new
of the Caribbean arc in the Campanian e Paleocene, coinciding with taxon closely related to the extant genus Chlorocardium strongly
the Late Cretaceous transgression (Chanderbali et al., 2001; supports the hypothesis that the Caribbean seaway and islands
Iturralde-Vinent, 2006; Ortiz-Jaureguizar & Pascual, 2011; Goin formed along the latitude of Central America were involved in the
et al., 2016). Here we refer to this event as the First American Bi- FABI.
otic Interchange (FABI).
Although the evidence of the interchange between the Americas 2. Materials and methods
is unequivocal, the role of the Caribbean is not completely clear
given the lack of fossils from terrestrial environments in the island- The specimens here described are housed at the Museo
arc. Most Upper Cretaceous fossil-bearing beds in the region are Municipal de Rodas (MMR) in Rodas, Cienfuegos, Central Cuba.
marine (Rojas-Consuegra et al., 1995; Mutter et al., 2005; Thin sections of two specimens of pterosaur (MMR A-1 and
Underwood and Mitchell, 2020; Vega et al., 2020) lacking any ev- MMR A-2) were prepared at the Paleohistological Laboratory of the
idence of land-dwelling species, except for some undescribed Museo Provincial Carlos Ameghino (Cipolletti, Río Negro Province,
plants from the upper Maastrichtian of Jamaica and Cuba (Mitchell Argentina). The cross-section slices were prepared using standard
and Blissett, 2001; Villegas-Martin and Rojas-Consuegra, 2011). methods in paleohistology (Chinsamy-Turan and Raath, 1992) and
Meanwhile, according to molecular studies (Noonan et al., 2013; studied using a petrographic polarizing microscope (BestScope and
Springer et al., 2018), the origin of the oldest lineages currently Nikon E200 pol). The nomenclature and definitions of structures

Fig. 1. Paleogeographic reconstruction of the Caribbean in the latest Cretaceous modified from Iturralde-Vinent (2006). Note the future Antilles were localized at the eastern leading
margin of the Caribbean Plate in the gap between North and South America. The arrows indicate the direction of migrations of different lineages during the FABI, and the star the
general location of the localities studied.

~ ola-Lo
L.W. Vin pez, I.A. Cerda, J. Correa-Narvaez et al. Cretaceous Research 130 (2022) 105067

s et al., 1991;
used in this study are standardized in the field (Ricqle gastropods, bivalves, fragments of plants, and less commonly
Chinsamy-Turan, 2005). decapod crustaceans including shrimps. On the south edge of the
Also, fossils fruit were CT scanned to help visualize the outcrop, there is a bank of oysters and Inoceramus insitu.
morphology. The CT scan was performed at the University of Florida The combination of very fine sandstone derived from the
College of Engineering Nanoscale Research Facility (NRF) with a GE erosion of the extinct volcanic island with the faunal association
Phoenix V|tome|xm240 CT Scanner, using a Tungsten reflection suggests they were deposited in the distal section of a fluvial sys-
target and 0.5 mm copper filter, at 200 kV and 240 mA, with 1500 tem with high sediment input under the influence of continental
images of a single specimen for a voxel size of 0.858154 mm. and marine environments. Also, small channels cut intermittently
thru this bed and were filled with sediments rich in organic matter
3. Geological setting under low energy conditions.

The specimens here studied were recovered from three outcrops 3.2. Aguaditas
of the upper Campanianelower Maastrichtian Monos Formation in
the localities Presa Damuji, Aguaditas, and Puente Potrerillo, in Most outcrops at this locality are found in a creek that cuts
Cienfuegos Province, Central Cuba (Fig. 2). The Monos Formation through different facies of the Monos Formation at Aguaditas farm
was deposited during part of a transgressive cycle characterized by (N 22180 31.31300 , W 80 300 26.62500 ), 5 km southeast of the town
a sequence of polymictic gravels that transition into sandstones Rodas in Cienfuegos Province, Central Cuba (Fig. 2). The base sec-
originated by the erosion of the Antillean Cretaceous Volcanic Arc. tion is characterized by the presence of polymictic sandstone rich in
Simultaneously, siltstone, claystone, and calcareous beds can also clay and cemented by carbonates. The sandstone is rich in bioclast
be found intercalated in some sections. These clastic sediments derived from bivalves, gastropods, and echinoids, which are tightly
were deposited in a post-volcanic basin during the upper packed, well stratified, and in some cases, show a preferential
Campanianelower Maastrichtian (Iturralde-Vinent, 2014). The orientation resulted from the current direction. Other fossils found
input of land-derived sediments decreases upward in the formation in the sandstone include a nearly complete starfish, rudists, and
as the upper Campanian transgression advanced. Foraminifera shark vertebrae. Higher in the section, fossiliferous beds of friable
from the marine sections of the formation supports the age of the fine sandstone and siltstone are intercalated with deposits of
sediments; they include Globotruncana arca, Globotruncanita cf. mudstone and claystone while the top of the section contains
G. stuarti, Sulcoperculina cf. S. dickersoni, S. globosa, Praeglobo- calcareous and biodetritic sandstone, interbedded with very fine
truncana havanensis, Pseudotextularia cornuta, Rugoglobigerina polymictic sandstone, siltstone, and claystone layers. Fossils of
rugosa, and Vaughanina barkeri (Gil-Gonzales, 2013). pterosaurs, plants, and a new raninid crustacean (also known from
Remains of pachydiscid and well-preserved baculitid ammon- the Damuji outcrop), have been recovered from the polymictic
ites (Baculites paradoxus, B. sp.), gastropods, rudists, other bivalves, sandstone in the upper section at this location.
echinoids, starfish, decapod crustaceans (Vegaranina rivasi, unde-
scribed raninidae), elasmobranch vertebra, plants (trunks, seeds, 3.3. Puente Potrerillo
and leaves), pterosaurs, among others have been recovered from
sediments of the Monos Formation (Arano et al., 2018; Ceballos- The deposit is localized 120 m west of the bridge that crosses the
Izquierdo et al., 2021). Long bones of pterosaur were filled with Caunao river (N 22170 12.93400 , W 80 90 19.62800 ), north of Potrerillo,
polymictic sandstone, suggesting fragmentation and transportation in the province of Cienfuegos in Central Cuba. The outcrop has a
before the final burial. The sedimentology of the formation and the thickness of approximately 1.5 m and extends over 20 m on the
association of abundant fossil plants, raninid crustaceans, and south bank of the river (Fig. 2). It is dominated by dark beige and
pterosaurs support that part of the sequence was deposited in the brown mudstone and siltstones poorly stratified with some lenses
distal part of fluvial systems under the influence of marine and of very fine polymictic sandstone derived from the erosion of rocks
terrestrial environments. Furthermore, considering that fruits and from the extinct volcanic arc. Fossils of plants, including seeds and
leaves tend to spread close to their source (Dutra, 2007), the fragments of charcoal, were found in association with solitary
abundance and preservation of these fossils reinforce the local corals, echinoids, annelids (Rotularia sp., Pentaditrupa sp.), sca-
origin of part of the assemblage. phopods (Dentalium sp.), bivalves (Inoceramus, ostreids, pinnids),
and osteichthyian fishes. Juveniles of Rotularia were found
3.1. Presa Damuji cemented to fragments of echinoids while adults were free living.
Species in the genus Dentalium, Inoceramus, and Rotularia are
More than 60 m of upper Campanianelower Maastrichtian commonly considered bioindicators of soft-bottom, and the last
sediments of the Monos Formation are exposed in the east bank of genus is found in environments where medium to high energy
the Damuji river (N 22160 51.11400 , W 80 320 52.508), south of the predominate (Borja et al., 2000; Uppsala, 1995).
Presa Damuji's spillway in the municipality of Rodas, Cienfuegos
Province, Central Cuba (Fig. 2). The outcrop can reach up to 4 m in 4. Systematic paleontology
thickness in some sections and is covered discontinuously by a
deposit of alluvial and geothermal Quaternary sediments. Reptilia Laurenti, 1786
The Upper Cretaceous section at Presa Damuji is dominated by Archosauria, Cope, 1869
dark beige to brown, friable, and very fine polymictic sandstone Pterosauria Kaup, 1834
rich in clay, which grades into siltstone in some sections. Fossils
Gen. and sp. Indet.
found in the sandstone include a fragment of the diaphysis of
Figs. 3, 4
pterosaurs, raninid crustaceans, bivalves (Inoceramus), gastropods,
echinoids, and abundant remains of plants consisting in fragments Referred material. Three tubular fragments of diaphysis of limb bones
of charcoal, pith casts, leafy shoots of the family Cupressaceae, and MMR A-1, MMR A-2, MMR A-3 collected at Aguaditas and a fourth
large seeds of new taxa closely related with Chlorocardium. Within diaphysis fragment MMR PD-4 recovered from Presa Damuji. Both
the polymictic sandstone, there are medium-sized lenses of organic localities are from the Monos Formation (upper Campanianelower
rick black siltstone and mudstone with abundant fossils of small Maastrichtian).
~ ola-Lo
L.W. Vin pez, I.A. Cerda, J. Correa-Narvaez et al. Cretaceous Research 130 (2022) 105067

Fig. 2. Geologic map of central Cuba with the location of the three Upper Cretaceous outcrops of the Monos Formation from where specimens were recovered. Scale bar, 10 km.

Description. The specimens are fragments of diaphysis of limb bones The intrinsic fibers of the primary bone matrix of MMR A-2 also
preserved in three dimensions, and only MMR A-4 is partially exhibit two main orientations, parallel and concentric to the main
collapsed (Fig. 3). The cortical bone is not completely preserved in axis of the shaft (Fig. 4E, F). The arrangement is, however, not as
specimens MMR A-1 and MMR A-2, probably because of rework ordered as in MMR A-1. In this regard, the intrinsic fibers are not
and weathering. Surface coloration varies from amber (MMR A-1, organized in distinct layers. Instead, patched with different fibrillar
MMR A-2) to light brown (MMR A-3) and black (MMR PD-4). The orientation are mostly irregularly distributed in the compacta.
four specimens are characterized by having a large narrow cavity Vascular spaces are more abundant than those recorded in specimen
and extremely thin cortical bone, which accounts only for 27% of MMR A-1. These spaces are simple, and they are mostly longitudi-
the transverse cross-section area. The cross-section areas possess nally arranged, occasionally showing anastomosis with oblique ca-
an oval to D shape with the following dimensions 22.4  14.4 mm nals (Fig. 4E). Three possible lines of arrested growth are recorded in
(MMR A-1), 19  10.5 mm (MMR A-2), 32  20 mm (MMR A-3) mm, the compacta, but they cannot be traced along the cortex.
and 27  18 mm (MMR PD-4). No internal trabecular structure has The most noticeable histological feature of the sampled individuals is
been noticed, but the visibility of the narrow cavity is limited by the related to the intrinsic fibers' spatial arrangement, which exhibits at
sediment filling it. least two different orientations. This pattern, which is more pro-
Paleohistology. The transverse sections of the two specimens nounced in the specimen MMR A-1, strongly resembles the plywood
selected for paleohistological analysis (MMR: A-1, MMR A-2) are organization described for other pterosaurs (De Ricqle s et al., 2000).
composed of a wide central medullary cavity surrounded by a The plywood arrangement of the intrinsic fibers from the primary
narrow, compact cortex. Cancellous bone is absent from the med- bone matrix has been considered a diagnostic feature of Pterosauria
ullary cavity, and the cortical bone thickness varies between 0.72 (De Ricqle s et al., 2000). The narrow band of birefringent bone
and 1.41 mm. The compacta in MMR A-1 is formed almost entirely described in the specimen MMR A-1 corresponds to the circumfer-
by poorly vascularized primary bone tissue (Fig. 2A). Vascular ential lamellae described for some pterosaur long bones (Steel,
spaces are organized as primary osteons and longitudinally ori- 2008). The absence of an External Fundamental System in both
ented (Fig. 4B). Oblique canals are also present, but uncommon. At sampled bones suggests that the individual was not somatically
least seven lines of arrested growth (LAGs) are recorded in the mature at the time of death (Chinsamy-Turan, 2005). At least three
compact tissue. Secondary remodeling is evidenced by the pres- possible LAGs in MMR A-2 and seven in MMR A-001 suggest a
ence of a few Haversian osteons and resorption cavities scattered in minimum age of three and seven years old for each individual.
the inner half cortex (Fig. 4C). The primary bone matrix exhibits a Given the extensive reduction of the cortical thickness by an
stratified pattern resulted from the spatial arrangement of the increased development of the medullary cavity (De Ricqle s et al.,
intrinsic fibers (Fig. 4D). 2000; Steel, 2008), a large part of the growth record was lost,
~ ola-Lo
L.W. Vin pez, I.A. Cerda, J. Correa-Narvaez et al. Cretaceous Research 130 (2022) 105067

Fig. 3. Undetermined pterosaur bones recovered from Aguadita (A, B, D) and Presa Damuji (C) along their main axes and transverse section. (A) MMR A-2. (B) MMR A-1. (C) MMR
PD-4. (D) MMR A-3. Dashed lines indicate the sites from thin sections where obtained. Scale bars, AeD: 10 cm.

indicating the age is underestimated. Considering that the distri- over a hundred specimens of different dimensions at the Aguaditas’
bution of histological characters among Pterosauria has not been outcrop.
evaluated in detail and the specimens are too fragmentary, it is not Description. Most of the samples were invaded by burrowing bi-
possible to assign them to a less inclusive clade. valves and their internal structure was lost, limiting their identifi-
Remarks. The analysis of bone microstructure gives unparalleled cation. The wood tracheids' architecture and the lack of preserved
insights into the developmental patterns hitherto unknown in vessel elements in one of the specimens (MMR A-15) suggest it
pterosaurs. For example, studies in Argentinian pterosaur shows belongs to gymnosperm incertae sedis.
that upon hatching, Pterodaustro juveniles grew rapidly for about
PINALES Gorozh, 1904
two years until they reached approximately 53% of their mature
body size, at which point they attained sexual maturity. Thereafter,
growth continued for at least another 3e4 years at comparatively Gen. and sp. indet.
slower rates until larger adult body sizes were attained. The bone Fig. 5A-B
histology analysis of the ontogenetic series of the cretaceous
Referred materials. Four leafy-shoot casts (MMR PD-8, MMR PD-9,
pterosaur Pterodaustro supports the earlier hypothesis that small
MMR PD-10, MMR PD-13) collected at Presa Damuji. The speci-
Jurassic pterodactyloid took several years to reach adult body size
mens are housed at the MMR collection.
(Bennett, 1996; Chinsamy et al., 2008, 2009). Considering previous
Description. Four fragments of leafy shoot (MMR PD-8, MMR PD-9,
studies in other pterosaurs, and the observation of two diagnostic
MMR PD-10, MMR PD-13) that bear spiral, to near opposite, scale-
microstructural characteristics (such as plywood organization and
like leaves (Fig. 3A, B). Two of the specimens (MMR PD-8, MMR PD-
circumferential lamellae) support that these fragments of ptero-
10) are branched. The leaves are linear and about 2.5e6.0 cm long,
saurs from the Upper Cretaceous of Cuba belonged to long bones of
while the shoot fragments do not exceed 7.5 cm. Stomata and other
a subadult individual of Pterosauria. Given that the last pterosaurs
epidermal characters are not preserved on the specimens, but the
were mainly large animals, with wingspans typically around 4e5 m
general arrangement in which the leaves occur is associated with
(possibly reaching up to10 m or more), the new material could
members of the family Cupressaceae (Schulz et al., 2005). Within
represent at least a medium-sized pterosaur.
Cupressaceae, the fossils resemble closely the leaves and shoots of
PLANTAE Haeckel, 1866 the extant genera Widdringtonia, Glyptostrobus, Sequoia, and
Fig. 5C-F Athrotaxis (Schulz et al., 2005). However, other families like Podo-
carpaceae and Araucariaceae occasionally present similar charac-
Referred materials. Seven fragments of trunks and branches (MMR
ters (Judd et al., 1999; Andruchow-Colombo et al., 2019).
PD-18, MMR A-15, MMR A-16, MMR A-17, MMR A-18, MMR A-19,
MMR A-20) recovered from Aguaditas and Presa Damuji, the LAURALES Juss. ex Bercht & Presl (1820)
specimens are housed at the MMR collection. However, there are LAURACEAE Juss., 1789, nom. Cons.

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L.W. Vin pez, I.A. Cerda, J. Correa-Narvaez et al. Cretaceous Research 130 (2022) 105067

Fig. 4. Bone microstructure of specimens MMR A-1 (AeD) and MMR A-2 (E, F). (A) General view of the cortical bone tissue. (B) Detailed view of the inner half portion of the cortex.
(C) Detailed view of the perimedullary cortex showing a single secondary osteon and some resorption cavities. (D) The primary bone matrix is formed by thin layers of

~ ola-Lo
L.W. Vin pez, I.A. Cerda, J. Correa-Narvaez et al. Cretaceous Research 130 (2022) 105067

Gen. and sp. indet. might reflect no more than the patchiness of the fossil record.
Fig. 6 However, it is interesting to note that their apparent dispersal from
North America to South America during the Maastrichtian is
Referred materials. Eight large fruit molds and one cast (MMR PD-6,
consistent with the faunal exchange hypothesis proposed
MMR PD-7, MMR PD-11, MMR PD-12, MMR PD-15, MMR PD-16,
(Bonaparte and Kielan-Jaworowska, 1987; Gayet, 2001; Sullivan
MMR PD-17, MMR PD-18) collected at Presa Damuji and a fruit
and Lucas, 2000). On the other hand, although azhdarchids had a
mold (MMR PP-1) from Puente Potrerillo.
low diversity they reached a global distribution during the latest
Description. The single berry or drupe fruits are relatively large and
Cretaceous, occurring in Africa, Central, and East Asia, Europe, and
preserved as molds (Fig. 4). The specimens are 4e6 cm long by
North America, and South America (Codorniú and Gianechini,
5e7 cm wide by 2e5.5 cm deep, have a globose, ovoid-elliptical
2016; David et al., 2018; Novas et al., 2012).
shape, wider than taller, and often compressed on one of their
Although pterosaurs' records from the Upper Cretaceous in
sides; the fruits have a prominent fleshy, moderately shallow,
South America are fragmentary, the number of finds has consid-
cupule holding them. At the base, where the fruit connects to the
erably increased in recent years. Non-azhdarchid pterosaurs from
cupule, there is a large circular scar, possibly the chalaza e where it
the latest Cretaceous are represented by Campanian pter-
detached from the cupule. The apical region, opposite the scar, has a
anodontids; the pterodactyloid Nyctosaurus lamegoi (Price, 1953)
prominent “dimple-like” depression, for either the hilum e the
from the Maastrichtian of Brazil; and the tapejaride Caiuajara
foramen where the funicle entered the seed e or the adjacent
dobruskii (Manzig et al., 2014) from the Campanian of Brazil, this
micropyle e the pollen tube opening. A fleshy outer layer (possible
last one recovered from one of the few pterosaur bone beds
pericarp) was present but not well recovered, seen only from traces
known so far. Notably, in Argentina, several Upper Cretaceous
of the mold. The fruits are homogenous in shape and traits, mostly
pterosaur fossils from Patagonia are represented by fragmentary
affected by size and deformation from fall or diagenesis. The
bones assigned to Pterodactyloidea and ?Azhdarchoidea
presence of a cupule, along with the scar on the fruit and the
(Codorniú and Gianechini, 2016). At the same time, two azh-
depression-foreman opposite (usually considered a hilum in Laur-
darchid pterodactyloid pterosaurs have been reported for Neu-
aceae), are prominent characteristics commonly associated with
quen Basin in Argentina. This includes Aerotitan sudamericanus
Lauraceae fruits (Reid and Chandler, 1933; Little et al., 2009). The
(Novas et al., 2012) from the upper Campanianelower Maas-
fossil also shares characteristics (chalaza, hilum, globose) similar to
trichtian Allen Formation, and a complete right humerus referred
the Arecaceae, a family of monocots that has fossils present by the
to Azhdarchoidea from the upper Coniacianelower Santonian
Upper Cretaceous of North and South America (Harley 2006;
Plottier Formation (David et al., 2018). These recent findings
Manchester et al., 2010). The primary difference lies in the cupule,
further support the cosmopolitan distribution of azhdarchid
where Arecaceae have persistent bracts at the base of the fruit; the
bracts of Arecaceae are small & thin, arranged in an imbricate
pattern The cupule.observed here more closely resembles that of
the Lauraceae - large fleshy/woody structures. The combination of 5.2. Biogeographical and paleogeographic implications
characters indicates that this fossil may belong to a new taxon.
Considering the large size of the fruit and shallow cupule, this taxon Understanding the diversity of the flora and fauna that inhabi-
more closely resembles the modern genus Chlorocardium (Rohwer ted the Caribbean archipelago during the Cretaceous not only in-
1991); though the cupule in the fossil appears far more enlarged. forms about the origin of the oldest members of the Antillean
terrestrial biota (Francisco-Ortega et al., 2007; Noonan et al., 2013;
5. Discussion Springer et al., 2018), but also sheds light into the provenance of
multiple lineages that flourished in the Americas for millions of
5.1. Pterosaur distribution in the Americas during the Late years, and in some cases still do. Remains of pterosaurs and plants
Cretaceous of the families Cupressaceae and Lauraceae described above doc-
uments the first shreds of evidence of the community that once
Late Cretaceous pterosaurs from the Cenomanian to the Maas- occupied the region in the upper Campanianelower Maastrichtian.
trichtian, maintained a global distribution, but their diversity was Fossils of Jurassic plants and two species of rhamphorhynchid
somewhat lower. The reduced diversity is partially a reflection of pterosaurs, Nesodactylus hesperius and Cacibupteryx caribensis, are
the putative extinction of several clades by the end of the Cen- documented from Western Cuba. However, these species inhabited
omanian. It seems highly probable that a decrease in pterosaurian the coast of Laurasia and are not related to the biota that occupied
diversity during the Late Cretaceous is a real phenomenon (Buttler the Caribbean later in the Cretaceous (Areces-Mallea, 1989, 1990;
et al., 2013). As it turned out, Late Cretaceous pterosaurian faunas Gasparini et al., 2004). Other shreds of evidence of dry land in the
are almost exclusively composed of members of the Pter- Caribbean during the Mesozoic comes from several genera of plants
anodontidae, Nyctosauridae, Azhdarchidae (Upchurch et al., 2015), (including Gleichenites, Zamites, Phoenicopsis, Yuccites, Podozamites,
and the enigmatic Piksi barbarulna (Agnolin and Varricchio, 2012; Frenelopsis, and Brachyphyllum) reported from the Lower Creta-
Longrich et al., 2018). At present, confirmed pteranodontids are ceous Los Ranchos Formation in the Dominican Republic (Smiley,
only known from the Upper Cretaceous of North America, although 2002). Whether some of these taxa survived until the Late Creta-
one species also occurs in South America. The Nyctosauridae were ceous in other parts of the archipelago is unknown. However,
similarly restricted; it was a small clade of pterosaurs apparently sediments of Los Ranchos Formation are overlaid by Albian lime-
endemic to North America during the Coniacian and Santonian stone from the Rio Hatillo Formation (Iturralde-Vinent and
(Frey et al., 2006), but later found in the Maastrichtian of South MacPhee, 1999), like other Cretaceous and Paleocene terrestrial
America (Price, 1953). This distribution pattern for nyctosaurids and fluvial deposits across the Antilles, indicating that those islands

circumferentially oriented fibers, which alternate with thicker layers of longitudinally oriented fibers. General view (E) and detail (F) of the cortical bone tissue. Note the variable
arrangement of the intrinsic fibers evidenced by the optical properties of the matrix and the shape and arrangement of the osteocyte lacunae. Arrowheads indicate the position of
possible lines of arrested growth. (AeC) Plane-polarized light. A: cross-polarized light with lambda compensator; BeC: normal transmitted light. cf: circumferentially oriented
intrinsic fibers; lf: longitudinally oriented intrinsic fibers; mc: medullary cavity; ol: osteocyte lacunae; po: primary osteons; rc: resorption cavity; so: secondary osteons. Scale bars,
A: 0.7 mm; BeC: 0.1 mm; D and F: 0.2 mm; E: 0.5 mm.

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Fig. 6. CT scans of large Chlorocardium-like fruits of the family Lauraceae from Presa Aguaditas (AeE), and photographic image of cupule of MMR PD-7. (A, F). Specimen showing the
typical shape and proportions; MMR PD-6, MMR PD-16. (B) Detail of apical region showing hilum; MMR PD-6. (C) Detail of basal region showing chalaza; MMR PD-6. (D) Second
specimen showing shape variation and more prominent hilum; MMR PD-15. (E) Specimen showing fruit with cupule and chalaza; MMR PD-7. (F) Cupule of MMR PD-7. C, chalaza;
Cu, cupule; h, hilum. 3D of the cupule of MMR PD-7 can be found at Scale bars, AeF: 5 cm.

and their tenants had an ephemeral existence (Iturralde-Vinent and known, which further support the idea that the islands were no
MacPhee, 1999; Iturralde-Vinent, 2006). more than a series of steppingstones (Iturralde-Vinent and
Paleogeographic reconstructions of the Caribbean plate during MacPhee, 1999; Iturralde-Vinent, 2006; Goin et al., 2016). At the
the Late Cretaceous situates the island arch on the eastern leading same time, a land bridge would have allowed the flow of entire
edge of the plane, bridging the gap between North and South communities between the Americas rather than a few selected
America (Iturralde-Vinent, 2006; Garcia-Casco et al., 2008). By the species. Also, it would have resulted in the disruption of water
upper Campanianelower Maastrichtian, the uplift following the circulation patterns between the Eastern Pacific and the Atlantic,
extinction of the vulcanism in part of the arc exposed large por- causing local extinctions, along with depositional and climatic
tions of the archipelago, laying the ground conditions for the FABI. changes at a larger scale.
Molecular and paleontological studies agree that this biotic The discovery of not fully mature midsize pterosaur on the
interchange was bidirectional but with a larger number of taxa Caribbean archipelago is not surprising given the capacity of this
dispersing from North American into South America (Goin et al., group to disperse into new territories and their common asso-
2016). This event, preceding the better documented Great Amer- ciation with insular deposits in the CampanianeMaastrichtian
ican Biotic Interchange at least by 50 million years (Gayet, 2001), (Dalla-Vecchia and Gau, 2015). The insular condition may have
involved hadrosaurs, titanosaurs, pterosaurs, condylarth and favor gigantism among Maastrichtian pterosaurs (Dalla-Vecchia
didelphimorph mammals, urocoptid snails, several groups of and Gau, 2015), but smaller species are also known from
plants, among others (Bonaparte, 1984; Chanderbali et al., 2001; similar environments. The Caribbean islands sheltered ptero-
Uit De Weerd, 2008; Valieri et al., 2010). Current evidence suggests saurs (and potentially other groups) that disperse from the
that FABI spanned from the Campanian to the Early Paleocene and mainland over water, providing them with resources and limited
was likely asynchronous and pulsed. The reduced number of lin- competition. The origin of these island-dwelling pterosaurs and
eages involved in the inter-American journey may be the result of their alleged relationship with the FABI is uncertain and requires
our poor understanding of the diversity in the tropics during the the discovery of further fossils. Nevertheless, the dispersion of
Late Cretaceous but also because these ephemeral Caribbean nyctosaurid in the Maastrichtian from the Mexican Gulf area into
islands acted as a filter. No evidence of a continuous land Brazil may have been thru the Caribbean into the eastern shore
connection between the archipelago and the continents are of South America.

Fig. 5. Fossil plants from the Upper Cretaceous of Central Cuba. (A) Leafy shoot of indeterminate genus and species of Cupressaceae showing scale-leaves; organization on the shoot;
MMR PD-9. (B) Leafy shoot of Cupressaceae with bifurcating shoots; MMR PD-8. (C) Fragment of wood with several perforations caused by Teredolites; MMR A-17. (D) Cross-section
of indeterminate fossil good invaded by Theredolites; MMR A-16. (E) Gymnosperm-like wood sample; MMR A-15. (F) Transverse section of gymnosperm-like wood showing the lack
of preserved; MMR A-15. Scale bars, A and E: 3 cm; BeD: 5 cm; F: 1 cm.

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In contrast, fossil plants present a more reliable perspective on taxon of Lauraceae, closely related with the extant genus Chlor-
the dispersion of species between the continents. The family ochardium from South America. On the other hand, the external
Cupressaceae can be traced back to the Jurassic of Patagonia, morphology and microanatomy of the vertebrate remains indicate
Argentina (Escapa et al., 2008). By the Cretaceous, it was already these belong to a midsize pterosaur, corresponding to the first
worldwide established with records from Asia (Shi et al., 2014), member of this group to be found in Cretaceous deposits in the
Europe (Rothwell et al., 2011), North America (Atkinson et al., Antilles.
2014), and South America (Escapa et al., 2008). Currently, Cupres- The existence of an archipelago in the eastern margin of the
saceae still has a worldwide distribution and can be found in a wide Caribbean plate at the end of the Mesozoic coincides with the
variety of habitats, including the West Indies (Judd et al., 1999). estimated ages for the origin of several lineages of vertebrates and
Similarly, Lauraceae had a high diversity and wide distribution plants in the Caribbean, and the biotic interchange between the
range by the Late Cretaceous (Poole et al., 2000; Frumin et al., 2004) Americas. More importantly, fossils of the taxa closely related to
comprising Gondwana (Poole et al., 2000), North America (Little Chlorocardium are relevant because they represent the first direct
et al., 2009), and Asia (Frumin et al., 2004). In the present, the evidence of the role played by the Caribbean seaway and islands in
family is predominantly found in tropical-subtropical latitudes of the FABI. Recent discoveries in the West Indies are changing our
southeast Asia and northern South America (Judd et al., 1999; current understanding of the biota that once occupied the region
Chanderbali et al., 2001). The origin and evolution of some clades of millions of years ago and how it evolved throughout time. This
Lauraceae are believed to be tied with important geological events finding invites to the systematic exploration and study of deeps
like the break-up of Gondwana and the Caribbean's subaerial time deposits across the West Indies.
exposition (Chanderbali et al., 2001). Specifically, the divergence of
the sister clades Perseeae-Laureae and Chlorocardium-Mezila is set
to have occurred in the middleeLate Cretaceous, when their an-
cestors migrated between the Americas through the precursor of  Antonio Pin~ ero Castello
n and Jesús
Our sincere thanks to Jose
the Greater Antilles. The discovery of fossils of a new taxon closely
Servilio Quintero Vazquez for their assistance in the field. We are
related to Chlorocardium from the Upper Cretaceous of Cuba is
also in debt to Dr. Zulma Gasparini for helping us to establish this
consistent with this phylogenetic hypothesis and documents the
international collaboration and would like to extend our gratitude
first direct evidence of the role the Caribbean played in the
also to Manuel Iturralde-Vinent, Richard Carr, Reinaldo Rojas, and
dispersion of the group. If this is also true for other groups of ani-
Johanset Orihuela for their comments and suggestions on the early
mals and plants, as has been hypothesized in the past, we expect to
stages of the manuscript. The final version of the manuscript was
find their fossils on the islands. The interchange of species during
improved thanks to the revision of the editor Eduardo Koutsoukos
FABI had a strong repercussion in the biota of the continents,
and an anonymous reviewer.
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